ENTRY E2675 20231007 E140E267500000001 SUBENT E2675001 20231007 E140E267500100001 BIB 10 24 E267500100002 TITLE Experimental study of (p, 2p) reactions at 392 MeV on E267500100003 12C, 16O, 40Ca and 208Pb nuclei leading to low-lying E267500100004 states of residual nuclei E267500100005 AUTHOR (T.Noro, T.Wakasa, T.Ishida, H.P.Yoshida, M.Dozono, E267500100006 H.Fujimura, K.Fujita, K.Hatanaka, T.Ishikawa, M.Itoh, E267500100007 J.Kamiya, T.Kawabata, Y.Maeda, H.Matsubara, E267500100008 M.Nakamura, H.Sakaguchi, Y.Sakemi, Y.Shimizu, E267500100009 H.Takeda, Y.Tameshige, A.Tamii, K.Tamura, S.Terashima,E267500100010 M.Uchida, Y.Yasuda, M.Yosoi) E267500100011 INSTITUTE (2JPNKYU,2JPNOSA,2JPNKTO) E267500100012 REFERENCE (J,PTEP,2020,093D02,2020) E267500100013 PART-DET (P) E267500100014 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity: 25-100 nA E267500100015 (POLIS) E267500100016 SAMPLE Physical-form of target is solid. E267500100017 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNOSA) E267500100018 DETECTOR (MAGSP) Grand Raiden E267500100019 (SCIN) plastic scintillators E267500100020 (DRFTC) vertical drift chambers E267500100021 (MAGSP) Large Acceptance Spectrometer E267500100022 HISTORY (20201104C) S.Shin E267500100023 (20201113R) Received by e-mail from T.Noro E267500100024 (20231007A) MA: added ANG-SEC in 002-057; modified E267500100025 Data heading in 002-057. E267500100026 ENDBIB 24 0 E267500100027 COMMON 1 3 E267500100028 EN E267500100029 MEV E267500100030 392. E267500100031 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500100032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 E267500199999 SUBENT E2675002 20231007 E140E267500200001 BIB 8 15 E267500200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267500200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500200004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500200005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500200006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500200007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500200008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500200009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500200010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500200012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267500200013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500200014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500200015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500200016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500200017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500200018 COMMON 6 3 E267500200019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267500200020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267500200021 0. 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267500200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500200023 DATA 3 22 E267500200024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267500200025 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267500200026 24.1 11.73 0.44 E267500200027 26.9 21.85 0.54 E267500200028 28.6 30.21 0.80 E267500200029 31.4 53.19 1.02 E267500200030 33.6 73.92 1.76 E267500200031 36.4 100.66 2.04 E267500200032 38.6 114.03 0.84 E267500200033 41.4 119.59 0.88 E267500200034 43.6 102.63 0.75 E267500200035 46.4 70.11 0.63 E267500200036 48.6 46.63 0.76 E267500200037 51.4 45.09 0.73 E267500200038 53.6 62.99 0.78 E267500200039 56.4 106.65 0.98 E267500200040 58.6 128.90 0.83 E267500200041 61.4 142.42 0.87 E267500200042 63.6 125.29 1.50 E267500200043 66.4 104.39 1.37 E267500200044 68.6 78.70 1.47 E267500200045 71.4 56.76 1.24 E267500200046 73.6 36.55 1.43 E267500200047 76.4 21.95 1.12 E267500200048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267500200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267500299999 SUBENT E2675003 20231007 E140E267500300001 BIB 8 15 E267500300002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267500300003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500300004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500300005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500300006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500300007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500300008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500300009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500300010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500300012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267500300013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500300014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500300015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500300016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500300017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500300018 COMMON 5 3 E267500300019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267500300020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267500300021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267500300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500300023 DATA 4 8 E267500300024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267500300025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267500300026 26.0 40.0 113.14 1.16 E267500300027 28.0 46.0 110.60 1.37 E267500300028 32.5 50.0 45.86 0.52 E267500300029 34.0 54.0 77.66 1.21 E267500300030 37.0 58.0 128.47 1.55 E267500300031 39.0 62.0 104.49 1.30 E267500300032 42.0 66.0 45.81 0.71 E267500300033 44.0 68.0 6.49 0.12 E267500300034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267500300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267500399999 SUBENT E2675004 20231007 E140E267500400001 BIB 8 15 E267500400002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267500400003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500400004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500400005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500400006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500400007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500400008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500400009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500400010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500400012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267500400013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500400014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500400015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500400016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500400017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500400018 COMMON 5 3 E267500400019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267500400020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267500400021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267500400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500400023 DATA 4 7 E267500400024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267500400025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267500400026 26.5 53.0 146.59 2.15 E267500400027 28.0 51.0 120.21 1.61 E267500400028 32.5 50.0 45.86 0.52 E267500400029 35.0 47.0 95.05 1.32 E267500400030 38.0 45.0 134.04 1.98 E267500400031 41.0 43.0 101.78 1.26 E267500400032 46.0 40.0 30.45 0.49 E267500400033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267500400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267500499999 SUBENT E2675005 20231007 E140E267500500001 BIB 8 15 E267500500002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267500500003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500500004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500500005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500500006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500500007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500500008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500500009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500500010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500500012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267500500013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500500014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500500015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500500016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500500017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500500018 COMMON 5 3 E267500500019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267500500020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267500500021 0. 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267500500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500500023 DATA 4 18 E267500500024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267500500025 MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267500500026 147.6 5.84 13.60 0.55 E267500500027 153.5 5.93 20.67 0.66 E267500500028 167.4 6.57 41.48 1.00 E267500500029 174.0 6.67 60.63 1.20 E267500500030 188.0 7.31 101.05 1.81 E267500500031 195.4 7.42 125.19 1.99 E267500500032 209.2 8.07 155.08 2.77 E267500500033 217.4 8.19 157.97 2.78 E267500500034 228.8 8.76 117.86 1.61 E267500500035 237.6 8.88 75.17 1.30 E267500500036 246.3 9.37 44.18 0.72 E267500500037 255.7 9.49 47.52 0.76 E267500500038 267.3 10.09 80.24 1.57 E267500500039 277.5 10.22 110.79 1.80 E267500500040 285.1 10.69 114.51 2.12 E267500500041 295.9 10.82 97.61 1.94 E267500500042 302.1 11.26 78.49 1.60 E267500500043 318.8 11.81 41.01 0.81 E267500500044 ENDDATA 20 0 E267500500045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 E267500599999 SUBENT E2675006 20231007 E140E267500600001 BIB 8 15 E267500600002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267500600003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500600004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500600005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500600006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500600007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500600008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500600009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500600010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500600012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267500600013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500600014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500600015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500600016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500600017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500600018 COMMON 6 3 E267500600019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267500600020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267500600021 0. 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267500600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500600023 DATA 3 22 E267500600024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267500600025 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267500600026 24.1 -0.142 0.060 E267500600027 26.9 -0.070 0.040 E267500600028 28.6 0.009 0.042 E267500600029 31.4 0.056 0.030 E267500600030 33.6 0.135 0.037 E267500600031 36.4 0.109 0.031 E267500600032 38.6 0.198 0.012 E267500600033 41.4 0.253 0.011 E267500600034 43.6 0.301 0.011 E267500600035 46.4 0.341 0.014 E267500600036 48.6 0.295 0.024 E267500600037 51.4 -0.011 0.025 E267500600038 53.6 -0.085 0.019 E267500600039 56.4 -0.015 0.014 E267500600040 58.6 0.000 0.010 E267500600041 61.4 0.056 0.009 E267500600042 63.6 0.058 0.018 E267500600043 66.4 0.108 0.020 E267500600044 68.6 0.161 0.028 E267500600045 71.4 0.082 0.034 E267500600046 73.6 0.045 0.062 E267500600047 76.4 0.011 0.081 E267500600048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267500600049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267500699999 SUBENT E2675007 20231007 E140E267500700001 BIB 8 15 E267500700002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267500700003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500700004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500700005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500700006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500700007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500700008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500700009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500700010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500700011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500700012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267500700013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500700014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500700015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500700016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500700017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500700018 COMMON 5 3 E267500700019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267500700020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267500700021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267500700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500700023 DATA 4 8 E267500700024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267500700025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267500700026 26.0 40.0 0.244 0.017 E267500700027 28.0 46.0 0.197 0.020 E267500700028 32.5 50.0 0.145 0.018 E267500700029 34.0 54.0 0.059 0.026 E267500700030 37.0 58.0 0.156 0.020 E267500700031 39.0 62.0 0.171 0.020 E267500700032 42.0 66.0 0.233 0.025 E267500700033 44.0 68.0 0.294 0.031 E267500700034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267500700035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267500799999 SUBENT E2675008 20231007 E140E267500800001 BIB 8 15 E267500800002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267500800003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500800004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500800005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500800006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500800007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500800008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500800009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500800010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500800011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500800012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267500800013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500800014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500800015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500800016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500800017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500800018 COMMON 5 3 E267500800019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267500800020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267500800021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267500800022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500800023 DATA 4 7 E267500800024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267500800025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267500800026 26.5 53.0 0.089 0.024 E267500800027 28.0 51.0 0.054 0.022 E267500800028 32.5 50.0 0.145 0.018 E267500800029 35.0 47.0 0.270 0.022 E267500800030 38.0 45.0 0.094 0.025 E267500800031 41.0 43.0 -0.011 0.020 E267500800032 46.0 40.0 -0.166 0.027 E267500800033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267500800034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267500899999 SUBENT E2675009 20231007 E140E267500900001 BIB 8 15 E267500900002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267500900003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267500900004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267500900005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267500900006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267500900007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267500900008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267500900009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267500900010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267500900011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267500900012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267500900013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267500900014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267500900015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267500900016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267500900017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267500900018 COMMON 5 3 E267500900019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267500900020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267500900021 0. 