ENTRY F1391 20240216 F097F139100000001 SUBENT F1391001 20240216 F097F139100100001 BIB 12 24 F139100100002 TITLE Secondary capture of lithium nuclei by lead F139100100003 AUTHOR (Wang Yung-Yu,V.V.Kuznetsov,M.Ya.Kuznetsova, F139100100004 V.N.Mekhedov,V.A.Khalkin) F139100100005 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) F139100100006 REFERENCE (J,JET,12,370,1961) English translation F139100100007 (J,ZET,39,527,1960) F139100100008 REL-REF (M,F1390001,Wang Yung-Yu+,J,ZET,39,230,1960) Technique F139100100009 of experiment is described F139100100010 (M,F1390001,Wang Yung-Yu+,J,JET,12,166,1961) English F139100100011 translation F139100100012 FACILITY (SYNCY,4ZZZDUB) F139100100013 METHOD (ACTIV) Targets were bombarded by proton beam during F139100100014 2-10 hours. F139100100015 (CHSEP,ASPEC) F139100100016 ANALYSIS (DECAY) F139100100017 MONITOR (13-AL-27(P,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) F139100100018 DECAY-DATA (85-AT-211,7.5HR) F139100100019 SAMPLE Lead foils of different thicknesses (each measuring F139100100020 3 x 40 mm) were placed in a row in a single plane F139100100021 perpendicular to the proton beam. F139100100022 HISTORY (20190816C) F139100100023 (20240216A) SD: Correction according to MEMO CP-D/1072:F139100100024 Subents 001-004, 006 deleted (210At and 211At F139100100025 production impossible). F139100100026 ENDBIB 24 0 F139100100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 F139100100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 F139100199999 NOSUBENT F1391002 20240216 F097F139100200001 NOSUBENT F1391003 20240216 F097F139100300001 NOSUBENT F1391004 20240216 F097F139100400001 SUBENT F1391005 20240216 F097F139100500001 BIB 4 5 F139100500002 REACTION (82-PB-208(A,X)85-AT-211,,SIG) F139100500003 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error from the graphic bars. No source of F139100500004 uncertainty is given. F139100500005 STATUS (CURVE,,Wang Yung-Yu+,J,JET,12,370,1961) Fig. 1 F139100500006 HISTORY (20240216U) SD: STATUS updated. F139100500007 ENDBIB 5 0 F139100500008 COMMON 2 3 F139100500009 EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG F139100500010 MEV MICRO-B F139100500011 1.45 0.00094 F139100500012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F139100500013 DATA 3 4 F139100500014 EN DATA DATA-ERR F139100500015 MEV MICRO-B MICRO-B F139100500016 216.66 0.32051 F139100500017 408.11 0.29914 0.02992 F139100500018 595.04 0.37816 0.05888 F139100500019 821.37 0.37028 0.05212 F139100500020 ENDDATA 6 0 F139100500021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 F139100599999 NOSUBENT F1391006 20240216 F097F139100600001 ENDENTRY 6 0 F139199999999