ENTRY            F0904   20081015                             Y007F090400000001 
SUBENT        F0904001   20081015                             Y007F090400100001 
BIB                 11         25                                 F090400100002 
TITLE      Polarization in p-12C elastic scattering.              F090400100003 
AUTHOR     (L.Drigo,C.Manduchi,G.C.Nardelli,M.T.Russo-Manduchi,   F090400100004 
           G.Zannoni)                                             F090400100005 
INSTITUTE  (2ITYPAD)                                              F090400100006 
REFERENCE  (J,PR,136,B1662,1964)                                  F090400100007 
FACILITY   (VDG)                                                  F090400100008 
INC-SOURCE (POLIS)                                                F090400100009 
DETECTOR   (SI) The energy resolution of the silicon junction     F090400100010 
           detectors was tested to be better than 60 keV.         F090400100011 
SAMPLE     The polarized proton beam was obtained by irradiating  F090400100012 
           a self-supporting carbon target with a thickness of    F090400100013 
           about 2.0 mg/cm2, and extracting the protons which are F090400100014 
           deflected through a nominal laboratory angle of 48 degrF090400100015 
           The second scatterer was acetylene (2C2H). It was      F090400100016 
           contained in the polarimeter by a Mylar window at 1 atmF090400100017 
           pressure.                                              F090400100018 
COMMENT    The energy specified is the mean proton energy at whichF090400100019 
           the first scattering occurred.                         F090400100020 
ERR-ANALYS The uncertainty of the proton energy at the center of  F090400100021 
           the first target did not exceed 10 keV at 4.58 MeV,    F090400100022 
           where the uncertainty became most pronounced.          F090400100023 
           (ANG-ERR-D)  Angle digitizing error                    F090400100024 
           (ERR-DIG)    Data digitizing error                     F090400100025 
HISTORY    (20080421C)                                            F090400100026 
           (20081015A) NDS: ref.was corrected. p.1662=>B1662      F090400100027 
ENDBIB              25          0                                 F090400100028 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F090400100029 
ENDSUBENT           28          0                                 F090400199999 
SUBENT        F0904002   20080421                             F031F090400200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 F090400200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               F090400200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.4                                          F090400200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 F090400200005 
COMMON               2          3                                 F090400200006 
ANG-ERR-D  ERR-DIG                                                F090400200007 
ADEG       B/SR                                                   F090400200008 
 0.048      0.0002                                                F090400200009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F090400200010 
DATA                 3         45                                 F090400200011 
EN         ANG-CM     DATA-CM                                     F090400200012 
MEV        ADEG       B/SR                                        F090400200013 
      4.491     53.776 9.9584E-02                                 F090400200014 
      4.491     64.068 7.0243E-02                                 F090400200015 
      4.491     74.358 6.3349E-02                                 F090400200016 
      4.491     84.648 6.8109E-02                                 F090400200017 
      4.491     94.657 7.6754E-02                                 F090400200018 
      4.491     104.76 8.3240E-02                                 F090400200019 
      4.491     114.58 8.6705E-02                                 F090400200020 
      4.491     124.12 8.7147E-02                                 F090400200021 
      4.491     133.85 8.2410E-02                                 F090400200022 
      4.615     53.842 9.5302E-02                                 F090400200023 
      4.615      64.11 6.7885E-02                                 F090400200024 
      4.615     74.842 6.1897E-02                                 F090400200025 
      4.615     84.642 6.6623E-02                                 F090400200026 
      4.615     94.627 7.3920E-02                                 F090400200027 
      4.615     104.71 8.1646E-02                                 F090400200028 
      4.615     114.51 8.5086E-02                                 F090400200029 
      4.615     124.12 8.4668E-02                                 F090400200030 
      4.615     133.73 8.2108E-02                                 F090400200031 
         5.     54.021 8.8095E-02                                 F090400200032 
         5.       64.2 6.0680E-02                                 F090400200033 
         5.     74.561 5.2279E-02                                 F090400200034 
         5.     84.733 5.4440E-02                                 F090400200035 
         5.     94.717 6.1249E-02                                 F090400200036 
         5.     104.79 7.0170E-02                                 F090400200037 
         5.     114.69 7.6978E-02                                 F090400200038 
         5.      124.2 8.0404E-02                                 F090400200039 
         5.       134. 8.0451E-02                                 F090400200040 
      5.122     53.743 8.7888E-02                                 F090400200041 
      5.122     64.002 6.0911E-02                                 F090400200042 
      5.122      74.54 5.0220E-02                                 F090400200043 
      5.122     84.703 4.9814E-02                                 F090400200044 
      5.122     94.492 5.6264E-02                                 F090400200045 
      5.122     104.56 6.5715E-02                                 F090400200046 
      5.122     114.54 7.4737E-02                                 F090400200047 
      5.122     124.14 7.9901E-02                                 F090400200048 
      5.122     133.93 8.2065E-02                                 F090400200049 
      5.222     53.883 8.6264E-02                                 F090400200050 
      5.222      63.95 5.9270E-02                                 F090400200051 
      5.222     74.386 4.6222E-02                                 F090400200052 
      5.222      84.54 4.4158E-02                                 F090400200053 
      5.222     94.693 4.9699E-02                                 F090400200054 
      5.222     104.75 5.9466E-02                                 F090400200055 
      5.222     114.62 7.0499E-02                                 F090400200056 
      5.222     124.12 7.9840E-02                                 F090400200057 
      5.222     133.72 8.4534E-02                                 F090400200058 
ENDDATA             47          0                                 F090400200059 
ENDSUBENT           58          0                                 F090400299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 F090499999999