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267500900022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267500900023 DATA 4 18 E267500900024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267500900025 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267500900026 147.6 5.84 0.309 0.065 E267500900027 153.5 5.93 0.260 0.052 E267500900028 167.4 6.57 0.279 0.039 E267500900029 174.0 6.67 0.249 0.032 E267500900030 188.0 7.31 0.170 0.030 E267500900031 195.4 7.42 0.106 0.026 E267500900032 209.2 8.07 0.018 0.030 E267500900033 217.4 8.19 -0.029 0.029 E267500900034 228.8 8.76 -0.094 0.023 E267500900035 237.6 8.88 -0.144 0.029 E267500900036 246.3 9.37 0.009 0.025 E267500900037 255.7 9.49 0.269 0.024 E267500900038 267.3 10.09 0.335 0.032 E267500900039 277.5 10.22 0.221 0.027 E267500900040 285.1 10.69 0.172 0.030 E267500900041 295.9 10.82 0.122 0.033 E267500900042 302.1 11.26 0.061 0.034 E267500900043 318.8 11.81 -0.059 0.033 E267500900044 ENDDATA 20 0 E267500900045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 E267500999999 SUBENT E2675010 20231007 E140E267501000001 BIB 8 15 E267501000002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267501000003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501000004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501000005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501000006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501000007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501000008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501000009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501000010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501000011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501000012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267501000013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501000014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501000015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501000016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501000017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501000018 COMMON 6 3 E267501000019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501000020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501000021 2.1 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267501000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501000023 DATA 3 22 E267501000024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501000025 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267501000026 24.1 1.49 0.28 E267501000027 26.9 3.60 0.31 E267501000028 28.6 5.68 0.45 E267501000029 31.4 9.67 0.52 E267501000030 33.6 13.76 0.86 E267501000031 36.4 21.00 1.00 E267501000032 38.6 26.12 0.44 E267501000033 41.4 27.64 0.46 E267501000034 43.6 22.15 0.37 E267501000035 46.4 15.35 0.33 E267501000036 48.6 8.67 0.38 E267501000037 51.4 6.86 0.35 E267501000038 53.6 11.08 0.40 E267501000039 56.4 17.87 0.46 E267501000040 58.6 23.01 0.39 E267501000041 61.4 26.40 0.41 E267501000042 63.6 22.44 0.70 E267501000043 66.4 18.63 0.64 E267501000044 68.6 14.04 0.67 E267501000045 71.4 10.07 0.57 E267501000046 73.6 6.20 0.68 E267501000047 76.4 3.72 0.55 E267501000048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267501000049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267501099999 SUBENT E2675011 20231007 E140E267501100001 BIB 8 15 E267501100002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267501100003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501100004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501100005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501100006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501100007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501100008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501100009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501100010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501100012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267501100013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501100014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501100015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501100016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501100017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501100018 COMMON 5 3 E267501100019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501100020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501100021 2.1 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267501100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501100023 DATA 4 8 E267501100024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501100025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267501100026 26.0 40.0 23.91 0.57 E267501100027 28.0 46.0 21.23 0.66 E267501100028 32.5 50.0 7.76 0.26 E267501100029 34.0 54.0 14.13 0.59 E267501100030 37.0 58.0 23.99 0.70 E267501100031 39.0 62.0 16.49 0.54 E267501100032 42.0 66.0 6.17 0.28 E267501100033 44.0 68.0 1.07 0.06 E267501100034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267501100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267501199999 SUBENT E2675012 20231007 E140E267501200001 BIB 8 15 E267501200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267501200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501200004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501200005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501200006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501200007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501200008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501200009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501200010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501200012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267501200013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501200014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501200015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501200016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501200017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501200018 COMMON 5 3 E267501200019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501200020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501200021 2.1 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267501200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501200023 DATA 4 7 E267501200024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501200025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267501200026 26.5 53.0 30.90 1.05 E267501200027 28.0 51.0 22.33 0.77 E267501200028 32.5 50.0 7.76 0.26 E267501200029 35.0 47.0 22.33 0.69 E267501200030 38.0 45.0 31.06 1.02 E267501200031 41.0 43.0 20.24 0.60 E267501200032 46.0 40.0 5.09 0.23 E267501200033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267501200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267501299999 SUBENT E2675013 20231007 E140E267501300001 BIB 8 15 E267501300002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267501300003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501300004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501300005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501300006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501300007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501300008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501300009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501300010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501300012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267501300013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501300014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501300015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501300016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501300017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501300018 COMMON 5 3 E267501300019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267501300020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267501300021 2.1 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267501300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501300023 DATA 4 18 E267501300024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267501300025 MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267501300026 147.6 5.84 2.63 0.30 E267501300027 153.5 5.93 4.28 0.35 E267501300028 167.4 6.57 8.74 0.50 E267501300029 174.0 6.67 11.98 0.57 E267501300030 188.0 7.31 21.45 0.87 E267501300031 195.4 7.42 26.24 0.96 E267501300032 209.2 8.07 35.29 1.40 E267501300033 217.4 8.19 31.71 1.35 E267501300034 228.8 8.76 21.58 0.76 E267501300035 237.6 8.88 12.74 0.63 E267501300036 246.3 9.37 6.60 0.35 E267501300037 255.7 9.49 8.91 0.39 E267501300038 267.3 10.09 17.32 0.80 E267501300039 277.5 10.22 25.06 0.92 E267501300040 285.1 10.69 26.50 1.10 E267501300041 295.9 10.82 22.98 1.02 E267501300042 302.1 11.26 18.14 0.90 E267501300043 318.8 11.81 8.92 0.44 E267501300044 ENDDATA 20 0 E267501300045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 E267501399999 SUBENT E2675014 20231007 E140E267501400001 BIB 8 15 E267501400002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267501400003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501400004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501400005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501400006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501400007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501400008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501400009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501400010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501400012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267501400013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501400014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501400015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501400016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501400017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501400018 COMMON 6 3 E267501400019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501400020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501400021 2.1 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267501400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501400023 DATA 3 22 E267501400024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501400025 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267501400026 24.1 -0.243 0.301 E267501400027 26.9 -0.122 0.137 E267501400028 28.6 -0.217 0.127 E267501400029 31.4 -0.016 0.085 E267501400030 33.6 -0.115 0.098 E267501400031 36.4 -0.038 0.075 E267501400032 38.6 0.071 0.027 E267501400033 41.4 0.135 0.026 E267501400034 43.6 0.128 0.026 E267501400035 46.4 0.198 0.033 E267501400036 48.6 0.209 0.067 E267501400037 51.4 0.324 0.078 E267501400038 53.6 0.179 0.055 E267501400039 56.4 0.185 0.039 E267501400040 58.6 0.272 0.025 E267501400041 61.4 0.282 0.023 E267501400042 63.6 0.244 0.047 E267501400043 66.4 0.397 0.051 E267501400044 68.6 0.405 0.071 E267501400045 71.4 0.369 0.084 E267501400046 73.6 0.170 0.170 E267501400047 76.4 0.166 0.231 E267501400048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267501400049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267501499999 SUBENT E2675015 20231007 E140E267501500001 BIB 8 15 E267501500002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267501500003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501500004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501500005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501500006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501500007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501500008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501500009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501500010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501500012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267501500013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501500014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501500015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501500016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501500017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501500018 COMMON 5 3 E267501500019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501500020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501500021 2.1 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267501500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501500023 DATA 4 8 E267501500024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501500025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267501500026 26.0 40.0 -0.033 0.039 E267501500027 28.0 46.0 0.003 0.051 E267501500028 32.5 50.0 0.259 0.051 E267501500029 34.0 54.0 0.263 0.067 E267501500030 37.0 58.0 0.186 0.048 E267501500031 39.0 62.0 0.211 0.054 E267501500032 42.0 66.0 0.108 0.075 E267501500033 44.0 68.0 0.285 0.087 E267501500034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267501500035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267501599999 SUBENT E2675016 20231007 E140E267501600001 BIB 8 15 E267501600002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267501600003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501600004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501600005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501600006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501600007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501600008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501600009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501600010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501600012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267501600013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501600014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501600015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501600016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501600017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501600018 COMMON 5 3 E267501600019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501600020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501600021 2.1 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267501600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501600023 DATA 4 7 E267501600024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501600025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267501600026 26.5 53.0 0.200 0.055 E267501600027 28.0 51.0 0.079 0.057 E267501600028 32.5 50.0 0.259 0.051 E267501600029 35.0 47.0 0.312 0.050 E267501600030 38.0 45.0 0.283 0.053 E267501600031 41.0 43.0 0.083 0.049 E267501600032 46.0 40.0 -0.073 0.074 E267501600033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267501600034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267501699999 SUBENT E2675017 20231007 E140E267501700001 BIB 8 15 E267501700002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267501700003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501700004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501700005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501700006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501700007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=2.1,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501700008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501700009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501700010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501700011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501700012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267501700013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501700014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501700015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501700016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501700017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501700018 COMMON 5 3 E267501700019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267501700020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267501700021 2.1 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267501700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501700023 DATA 4 18 E267501700024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267501700025 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267501700026 147.6 5.84 0.075 0.186 E267501700027 153.5 5.93 0.331 0.132 E267501700028 167.4 6.57 0.028 0.094 E267501700029 174.0 6.67 0.089 0.079 E267501700030 188.0 7.31 0.071 0.068 E267501700031 195.4 7.42 0.204 0.060 E267501700032 209.2 8.07 0.181 0.064 E267501700033 217.4 8.19 0.141 0.070 E267501700034 228.8 8.76 0.083 0.058 E267501700035 237.6 8.88 -0.019 0.082 E267501700036 246.3 9.37 0.119 0.081 E267501700037 255.7 9.49 0.362 0.065 E267501700038 267.3 10.09 0.370 0.075 E267501700039 277.5 10.22 0.261 0.060 E267501700040 285.1 10.69 0.228 0.068 E267501700041 295.9 10.82 0.297 0.072 E267501700042 302.1 