ENTRY F1165 20240208 F096F116500000001 SUBENT F1165001 20240208 F096F116500100001 BIB 6 14 F116500100002 TITLE Measurements of the proton total reaction cross F116500100003 section for Mg-24, Zn-64,66,68 and Ce-140 between 17.5 F116500100004 and 48 MeV F116500100005 AUTHOR (N.E.Davison,D.K.Hasell,A.M.Sourkes,W.T.H.Van Oers, F116500100006 R.F.Carlson,A.J.Cox,D.J.Margaziotis) F116500100007 INSTITUTE (1CANMNA,1USARDL,1USACST) F116500100008 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,290,45,1977) F116500100009 #doi:10.1016/0375-9474(77)90663-7 F116500100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,1CANMNA) The sector-focused cyclotron was used. F116500100011 HISTORY (20120912C) F116500100012 (20130716A)In sub 002-006 SF3,SF4 fields were changed. F116500100013 In sub 003 data were corrected according to the table F116500100014 from the article. DETECTOR was corrected. F116500100015 (20240208D) SD: Entry deleted (duplication of C1868). F116500100016 ENDBIB 14 0 F116500100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 F116500100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 F116500199999 NOSUBENT F1165002 20240208 F096F116500200001 NOSUBENT F1165003 20240208 F096F116500300001 NOSUBENT F1165004 20240208 F096F116500400001 NOSUBENT F1165005 20240208 F096F116500500001 NOSUBENT F1165006 20240208 F096F116500600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 F116599999999