ENTRY            F0839   20210523                             F085F083900000001 
SUBENT        F0839001   20210523                             F085F083900100001 
BIB                  8         16                                 F083900100002 
TITLE      Investigation of the mechanism of inelastic deuteron   F083900100003 
           scattering on 12C at Ed = 15.3 MeV by the method of    F083900100004 
           d-gamma angular correlations                           F083900100005 
AUTHOR     (L.I.Galanina,N.S.Zelenskaya,V.M.Lebedev,N.V.Orlova,   F083900100006 
           O.I.Serikov,A.V.Spassky,I.A.Konyukhova)                F083900100007 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSMOS)                                              F083900100008 
REFERENCE  (J,YF,70,297,2007)                                     F083900100009 
           (J,PAN,70,273,2007) - English transl.                  F083900100010 
FACILITY   (CYCLO,4RUSMOS)                                        F083900100011 
SAMPLE     Carbon film with the thickness of 1.9 mg/cm2 was used  F083900100012 
           as a target.                                           F083900100013 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were received from the authors            F083900100014 
           (APRVD) Entry was approved by authors.                 F083900100015 
HISTORY    (20070418C)                                            F083900100016 
           (20210523A) SD: Corrections in all Subents.            F083900100017 
           Subent 006 was split in three.                         F083900100018 
ENDBIB              16          0                                 F083900100019 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F083900100020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 F083900199999 
SUBENT        F0839002   20210523                             F085F083900200001 
BIB                  5         17                                 F083900200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               F083900200003 
COMMENT      Data presented on fig. 1(a)                          F083900200004 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SOLST,SOLST) Angular dependencies of            F083900200005 
           differential cross section were measured in an         F083900200006 
           independent experiment by a single telescope           F083900200007 
           constructed from semiconductor detectors and arranged  F083900200008 
           outside the scattering chamber. The angular            F083900200009 
           resolution of the detector was +- 1 degr.              F083900200010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The error in the absolute values of the        F083900200011 
           cross sections was about 10% and was determined        F083900200012 
           primarily by the errors in estimating target thickness F083900200013 
           and in calibrating the current integrator. The         F083900200014 
           uncertainty in target thickness was 5%.                F083900200015 
           (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesF083900200016 
HISTORY    (20210523U) SD: ERR-ANALYS, DETECTOR updated. STATUS   F083900200017 
           moved to Subent 001. DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-1; DATA-ERR2 ->  F083900200018 
           DATA-ERR.                                              F083900200019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 F083900200020 
COMMON               3          3                                 F083900200021 
EN         ERR-1      ANG-RSL                                     F083900200022 
MEV        PER-CENT   ADEG                                        F083900200023 
 15.3        10.        1.                                        F083900200024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F083900200025 
DATA                 3         30                                 F083900200026 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    F083900200027 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       F083900200028 
21.        512.700    2.500                                       F083900200029 
23.3       411.000    1.600                                       F083900200030 
29.        79.401     0.703                                       F083900200031 
34.8       9.067      0.240                                       F083900200032 
40.5       9.169      0.173                                       F083900200033 
46.1       16.900     0.230                                       F083900200034 
51.8       19.954     0.364                                       F083900200035 
57.3       14.538     0.311                                       F083900200036 
62.8       8.499      0.242                                       F083900200037 
68.3       5.497      0.198                                       F083900200038 
73.7       5.419      0.196                                       F083900200039 
79.        6.160      0.216                                       F083900200040 
84.3       5.956      0.214                                       F083900200041 
89.4       4.331      0.181                                       F083900200042 
94.6       2.710      0.063                                       F083900200043 
99.6       1.800      0.040                                       F083900200044 
104.6      1.178      0.103                                       F083900200045 
109.4      1.540      0.050                                       F083900200046 
114.3      2.360      0.070                                       F083900200047 
119.       3.420      0.080                                       F083900200048 
123.7      4.310      0.090                                       F083900200049 
128.3      4.900      0.067                                       F083900200050 
132.8      5.068      0.112                                       F083900200051 
