ENTRY            F1018   20140405                             F054F101800000001 
SUBENT        F1018001   20140405                             F054F101800100001 
BIB                 11         44                                 F101800100002 
TITLE      The 12C(p,p')12C*(12.71 and 15.11 MeV) reaction from   F101800100003 
           threshold to 50 MeV.                                   F101800100004 
AUTHOR     (D.F.Measday,P.S.Fisher,A.Kalmykov,F.A.Nikolaev,       F101800100005 
           A.B.Clegg)                                             F101800100006 
INSTITUTE  (2UK OXF)                                              F101800100007 
REFERENCE  (J,NP,45,98,1963)                                      F101800100008 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2UK OXF)                                        F101800100009 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Gamma-radiation from the target was detected atF101800100010 
           90 degr. to the proton beam in a sodium iodide crystal,F101800100011 
           15cm long and 12.5 cm diameter, viewed initially by an F101800100012 
           EMI photomultiplier type 6099 and later by an RCA      F101800100013 
           photomultiplier type 7046 with a faster rise-time, the F101800100014 
           front face of the crystal being 15 cm from the target  F101800100015 
           centre. The counter was housed in a lead cylinder of   F101800100016 
           wall thickness 10 cm. As the beam in the experimental  F101800100017 
           area was contained inside the vacuum pipe by quadrupoleF101800100018 
           magnets, the Faraday cup and the carbon collimator wereF101800100019 
           the only important sources of background. Further lead F101800100020 
           shielding was therefore placed between the counter and F101800100021 
           these two sources. With these shielding arrangements   F101800100022 
           the target-out background was less than 10% of the     F101800100023 
           target-in counting rate.                               F101800100024 
SAMPLE     The target was of polythene 5 cm2 mounted on a brass   F101800100025 
           frame which could be retracted from the beam without   F101800100026 
           breaking the vacuum. Targets of two different          F101800100027 
           thicknesses were used. Target A was used at proton     F101800100028 
           energies below 30 MeV and target B above that energy.  F101800100029 
                      Thickness  Thickness (keV) at proton energy F101800100030 
                      (mg/cm2)   15 MeV     30 MeV     50 MeV     F101800100031 
           Target A      6.55      193.       110.       73.      F101800100032 
           Target B     10.45      308.       176.       116.     F101800100033 
PART-DET   (G)                                                    F101800100034 
METHOD     (TOF)                                                  F101800100035 
           (BCINT)                                                F101800100036 
           (GSPEC)                                                F101800100037 
ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR)     Energy error from the graphic bars        F101800100038 
           (ERR-DIG)    Data digitizing error                     F101800100039 
           (EN-ERR-DIG) Energy digitizing error                   F101800100040 
           (ERR-S)      Error bars, representing the uncertainty  F101800100041 
           in the relative values of the cross sections are due   F101800100042 
           primarily to uncertainties in the background           F101800100043 
           subtraction.                                           F101800100044 
HISTORY    (20090904C)                                            F101800100045 
           (20140405U) SD: Title corrected.                       F101800100046 
ENDBIB              44          0                                 F101800100047 
COMMON               1          3                                 F101800100048 
ANG                                                               F101800100049 
ADEG                                                              F101800100050 
  90.                                                             F101800100051 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F101800100052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 F101800199999 
SUBENT        F1018002   20091111                             F037F101800200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 F101800200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           F101800200003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.5                                          F101800200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 F101800200005 
COMMON               3          3                                 F101800200006 
E-LVL      EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                     F101800200007 
MEV        MEV        MU-B/SR                                     F101800200008 
  12.71     0.0511     0.0289                                     F101800200009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F101800200010 
DATA                 4          6                                 F101800200011 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-S                            F101800200012 
MEV        MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                          F101800200013 
     14.882    0.33019     7.0609      7.487                      F101800200014 
     15.466    0.35863     12.741     3.5985                      F101800200015 
      16.18    0.35891     18.869     4.0314                      F101800200016 
     16.858    0.34919     19.809     3.8144                      F101800200017 
     17.286    0.34933     23.024     3.2408                      F101800200018 
     18.655    0.34892     27.498     6.6223                      F101800200019 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 F101800200020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 F101800299999 
SUBENT        F1018003   20091111                             F037F101800300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 F101800300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(P,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA)                           F101800300003 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig.6                                          F101800300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 F101800300005 