11.26 0.368 0.080 E267501700043 318.8 11.81 0.209 0.081 E267501700044 ENDDATA 20 0 E267501700045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 E267501799999 SUBENT E2675018 20231007 E140E267501800001 BIB 8 15 E267501800002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267501800003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501800004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501800005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501800006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501800007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501800008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501800009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501800010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501800011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501800012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267501800013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501800014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501800015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501800016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501800017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501800018 COMMON 6 3 E267501800019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501800020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501800021 5.0 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267501800022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501800023 DATA 3 22 E267501800024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501800025 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267501800026 24.1 1.53 0.28 E267501800027 26.9 2.65 0.29 E267501800028 28.6 4.46 0.42 E267501800029 31.4 6.60 0.46 E267501800030 33.6 9.28 0.77 E267501800031 36.4 13.48 0.87 E267501800032 38.6 12.91 0.32 E267501800033 41.4 14.38 0.33 E267501800034 43.6 12.03 0.28 E267501800035 46.4 8.24 0.25 E267501800036 48.6 6.11 0.35 E267501800037 51.4 5.81 0.34 E267501800038 53.6 8.10 0.39 E267501800039 56.4 13.15 0.42 E267501800040 58.6 15.69 0.32 E267501800041 61.4 17.22 0.33 E267501800042 63.6 15.12 0.58 E267501800043 66.4 12.79 0.53 E267501800044 68.6 10.37 0.60 E267501800045 71.4 6.85 0.49 E267501800046 73.6 3.62 0.59 E267501800047 76.4 2.69 0.51 E267501800048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267501800049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267501899999 SUBENT E2675019 20231007 E140E267501900001 BIB 8 15 E267501900002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267501900003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267501900004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267501900005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267501900006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267501900007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267501900008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267501900009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267501900010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267501900011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267501900012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267501900013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267501900014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267501900015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267501900016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267501900017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267501900018 COMMON 5 3 E267501900019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267501900020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267501900021 5.0 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267501900022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267501900023 DATA 4 8 E267501900024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267501900025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267501900026 26.0 40.0 13.27 0.46 E267501900027 28.0 46.0 9.96 0.51 E267501900028 32.5 50.0 5.97 0.24 E267501900029 34.0 54.0 10.15 0.52 E267501900030 37.0 58.0 17.44 0.61 E267501900031 39.0 62.0 12.27 0.48 E267501900032 42.0 66.0 5.33 0.27 E267501900033 44.0 68.0 0.77 0.05 E267501900034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267501900035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267501999999 SUBENT E2675020 20231007 E140E267502000001 BIB 8 15 E267502000002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267502000003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502000004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502000005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502000006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267502000007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502000008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267502000009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267502000010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267502000011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502000012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267502000013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502000014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502000015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502000016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502000017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267502000018 COMMON 5 3 E267502000019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502000020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502000021 5.0 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267502000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502000023 DATA 4 7 E267502000024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502000025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267502000026 26.5 53.0 18.69 0.87 E267502000027 28.0 51.0 11.88 0.62 E267502000028 32.5 50.0 5.97 0.24 E267502000029 35.0 47.0 13.34 0.55 E267502000030 38.0 45.0 15.46 0.75 E267502000031 41.0 43.0 11.96 0.48 E267502000032 46.0 40.0 3.80 0.21 E267502000033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267502000034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267502099999 SUBENT E2675021 20231007 E140E267502100001 BIB 8 15 E267502100002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267502100003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502100004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502100005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502100006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267502100007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502100008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267502100009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267502100010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267502100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502100012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267502100013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502100014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502100015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502100016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502100017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267502100018 COMMON 5 3 E267502100019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267502100020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267502100021 5.0 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267502100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502100023 DATA 4 18 E267502100024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267502100025 MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267502100026 147.6 5.84 2.36 0.27 E267502100027 153.5 5.93 3.18 0.31 E267502100028 167.4 6.57 7.09 0.47 E267502100029 174.0 6.67 9.66 0.54 E267502100030 188.0 7.31 14.87 0.76 E267502100031 195.4 7.42 16.37 0.80 E267502100032 209.2 8.07 19.32 1.06 E267502100033 217.4 8.19 18.47 1.06 E267502100034 228.8 8.76 11.52 0.59 E267502100035 237.6 8.88 7.94 0.52 E267502100036 246.3 9.37 4.88 0.32 E267502100037 255.7 9.49 7.04 0.36 E267502100038 267.3 10.09 13.60 0.77 E267502100039 277.5 10.22 14.09 0.78 E267502100040 285.1 10.69 14.96 0.90 E267502100041 295.9 10.82 13.91 0.85 E267502100042 302.1 11.26 11.23 0.71 E267502100043 318.8 11.81 5.89 0.40 E267502100044 ENDDATA 20 0 E267502100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 E267502199999 SUBENT E2675022 20231007 E140E267502200001 BIB 8 15 E267502200002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267502200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502200004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502200005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502200006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267502200007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502200008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267502200009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267502200010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267502200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502200012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267502200013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502200014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502200015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502200016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502200017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267502200018 COMMON 6 3 E267502200019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502200020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502200021 5.0 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267502200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502200023 DATA 3 22 E267502200024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502200025 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267502200026 24.1 -0.065 0.292 E267502200027 26.9 0.087 0.176 E267502200028 28.6 0.047 0.149 E267502200029 31.4 0.252 0.109 E267502200030 33.6 0.152 0.128 E267502200031 36.4 0.125 0.101 E267502200032 38.6 0.071 0.039 E267502200033 41.4 0.148 0.036 E267502200034 43.6 0.226 0.036 E267502200035 46.4 0.368 0.047 E267502200036 48.6 0.406 0.085 E267502200037 51.4 0.180 0.089 E267502200038 53.6 0.065 0.073 E267502200039 56.4 0.068 0.050 E267502200040 58.6 0.095 0.032 E267502200041 61.4 0.130 0.030 E267502200042 63.6 0.158 0.059 E267502200043 66.4 0.258 0.063 E267502200044 68.6 0.122 0.089 E267502200045 71.4 0.382 0.108 E267502200046 73.6 0.394 0.253 E267502200047 76.4 0.752 0.292 E267502200048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267502200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267502299999 SUBENT E2675023 20231007 E140E267502300001 BIB 8 15 E267502300002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267502300003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502300004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502300005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502300006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267502300007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502300008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267502300009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267502300010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267502300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502300012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267502300013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502300014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502300015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502300016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502300017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267502300018 COMMON 5 3 E267502300019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502300020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502300021 5.0 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267502300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502300023 DATA 4 8 E267502300024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502300025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267502300026 26.0 40.0 0.203 0.057 E267502300027 28.0 46.0 0.285 0.083 E267502300028 32.5 50.0 0.297 0.062 E267502300029 34.0 54.0 0.215 0.083 E267502300030 37.0 58.0 0.143 0.058 E267502300031 39.0 62.0 0.183 0.064 E267502300032 42.0 66.0 0.134 0.082 E267502300033 44.0 68.0 0.389 0.105 E267502300034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267502300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267502399999 SUBENT E2675024 20231007 E140E267502400001 BIB 8 15 E267502400002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267502400003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502400004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502400005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502400006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267502400007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502400008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267502400009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267502400010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267502400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502400012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267502400013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502400014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502400015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502400016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502400017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267502400018 COMMON 5 3 E267502400019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502400020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502400021 5.0 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267502400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502400023 DATA 4 7 E267502400024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502400025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267502400026 26.5 53.0 0.032 0.076 E267502400027 28.0 51.0 0.120 0.086 E267502400028 32.5 50.0 0.297 0.062 E267502400029 35.0 47.0 0.165 0.068 E267502400030 38.0 45.0 0.079 0.080 E267502400031 41.0 43.0 0.048 0.066 E267502400032 46.0 40.0 -0.120 0.090 E267502400033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267502400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267502499999 SUBENT E2675025 20231007 E140E267502500001 BIB 8 15 E267502500002 REACTION (6-C-12(P,2P)5-B-11,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267502500003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502500004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502500005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502500006 (E-LVL,5-B-11) E267502500007 LEVEL-PROP (5-B-11,E-LVL=5.0,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502500008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267502500009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267502500010 - Target-thickness is 33.9 mg/cm2. E267502500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502500012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.5, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267502500013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502500014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502500015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502500016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502500017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267502500018 COMMON 5 3 E267502500019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267502500020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267502500021 5.0 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267502500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502500023 DATA 4 18 E267502500024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267502500025 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267502500026 147.6 5.84 0.502 0.187 E267502500027 153.5 5.93 0.197 0.158 E267502500028 167.4 6.57 -0.060 0.110 E267502500029 174.0 6.67 0.101 0.092 E267502500030 188.0 7.31 0.129 0.084 E267502500031 195.4 7.42 0.142 0.081 E267502500032 209.2 8.07 -0.131 0.091 E267502500033 217.4 8.19 0.063 0.095 E267502500034 228.8 8.76 0.172 0.084 E267502500035 237.6 8.88 -0.243 0.111 E267502500036 246.3 9.37 0.186 0.102 E267502500037 255.7 9.49 0.373 0.077 E267502500038 267.3 10.09 0.202 0.093 E267502500039 277.5 10.22 0.189 0.091 E267502500040 285.1 10.69 0.121 0.099 E267502500041 295.9 10.82 0.115 0.101 E267502500042 302.1 11.26 0.153 0.104 E267502500043 318.8 11.81 0.234 0.110 E267502500044 ENDDATA 20 0 E267502500045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 E267502599999 SUBENT E2675026 20231007 E140E267502600001 BIB 8 13 E267502600002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,2P)7-N-15,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267502600003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502600004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502600005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502600006 (E-LVL,7-N-15) E267502600007 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-15,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502600008 SAMPLE Chemical-form of target: 6Li2CO3 E267502600009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502600010 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267502600011 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502600012 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502600013 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502600014 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502600015 ENDBIB 13 0 E267502600016 COMMON 6 3 E267502600017 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502600018 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502600019 0. 