ENTRY F1237 20240214 F098F123700000001 SUBENT F1237001 20240214 F098F123700100001 BIB 10 21 F123700100002 TITLE Fractional yields of delayed neutron precursors from F123700100003 fission of U-238 by relativistic protons. F123700100004 AUTHOR (A.S.Egorov,V.M.Piksaikin,V.A.Roshchenko, F123700100005 V.F.Mitrofanov,G.A.Myakishev,B.F.Samylin, F123700100006 A.A.Goverdovski,L.A.Vaishnene,F.A.Morozov, F123700100007 A.S.Vorobyev,O.A.Shcherbakov) F123700100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSOIE,4RUSLIN) F123700100009 REFERENCE (P,ISINN-19,19,2012) F123700100010 (J,PNE,97,106,2017) - the same data are given in Tbl.1 F123700100011 FACILITY (SYNCY,4RUSLIN) F123700100012 SAMPLE Metallic uranium installed in stainless steel hermetic F123700100013 container was used. F123700100014 DETECTOR (PROPC) Boron counter (radiator with B-10 enriched to F123700100015 95%) filled by gas He-4 (97%) and Ar (3%). F123700100016 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation time was 15 sec and 180 sec. F123700100017 ANALYSIS (DECAY) Decay curves of delayed neutrons were analyzed.F123700100018 Average half-life of delayed neutron precursors was F123700100019 (7.13+ -0.12)sec. F123700100020 HISTORY (20141105C) F123700100021 (20240214U) SD: Ref. PNE,97,106 added. Corrections F123700100022 in all Subents. F123700100023 ENDBIB 21 0 F123700100024 COMMON 1 3 F123700100025 EN F123700100026 GEV F123700100027 1. F123700100028 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F123700100029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 F123700199999 SUBENT F1237002 20240214 F098F123700200001 BIB 5 6 F123700200002 REACTION ((92-U-238(P,F),DL/GRP,NU)/ F123700200003 (92-U-238(P,F),DL,NU)) F123700200004 RESULT (DFRCT) F123700200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information about source of uncertainty F123700200006 STATUS (TABLE,,A.S.Egorov+,P,ISINN-19,19,2012) Table 1 F123700200007 HISTORY (20240214U) SD: STATUS updated. F123700200008 ENDBIB 6 0 F123700200009 NOCOMMON 0 0 F123700200010 DATA 3 8 F123700200011 HL DATA DATA-ERR F123700200012 SEC NO-DIM NO-DIM F123700200013 55.6 0.025 0.001 F123700200014 24.5 0.090 0.003 F123700200015 16.3 0.068 0.003 F123700200016 5.21 0.289 0.005 F123700200017 2.37 0.313 0.010 F123700200018 1.04 0.157 0.006 F123700200019 0.424 0.033 0.005 F123700200020 0.195 0.025 0.002 F123700200021 ENDDATA 10 0 F123700200022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 F123700299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 F123799999999