137.3      5.048      0.115                                       F083900200052 
141.8      4.524      0.107                                       F083900200053 
146.1      3.323      0.096                                       F083900200054 
150.5      2.410      0.083                                       F083900200055 
154.8      1.784      0.073                                       F083900200056 
159.       1.719      0.074                                       F083900200057 
163.3      2.505      0.087                                       F083900200058 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 F083900200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 F083900299999 
SUBENT        F0839003   20210523                             F085F083900300001 
BIB                  5         17                                 F083900300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           F083900300003 
COMMENT      Data presented on fig.1(b)                           F083900300004 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SOLST,SOLST) Angular dependencies of            F083900300005 
           differential cross section were measured in an         F083900300006 
           independent experiment by a single telescope           F083900300007 
           constructed from semiconductor detectors and arranged  F083900300008 
           outside the scattering chamber. The angular            F083900300009 
           resolution of the detector was +- 1 degr.              F083900300010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The error in the absolute values of the        F083900300011 
           cross sections was about 10% and was determined        F083900300012 
           primarily by the errors in estimating target thickness F083900300013 
           and in calibrating the current integrator. The         F083900300014 
           uncertainty in target thickness was 5%.                F083900300015 
           (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesF083900300016 
HISTORY    (20210523U) SD: ERR-ANALYS, DETECTOR updated. STATUS   F083900300017 
           moved to Subent 001. DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-1; DATA-ERR2 ->  F083900300018 
           DATA-ERR.                                              F083900300019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 F083900300020 
COMMON               4          3                                 F083900300021 
EN         E-LVL      ERR-1      ANG-RSL                          F083900300022 
MEV        MEV        PER-CENT   ADEG                             F083900300023 
 15.3       4.44       10.        1.                              F083900300024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F083900300025 
DATA                 3         29                                 F083900300026 
ANG-CM     DATA-CM    DATA-ERR                                    F083900300027 
ADEG       MB/SR      MB/SR                                       F083900300028 
21.6       12.144     0.191                                       F083900300029 
30.        10.857     0.253                                       F083900300030 
35.9       7.638      0.215                                       F083900300031 
41.8       5.706      0.127                                       F083900300032 
47.6       4.826      0.124                                       F083900300033 
53.3       4.208      0.165                                       F083900300034 
59.        4.587      0.175                                       F083900300035 
64.7       4.585      0.173                                       F083900300036 
70.2       4.480      0.172                                       F083900300037 
75.7       4.577      0.177                                       F083900300038 
81.1       5.260      0.197                                       F083900300039 
86.4       5.055      0.197                                       F083900300040 
91.6       4.295      0.180                                       F083900300041 
96.8       3.933      0.187                                       F083900300042 
101.8      3.742      0.059                                       F083900300043 
106.8      3.315      0.082                                       F083900300044 
111.6      3.357      0.090                                       F083900300045 
116.4      3.566      0.207                                       F083900300046 
121.1      3.667      0.088                                       F083900300047 
125.7      4.211      0.091                                       F083900300048 
130.2      4.595      0.100                                       F083900300049 
134.7      5.155      0.118                                       F083900300050 
139.       5.692      0.122                                       F083900300051 
143.3      6.371      0.137                                       F083900300052 
147.6      7.325      0.152                                       F083900300053 
151.8      8.402      0.168                                       F083900300054 
155.9      9.683      0.172                                       F083900300055 
160.       10.122     0.120                                       F083900300056 
164.       10.389     0.185                                       F083900300057 
ENDDATA             31          0                                 F083900300058 
ENDSUBENT           57          0                                 F083900399999 
SUBENT        F0839004   20210523                             F085F083900400001 
BIB                  5         17                                 F083900400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               F083900400003 
COMMENT      Data presented on fig. 1(c).                         F083900400004 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SOLST,SOLST) Angular dependencies of            F083900400005 
           differential cross section were measured in an         F083900400006 
