ENTRY E2794 20241124 E151E279400000001 SUBENT E2794001 20241124 E151E279400100001 BIB 13 32 E279400100002 TITLE Investigation of total reaction cross sections for E279400100003 proton-dripline nuclei 17F and 17Ne on a proton target E279400100004 AUTHOR (T.Moriguchi, R.Kagesawa, A.Ozawa, W.Horiuchi, Y.Abe, E279400100005 M.Amano, D.Kamioka, A.Kitagawa, M.Mukai, D.Nagae, E279400100006 M.Sakaue, S.Sato, B.H.Sun, S.Suzuki, T.Suzuki, E279400100007 T.Yamaguchi, A.Yano, K.Yokota) E279400100008 INSTITUTE (2JPNTSU,2JPNIPC,2JPNHOK,2JPNIRS,2JPNKEK,2JPNTIT, E279400100009 2JPNSUU,3CPRBHN,2JPNJSR) E279400100010 (2JPNJPN) Department of Physics, Osaka Metropolitan E279400100011 University, Osaka E279400100012 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,110,014607,2024) E279400100013 PART-DET (9-F-17) E279400100014 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity: 200-700 particles per pulse E279400100015 (FRAGM) A secondary beam was produced by bombarding a E279400100016 beryllium target with a 20Ne beam. E279400100017 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. E279400100018 - Physical-form of target is solid. E279400100019 - Target-thickness: 30 and 100 mm thick E279400100020 METHOD (TOFDE) E279400100021 FACILITY (SYNCH,2JPNIRS) Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba E279400100022 (HIMAC) E279400100023 DETECTOR (IOCH) E279400100024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Total systematic uncertainty E279400100025 (ERR-1,0.3,0.9) 0.9% and 0.3% for target thicknesses E279400100026 of the 30 and 100 mm thick, E279400100027 respectively. (0.3-0.9%) E279400100028 (ERR-2,,0.4) The contributions of subtraction of the E279400100029 contaminants for the cases of 66 and 97 E279400100030 MeV/nucleon. (<0.4%) E279400100031 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty E279400100032 STATUS (TABLE,,T.Moriguchi+,J,PR/C,110,014607,2024) Table II E279400100033 HISTORY (20241112C) K.S. E279400100034 ENDBIB 32 0 E279400100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 E279400100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 E279400199999 SUBENT E2794002 20241124 E151E279400200001 BIB 1 2 E279400200002 REACTION ((1-H-1(9-F-17,NON),,SIG)= E279400200003 (9-F-17(P,NON),,SIG)) E279400200004 ENDBIB 2 0 E279400200005 NOCOMMON 0 0 E279400200006 DATA 4 4 E279400200007 EN DATA ERR-S ERR-SYS E279400200008 MEV/A MB MB MB E279400200009 66. 358.3 3.9 3.8 E279400200010 97. 319.4 1.9 2.0 E279400200011 282. 282.4 1.6 1.5 E279400200012 461. 296.5 2.1 1.5 E279400200013 ENDDATA 6 0 E279400200014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 E279400299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 E279499999999