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267502600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502600021 DATA 3 22 E267502600022 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502600023 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267502600024 24.1 3.84 0.49 E267502600025 26.9 7.29 0.60 E267502600026 28.6 10.74 0.59 E267502600027 31.4 23.10 0.71 E267502600028 33.6 37.92 1.18 E267502600029 36.4 62.05 1.43 E267502600030 38.6 77.83 0.89 E267502600031 41.4 91.33 0.97 E267502600032 43.6 83.90 1.42 E267502600033 46.4 60.92 1.28 E267502600034 48.6 47.81 1.58 E267502600035 51.4 39.76 1.94 E267502600036 53.6 46.00 1.55 E267502600037 56.4 73.68 1.23 E267502600038 58.6 86.76 1.86 E267502600039 61.4 80.33 1.79 E267502600040 63.6 61.55 1.58 E267502600041 66.4 44.54 1.35 E267502600042 68.6 30.38 0.93 E267502600043 71.4 17.70 0.73 E267502600044 73.6 10.75 0.60 E267502600045 76.4 5.37 0.46 E267502600046 ENDDATA 24 0 E267502600047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267502699999 SUBENT E2675027 20231007 E140E267502700001 BIB 8 13 E267502700002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,2P)7-N-15,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267502700003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502700004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502700005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502700006 (E-LVL,7-N-15) E267502700007 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-15,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=-1.) E267502700008 SAMPLE Chemical-form of target: 6Li2CO3 E267502700009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502700010 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267502700011 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502700012 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502700013 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502700014 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502700015 ENDBIB 13 0 E267502700016 COMMON 6 3 E267502700017 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502700018 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502700019 0. 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267502700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502700021 DATA 3 22 E267502700022 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502700023 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267502700024 24.1 -0.385 0.204 E267502700025 26.9 -0.155 0.130 E267502700026 28.6 -0.278 0.088 E267502700027 31.4 -0.102 0.049 E267502700028 33.6 -0.093 0.050 E267502700029 36.4 0.020 0.037 E267502700030 38.6 0.038 0.018 E267502700031 41.4 0.102 0.017 E267502700032 43.6 0.175 0.026 E267502700033 46.4 0.183 0.033 E267502700034 48.6 0.166 0.050 E267502700035 51.4 0.033 0.075 E267502700036 53.6 -0.008 0.052 E267502700037 56.4 0.174 0.026 E267502700038 58.6 0.241 0.033 E267502700039 61.4 0.318 0.034 E267502700040 63.6 0.372 0.038 E267502700041 66.4 0.403 0.044 E267502700042 68.6 0.486 0.044 E267502700043 71.4 0.517 0.059 E267502700044 73.6 0.745 0.081 E267502700045 76.4 0.748 0.128 E267502700046 ENDDATA 24 0 E267502700047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267502799999 SUBENT E2675028 20231007 E140E267502800001 BIB 8 13 E267502800002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,2P)7-N-15,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267502800003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502800004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502800005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502800006 (E-LVL,7-N-15) E267502800007 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-15,E-LVL=5.3,SPIN=0.5/2.5,PARITY=+1.) E267502800008 SAMPLE Chemical-form of target: 6Li2CO3 E267502800009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502800010 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267502800011 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502800012 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502800013 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502800014 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502800015 ENDBIB 13 0 E267502800016 COMMON 6 3 E267502800017 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502800018 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502800019 5.3 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267502800020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502800021 DATA 3 22 E267502800022 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502800023 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267502800024 24.1 1.92 0.40 E267502800025 26.9 3.57 0.45 E267502800026 28.6 3.49 0.46 E267502800027 31.4 5.70 0.49 E267502800028 33.6 4.88 0.69 E267502800029 36.4 7.31 0.76 E267502800030 38.6 6.95 0.37 E267502800031 41.4 9.36 0.42 E267502800032 43.6 11.65 0.66 E267502800033 46.4 17.89 0.75 E267502800034 48.6 22.17 1.15 E267502800035 51.4 26.90 1.24 E267502800036 53.6 25.87 0.85 E267502800037 56.4 15.64 0.68 E267502800038 58.6 10.07 0.78 E267502800039 61.4 9.10 0.73 E267502800040 63.6 6.26 0.69 E267502800041 66.4 6.33 0.65 E267502800042 68.6 6.12 0.49 E267502800043 71.4 5.45 0.47 E267502800044 73.6 3.98 0.47 E267502800045 76.4 2.54 0.41 E267502800046 ENDDATA 24 0 E267502800047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267502899999 SUBENT E2675029 20231007 E140E267502900001 BIB 8 13 E267502900002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,2P)7-N-15,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267502900003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267502900004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267502900005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267502900006 (E-LVL,7-N-15) E267502900007 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-15,E-LVL=5.3,SPIN=0.5/2.5,PARITY=+1.) E267502900008 SAMPLE Chemical-form of target: 6Li2CO3 E267502900009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267502900010 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267502900011 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267502900012 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267502900013 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267502900014 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267502900015 ENDBIB 13 0 E267502900016 COMMON 6 3 E267502900017 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267502900018 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267502900019 5.3 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267502900020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267502900021 DATA 3 22 E267502900022 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267502900023 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267502900024 24.1 -0.194 0.326 E267502900025 26.9 -0.038 0.200 E267502900026 28.6 0.425 0.214 E267502900027 31.4 0.119 0.137 E267502900028 33.6 0.256 0.226 E267502900029 36.4 -0.241 0.171 E267502900030 38.6 0.161 0.085 E267502900031 41.4 0.138 0.070 E267502900032 43.6 0.044 0.089 E267502900033 46.4 0.101 0.066 E267502900034 48.6 0.125 0.079 E267502900035 51.4 0.047 0.071 E267502900036 53.6 0.240 0.050 E267502900037 56.4 0.355 0.066 E267502900038 58.6 0.274 0.118 E267502900039 61.4 0.097 0.123 E267502900040 63.6 0.306 0.164 E267502900041 66.4 0.148 0.156 E267502900042 68.6 0.130 0.123 E267502900043 71.4 0.454 0.128 E267502900044 73.6 -0.190 0.188 E267502900045 76.4 0.079 0.248 E267502900046 ENDDATA 24 0 E267502900047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267502999999 SUBENT E2675030 20231007 E140E267503000001 BIB 8 13 E267503000002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,2P)7-N-15,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267503000003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503000004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503000005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503000006 (E-LVL,7-N-15) E267503000007 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-15,E-LVL=6.3,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267503000008 SAMPLE Chemical-form of target: 6Li2CO3 E267503000009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503000010 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267503000011 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503000012 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503000013 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503000014 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503000015 ENDBIB 13 0 E267503000016 COMMON 6 3 E267503000017 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503000018 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503000019 6.3 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267503000020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503000021 DATA 3 22 E267503000022 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503000023 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267503000024 24.1 8.00 0.63 E267503000025 26.9 17.86 0.86 E267503000026 28.6 25.78 0.73 E267503000027 31.4 43.28 0.88 E267503000028 33.6 60.81 1.42 E267503000029 36.4 86.60 1.66 E267503000030 38.6 97.24 1.01 E267503000031 41.4 102.05 1.06 E267503000032 43.6 87.55 1.41 E267503000033 46.4 63.35 1.28 E267503000034 48.6 51.61 1.62 E267503000035 51.4 56.73 1.68 E267503000036 53.6 67.51 1.21 E267503000037 56.4 87.56 1.29 E267503000038 58.6 110.17 2.04 E267503000039 61.4 117.70 2.10 E267503000040 63.6 97.98 1.93 E267503000041 66.4 83.08 1.79 E267503000042 68.6 60.89 1.26 E267503000043 71.4 43.18 1.07 E267503000044 73.6 27.84 0.88 E267503000045 76.4 15.83 0.68 E267503000046 ENDDATA 24 0 E267503000047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267503099999 SUBENT E2675031 20231007 E140E267503100001 BIB 8 13 E267503100002 REACTION (8-O-16(P,2P)7-N-15,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267503100003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503100004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503100005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503100006 (E-LVL,7-N-15) E267503100007 LEVEL-PROP (7-N-15,E-LVL=6.3,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=-1.) E267503100008 SAMPLE Chemical-form of target: 6Li2CO3 E267503100009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503100010 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267503100011 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503100012 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503100013 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503100014 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503100015 ENDBIB 13 0 E267503100016 COMMON 6 3 E267503100017 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503100018 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503100019 6.3 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267503100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503100021 DATA 3 22 E267503100022 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503100023 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267503100024 24.1 -0.258 0.124 E267503100025 26.9 -0.229 0.075 E267503100026 28.6 -0.012 0.045 E267503100027 31.4 0.027 0.032 E267503100028 33.6 0.146 0.037 E267503100029 36.4 0.164 0.030 E267503100030 38.6 0.168 0.016 E267503100031 41.4 0.280 0.016 E267503100032 43.6 0.281 0.025 E267503100033 46.4 0.368 0.031 E267503100034 48.6 0.249 0.047 E267503100035 51.4 0.099 0.045 E267503100036 53.6 -0.074 0.028 E267503100037 56.4 -0.042 0.023 E267503100038 58.6 0.037 0.029 E267503100039 61.4 0.015 0.028 E267503100040 63.6 0.036 0.030 E267503100041 66.4 0.079 0.033 E267503100042 68.6 0.128 0.031 E267503100043 71.4 0.172 0.037 E267503100044 73.6 0.191 0.048 E267503100045 76.4 0.251 0.065 E267503100046 ENDDATA 24 0 E267503100047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267503199999 SUBENT E2675032 20231007 E140E267503200001 BIB 8 15 E267503200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267503200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503200004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503200005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503200006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503200007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503200008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503200009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503200010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503200012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267503200013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503200014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503200015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503200016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503200017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503200018 COMMON 6 3 E267503200019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503200020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503200021 0. 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267503200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503200023 DATA 3 22 E267503200024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503200025 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267503200026 24.1 3.48 0.45 E267503200027 26.9 8.93 0.50 E267503200028 28.6 16.12 0.66 E267503200029 31.4 31.97 0.79 E267503200030 33.6 48.32 0.77 E267503200031 36.4 68.99 0.87 E267503200032 38.6 80.02 1.37 E267503200033 41.4 78.27 1.35 E267503200034 43.6 63.72 1.63 E267503200035 46.4 40.44 1.32 E267503200036 48.6 27.73 1.32 E267503200037 51.4 32.36 1.39 E267503200038 53.6 29.54 1.09 E267503200039 56.4 45.10 1.25 E267503200040 58.6 58.52 1.31 E267503200041 61.4 65.01 1.36 E267503200042 63.6 62.30 1.12 E267503200043 66.4 52.63 1.04 E267503200044 68.6 37.13 0.68 E267503200045 71.4 24.45 0.57 E267503200046 73.6 14.67 0.55 E267503200047 76.4 7.71 0.41 E267503200048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267503200049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267503299999 SUBENT E2675033 20231007 E140E267503300001 BIB 8 15 E267503300002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267503300003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503300004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503300005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503300006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503300007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503300008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503300009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503300010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503300012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267503300013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503300014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503300015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503300016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503300017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503300018 COMMON 5 3 E267503300019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503300020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503300021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267503300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503300023 DATA 4 8 E267503300024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503300025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267503300026 26.0 40.0 88.97 1.65 E267503300027 28.0 46.0 86.38 2.36 E267503300028 32.5 50.0 30.04 0.96 E267503300029 34.0 54.0 36.66 1.31 E267503300030 37.0 58.0 53.71 1.25 E267503300031 39.0 62.0 44.52 1.04 E267503300032 42.0 66.0 16.91 0.64 E267503300033 44.0 68.0 7.04 0.42 E267503300034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267503300035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267503399999 SUBENT E2675034 20231007 E140E267503400001 BIB 8 15 