ENTRY E2563 20231006 E140E256300000001 SUBENT E2563001 20231006 E140E256300100001 BIB 13 20 E256300100002 TITLE Production of 119mSn by alpha particle bombardment of E256300100003 116Cd and its carrier-free separation E256300100004 AUTHOR (H.Muramatsu, H.Nakahara, M.Yanokura) E256300100005 INSTITUTE (2JPNTMU,2JPNIPC) E256300100006 REFERENCE (J,JIN,43,1727,1981) E256300100007 DECAY-DATA (50-SN-119-M,293.0D,DG,23.87,0.163) E256300100008 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 0.74 uA. E256300100009 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E256300100010 - Physical-form of target is solid. E256300100011 - Target-thickness is 7.65 to 8.25 mg/cm2. E256300100012 - Backing is nickel. E256300100013 - Backing-thickness is 8.9 mg/cm2. E256300100014 (48-CD-116,ENR=0.9807) E256300100015 METHOD (ACTIV,STTA,GSPEC) irradiated for 1 hour E256300100016 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNIPC) E256300100017 DETECTOR (GE-IN) E256300100018 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E256300100019 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 of Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 43(1981)1727 E256300100020 HISTORY (20180223C) MS E256300100021 (20230224A) MA: updated numerical data in 002 E256300100022 ENDBIB 20 0 E256300100023 NOCOMMON 0 0 E256300100024 ENDSUBENT 23 0 E256300199999 SUBENT E2563002 20231006 E140E256300200001 BIB 2 2 E256300200002 REACTION (48-CD-116(A,N)50-SN-119-M,,SIG) E256300200003 HISTORY (20230224A) MA: re-digitized numerical data E256300200004 ENDBIB 2 0 E256300200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 E256300200006 DATA 4 8 E256300200007 EN EN-ERR DATA DATA-ERR E256300200008 MEV MEV MB MB E256300200009 12.16 0.58 1.29E+01 8.65E-01 E256300200010 12.81 0.72 2.17E+01 1.46E+00 E256300200011 16.13 0.65 6.68E+01 4.28E+00 E256300200012 16.63 0.54 5.54E+01 3.21E+00 E256300200013 19.12 0.50 3.12E+01 2.85E+00 E256300200014 20.45 0.50 2.35E+01 2.36E+00 E256300200015 21.86 0.54 1.87E+01 3.62E+00 E256300200016 24.52 0.50 1.55E+01 4.03E+00 E256300200017 ENDDATA 10 0 E256300200018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 E256300299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 E256399999999