           independent experiment by a single telescope           F083900400007 
           constructed from semiconductor detectors and arranged  F083900400008 
           outside the scattering chamber. The angular            F083900400009 
           resolution of the detector was +- 1 degr.              F083900400010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The error in the absolute values of the        F083900400011 
           cross sections was about 10% and was determined        F083900400012 
           primarily by the errors in estimating target thickness F083900400013 
           and in calibrating the current integrator. The         F083900400014 
           uncertainty in target thickness was 5%.                F083900400015 
           (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesF083900400016 
HISTORY    (20210523U) SD: ERR-ANALYS, DETECTOR updated. STATUS   F083900400017 
           moved to Subent 001. DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-1; DATA-ERR2 ->  F083900400018 
           DATA-ERR.                                              F083900400019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 F083900400020 
COMMON               2          3                                 F083900400021 
ERR-1      ANG-RSL                                                F083900400022 
PER-CENT   ADEG                                                   F083900400023 
 10.        1.                                                    F083900400024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F083900400025 
DATA                 4         41                                 F083900400026 
ANG        EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                         F083900400027 
ADEG       MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                            F083900400028 
40.        15.30      16.902     0.328                            F083900400029 
40.        15.04      16.386     0.237                            F083900400030 
40.        14.78      16.874     0.342                            F083900400031 
40.        14.52      17.272     0.349                            F083900400032 
40.        14.26      15.871     0.335                            F083900400033 
40.        13.98      15.348     0.328                            F083900400034 
40.        13.70      14.651     0.446                            F083900400035 
40.        13.43      13.940     0.279                            F083900400036 
40.        13.14      14.024     0.314                            F083900400037 
40.        12.86      14.219     0.446                            F083900400038 
40.        12.56      14.693     0.321                            F083900400039 
40.        12.26      13.731     0.307                            F083900400040 
40.        11.97      13.647     0.223                            F083900400041 
40.        11.65      13.180     0.300                            F083900400042 
40.        11.34      13.487     0.293                            F083900400043 
40.        11.03      13.926     0.314                            F083900400044 
90.        15.30      1.803      0.092                            F083900400045 
90.        15.04      1.711      0.074                            F083900400046 
90.        14.78      1.776      0.055                            F083900400047 
90.        14.52      1.610      0.083                            F083900400048 
90.        14.26      1.527      0.120                            F083900400049 
90.        13.98      1.564      0.083                            F083900400050 
90.        13.70      1.546      0.074                            F083900400051 
90.        13.43      1.730      0.129                            F083900400052 
90.        13.14      1.794      0.129                            F083900400053 
90.        12.86      1.481      0.074                            F083900400054 
90.        12.56      1.720      0.129                            F083900400055 
90.        12.26      1.822      0.129                            F083900400056 
90.        11.97      1.950      0.138                            F083900400057 
90.        11.65      1.812      0.129                            F083900400058 
130.       15.30      5.049      0.209                            F083900400059 
130.       15.04      5.457      0.217                            F083900400060 
130.       14.78      5.675      0.200                            F083900400061 
130.       14.52      5.770      0.217                            F083900400062 
130.       14.26      5.049      0.174                            F083900400063 
130.       13.98      4.597      0.191                            F083900400064 
130.       13.70      4.832      0.191                            F083900400065 
130.       13.43      4.067      0.191                            F083900400066 
130.       13.14      3.841      0.174                            F083900400067 
130.       12.86      4.136      0.191                            F083900400068 
130.       12.56      3.676      0.182                            F083900400069 
ENDDATA             43          0                                 F083900400070 
ENDSUBENT           69          0                                 F083900499999 
SUBENT        F0839005   20210523                             F085F083900500001 
BIB                  5         17                                 F083900500002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           F083900500003 
COMMENT      Data presented on fig.1(c)                           F083900500004 
DETECTOR   (TELES,SOLST,SOLST) Angular dependencies of            F083900500005 
           differential cross section were measured in an         F083900500006 
           independent experiment by a single telescope           F083900500007 
           constructed from semiconductor detectors and arranged  F083900500008 