E267503400002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267503400003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503400004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503400005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503400006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503400007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503400008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503400009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503400010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503400012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267503400013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503400014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503400015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503400016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503400017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503400018 COMMON 5 3 E267503400019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503400020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503400021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267503400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503400023 DATA 4 7 E267503400024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503400025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267503400026 26.5 53.0 99.19 2.04 E267503400027 28.0 51.0 70.93 3.32 E267503400028 32.5 50.0 30.04 0.96 E267503400029 35.0 47.0 32.74 2.47 E267503400030 38.0 45.0 59.19 2.17 E267503400031 41.0 43.0 63.73 1.25 E267503400032 46.0 40.0 21.18 0.66 E267503400033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267503400034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267503499999 SUBENT E2675035 20231007 E140E267503500001 BIB 8 15 E267503500002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267503500003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503500004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503500005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503500006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503500007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503500008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503500009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503500010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503500012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267503500013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503500014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503500015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503500016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503500017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503500018 COMMON 5 3 E267503500019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267503500020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267503500021 0. 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267503500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503500023 DATA 4 20 E267503500024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267503500025 MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267503500026 147.6 5.84 4.41 0.32 E267503500027 153.5 5.93 6.77 0.38 E267503500028 167.4 6.57 20.43 0.91 E267503500029 174.0 6.67 30.00 1.07 E267503500030 188.0 7.31 54.47 1.82 E267503500031 195.4 7.42 78.92 2.15 E267503500032 209.2 8.07 88.06 3.03 E267503500033 217.4 8.19 87.53 3.02 E267503500034 228.8 8.76 52.00 2.48 E267503500035 237.6 8.88 35.72 2.12 E267503500036 246.3 9.37 29.89 1.35 E267503500037 255.7 9.49 30.18 1.37 E267503500038 267.3 10.09 39.94 2.08 E267503500039 277.5 10.22 37.04 2.01 E267503500040 285.1 10.69 49.44 2.57 E267503500041 295.9 10.82 53.09 2.63 E267503500042 302.1 11.26 46.99 1.29 E267503500043 313.4 11.39 36.47 1.16 E267503500044 318.8 11.81 29.33 1.04 E267503500045 330.7 11.95 17.24 0.83 E267503500046 ENDDATA 22 0 E267503500047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267503599999 SUBENT E2675036 20231007 E140E267503600001 BIB 8 15 E267503600002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267503600003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503600004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503600005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503600006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503600007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503600008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503600009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503600010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503600012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267503600013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503600014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503600015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503600016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503600017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503600018 COMMON 6 3 E267503600019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503600020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503600021 0. 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267503600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503600023 DATA 3 22 E267503600024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503600025 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267503600026 24.1 -0.090 0.206 E267503600027 26.9 -0.015 0.090 E267503600028 28.6 -0.142 0.065 E267503600029 31.4 -0.063 0.040 E267503600030 33.6 0.042 0.025 E267503600031 36.4 0.073 0.020 E267503600032 38.6 0.103 0.027 E267503600033 41.4 0.171 0.027 E267503600034 43.6 0.193 0.040 E267503600035 46.4 0.253 0.050 E267503600036 48.6 0.313 0.071 E267503600037 51.4 0.335 0.064 E267503600038 53.6 0.169 0.057 E267503600039 56.4 0.081 0.043 E267503600040 58.6 0.140 0.034 E267503600041 61.4 0.185 0.032 E267503600042 63.6 0.274 0.027 E267503600043 66.4 0.400 0.029 E267503600044 68.6 0.448 0.026 E267503600045 71.4 0.555 0.031 E267503600046 73.6 0.636 0.055 E267503600047 76.4 0.704 0.078 E267503600048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267503600049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267503699999 SUBENT E2675037 20231007 E140E267503700001 BIB 8 15 E267503700002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267503700003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503700004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503700005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503700006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503700007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503700008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503700009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503700010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503700011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503700012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267503700013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503700014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503700015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503700016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503700017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503700018 COMMON 5 3 E267503700019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503700020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503700021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267503700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503700023 DATA 4 8 E267503700024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503700025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267503700026 26.0 40.0 0.062 0.031 E267503700027 28.0 46.0 0.034 0.046 E267503700028 32.5 50.0 0.325 0.048 E267503700029 34.0 54.0 0.258 0.059 E267503700030 37.0 58.0 0.277 0.038 E267503700031 39.0 62.0 0.224 0.038 E267503700032 42.0 66.0 0.094 0.063 E267503700033 44.0 68.0 0.068 0.099 E267503700034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267503700035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267503799999 SUBENT E2675038 20231007 E140E267503800001 BIB 8 15 E267503800002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267503800003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503800004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503800005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503800006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503800007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503800008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503800009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503800010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503800011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503800012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267503800013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503800014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503800015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503800016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503800017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503800018 COMMON 5 3 E267503800019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267503800020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267503800021 0. 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267503800022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503800023 DATA 4 7 E267503800024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267503800025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267503800026 26.5 53.0 0.142 0.034 E267503800027 28.0 51.0 0.084 0.077 E267503800028 32.5 50.0 0.325 0.048 E267503800029 35.0 47.0 0.164 0.123 E267503800030 38.0 45.0 0.283 0.060 E267503800031 41.0 43.0 0.163 0.032 E267503800032 46.0 40.0 0.087 0.052 E267503800033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267503800034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267503899999 SUBENT E2675039 20231007 E140E267503900001 BIB 8 15 E267503900002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267503900003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267503900004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267503900005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267503900006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267503900007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267503900008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267503900009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267503900010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267503900011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267503900012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267503900013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267503900014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267503900015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267503900016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267503900017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267503900018 COMMON 5 3 E267503900019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267503900020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267503900021 0. 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267503900022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267503900023 DATA 4 20 E267503900024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267503900025 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267503900026 147.6 5.84 -0.099 0.124 E267503900027 153.5 5.93 -0.081 0.094 E267503900028 167.4 6.57 -0.091 0.074 E267503900029 174.0 6.67 -0.005 0.060 E267503900030 188.0 7.31 0.059 0.056 E267503900031 195.4 7.42 0.074 0.045 E267503900032 209.2 8.07 0.103 0.057 E267503900033 217.4 8.19 0.224 0.057 E267503900034 228.8 8.76 -0.069 0.080 E267503900035 237.6 8.88 -0.026 0.100 E267503900036 246.3 9.37 0.217 0.069 E267503900037 255.7 9.49 0.430 0.067 E267503900038 267.3 10.09 0.182 0.086 E267503900039 277.5 10.22 0.074 0.090 E267503900040 285.1 10.69 0.079 0.087 E267503900041 295.9 10.82 0.207 0.082 E267503900042 302.1 11.26 0.359 0.045 E267503900043 313.4 11.39 0.548 0.050 E267503900044 318.8 11.81 0.577 0.056 E267503900045 330.7 11.95 0.506 0.077 E267503900046 ENDDATA 22 0 E267503900047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267503999999 SUBENT E2675040 20231007 E140E267504000001 BIB 8 15 E267504000002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267504000003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504000004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504000005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504000006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504000007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504000008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504000009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504000010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504000011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504000012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267504000013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504000014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504000015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504000016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504000017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504000018 COMMON 6 3 E267504000019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267504000020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267504000021 2.5 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267504000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504000023 DATA 3 22 E267504000024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267504000025 ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267504000026 24.1 3.56 0.51 E267504000027 26.9 6.54 0.52 E267504000028 28.6 10.25 0.60 E267504000029 31.4 14.21 0.63 E267504000030 33.6 15.68 0.53 E267504000031 36.4 16.43 0.51 E267504000032 38.6 32.36 0.97 E267504000033 41.4 93.34 1.47 E267504000034 43.6 195.82 2.76 E267504000035 46.4 397.78 3.91 E267504000036 48.6 505.08 5.09 E267504000037 51.4 555.10 5.40 E267504000038 53.6 429.14 3.85 E267504000039 56.4 267.07 3.02 E267504000040 58.6 137.95 2.02 E267504000041 61.4 53.24 1.26 E267504000042 63.6 24.26 0.74 E267504000043 66.4 13.30 0.55 E267504000044 68.6 11.95 0.40 E267504000045 71.4 10.54 0.37 E267504000046 73.6 8.30 0.44 E267504000047 76.4 5.35 0.35 E267504000048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267504000049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267504099999 SUBENT E2675041 20231007 E140E267504100001 BIB 8 15 E267504100002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267504100003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504100004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504100005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504100006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504100007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504100008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504100009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504100010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504100012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267504100013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504100014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504100015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504100016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504100017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504100018 COMMON 5 3 E267504100019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267504100020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267504100021 2.5 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267504100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504100023 DATA 4 8 E267504100024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267504100025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267504100026 26.0 40.0 27.88 1.03 E267504100027 28.0 46.0 163.05 3.22 E267504100028 32.5 50.0 530.08 3.76 E267504100029 34.0 54.0 395.37 3.95 E267504100030 37.0 58.0 141.66 2.02 E267504100031 39.0 62.0 18.94 0.71 E267504100032 42.0 66.0 9.57 0.50 E267504100033 44.0 68.0 6.81 0.41 E267504100034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267504100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267504199999 SUBENT E2675042 20231007 E140E267504200001 BIB 8 15 E267504200002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267504200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504200004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504200005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504200006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504200007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504200008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504200009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504200010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504200012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267504200013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504200014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504200015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504200016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504200017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504200018 