ENTRY            F0330   20120720                             F046F033000000001 
SUBENT        F0330001   20120720                             F046F033000100001 
BIB                 10         22                                 F033000100002 
TITLE      Cross section for the 7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction          F033000100003 
AUTHOR     (F.J.Vaughn,R.A.Chalmers,D.Kohler,L.F.Chase)           F033000100004 
INSTITUTE  (1USALMS)                                              F033000100005 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,2,(5),1657,197011)                             F033000100006 
MONITOR    ((MONIT)3-LI-7(D,P)3-LI-8,,SIG)  the 7Be(p,g)8B        F033000100007 
           cross section determined from the relative yields of   F033000100008 
           delayed alpha particles from the 7Li(d,p)8Li and       F033000100009 
           7Be(p,g)8B reactions, together with abs.cross section  F033000100010 
           for the former.                                        F033000100011 
           (4-BE-7(P,G)5-B-8,,SIG)                                F033000100012 
MONIT-REF  (,R.W.Kavanagh,J,NP,15,(3),411,196003)                 F033000100013 
           (,P.D.Parker,J,PR,150,(3),851,196610)                  F033000100014 
SAMPLE     The 7Be target was prepared by first passing a 7BeCl   F033000100015 
           solution containing about 22 mCi of 7Be through an ion F033000100016 
           -exchange column to remove the major impurities        F033000100017 
           Thickness was 0.4+ -0.05 mg/cm2.                       F033000100018 
FACILITY   (VDG)                                                  F033000100019 
DETECTOR   (SOLST) Si surface-barrier. It had an active area of   F033000100020 
           about 32 mm**2 and a thickness of 23 +- 6 mu-m         F033000100021 
HISTORY    (19851003C)                                            F033000100022 
           (19990409A) CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year                F033000100023 
           (20120720D) Entry was deleted. Duplication of C0501.   F033000100024 
ENDBIB              22          0                                 F033000100025 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F033000100026 
ENDSUBENT           25          0                                 F033000199999 
NOSUBENT      F0330002   20120720                             F046F033000200001 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 F033099999999