ENTRY            F0425   20220605                             F092F042500000001 
SUBENT        F0425001   20220605                             F092F042500100001 
BIB                  7         15                                 F042500100002 
TITLE      Termination of the proton-proton chain via the         F042500100003 
           7Be(p,gamma)8B reaction                                F042500100004 
AUTHOR     (P.D.Parker)                                           F042500100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USABNL,1USAYAL)                                      F042500100006 
REFERENCE  (J,AJ,145,960,1966)                                    F042500100007 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error (typically +-10%) include the         F042500100008 
           uncertainties in the proton energies of the            F042500100009 
           measurements and the relative uncertainties of the     F042500100010 
           individual cross-sections.                             F042500100011 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty in the absolute normalization      F042500100012 
METHOD     (SITA)                                                 F042500100013 
HISTORY    (19870327C)                                            F042500100014 
           (19990409A) CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year                F042500100015 
           (20220605A) SD: Corrections in all Subents.            F042500100016 
           EN-ERR -> EN-ERR-DIG.                                  F042500100017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 F042500100018 
COMMON               2          3                                 F042500100019 
ERR-1      EN-ERR-DIG                                             F042500100020 
PER-CENT   MEV                                                    F042500100021 
  7.0       0.010                                                 F042500100022 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F042500100023 
ENDSUBENT           22          0                                 F042500199999 
SUBENT        F0425002   20220605                             F092F042500200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 F042500200002 
REACTION   (4-BE-7(P,G)5-B-8,,SIG,,SFC)                           F042500200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 1 from Astrophys.J.,145(1966)960          F042500200004 
HISTORY    (20220605A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    F042500200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 F042500200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F042500200007 
DATA                 3          8                                 F042500200008 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    F042500200009 
MEV        MB*MEV     MB*MEV                                      F042500200010 
      0.461     0.0333     0.0069                                 F042500200011 
      0.598     0.0431     0.0049                                 F042500200012 
      0.707     0.1480     0.0157                                 F042500200013 
      0.815     0.0490     0.0049                                 F042500200014 
      0.943     0.0451     0.0029                                 F042500200015 
      1.179     0.0382     0.0039                                 F042500200016 
      1.455     0.0412     0.0039                                 F042500200017 
      1.927     0.0520     0.0049                                 F042500200018 
ENDDATA             10          0                                 F042500200019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 F042500299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 F042599999999