COMMON 5 3 E267504200019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267504200020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267504200021 2.5 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267504200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504200023 DATA 4 7 E267504200024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267504200025 ADEG ADEG MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267504200026 26.5 53.0 28.67 1.19 E267504200027 28.0 51.0 158.51 4.86 E267504200028 32.5 50.0 530.08 3.76 E267504200029 35.0 47.0 314.22 6.99 E267504200030 38.0 45.0 55.37 2.09 E267504200031 41.0 43.0 15.62 0.68 E267504200032 46.0 40.0 12.37 0.52 E267504200033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267504200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267504299999 SUBENT E2675043 20231007 E140E267504300001 BIB 8 15 E267504300002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267504300003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504300004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504300005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504300006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504300007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504300008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504300009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504300010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504300012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267504300013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504300014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504300015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504300016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504300017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504300018 COMMON 5 3 E267504300019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267504300020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267504300021 2.5 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267504300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504300023 DATA 4 20 E267504300024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267504300025 MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267504300026 147.6 5.84 3.41 0.31 E267504300027 153.5 5.93 6.57 0.38 E267504300028 167.4 6.57 13.35 0.76 E267504300029 174.0 6.67 17.17 0.84 E267504300030 188.0 7.31 20.52 1.19 E267504300031 195.4 7.42 21.17 1.22 E267504300032 209.2 8.07 23.68 1.71 E267504300033 217.4 8.19 62.47 2.60 E267504300034 228.8 8.76 213.14 4.83 E267504300035 237.6 8.88 389.51 6.41 E267504300036 246.3 9.37 538.01 5.32 E267504300037 255.7 9.49 522.24 5.16 E267504300038 267.3 10.09 369.17 5.68 E267504300039 277.5 10.22 164.90 3.83 E267504300040 285.1 10.69 71.78 3.01 E267504300041 295.9 10.82 19.93 1.76 E267504300042 302.1 11.26 12.09 0.76 E267504300043 313.4 11.39 12.87 0.77 E267504300044 318.8 11.81 11.54 0.76 E267504300045 330.7 11.95 10.15 0.71 E267504300046 ENDDATA 22 0 E267504300047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267504399999 SUBENT E2675044 20231007 E140E267504400001 BIB 8 15 E267504400002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267504400003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504400004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504400005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504400006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504400007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504400008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504400009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504400010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504400012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 1 of Prog. Theor. E267504400013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504400014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504400015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504400016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504400017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504400018 COMMON 6 3 E267504400019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267504400020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267504400021 2.5 32.5 1.15 1.43 251.0 18.86 E267504400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504400023 DATA 3 22 E267504400024 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267504400025 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267504400026 24.1 0.079 0.227 E267504400027 26.9 0.057 0.127 E267504400028 28.6 0.237 0.093 E267504400029 31.4 0.324 0.069 E267504400030 33.6 0.342 0.054 E267504400031 36.4 0.171 0.050 E267504400032 38.6 -0.079 0.047 E267504400033 41.4 -0.156 0.025 E267504400034 43.6 -0.023 0.022 E267504400035 46.4 0.080 0.015 E267504400036 48.6 0.143 0.015 E267504400037 51.4 0.214 0.015 E267504400038 53.6 0.280 0.014 E267504400039 56.4 0.332 0.017 E267504400040 58.6 0.366 0.022 E267504400041 61.4 0.424 0.035 E267504400042 63.6 0.340 0.046 E267504400043 66.4 0.155 0.064 E267504400044 68.6 0.063 0.051 E267504400045 71.4 0.187 0.052 E267504400046 73.6 0.137 0.082 E267504400047 76.4 0.079 0.104 E267504400048 ENDDATA 24 0 E267504400049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 E267504499999 SUBENT E2675045 20231007 E140E267504500001 BIB 8 15 E267504500002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267504500003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504500004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504500005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504500006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504500007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504500008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504500009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504500010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504500012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 2 of Prog. Theor. E267504500013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504500014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504500015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504500016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504500017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504500018 COMMON 5 3 E267504500019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267504500020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267504500021 2.5 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267504500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504500023 DATA 4 8 E267504500024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267504500025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267504500026 26.0 40.0 0.050 0.061 E267504500027 28.0 46.0 0.229 0.032 E267504500028 32.5 50.0 0.180 0.011 E267504500029 34.0 54.0 0.202 0.017 E267504500030 37.0 58.0 0.222 0.024 E267504500031 39.0 62.0 0.070 0.062 E267504500032 42.0 66.0 0.250 0.086 E267504500033 44.0 68.0 0.204 0.101 E267504500034 ENDDATA 10 0 E267504500035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 E267504599999 SUBENT E2675046 20231007 E140E267504600001 BIB 8 15 E267504600002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267504600003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504600004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504600005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504600006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504600007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504600008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504600009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504600010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504600012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 3 of Prog. Theor. E267504600013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504600014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504600015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504600016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504600017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504600018 COMMON 5 3 E267504600019 E-LVL ANG1-RSLHW ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW E267504600020 MEV ADEG ADEG MEV MEV E267504600021 2.5 1.15 2.86 251.0 18.86 E267504600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504600023 DATA 4 7 E267504600024 ANG1 ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E267504600025 ADEG ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM E267504600026 26.5 53.0 0.288 0.068 E267504600027 28.0 51.0 0.415 0.049 E267504600028 32.5 50.0 0.180 0.011 E267504600029 35.0 47.0 0.090 0.037 E267504600030 38.0 45.0 -0.155 0.063 E267504600031 41.0 43.0 0.127 0.073 E267504600032 46.0 40.0 -0.142 0.070 E267504600033 ENDDATA 9 0 E267504600034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E267504699999 SUBENT E2675047 20231007 E140E267504700001 BIB 8 15 E267504700002 REACTION (20-CA-40(P,2P)19-K-39,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267504700003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504700004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504700005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504700006 (E-LVL,19-K-39) E267504700007 LEVEL-PROP (19-K-39,E-LVL=2.5,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504700008 SAMPLE - Target is natural. E267504700009 - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504700010 - Target-thickness is 17.6 mg/cm2. E267504700011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504700012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.7, condition 4 of Prog. Theor. E267504700013 Exp. Phys. 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504700014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504700015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504700016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504700017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504700018 COMMON 5 3 E267504700019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E267504700020 MEV ADEG ADEG ADEG ADEG E267504700021 2.5 32.5 1.15 50.0 2.86 E267504700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504700023 DATA 4 20 E267504700024 E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267504700025 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267504700026 147.6 5.84 0.609 0.143 E267504700027 153.5 5.93 0.326 0.095 E267504700028 167.4 6.57 0.035 0.094 E267504700029 174.0 6.67 0.110 0.081 E267504700030 188.0 7.31 -0.125 0.098 E267504700031 195.4 7.42 -0.082 0.096 E267504700032 209.2 8.07 0.502 0.116 E267504700033 217.4 8.19 0.536 0.065 E267504700034 228.8 8.76 0.371 0.037 E267504700035 237.6 8.88 0.251 0.027 E267504700036 246.3 9.37 0.208 0.015 E267504700037 255.7 9.49 0.151 0.015 E267504700038 267.3 10.09 0.033 0.026 E267504700039 277.5 10.22 0.019 0.039 E267504700040 285.1 10.69 -0.166 0.070 E267504700041 295.9 10.82 -0.254 0.149 E267504700042 302.1 11.26 0.150 0.104 E267504700043 313.4 11.39 0.249 0.098 E267504700044 318.8 11.81 0.258 0.108 E267504700045 330.7 11.95 0.168 0.115 E267504700046 ENDDATA 22 0 E267504700047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 E267504799999 SUBENT E2675048 20231007 E140E267504800001 BIB 8 15 E267504800002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267504800003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504800004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504800005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504800006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267504800007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504800008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504800009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267504800010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267504800011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504800012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267504800013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504800014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504800015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504800016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504800017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504800018 COMMON 3 3 E267504800019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267504800020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267504800021 0. 32.5 1.15 E267504800022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504800023 DATA 6 33 E267504800024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267504800025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267504800026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 1.17 0.12E267504800027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 3.62 0.20E267504800028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 5.82 0.25E267504800029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 16.60 0.43E267504800030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 47.40 0.96E267504800031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 137.00 1.64E267504800032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 0.54 0.13E267504800033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 1.39 0.21E267504800034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 1.86 0.13E267504800035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 1.71 0.12E267504800036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 2.40 0.17E267504800037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 5.10 0.24E267504800038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 9.17 0.27E267504800039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 11.50 0.30E267504800040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 10.40 0.28E267504800041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 27.70 0.46E267504800042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 82.60 0.84E267504800043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 172.00 1.20E267504800044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 178.00 0.87E267504800045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 188.00 1.26E267504800046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 105.00 0.94E267504800047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 37.60 0.50E267504800048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 7.06 0.22E267504800049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 5.02 0.20E267504800050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 4.59 0.19E267504800051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 0.71 0.41E267504800052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 0.96 0.36E267504800053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 118.00 1.79E267504800054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 47.80 1.14E267504800055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 19.80 0.47E267504800056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 5.12 0.24E267504800057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 2.11 0.15E267504800058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 1.07 0.11E267504800059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267504800060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267504899999 SUBENT E2675049 20231007 E140E267504900001 BIB 8 15 E267504900002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267504900003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267504900004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267504900005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267504900006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267504900007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.5,PARITY=+1.) E267504900008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267504900009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267504900010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267504900011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267504900012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267504900013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267504900014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267504900015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267504900016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267504900017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267504900018 COMMON 3 3 E267504900019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267504900020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267504900021 0. 