ENTRY            F0102   20200502                             F077F010200000001 
SUBENT        F0102001   20200502                             F077F010200100001 
BIB                 10         23                                 F010200100002 
TITLE      Angular distributions of the 9Be(d,n)10B neutrons      F010200100003 
AUTHOR     (R.Bardes,G.E.Owen)                                    F010200100004 
INSTITUTE  (1USAJHU)                                              F010200100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,120,1369,1960)                                   F010200100006 
FACILITY   (VDG,1USAJHU)                                          F010200100007 
SAMPLE     The 9Be targets of 0.171+-0.035 mg/cm2 thicknesses     F010200100008 
           were made by evaporating high-purity                   F010200100009 
           beryllium onto a five-mil copper backing               F010200100010 
METHOD     (PHD,EDE,BCINT)                                        F010200100011 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SCIN) The detector was a 3/4-inch. by a 20-mil  F010200100012 
           CsI(Th) crystal mounted on a small glass light pipe.   F010200100013 
           This in turn was coupled to an RCA6342A photomultiplierF010200100014 
           tube using silicone oil as the optical coupling.       F010200100015 
           RCA 6810A photomultiplier tubes were employed to detectF010200100016 
           the rare gas scintillations.                           F010200100017 
COMMENT    A proton recoil spectrometer utilizing a xenon gaz     F010200100018 
           scintillation trigger was developed to study this      F010200100019 
           problem. This spectrometer operated with a resolution  F010200100020 
           of the order 7%  at the neutron energies involved in   F010200100021 
           this reaction.                                         F010200100022 
HISTORY    (19821115C)                                            F010200100023 
           (19990407U) CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year and lower casesF010200100024 
           (20200502A) SD: Corrections in all Subents.            F010200100025 
ENDBIB              23          0                                 F010200100026 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F010200100027 
ENDSUBENT           26          0                                 F010200199999 
SUBENT        F0102002   20200502                             F077F010200200001 
BIB                  4          7                                 F010200200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(D,N)5-B-10,PAR,DA)                             F010200200003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Error from graphic bars.                       F010200200004 
           No information about source of uncertainty             F010200200005 
STATUS     (CURVE) Figs 5,6,7,8,9,10 from Phys.Rev.,120(1960)1369 F010200200006 
HISTORY    (20200502A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    F010200200007 
           EN-SEC deleted. ERR-ANALYS, STATUS updated.            F010200200008 
           ANG-ERR -> ANG-ERR-D.  DATA-ERR -> ERR-S.              F010200200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 F010200200010 
COMMON               1          3                                 F010200200011 
ANG-ERR-D                                                         F010200200012 
ADEG                                                              F010200200013 
 0.5                                                              F010200200014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F010200200015 
DATA                 5         64                                 F010200200016 
E-LVL      EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM    ERR-S                 F010200200017 
MEV        MEV        ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                 F010200200018 
         0.       1.41        7.2       5.02       0.22           F010200200019 
         0.       1.41       17.0       5.49       0.27           F010200200020 
         0.       1.41       32.7       5.94       0.27           F010200200021 
         0.       1.41       48.9       5.39       0.15           F010200200022 
         0.       1.41       65.5       4.75       0.15           F010200200023 
         0.       1.41       78.7       4.84       0.22           F010200200024 
         0.       1.41       95.4       5.29       0.20           F010200200025 
         0.       1.41      109.2       5.89       0.25           F010200200026 
         0.       1.41      123.9       6.73       0.22           F010200200027 
         0.       1.41      137.7       6.93       0.25           F010200200028 
         0.       1.41      148.5       6.73       0.20           F010200200029 
         0.       1.88       16.6       6.73       0.22           F010200200030 
         0.       1.88       31.9       7.43       0.27           F010200200031 
         0.       1.88       48.1       6.88       0.20           F010200200032 
         0.       1.88       64.3       5.40       0.20           F010200200033 
         0.       1.88       79.5       5.30       0.15           F010200200034 
         0.       1.88       93.8       5.99       0.20           F010200200035 
         0.       1.88      109.1       6.63       0.20           F010200200036 
         0.       1.88      123.9       6.93       0.25           F010200200037 
         0.       1.88      137.6       6.91       0.20           F010200200038 
         0.       1.88      147.5       6.78       0.15           F010200200039 
         0.       2.35        5.9       5.94       0.20           F010200200040 
         0.       2.35       17.6       6.63       0.23           F010200200041 
         0.       2.35       32.9       7.30       0.15           F010200200042 
         0.       2.35       49.1       6.71       0.18           F010200200043 
         0.       2.35       64.7       5.20       0.20           F010200200044 
         0.       2.35       80.4       5.31       0.23           F010200200045 
         0.       2.35       94.6       5.71       0.20           F010200200046 
         0.       2.35      110.8       6.12       0.20           F010200200047 
         0.       2.35      126.1       6.30       0.18           F010200200048 
         0.       2.35      139.2       6.07       0.15           F010200200049 
         0.       2.35      148.3       5.28       0.13           F010200200050 
       0.72       1.41        6.3       7.89       0.26           F010200200051 
       0.72       1.41       16.6       8.77       0.22           F010200200052 
       0.72       1.41       32.5       9.12       0.26           F010200200053 
       0.72       1.41       48.0       8.46       0.13           F010200200054 
       0.72       1.41       63.8       7.37       0.18           F010200200055 
       0.72       1.41       79.7       7.54       0.13           F010200200056 
       0.72       1.41       94.4       8.07       0.18           F010200200057 
       0.72       1.41      109.8       8.25       0.18           F010200200058 