           outside the scattering chamber. The angular            F083900500009 
           resolution of the detector was +- 1 degr.              F083900500010 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The error in the absolute values of the        F083900500011 
           cross sections was about 10% and was determined        F083900500012 
           primarily by the errors in estimating target thickness F083900500013 
           and in calibrating the current integrator. The         F083900500014 
           uncertainty in target thickness was 5%.                F083900500015 
           (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertaintiesF083900500016 
HISTORY    (20210523U) SD: ERR-ANALYS, DETECTOR updated. STATUS   F083900500017 
           moved to Subent 001. DATA-ERR1 -> ERR-1; DATA-ERR2 ->  F083900500018 
           DATA-ERR.                                              F083900500019 
ENDBIB              17          0                                 F083900500020 
COMMON               3          3                                 F083900500021 
E-LVL      ERR-1      ANG-RSL                                     F083900500022 
MEV        PER-CENT   ADEG                                        F083900500023 
 4.44       10.        1.                                         F083900500024 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F083900500025 
DATA                 4         21                                 F083900500026 
ANG        EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                         F083900500027 
ADEG       MEV        MB/SR      MB/SR                            F083900500028 
40.        15.30      4.820      0.070                            F083900500029 
40.        15.04      5.616      0.129                            F083900500030 
40.        14.78      5.452      0.152                            F083900500031 
40.        14.52      5.359      0.164                            F083900500032 
40.        14.26      5.405      0.152                            F083900500033 
40.        13.98      5.195      0.140                            F083900500034 
40.        13.70      6.119      0.140                            F083900500035 
40.        13.42      6.377      0.269                            F083900500036 
40.        13.14      6.271      0.374                            F083900500037 
40.        12.86      6.435      0.211                            F083900500038 
40.        12.56      6.318      0.269                            F083900500039 
40.        12.26      6.529      0.281                            F083900500040 
40.        11.97      7.301      0.316                            F083900500041 
40.        11.65      7.336      0.257                            F083900500042 
90.        15.30      3.743      0.086                            F083900500043 
90.        15.04      4.427      0.114                            F083900500044 
90.        14.78      4.285      0.095                            F083900500045 
90.        14.52      4.551      0.114                            F083900500046 
90.        14.26      4.855      0.152                            F083900500047 
90.        13.98      4.949      0.152                            F083900500048 
90.        13.70      5.263      0.114                            F083900500049 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 F083900500050 
ENDSUBENT           49          0                                 F083900599999 
SUBENT        F0839006   20210523                             F085F083900600001 
BIB                  7         26                                 F083900600002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA/DA,G/D,REL)                F083900600003 
            No explanation of relative units is given.            F083900600004 
COMMENT       Data presented on fig. 2                            F083900600005 
ANG-SEC    ANG-AZ-RL is an azimuthal angle between reaction       F083900600006 
           planes = 180.degr.                                     F083900600007 
           (ANG1,D) polar angle between beam and deuteron.        F083900600008 
           (ANG2,G) polar angle between beam and gamma-quantum.   F083900600009 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR)Deuterons were detected by four surface barrier F083900600010 
           silicon detectors with the thickness of sensitive      F083900600011 
           region up to 400 mu-m. The angular resolution of the   F083900600012 
           detectors was +-2 degr.                                F083900600013 
           (SCIN)Photons were recorded by four BDEG-23            F083900600014 
           scintillation detectors of height and diameter 63 mm   F083900600015 
           that were based on NaI(TI) crystals and which were     F083900600016 
           arranged  at a fixed angular spacing of 32.5 degr. on aF083900600017 
           moving horizontal ring platform outside the scattering F083900600018 
           chamber. The angular resolution of gamma detectors     F083900600019 
           was +-13 degr.                                         F083900600020 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cross section errors were given by authors. F083900600021 
           As a rule, statistical errors did not exceed 10 to 15%.F083900600022 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were presented by authors (fig.2).        F083900600023 
HISTORY    (20210523A) SD: SF7=D/G -> G/D; SF8=NCP/REL -> REL in  F083900600024 
           REACTION code. ANG-AZ-RL=180.degr. excluded from the   F083900600025 
           COMMON section and values at ANG1 multiplied by -1.    F083900600026 
           STATUS moved to Subent 001. PART-DET, EN-SEC deleted.  F083900600027 
           ANG-SEC added. Part of data moved to Subents 007,008.  F083900600028 
ENDBIB              26          0                                 F083900600029 