32.5 1.15 E267504900022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267504900023 DATA 6 33 E267504900024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267504900025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267504900026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.116 0.292E267504900027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.251 0.112E267504900028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.398 0.076E267504900029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.082 0.041E267504900030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.050 0.029E267504900031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.021 0.017E267504900032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 -0.015 0.707E267504900033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 0.361 0.307E267504900034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 0.017 0.153E267504900035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 -0.336 0.156E267504900036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 -0.123 0.140E267504900037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 0.115 0.082E267504900038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 0.032 0.042E267504900039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 -0.048 0.037E267504900040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 0.155 0.045E267504900041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 0.431 0.023E267504900042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 0.401 0.012E267504900043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 0.249 0.009E267504900044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.188 0.006E267504900045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 0.121 0.009E267504900046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 -0.047 0.012E267504900047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 -0.202 0.019E267504900048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 -0.223 0.051E267504900049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 0.199 0.060E267504900050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 -0.062 0.069E267504900051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 -1.273 1.076E267504900052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 -0.501 0.586E267504900053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.333 0.020E267504900054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.401 0.033E267504900055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.379 0.034E267504900056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.364 0.078E267504900057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.210 0.140E267504900058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.213 0.225E267504900059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267504900060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267504999999 SUBENT E2675050 20231007 E140E267505000001 BIB 8 15 E267505000002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267505000003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505000004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505000005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505000006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505000007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=0.35,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267505000008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505000009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505000010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505000011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505000012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505000013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505000014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505000015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505000016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505000017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505000018 COMMON 3 3 E267505000019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505000020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505000021 0.35 32.5 1.15 E267505000022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505000023 DATA 6 33 E267505000024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505000025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267505000026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 3.23 0.19E267505000027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 9.61 0.33E267505000028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 23.30 0.51E267505000029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 41.10 0.68E267505000030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 45.50 0.94E267505000031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 41.00 0.90E267505000032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 1.53 0.22E267505000033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 1.88 0.24E267505000034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 2.51 0.15E267505000035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 3.25 0.17E267505000036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 4.63 0.23E267505000037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 11.80 0.37E267505000038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 28.30 0.47E267505000039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 48.90 0.61E267505000040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 57.10 0.66E267505000041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 54.80 0.65E267505000042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 42.60 0.60E267505000043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 35.20 0.54E267505000044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 32.30 0.37E267505000045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 28.90 0.49E267505000046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 35.60 0.55E267505000047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 35.70 0.49E267505000048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 29.80 0.45E267505000049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 18.00 0.38E267505000050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 7.14 0.24E267505000051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 0.68 0.41E267505000052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 0.65 0.35E267505000053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 32.30 0.94E267505000054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 36.60 1.00E267505000055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 33.30 0.61E267505000056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 21.90 0.49E267505000057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 13.60 0.38E267505000058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 6.10 0.25E267505000059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267505000060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267505099999 SUBENT E2675051 20231007 E140E267505100001 BIB 8 15 E267505100002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267505100003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505100004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505100005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505100006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505100007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=0.35,SPIN=1.5,PARITY=+1.) E267505100008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505100009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505100010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505100011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505100012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505100013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505100014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505100015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505100016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505100017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505100018 COMMON 3 3 E267505100019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505100020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505100021 0.35 32.5 1.15 E267505100022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505100023 DATA 6 33 E267505100024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505100025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267505100026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.319 0.141E267505100027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.218 0.064E267505100028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.091 0.036E267505100029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.011 0.025E267505100030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.003 0.031E267505100031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.113 0.033E267505100032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 0.177 0.293E267505100033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 -0.007 0.268E267505100034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 -0.138 0.131E267505100035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 0.105 0.112E267505100036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 0.092 0.099E267505100037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 0.301 0.050E267505100038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 0.209 0.022E267505100039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 0.178 0.017E267505100040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 0.148 0.017E267505100041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 0.092 0.018E267505100042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 0.009 0.020E267505100043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 0.129 0.021E267505100044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.146 0.016E267505100045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 0.163 0.024E267505100046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 0.202 0.021E267505100047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 0.120 0.019E267505100048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 0.254 0.021E267505100049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 0.358 0.029E267505100050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 0.400 0.049E267505100051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 0.259 0.905E267505100052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 0.225 0.810E267505100053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.137 0.043E267505100054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.273 0.040E267505100055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.301 0.027E267505100056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.564 0.030E267505100057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.609 0.040E267505100058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.546 0.066E267505100059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267505100060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267505199999 SUBENT E2675052 20231007 E140E267505200001 BIB 8 15 E267505200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267505200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505200004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505200005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505200006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505200007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=1.35,SPIN=5.5,PARITY=-1.) E267505200008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505200009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505200010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505200011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505200012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505200013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505200014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505200015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505200016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505200017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505200018 COMMON 3 3 E267505200019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505200020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505200021 1.35 32.5 1.15 E267505200022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505200023 DATA 6 33 E267505200024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505200025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267505200026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 26.90 0.56E267505200027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 22.40 0.51E267505200028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 15.80 0.42E267505200029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 6.60 0.27E267505200030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 3.38 0.26E267505200031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 1.25 0.16E267505200032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 10.70 0.58E267505200033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 13.40 0.65E267505200034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 27.70 0.50E267505200035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 33.90 0.56E267505200036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 34.80 0.63E267505200037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 26.10 0.55E267505200038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 16.80 0.36E267505200039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 10.50 0.28E267505200040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 5.92 0.21E267505200041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 3.23 0.16E267505200042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 3.37 0.17E267505200043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 1.39 0.11E267505200044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 1.53 0.08E267505200045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 1.64 0.12E267505200046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 1.02 0.09E267505200047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 2.26 0.12E267505200048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 4.68 0.18E267505200049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 9.78 0.28E267505200050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 12.70 0.31E267505200051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 5.13 0.55E267505200052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 1.62 0.39E267505200053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 3.22 0.30E267505200054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 4.93 0.37E267505200055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 10.40 0.34E267505200056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 17.60 0.44E267505200057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 28.70 0.55E267505200058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 35.30 0.61E267505200059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267505200060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267505299999 SUBENT E2675053 20231007 E140E267505300001 BIB 8 15 E267505300002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267505300003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505300004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505300005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505300006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505300007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=1.35,SPIN=5.5,PARITY=-1.) E267505300008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505300009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505300010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505300011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505300012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505300013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505300014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505300015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505300016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505300017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505300018 COMMON 3 3 E267505300019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505300020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505300021 1.35 32.5 1.15 E267505300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505300023 DATA 6 33 E267505300024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505300025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267505300026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.191 0.031E267505300027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.323 0.033E267505300028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.372 0.041E267505300029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.283 