       0.72       1.41      124.5       8.73       0.22           F010200200059 
       0.72       1.41      139.1       8.77       0.18           F010200200060 
       0.72       1.41      148.5       8.46       0.22           F010200200061 
       0.72       1.88       16.6       8.77       0.22           F010200200062 
       0.72       1.88       32.5      10.18       0.31           F010200200063 
       0.72       1.88       49.1       8.95       0.22           F010200200064 
       0.72       1.88       64.1       7.81       0.18           F010200200065 
       0.72       1.88       79.1       6.93       0.26           F010200200066 
       0.72       1.88       94.5       7.72       0.22           F010200200067 
       0.72       1.88      109.1       7.72       0.18           F010200200068 
       0.72       1.88      123.7       8.60       0.26           F010200200069 
       0.72       1.88      139.1       8.38       0.18           F010200200070 
       0.72       1.88      147.7       8.16       0.18           F010200200071 
       0.72       2.35        4.9       7.33       0.22           F010200200072 
       0.72       2.35       15.6       8.25       0.35           F010200200073 
       0.72       2.35       30.9       8.95       0.26           F010200200074 
       0.72       2.35       47.5       8.33       0.18           F010200200075 
       0.72       2.35       64.5       6.32       0.18           F010200200076 
       0.72       2.35       79.9       5.79       0.26           F010200200077 
       0.72       2.35       93.9       6.67       0.18           F010200200078 
       0.72       2.35      109.3       7.24       0.22           F010200200079 
       0.72       2.35      124.6       7.19       0.18           F010200200080 
       0.72       2.35      139.1       7.46       0.18           F010200200081 
       0.72       2.35      147.7       7.41       0.22           F010200200082 
ENDDATA             66          0                                 F010200200083 
ENDSUBENT           82          0                                 F010200299999 
SUBENT        F0102003   20200502                             F077F010200300001 
BIB                  5          8                                 F010200300002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(D,N)5-B-10,PAR,SIG)                            F010200300003 
ANALYSIS   (INTAD)                                                F010200300004 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error. No information about source    F010200300005 
           of uncertainty                                         F010200300006 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl. I from Phys.Rev.,120(1960)1369            F010200300007 
HISTORY    (20200502A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    F010200300008 
           EN-SEC deleted. ERR-ANALYS, STATUS updated.            F010200300009 
           ERR-T -> DATA-ERR.                                     F010200300010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 F010200300011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F010200300012 
DATA                 4          6                                 F010200300013 
E-LVL      EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                         F010200300014 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               F010200300015 
         0.       1.41        71.        21.                      F010200300016 
         0.       1.88        79.        23.                      F010200300017 
         0.       2.35        74.        22.                      F010200300018 
       0.72       1.41       102.        30.                      F010200300019 
       0.72       1.88       101.        30.                      F010200300020 
       0.72       2.35        87.        25.                      F010200300021 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 F010200300022 
ENDSUBENT           21          0                                 F010200399999 
SUBENT        F0102004   20200502                             F077F010200400001 
BIB                  4          7                                 F010200400002 
REACTION   (4-BE-9(D,N)5-B-10,PAR,DA)                             F010200400003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error. No information about source    F010200400004 
           of uncertainty                                         F010200400005 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.II from Phys.Rev.,120(1960)1369            F010200400006 
HISTORY    (20200502A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    F010200400007 
           EN-SEC deleted. ERR-ANALYS, STATUS updated.            F010200400008 
           ERR-T -> DATA-ERR.                                     F010200400009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 F010200400010 
COMMON               1          3                                 F010200400011 
ANG                                                               F010200400012 
ADEG                                                              F010200400013 
  30.                                                             F010200400014 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F010200400015 
DATA                 4         18                                 F010200400016 
E-LVL      EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                         F010200400017 
MEV        MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                            F010200400018 
         0.      0.846       3.70       0.16                      F010200400019 
         0.      0.940       5.48       0.19                      F010200400020 
         0.       1.04       2.31       0.12                      F010200400021 
         0.       1.13       2.71       0.13                      F010200400022 
         0.       1.32       5.94       0.19                      F010200400023 
         0.        1.5       7.73       0.22                      F010200400024 
         0.       1.69       8.69       0.23                      F010200400025 
         0.       1.88       8.75       0.24                      F010200400026 
         0.       2.35       8.26       0.23                      F010200400027 
       0.72      0.846       4.05       0.15                      F010200400028 
       0.72      0.940       5.86       0.18                      F010200400029 
       0.72       1.04       4.64       0.16                      F010200400030 
       0.72       1.13       6.44       0.19                      F010200400031 
       0.72       1.32       9.65       0.23                      F010200400032 
       0.72        1.5      11.02       0.25                      F010200400033 
       0.72       1.69      11.10       0.26                      F010200400034 
       0.72       1.88      10.23       0.25                      F010200400035 
       0.72       2.35      10.23       0.24                      F010200400036 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 F010200400037 
ENDSUBENT           36          0                                 F010200499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 F010299999999