ENTRY E2779 20240601 E148E277900000001 SUBENT E2779001 20240601 E148E277900100001 BIB 11 40 E277900100002 TITLE Validation of the 10Be ground-state molecular E277900100003 structure using 10Be(p, pa)6He triple differential E277900100004 reaction cross-section measurements E277900100005 AUTHOR (P.J.Li, D.Beaumel, J.Lee, M.Assie, S.Chen, S.Franchoo,E277900100006 J.Gibelin, F.Hammache, T.Harada, Y.Kanada-En'yo, E277900100007 Y.Kubota, S.Leblond, P.F.Liang, T.Lokotko, M.Lyu, E277900100008 F.M.Marques, Y.Matsuda, K.Ogata, H.Otsu, E.Rindel, E277900100009 L.Stuhl, D.Suzuki, Y.Togano, T.Tomai, X.X.Xu, E277900100010 K.Yoshida, J.Zenihiro, N.L.Achouri, T.Aumann, H.Baba, E277900100011 G.Cardella, S.Ceruti, A.I.Stefanescu, A.Corsi, E277900100012 A.Frotscher, J.Gao, A.Gillibert, K.Inaba, T.Isobe, E277900100013 T.Kawabata, N.Kitamura, T.Kobayashi, Y.Kondo, E277900100014 A.Kurihara, H.N.Liu, H.Miki, T.Nakamura, A.Obertelli, E277900100015 N.A.Orr, V.Panin, M.Sasano, T.Shimada, Y.L.Sun, E277900100016 J.Tanaka, L.Trache, D.Tudor, T.Uesaka, H.Wang, E277900100017 H.Yamada, Z.H.Yang, M.Yasuda) E277900100018 INSTITUTE (3CPRUCA,3HKGUHK,2FR PAR,2JPNIPC,2FR CAE,2JPNKTO, E277900100019 3CPRNAN,2JPNTOH,2JPNKON,2JPNKYU,2JPNOSA,3KORIBS, E277900100020 2JPNTOK,2JPNYOK,2JPNTIT,2JPNJAE,2GERTHD,2GERGSI, E277900100021 2ITYCAT,2ITYMIL,3RUMBUC,3RUMBUU,2FR SAC,3CPRBJG, E277900100022 3CPRBNU) E277900100023 (3CPRCPR) Key Laboratory of Aerospace Information E277900100024 Materials and Physics, Ministry of Industry E277900100025 and Information Technology, Nanjing E277900100026 (3CPRCPR) Advanced Energy Science and Technology E277900100027 Guangdong Laboratory, Huizhou E277900100028 REFERENCE (J,PRL,131,212501,2023) E277900100029 PART-DET (P,A,2-HE-6) E277900100030 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity is 500000 PPS. E277900100031 (FRAGM) projectile fragmentation of a 230 MeV/nucleon E277900100032 18O beam E277900100033 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E277900100034 - Physical-form of target is solid. E277900100035 - Target-thickness: 2 mm E277900100036 METHOD (COINC) Detect proton, alpha and 6He in coincidence. E277900100037 FACILITY (CYCLO,2JPNIPC) E277900100038 DETECTOR (SISD) Knocked-out alpha clusters were measured E277900100039 (MWDC,SCIN) To detect recoil proton E277900100040 (MAGSP) SAMURAI to detect He residues E277900100041 HISTORY (20240514C) O. Y. E277900100042 ENDBIB 40 0 E277900100043 COMMON 1 3 E277900100044 EN E277900100045 MEV/A E277900100046 150. E277900100047 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E277900100048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 E277900199999 SUBENT E2779002 20240601 E148E277900200001 BIB 6 12 E277900200002 REACTION (1-H-1(4-BE-10,P+A)2-HE-6,PAR,DA/DA/DE,P/A/P) E277900200003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) E277900200004 (ANG2,A) E277900200005 EN-SEC (E1,P) E277900200006 (E-LVL,2-HE-6) E277900200007 LEVEL-PROP (2-HE-6,E-LVL=0.,SPIN=0.,PARITY=+1.) E277900200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The error bars correspond to the square E277900200009 root of the quadratic sum of statistical E277900200010 uncertainties and those on the phase volume E277900200011 term induced by the error on the scattering E277900200012 angles. E277900200013 STATUS (CURVE,,P.J.Li+,J,PRL,131,212501,2023) Fig. 3(a) E277900200014 ENDBIB 12 0 E277900200015 COMMON 3 3 E277900200016 ANG1 ANG2 E-LVL E277900200017 ADEG ADEG MEV E277900200018 65. -7.7 0. E277900200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E277900200020 DATA 3 10 E277900200021 E1 DATA DATA-ERR E277900200022 MEV MUB/SR2MEV MUB/SR2MEV E277900200023 24.90 1.48E+02 5.91E+01 E277900200024 28.90 3.50E+02 8.93E+01 E277900200025 32.88 3.87E+02 9.56E+01 E277900200026 36.90 7.61E+02 1.35E+02 E277900200027 40.88 1.72E+03 2.23E+02 E277900200028 44.94 1.45E+03 2.34E+02 E277900200029 48.89 2.30E+03 3.87E+02 E277900200030 52.92 2.88E+03 6.67E+02 E277900200031 56.92 3.31E+03 1.17E+03 E277900200032 60.89 8.19E+03 6.71E+03 E277900200033 ENDDATA 12 0 E277900200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 E277900299999 SUBENT E2779003 20240601 E148E277900300001 BIB 5 6 E277900300002 REACTION (1-H-1(4-BE-10,P+A)2-HE-6,PAR,DA/DA,P/A) E277900300003 ANG-SEC (ANG1,P) E277900300004 (ANG2,A) E277900300005 EN-SEC (E-LVL,2-HE-6) E277900300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties E277900300007 STATUS (TABLE,,P.J.Li+,J,PRL,131,212501,2023) Table 1 E277900300008 ENDBIB 6 0 E277900300009 COMMON 1 3 E277900300010 ANG1 E277900300011 ADEG E277900300012 65. E277900300013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 E277900300014 DATA 4 2 E277900300015 E-LVL ANG2 DATA DATA-ERR E277900300016 MEV ADEG MB/SR2 MB/SR2 E277900300017 0. 7.7 23.6 2.8 E277900300018 1.80 7.5 17.6 3.0 E277900300019 ENDDATA 4 0 E277900300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 E277900399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 E277999999999