ENTRY F0481 20120727 F047F048100000001 SUBENT F0481001 20120727 F047F048100100001 BIB 10 26 F048100100002 TITLE Measurement of the angular distribution for the F048100100003 7Be(d,n)8B reaction and determination of the F048100100004 astrophysical S factor for the 7Be(p,g)8B reaction F048100100005 AUTHOR (W.Liu,X.Bai,S.Zhou,Z.Ma, Z.Li,Y.Wang,A.Li,Z.Ma, F048100100006 B.Chen, X.Tang,Y.Han,Q.Shen,M.Xu) F048100100007 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP) F048100100008 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,616,131,1997) F048100100009 FACILITY (VDGT,3CPRAEP) HI -13 tandem accelerator F048100100010 INC-SOURCE (P-LI7) The 7Be beam with an energy of 20.0 MeV was F048100100011 produced via the 1H(7Li,7Be)n reaction by bombarding F048100100012 a H2 gas cell at 1.2 atm pressure with a 34 MeV 7Li F048100100013 ions from HI-13 tandem accelerator. The beam F048100100014 typically comprises more than 90% 7Be(4+) ions with F048100100015 the major contaminants 7Be(3+)(<2%,12MeV) and F048100100016 7Li(3+) ions (<9%,13MeV) F048100100017 DETECTOR (TELES) 9 cm long ionization chamber filled with 75TorrF048100100018 P-10 gas backed by a 45x45mm2 Hamamatsu two-dimensionalF048100100019 position sensitive silicon detector (PSSD) of 450 mu-m F048100100020 in thickness. F048100100021 METHOD (EDE) F048100100022 SAMPLE A deuterated polyethylene (CD2)n) foil of 0.97 mg/cm2 F048100100023 in thickness was used as the secondary target and a F048100100024 polyethylene ((CH2)n) foil was used to determine the F048100100025 background. F048100100026 HISTORY (20010410C) F048100100027 (20120727D) Entry was deleted. Duplication of F0745. F048100100028 ENDBIB 26 0 F048100100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 F048100100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 F048100199999 NOSUBENT F0481002 20120727 F047F048100200001 NOSUBENT F0481003 20120727 F047F048100300001 NOSUBENT F0481004 20120727 F047F048100400001 ENDENTRY 4 0 F048199999999