COMMON               3          3                                 F101800300006 
E-LVL      EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG                                     F101800300007 
MEV        MEV        MU-B/SR                                     F101800300008 
  15.1      0.026      0.398                                      F101800300009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 F101800300010 
DATA                 3         66                                 F101800300011 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       F101800300012 
MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                                     F101800300013 
     16.784     8.2061                                            F101800300014 
      16.79     28.526                                            F101800300015 
     17.165     38.676                                            F101800300016 
     17.203     85.659                                            F101800300017 
     17.659     72.953                                            F101800300018 
     18.115     60.247                                            F101800300019 
     18.116     99.612                                            F101800300020 
     18.306     123.74                                            F101800300021 
     18.839     187.22                                            F101800300022 
     19.188      621.5                                            F101800300023 
     19.455     681.18                                            F101800300024 
     19.796     645.62                                            F101800300025 
     20.139     674.82                                            F101800300026 
     20.215     688.78                                            F101800300027 
     20.747     683.69                                            F101800300028 
     20.784     630.36     27.937                                 F101800300029 
     21.277     574.48                                            F101800300030 
     21.694     489.39                                            F101800300031 
     21.702     477.95                                            F101800300032 
     21.793     444.95                                            F101800300033 
     22.263     451.29                                            F101800300034 
     23.029     411.91                                            F101800300035 
     23.061     399.21                                            F101800300036 
     23.122     380.16                                            F101800300037 
     23.478      319.2                                            F101800300038 
     23.497     305.23                                            F101800300039 
     23.771      255.7                                            F101800300040 
     23.894     229.04                                            F101800300041 
     24.198     223.95                                            F101800300042 
     24.388     213.79                                            F101800300043 
      24.73     223.94                                            F101800300044 
     24.768     230.29                                            F101800300045 
     24.959     245.53                                            F101800300046 
     25.377     245.52                                            F101800300047 
     25.567     255.67                                            F101800300048 
     26.175     235.35     13.968                                 F101800300049 
     26.441     242.96                                            F101800300050 
     26.707     244.23                                            F101800300051 
     26.745     228.99                                            F101800300052 
     26.858     218.83                                            F101800300053 
     27.201     220.09                                            F101800300054 
     27.581     222.62                                            F101800300055 
     27.961     211.19                                            F101800300056 
     28.607     208.64                                            F101800300057 
     28.873     207.36                                            F101800300058 
     29.101     201.01                                            F101800300059 
     29.405     209.89                                            F101800300060 
     29.785     202.27     12.698                                 F101800300061 
      30.05     187.03     12.698                                 F101800300062 
     30.469      192.1     27.937                                 F101800300063 
     31.913     181.92     25.397                                 F101800300064 
     33.014      156.5                                            F101800300065 
     33.889      164.1                                            F101800300066 
     33.926     145.06                                            F101800300067 
     34.914     150.12                                            F101800300068 
     36.283     142.48                                            F101800300069 
     36.966     128.49     19.048                                 F101800300070 
     37.916     127.21                                            F101800300071 
     37.955     138.64                                            F101800300072 
     38.981     129.73                                            F101800300073 
     40.273     120.82     21.587                                 F101800300074 
     42.515      115.7                                            F101800300075 
     44.453     100.43                                            F101800300076 
     44.453     110.59                                            F101800300077 
     46.505     102.93                                            F101800300078 
     48.481      102.9     13.968                                 F101800300079 
ENDDATA             68          0                                 F101800300080 
ENDSUBENT           79          0                                 F101800399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 F101899999999