ENTRY F1422 20240217 F097F142200000001 SUBENT F1422001 20240217 F097F142200100001 BIB 8 14 F142200100002 TITLE Cross structure of the neutron energy spectrum and F142200100003 polarization in (d,n) reactions on intermediate mass F142200100004 nuclei F142200100005 AUTHOR (I.I.Levintov,V.V.Okorokov,V.A.Smotryaev, F142200100006 D.L.Tolchenkov,I.S.Trostin) F142200100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSITE) F142200100008 REFERENCE (J,JET,17,965,1963) English translation F142200100009 (J,ZET,44,1437,1963) F142200100010 FACILITY (CYCLO,4RUSITE) F142200100011 INC-SOURCE The average beam current was 1 mu-A. F142200100012 DETECTOR (HE3SP) A group of triggered helium proportional F142200100013 counters was used. F142200100014 HISTORY (20200625C) F142200100015 (20240217A) SD: Correction in all Subents. F142200100016 ENDBIB 14 0 F142200100017 NOCOMMON 0 0 F142200100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 F142200199999 SUBENT F1422002 20240217 F097F142200200001 BIB 8 12 F142200200002 REACTION (26-FE-0(D,N),,POL/DA) F142200200003 ANALYSIS The n-alpha-scattering phase shifts were taken from F142200200004 J.D. Seagrave. F142200200005 REL-REF (R,,J.D.Seagrave,J,PR,92,1222,1953) F142200200006 SAMPLE Foils of natural ferrum of thickness equivalent to F142200200007 the range of deuterons of about 0.3 MeV were mounted F142200200008 on tungsten bases. F142200200009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No source of uncertainties is given F142200200010 COMMENT *By compiler* Original author's data are given in F142200200011 percent. F142200200012 STATUS (TABLE,,I.I.Levintov+,J,JET,17,965,1963) Text, p.1439 F142200200013 HISTORY (20240217U) SD: STATUS updated. F142200200014 ENDBIB 12 0 F142200200015 COMMON 1 3 F142200200016 EN F142200200017 MEV F142200200018 14. F142200200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F142200200020 DATA 3 2 F142200200021 ANG DATA DATA-ERR F142200200022 ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM F142200200023 30. 0.071 0.019 F142200200024 50. 0.047 0.033 F142200200025 ENDDATA 4 0 F142200200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 F142200299999 SUBENT F1422003 20240217 F097F142200300001 BIB 8 15 F142200300002 REACTION (27-CO-59(D,N)28-NI-60,,POL/DA/DE) F142200300003 ANALYSIS The n-alpha-scattering phase shifts were taken from F142200300004 J.D. Seagrave. F142200300005 REL-REF (R,,J.D.Seagrave,J,PR,92,1222,1953) F142200300006 SAMPLE Foils of natural cobalt of thickness equivalent to F142200300007 the range of deuterons of about 0.3 MeV were mounted F142200300008 on tungsten bases. F142200300009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No source of uncertainties for the error F142200300010 bars is given F142200300011 COMMENT *By compiler* Original author's data are given in F142200300012 percent. F142200300013 STATUS (CURVE,,I.I.Levintov+,J,JET,17,965,1963) Fig.3 F142200300014 HISTORY (20240217A) SD: SF6=POL/DA -> POL/DA/DE in REACTION F142200300015 code. Cols EN -> E; EN-ERR -> E-ERR in DATA section. F142200300016 STATUS updated. F142200300017 ENDBIB 15 0 F142200300018 COMMON 5 3 F142200300019 EN EN-ERR ANG EN-ERR-DIG ERR-DIG F142200300020 MEV MEV ADEG MEV NO-DIM F142200300021 12.1 0.4 40. 0.020 0.028 F142200300022 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F142200300023 DATA 4 16 F142200300024 E E-ERR DATA DATA-ERR F142200300025 MEV MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM F142200300026 18.756 0.860 0.028 0.006 F142200300027 18.131 0.802 0.020 0.072 F142200300028 17.217 0.802 0.012 0.110 F142200300029 16.355 0.917 0.014 0.082 F142200300030 15.377 0.802 0.010 0.038 F142200300031 14.578 0.860 0.014 0.086 F142200300032 13.489 0.802 0.018 0.078 F142200300033 11.996 0.631 0.012 0.054 F142200300034 11.474 0.516 0.040 -0.030 F142200300035 10.390 0.459 0.014 0.038 F142200300036 9.416 0.516 0.010 0.038 F142200300037 8.440 0.401 0.011 0.021 F142200300038 8.040 0.459 0.031 0.038 F142200300039 7.466 0.401 0.011 0.022 F142200300040 6.606 0.401 0.012 0.028 F142200300041 5.977 0.401 0.010 0.039 F142200300042 ENDDATA 18 0 F142200300043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 F142200399999 SUBENT F1422004 20240217 F097F142200400001 BIB 5 8 F142200400002 REACTION (27-CO-59(D,N)28-NI-60,,DA,,REL) F142200400003 No explanation of relative units is given. F142200400004 DETECTOR The counters were set at an angle of phi(alpha)=0 degr.F142200400005 SAMPLE Foils of natural cobalt of thickness equivalent to F142200400006 the range of deuterons of about 0.3 MeV were mounted F142200400007 on tungsten bases. F142200400008 STATUS (CURVE,,I.I.Levintov+,J,JET,17,965,1963) Fig.4a F142200400009 HISTORY (20240217U) SD: STATUS updated. F142200400010 ENDBIB 8 0 F142200400011 COMMON 4 3 F142200400012 EN EN-ERR ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F142200400013 MEV MEV ADEG ARB-UNITS F142200400014 12.1 0.4 0.097 0.025 F142200400015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F142200400016 DATA 2 7 F142200400017 ANG-CM DATA-CM F142200400018 ADEG ARB-UNITS F142200400019 0.054 3.416 F142200400020 5.012 3.794 F142200400021 10.214 7.569 F142200400022 15.350 7.133 F142200400023 20.269 5.023 F142200400024 25.181 2.482 F142200400025 30.120 1.616 F142200400026 ENDDATA 9 0 F142200400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 F142200499999 SUBENT F1422005 20240217 F097F142200500001 BIB 5 8 F142200500002 REACTION (26-FE-0(D,N),,DA,,REL) F142200500003 No explanation of relative units is given. F142200500004 DETECTOR The counters were set at an angle of phi(alpha)=0 degr.F142200500005 SAMPLE Foils of natural ferrum of thickness equivalent to F142200500006 the range of deuterons of about 0.3 MeV were mounted F142200500007 on tungsten bases. F142200500008 STATUS (CURVE,,I.I.Levintov+,J,JET,17,965,1963) Fig.4b F142200500009 HISTORY (20240217U) SD: STATUS updated. F142200500010 ENDBIB 8 0 F142200500011 COMMON 4 3 F142200500012 EN EN-ERR ANG-ERR-D ERR-DIG F142200500013 MEV MEV ADEG ARB-UNITS F142200500014 12.1 0.4 0.080 0.033 F142200500015 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F142200500016 DATA 2 7 F142200500017 ANG-CM DATA-CM F142200500018 ADEG ARB-UNITS F142200500019 0.010 7.006 F142200500020 4.912 8.571 F142200500021 10.189 10.561 F142200500022 15.097 11.036 F142200500023 20.024 8.102 F142200500024 25.147 3.700 F142200500025 30.064 2.518 F142200500026 ENDDATA 9 0 F142200500027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 F142200599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 F142299999999