0.072E267505300030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.048 0.155E267505300031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.698 0.325E267505300032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 -0.064 0.081E267505300033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 -0.148 0.072E267505300034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 -0.117 0.027E267505300035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 -0.128 0.024E267505300036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 -0.200 0.026E267505300037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 -0.190 0.031E267505300038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 -0.166 0.030E267505300039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 -0.108 0.039E267505300040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 -0.229 0.066E267505300041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 -0.131 0.102E267505300042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 -0.060 0.082E267505300043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 -0.450 0.146E267505300044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.282 0.100E267505300045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 -0.075 0.136E267505300046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 0.757 0.178E267505300047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 0.397 0.089E267505300048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 0.514 0.061E267505300049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 0.502 0.037E267505300050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 0.380 0.034E267505300051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 0.355 0.161E267505300052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 0.541 0.374E267505300053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.077 0.182E267505300054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.097 0.146E267505300055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.038 0.051E267505300056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.005 0.038E267505300057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.039 0.028E267505300058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.025 0.025E267505300059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267505300060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267505399999 SUBENT E2675054 20231007 E140E267505400001 BIB 8 15 E267505400002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267505400003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505400004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505400005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505400006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505400007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=1.67,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=+1.) E267505400008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505400009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505400010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505400011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505400012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505400013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505400014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505400015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505400016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505400017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505400018 COMMON 3 3 E267505400019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505400020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505400021 1.67 32.5 1.15 E267505400022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505400023 DATA 6 33 E267505400024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505400025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267505400026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 3.00 0.19E267505400027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 11.20 0.36E267505400028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 23.50 0.51E267505400029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 42.70 0.69E267505400030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 41.60 0.90E267505400031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 42.80 0.92E267505400032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 3.29 0.32E267505400033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 3.56 0.33E267505400034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 3.57 0.18E267505400035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 1.30 0.11E267505400036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 4.91 0.24E267505400037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 13.00 0.39E267505400038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 31.20 0.49E267505400039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 55.10 0.65E267505400040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 61.30 0.69E267505400041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 57.70 0.67E267505400042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 50.90 0.66E267505400043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 37.30 0.56E267505400044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 37.20 0.40E267505400045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 37.30 0.56E267505400046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 43.70 0.60E267505400047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 42.80 0.54E267505400048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 33.40 0.47E267505400049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 20.40 0.40E267505400050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 9.35 0.27E267505400051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 2.27 0.46E267505400052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 2.35 0.42E267505400053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 44.10 1.09E267505400054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 50.90 1.18E267505400055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 47.70 0.73E267505400056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 32.10 0.60E267505400057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 19.00 0.44E267505400058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 7.05 0.27E267505400059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267505400060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267505499999 SUBENT E2675055 20231007 E140E267505500001 BIB 8 15 E267505500002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267505500003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505500004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505500005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505500006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505500007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=1.67,SPIN=2.5,PARITY=+1.) E267505500008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505500009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505500010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505500012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505500013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505500014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505500015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505500016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505500017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505500018 COMMON 3 3 E267505500019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505500020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505500021 1.67 32.5 1.15 E267505500022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505500023 DATA 6 33 E267505500024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505500025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267505500026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.225 0.147E267505500027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.058 0.055E267505500028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.047 0.035E267505500029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.154 0.024E267505500030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.152 0.033E267505500031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.143 0.033E267505500032 50.0 2.86 156.9 6.68 -0.166 0.164E267505500033 50.0 2.86 163.7 6.79 0.297 0.163E267505500034 50.0 2.86 173.6 7.34 -0.170 0.099E267505500035 50.0 2.86 181.1 7.46 0.345 0.253E267505500036 50.0 2.86 191.3 8.03 0.354 0.088E267505500037 50.0 2.86 199.5 8.15 0.367 0.047E267505500038 50.0 2.86 206.0 8.60 0.239 0.021E267505500039 50.0 2.86 214.8 8.73 0.067 0.016E267505500040 50.0 2.86 220.8 9.16 -0.016 0.017E267505500041 50.0 2.86 230.1 9.29 -0.067 0.017E267505500042 50.0 2.86 235.5 9.72 -0.029 0.018E267505500043 50.0 2.86 245.4 9.97 0.053 0.021E267505500044 50.0 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.108 0.015E267505500045 50.0 2.86 255.2 10.34 0.141 0.021E267505500046 50.0 2.86 265.8 10.60 0.302 0.019E267505500047 50.0 2.86 274.8 11.17 0.292 0.017E267505500048 50.0 2.86 286.2 11.33 0.130 0.020E267505500049 50.0 2.86 294.5 11.89 -0.033 0.029E267505500050 50.0 2.86 306.6 12.05 -0.172 0.045E267505500051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 -0.005 0.309E267505500052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 -0.008 0.267E267505500053 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.084 0.037E267505500054 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.000 0.034E267505500055 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.041 0.022E267505500056 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.001 0.027E267505500057 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.005 0.036E267505500058 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.047 0.062E267505500059 ENDDATA 35 0 E267505500060 ENDSUBENT 59 0 E267505599999 SUBENT E2675056 20231007 E140E267505600001 BIB 8 15 E267505600002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/P/P) E267505600003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505600004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505600005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505600006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505600007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=3.47,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=+1.) E267505600008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505600009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505600010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505600011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505600012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505600013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505600014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505600015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505600016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505600017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505600018 COMMON 3 3 E267505600019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505600020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505600021 3.47 32.5 1.15 E267505600022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505600023 DATA 6 34 E267505600024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505600025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E267505600026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 6.28 0.35E267505600027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 6.71 0.36E267505600028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 6.20 0.34E267505600029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 4.74 0.34E267505600030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 3.37 0.42E267505600031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 1.95 0.40E267505600032 48.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 2.31 0.46E267505600033 50.0 2.86 156.6 6.68 1.56 0.33E267505600034 50.0 2.86 163.4 6.79 1.93 0.34E267505600035 50.0 2.86 173.3 7.34 3.95 0.24E267505600036 50.0 2.86 180.7 7.46 5.19 0.26E267505600037 50.0 2.86 191.0 8.03 7.24 0.28E267505600038 50.0 2.86 199.1 8.15 6.86 0.27E267505600039 50.0 2.86 205.7 8.60 6.93 0.26E267505600040 50.0 2.86 214.3 8.73 4.77 0.23E267505600041 50.0 2.86 220.4 9.16 3.91 0.24E267505600042 50.0 2.86 229.6 9.29 2.62 0.22E267505600043 50.0 2.86 235.1 9.72 2.05 0.20E267505600044 50.0 2.86 244.9 9.97 2.25 0.19E267505600045 50.0 2.86 255.0 10.34 2.23 0.15E267505600046 50.0 2.86 265.3 10.60 2.53 0.16E267505600047 50.0 2.86 274.4 11.17 1.95 0.18E267505600048 50.0 2.86 285.6 11.33 2.67 0.20E267505600049 50.0 2.86 294.0 11.89 3.23 0.21E267505600050 50.0 2.86 306.0 12.05 2.47 0.19E267505600051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 1.67 0.46E267505600052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 0.51 0.36E267505600053 51.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 2.01 0.47E267505600054 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 2.72 0.42E267505600055 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 2.92 0.43E267505600056 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 3.42 0.27E267505600057 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 4.34 0.29E267505600058 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 5.32 0.29E267505600059 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 4.97 0.28E267505600060 ENDDATA 36 0 E267505600061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 E267505699999 SUBENT E2675057 20231007 E140E267505700001 BIB 8 15 E267505700002 REACTION (82-PB-208(P,2P)81-TL-207,PAR,POL/DA/DA/DE,P/P/P,ANA) E267505700003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 1 proton E267505700004 (ANG2,P) polar angle (lab.) between beam and 2 proton E267505700005 EN-SEC (E1-CM,P) E267505700006 (E-LVL,81-TL-207) E267505700007 LEVEL-PROP (81-TL-207,E-LVL=3.47,SPIN=3.5,PARITY=+1.) E267505700008 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E267505700009 - Target-thickness is 11.7 mg/cm2. E267505700010 (82-PB-208,ENR=0.99) E267505700011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E267505700012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.8 of Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. E267505700013 2020 (2020) 093D02 E267505700014 HISTORY (20231007A) MA: ANG-SEC added; Data heading: E1-ERR -> E267505700015 E1-RSL-FW, ANG1-ERR -> ANG1-RSLHW, E267505700016 ANG2-ERR -> ANG2-RSLHW. E267505700017 ENDBIB 15 0 E267505700018 COMMON 3 3 E267505700019 E-LVL ANG1 ANG1-RSLHW E267505700020 MEV ADEG ADEG E267505700021 3.47 32.5 1.15 E267505700022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E267505700023 DATA 6 34 E267505700024 ANG2 ANG2-RSLHW E1-CM E1-RSL-FW DATA DATA-ERR E267505700025 ADEG ADEG MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM E267505700026 33.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.062 0.085E267505700027 36.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.030 0.082E267505700028 38.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.090 0.084E267505700029 41.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.151 0.107E267505700030 43.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.050 0.189E267505700031 46.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.259 0.308E267505700032 48.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.122 0.279E267505700033 50.0 2.86 156.6 6.68 0.772 0.326E267505700034 50.0 2.86 163.4 6.79 0.311 0.267E267505700035 50.0 2.86 173.3 7.34 0.079 0.091E267505700036 50.0 2.86 180.7 7.46 0.079 0.076E267505700037 50.0 2.86 191.0 8.03 0.159 0.057E267505700038 50.0 2.86 199.1 8.15 0.050 0.059E267505700039 50.0 2.86 205.7 8.60 -0.064 0.056E267505700040 50.0 2.86 214.3 8.73 0.001 0.071E267505700041 50.0 2.86 220.4 9.16 -0.015 0.091E267505700042 50.0 2.86 229.6 9.29 0.132 0.123E267505700043 50.0 2.86 235.1 9.72 0.048 0.137E267505700044 50.0 2.86 244.9 9.97 0.143 0.124E267505700045 50.0 2.86 255.0 10.34 0.121 0.100E267505700046 50.0 2.86 265.3 10.60 0.039 0.095E267505700047 50.0 2.86 274.4 11.17 0.189 0.141E267505700048 50.0 2.86 285.6 11.33 0.043 0.110E267505700049 50.0 2.86 294.0 11.89 0.217 0.095E267505700050 50.0 2.86 306.0 12.05 0.253 0.114E267505700051 50.0 2.86 323.6 12.95 0.206 0.413E267505700052 50.0 2.86 336.6 13.12 -0.091 1.051E267505700053 51.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 -0.333 0.305E267505700054 53.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.621 0.240E267505700055 56.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.374 0.225E267505700056 58.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.318 0.122E267505700057 61.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.043 0.101E267505700058 63.6 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.266 0.083E267505700059 66.4 1.43 250.0 20.31 0.279 0.085E267505700060 ENDDATA 36 0 E267505700061 ENDSUBENT 60 0 E267505799999 ENDENTRY 57 0 E267599999999