ENTRY            F0436   20220606                             F092F043600000001 
SUBENT        F0436001   20220606                             F092F043600100001 
BIB                  9         15                                 F043600100002 
TITLE      Angular distributions of ground - state protons        F043600100003 
           from 10B + d.                                          F043600100004 
AUTHOR     (W.C.Redman)                                           F043600100005 
INSTITUTE  (1USAYAL)                                              F043600100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,79,6,1950)                                       F043600100007 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,1USAYAL)                                        F043600100008 
SAMPLE     Solid targets of (B2)(O3) from 1/2 to 1 cm air         F043600100009 
           equivalent were prepared by evaporating boracic acid,  F043600100010 
            (H3BO3), from a tungsten filament onto 5 cm air       F043600100011 
           equivalent gold foil.                                  F043600100012 
METHOD     (EXTB)                                                 F043600100013 
DETECTOR   (PLATE) Three 1x3-in. Ilford 100 mu-type C-2 plates.   F043600100014 
HISTORY    (19930203C)                                            F043600100015 
           (19990409A) CNPD: corrected 4-dig. year                F043600100016 
           (20220606A) SD: Corrections in all Subents.            F043600100017 
ENDBIB              15          0                                 F043600100018 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F043600100019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 F043600199999 
SUBENT        F0436002   20220606                             F092F043600200001 
BIB                  4          4                                 F043600200002 
REACTION   (5-B-10(D,P)5-B-11,PAR,DA,,LEG/RS)                     F043600200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty  F043600200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Tbl.2 from Phys.Rev.,79(1950)6                 F043600200005 
HISTORY    (20220606A) SD: SF9=EXP deleted from REACTION code.    F043600200006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 F043600200007 
COMMON               2          3                                 F043600200008 
E-LVL      DATA-ERR                                               F043600200009 
MEV        PER-CENT                                               F043600200010 
 0.            7.                                                 F043600200011 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F043600200012 
DATA                 3         42                                 F043600200013 
NUMBER     EN         DATA-CM                                     F043600200014 
NO-DIM     MEV        NO-DIM                                      F043600200015 
         1.       1.06      0.111                                 F043600200016 
         1.       1.50      0.345                                 F043600200017 
         1.       1.71      0.325                                 F043600200018 
         1.       2.36      0.334                                 F043600200019 
         1.       3.06      0.341                                 F043600200020 
         1.       3.68      0.352                                 F043600200021 
         2.       1.06     -0.180                                 F043600200022 
         2.       1.50     -0.134                                 F043600200023 
         2.       1.71     -0.074                                 F043600200024 
         2.       2.36      0.057                                 F043600200025 
         2.       3.06      0.198                                 F043600200026 
         2.       3.68      0.414                                 F043600200027 
         3.       1.06      0.007                                 F043600200028 
         3.       1.50      0.003                                 F043600200029 
         3.       1.71     -0.017                                 F043600200030 
         3.       2.36      0.028                                 F043600200031 
         3.       3.06      0.041                                 F043600200032 
         3.       3.68      0.094                                 F043600200033 
         4.       1.06     -0.041                                 F043600200034 
         4.       1.50     -0.046                                 F043600200035 
         4.       1.71     -0.042                                 F043600200036 
         4.       2.36      0.033                                 F043600200037 
         4.       3.06     -0.053                                 F043600200038 
         4.       3.68     -0.101                                 F043600200039 
         5.       1.06     -0.010                                 F043600200040 
         5.       1.50     -0.039                                 F043600200041 
         5.       1.71     -0.029                                 F043600200042 
         5.       2.36     -0.075                                 F043600200043 
         5.       3.06     -0.089                                 F043600200044 
         5.       3.68     -0.043                                 F043600200045 
         6.       1.06     -0.082                                 F043600200046 
         6.       1.50     -0.091                                 F043600200047 
         6.       1.71     -0.096                                 F043600200048 
         6.       2.36     -0.150                                 F043600200049 
         6.       3.06     -0.147                                 F043600200050 
         6.       3.68     -0.193                                 F043600200051 
         7.       1.06     -0.023                                 F043600200052 
         7.       1.50     -0.056                                 F043600200053 
         7.       1.71     -0.054                                 F043600200054 
         7.       2.36     -0.052                                 F043600200055 
         7.       3.06     -0.061                                 F043600200056 
         7.       3.68     -0.111                                 F043600200057 
ENDDATA             44          0                                 F043600200058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 F043600299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 F043699999999