COMMON               2          3                                 F083900600030 
EN         E-LVL                                                  F083900600031 
MEV        MEV                                                    F083900600032 
       15.3       4.44                                            F083900600033 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F083900600034 
DATA                 4         16                                 F083900600035 
ANG1       ANG2       DATA       DATA-ERR                         F083900600036 
ADEG       ADEG       ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        F083900600037 
       -48.        20.     53.412      4.219                      F083900600038 
       -48.        52.     25.854      2.941                      F083900600039 
       -48.        52.     18.029      2.796                      F083900600040 
       -48.        85.     41.864      3.346                      F083900600041 
       -48.        85.      36.65       3.21                      F083900600042 
       -48.       118.     42.323      3.514                      F083900600043 
       -48.       118.     45.457      3.196                      F083900600044 
       -48.       150.     18.335      2.827                      F083900600045 
      -150.        20.       67.9      8.013                      F083900600046 
      -150.        52.     162.08      8.091                      F083900600047 
      -150.        52.     138.82      7.663                      F083900600048 
      -150.        85.     80.827      6.351                      F083900600049 
      -150.        85.     85.331      6.842                      F083900600050 
      -150.       118.     67.969      6.193                      F083900600051 
      -150.       118.     58.535      5.932                      F083900600052 
      -150.       150.     112.06      7.374                      F083900600053 
ENDDATA             18          0                                 F083900600054 
ENDSUBENT           53          0                                 F083900699999 
SUBENT        F0839007   20210523                             F085F083900700001 
BIB                  7         21                                 F083900700002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA/DA,G/D,NCP/REL)            F083900700003 
            No explanation of relative units is given.            F083900700004 
COMMENT       Data presented on fig. 2.                           F083900700005 
ANG-SEC    ANG-AZ-RL is an azimuthal angle between reaction planesF083900700006 
           (ANG1,D) polar angle between beam and deuteron.        F083900700007 
           (ANG2,G) polar angle between beam and gamma-quantum.   F083900700008 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR)Deuterons were detected by four surface barrier F083900700009 
           silicon detectors with the thickness of sensitive      F083900700010 
           region up to 400 mu-m. The angular resolution of the   F083900700011 
           detectors was +-2 degr.                                F083900700012 
           (SCIN)Photons were recorded by four BDEG-23            F083900700013 
           scintillation detectors of height and diameter 63 mm   F083900700014 
           that were based on NaI(TI) crystals and which were     F083900700015 
           arranged  at a fixed angular spacing of 32.5 degr. on aF083900700016 
           moving horizontal ring platform outside the scattering F083900700017 
           chamber. The angular resolution of gamma detectors     F083900700018 
           was +-13 degr.                                         F083900700019 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cross section errors were given by authors. F083900700020 
           As a rule, statistical errors did not exceed 10 to 15%.F083900700021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were presented by authors (fig.2).        F083900700022 
HISTORY    (20210523T) SD: Part of data from the Subent 004.      F083900700023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 F083900700024 
COMMON               3          3                                 F083900700025 
EN         E-LVL      ANG-AZ-RL                                   F083900700026 
MEV        MEV        ADEG                                        F083900700027 
       15.3       4.44       225.                                 F083900700028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F083900700029 
DATA                 4         28                                 F083900700030 
ANG1       ANG2       DATA       DATA-ERR                         F083900700031 
ADEG       ADEG       ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        F083900700032 
        48.        20.     53.066      4.905                      F083900700033 
        48.        20.     48.922      6.617                      F083900700034 
        48.        36.     47.452      3.952                      F083900700035 
        48.        52.     28.807      7.922                      F083900700036 
        48.        52.     33.684      5.574                      F083900700037 
        48.        52.     30.323      3.947                      F083900700038 
        48.        68.     18.047        2.8                      F083900700039 
        48.        85.      26.31       3.88                      F083900700040 
        48.        85.     23.206      8.802                      F083900700041 
        48.        85.     30.877      5.253                      F083900700042 
        48.       101.     39.051      3.423                      F083900700043 
        48.       118.     44.593      4.303                      F083900700044 
        48.       118.      48.12      6.216                      F083900700045 
        48.       118.     49.612      9.842                      F083900700046 
        48.       133.     42.318      3.532                      F083900700047 
