ENTRY F1336 20220825 F094F133600000001 SUBENT F1336001 20220825 F094F133600100001 BIB 15 50 F133600100002 TITLE Neutron-deficient superheavy nuclei obtained in the F133600100003 240Pu+ 48Ca reaction. F133600100004 AUTHOR (V.K.Utyonkov,N.T.Brewer,Yu.Ts.Oganessian, F133600100005 K.P.Rykaczewski,F.Sh.Abdullin,S.N.Dmitriev, F133600100006 R.K.Grzywacz,M.G.Itkis,K.Miernik,A.N.Polyakov, F133600100007 J.B.Roberto,R.N.Sagaidak,I.V.Shirokovsky, F133600100008 M.V.Shumeiko,Yu.S.Tsyganov,A.A.Voinov,V.G.Subbotin, F133600100009 A.M.Sukhov,A.V.Karpov,A.G.Popeko,A.V.Sabel'nikov, F133600100010 A.I.Svirikhin,G.K.Vostokin,J.H.Hamilton, F133600100011 N.D.Kovrizhnykh,L.Schlattauer,M.A.Stoyer,Z.Gan, F133600100012 W.X.Huang,L.Ma) F133600100013 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB,1USAORL,1USATEN,3POLWWA,1USAVBT,1USALRL, F133600100014 3CPRIMP) F133600100015 (3CZRCZR) Faculty of Science, Palacky University, F133600100016 Olomouc, Czech Republic F133600100017 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,97,014320,2018) F133600100018 #doi:10.11103/PhysRevC.97.014320 F133600100019 REL-REF (I,F1273001,V.K.Utyonkov+,J,PR/C,92,034609,2015) F133600100020 Detailed experiment description is given. F133600100021 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) U-400 F133600100022 INC-SOURCE Maximum beam intensity of Ca-48 ions was 1.1 F133600100023 particle mu-A. F133600100024 METHOD (TOF,ASPEC) F133600100025 DETECTOR (MAGSP,MWPC) Two multiwire proportional counters and F133600100026 (SISD) double-sided silicon strip detector (48-mm- F133600100027 high by 128-mm-wide 0.3-mm-thick) were used for F133600100028 recoil registration. F133600100029 (SI) Six single Si detectors (each 0.5-mm-thick with anF133600100030 active area of 65 mm by 120 mm) registered alpha- F133600100031 particles and fission fragments escaping from DSSD. F133600100032 SAMPLE Material from ORNL: Pu-240 enrichment 98.97%, F133600100033 impurities of other Pu isotopes: 0.77% Pu-239, 0.09% F133600100034 Pu-241, 0.17% Pu-242. Material from JINR: Pu-240 F133600100035 enrichment 88.9%, impurities of other Pu isotopes: F133600100036 7.7% Pu-239, 1.4% Pu-241, 2.0% Pu-242. The average F133600100037 thickness of the target for Pu-240 was 0.39 + -0.04 F133600100038 mg/cm2 for the mixed ORNL/JINR target material F133600100039 combined in the ratio 1/5. The material was F133600100040 electrodeposited as PuO2 oxide onto 0.72 mg/cm Ti F133600100041 foils. F133600100042 ADD-RES (DECAY) F133600100043 DECAY-DATA (114-FL-285,0.10SEC,A,10410.) F133600100044 Half-life error: (+0.06/-0.03) s. F133600100045 ERR-ANALYS (EN-ERR) Beam energy systematic uncertainty F133600100046 (DATA-ERR) Error includes statistical and systematic F133600100047 uncertainties F133600100048 STATUS (APRVD) Entry approved by Dr. V.K.Utyonkov. F133600100049 HISTORY (20180209C) F133600100050 (20220825A) DECAY-DATA record in Sub 001 and REACTION F133600100051 record in Sub 002 were changed. F133600100052 ENDBIB 50 0 F133600100053 NOCOMMON 0 0 F133600100054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 F133600199999 SUBENT F1336002 20220825 F094F133600200001 BIB 3 4 F133600200002 REACTION (94-PU-240(20-CA-48,3N)114-FL-285,,SIG) F133600200003 STATUS (TABLE) Data from text p. 014320-1 F133600200004 HISTORY (20220825A) SF4 in REACTION record was changed, F133600200005 114-FL-285-M->114-FL-285. F133600200006 ENDBIB 4 0 F133600200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 F133600200008 DATA 6 1 F133600200009 EN EN-ERR DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR ERR-EDD F133600200010 MEV MEV PB PB PB MEV F133600200011 250. 1. 0.58 0.60 0.33 0.05F133600200012 ENDDATA 3 0 F133600200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 F133600299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 F133699999999