ENTRY F1428 20240321 F099F142800000001 SUBENT F1428001 20240321 F099F142800100001 BIB 12 53 F142800100002 TITLE The differential cross section in deuteron-proton F142800100003 elastic scattering at 500, 750 and 900 MeV/nucleon. F142800100004 AUTHOR (A.A.Terekhin,V.P.Ladygin,Yu.V.Gurchin,A.Yu.Isupov, F142800100005 M.Janek,A.N.Khrenov,A.K.Kurilkin,P.K.Kurilkin, F142800100006 N.B.Ladygina,S.M.Piyadin,S.G.Reznikov) F142800100007 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) F142800100008 (3SLKSLK) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and F142800100009 Information Technology, University of Zilina, Zilina F142800100010 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,55,129,2019) F142800100011 #doi:10.1140/epja/i2019-12817-0 F142800100012 (J,BAS,84,747,2000) English translation F142800100013 #doi:10.3103/S1062873820040334 F142800100014 (J,IZV,84,908,2020) Russian original. The same data areF142800100015 given. F142800100016 #doi:10.31857/S0367676520040353 F142800100017 FACILITY (SYNCH,4ZZZDUB) Nuclotron F142800100018 INC-SOURCE Unpolarized deuteron beam was used. F142800100019 DETECTOR (SCIN) 6 plastic scintillation counters were used. F142800100020 Two pairs of scintillation detectors were used to F142800100021 register scattered deuterons and recoil protons from F142800100022 dp elastic scattering in kinematical coincidence over F142800100023 the cms angular range of ~ 75-120 degr. Two proton F142800100024 detectors were installed on the left and on the right F142800100025 at a distance of 580 mm from the target. Two deuteron F142800100026 detectors were placed at the scattering angles of F142800100027 deuterons coinciding kinematically with the protons F142800100028 or left and right scattering. A pair of the F142800100029 scintillation detectors was placed to register two F142800100030 protons from quasi-elastic pp-scattering. The deuteron F142800100031 and quasi-elastic pp-detectors were placed at a F142800100032 distance of 560 mm from the target in front of the F142800100033 proton detectors. F142800100034 METHOD (TOF) F142800100035 SAMPLE A 10 mu-m polyethylene (CH2) foil was used as a F142800100036 proton target. A 8 mu-m carbon (12C) wire was used to F142800100037 evaluate the background originating from the carbon F142800100038 content in CH2. The effect on the hydrogen was F142800100039 obtained using CH2-C subtraction. F142800100040 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) The statistical error was determined by the F142800100041 statistical error of dp elastic scattering events, F142800100042 the statistical error of the number of reconstructed F142800100043 pp quasielastic scattering events, and the F142800100044 statistical error of the carbon background correction F142800100045 factor. F142800100046 (ERR-SYS) The systematic uncertainty was determined by F142800100047 the carbon background subtraction procedure, the F142800100048 errors of the solid angle of the deuteron detector, F142800100049 and the Jacobian transformation. F142800100050 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Terekhin+,J,EPJ/A,55,129,2019) Tables 3-5. F142800100051 (APRVD) Entry was approved by Dr. A.A. Terekhin. F142800100052 HISTORY (20200708C) F142800100053 (20240321A) REFERENCE code was added: J,BAS,84,747,2000F142800100054 STATUS updated. F142800100055 ENDBIB 53 0 F142800100056 NOCOMMON 0 0 F142800100057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 F142800199999 SUBENT F1428002 20200708 F081F142800200001 BIB 1 1 F142800200002 REACTION ((1-H-1(D,EL)1-H-1,,DA)=(1-H-2(P,EL)1-H-2,,DA)) F142800200003 ENDBIB 1 0 F142800200004 NOCOMMON 0 0 F142800200005 DATA 5 17 F142800200006 EN ANG-CM DATA-CM ERR-S ERR-SYS F142800200007 MEV/A ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR MU-B/SR F142800200008 500. 75.9 61.54 1.28 23.4 F142800200009 500. 81.3 57.70 0.83 21.1 F142800200010 500. 106.5 34.56 0.94 15.1 F142800200011 500. 112.5 35.62 0.65 15.4 F142800200012 500. 116.7 33.45 0.58 15.1 F142800200013 500. 119.7 34.19 0.94 12.8 F142800200014 750. 78.9 25.19 2.07 8.23 F142800200015 750. 83.7 24.93 1.41 8.14 F142800200016 750. 88.8 18.82 1.88 6.05 F142800200017 750. 93.9 18.03 2.10 5.55 F142800200018 750. 98.7 14.51 2.08 4.88 F142800200019 900. 75.9 17.97 1.17 5.41 F142800200020 900. 86.3 10.00 0.93 3.28 F142800200021 900. 96.4 5.21 0.93 1.70 F142800200022 900. 101.6 3.45 0.48 1.11 F142800200023 900. 104.2 4.33 0.70 1.74 F142800200024 900. 111.4 3.14 0.74 1.23 F142800200025 ENDDATA 19 0 F142800200026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 F142800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 F142899999999