       150.        20.     50.796     10.049                      F083900700048 
       150.        20.     56.645      8.151                      F083900700049 
       150.        36.     93.423      6.946                      F083900700050 
       150.        52.     110.43     16.196                      F083900700051 
       150.        52.     113.29      8.773                      F083900700052 
       150.        52.     131.96     10.877                      F083900700053 
       150.        68.     103.59      6.632                      F083900700054 
       150.        85.     92.025     17.055                      F083900700055 
       150.        85.     73.434      9.552                      F083900700056 
       150.       101.     50.584      5.421                      F083900700057 
       150.       118.     60.734      8.337                      F083900700058 
       150.       118.     59.408      7.564                      F083900700059 
       150.       133.     85.436      6.269                      F083900700060 
ENDDATA             30          0                                 F083900700061 
ENDSUBENT           60          0                                 F083900799999 
SUBENT        F0839008   20210523                             F085F083900800001 
BIB                  7         21                                 F083900800002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(D,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA/DA,G/D,NCP/REL)            F083900800003 
            No explanation of relative units is given.            F083900800004 
COMMENT       Data presented on fig. 2                            F083900800005 
ANG-SEC    ANG-AZ-RL is an azimuthal angle between reaction planesF083900800006 
           (ANG1,D) polar angle between beam and deuteron.        F083900800007 
           (ANG2,G) polar angle between beam and gamma-quantum.   F083900800008 
DETECTOR   (SIBAR)Deuterons were detected by four surface barrier F083900800009 
           silicon detectors with the thickness of sensitive      F083900800010 
           region up to 400 mu-m. The angular resolution of the   F083900800011 
           detectors was +-2 degr.                                F083900800012 
           (SCIN)Photons were recorded by four BDEG-23            F083900800013 
           scintillation detectors of height and diameter 63 mm   F083900800014 
           that were based on NaI(TI) crystals and which were     F083900800015 
           arranged  at a fixed angular spacing of 32.5 degr. on aF083900800016 
           moving horizontal ring platform outside the scattering F083900800017 
           chamber. The angular resolution of gamma detectors     F083900800018 
           was +-13 degr.                                         F083900800019 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Cross section errors were given by authors. F083900800020 
           As a rule, statistical errors did not exceed 10 to 15%.F083900800021 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data were presented by authors (fig.2).        F083900800022 
HISTORY    (20210523T) SD: Part of data from the Subent 004.      F083900800023 
ENDBIB              21          0                                 F083900800024 
COMMON               3          3                                 F083900800025 
EN         E-LVL      ANG-AZ-RL                                   F083900800026 
MEV        MEV        ADEG                                        F083900800027 
       15.3       4.44       270.                                 F083900800028 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F083900800029 
DATA                 4         23                                 F083900800030 
ANG1       ANG2       DATA       DATA-ERR                         F083900800031 
ADEG       ADEG       ARB-UNITS  ARB-UNITS                        F083900800032 
        48.        20.     45.675      5.993                      F083900800033 
        48.        41.     53.376      3.727                      F083900800034 
        48.        41.     53.148      4.916                      F083900800035 
        48.        52.     33.365      5.183                      F083900800036 
        48.        74.     21.003         3.                      F083900800037 
        48.        74.     17.965      3.718                      F083900800038 
        48.        85.     17.169      4.341                      F083900800039 
        48.       106.     30.004       3.19                      F083900800040 
        48.       106.      25.95      3.868                      F083900800041 
        48.       118.      32.07      4.697                      F083900800042 
        48.       138.      52.27      3.727                      F083900800043 
        48.       138.     49.155      4.466                      F083900800044 
       150.        20.     56.581      9.652                      F083900800045 
       150.        41.     77.561      5.975                      F083900800046 
       150.        41.     77.075      7.818                      F083900800047 
       150.        52.     82.256      8.891                      F083900800048 
       150.        74.     56.704      5.084                      F083900800049 
       150.        85.     33.283      7.988                      F083900800050 
       150.       106.     45.511      6.386                      F083900800051 
       150.       106.     41.062      4.975                      F083900800052 
       150.       118.     51.351      8.226                      F083900800053 
       150.       138.     80.745      7.671                      F083900800054 
       150.       138.     69.523      5.714                      F083900800055 
ENDDATA             25          0                                 F083900800056 
ENDSUBENT           55          0                                 F083900899999 
ENDENTRY             8          0                                 F083999999999