ENTRY F1456 20230125 F094F145600000001 SUBENT F1456001 20230125 F094F145600100001 BIB 12 55 F145600100002 TITLE Alpha particle induced reactions on 151Eu: F145600100003 Possibility of production of 152Tb radioisotope for F145600100004 PET imaging F145600100005 AUTHOR (A.N.Moiseeva,R.A.Aliev,V.N.Unezhev,N.S.Gustova, F145600100006 A.S.Madumarov,N.V.Aksenov,V.A.Zagryadskiy) F145600100007 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR,4ZZZDUB) F145600100008 REFERENCE (J,NIM/B,497,59,2021) F145600100009 #doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2021.04.007 F145600100010 FACILITY (ISOCY,4RUSKUR) U-150 isochronous cyclotron F145600100011 SAMPLE The stacks consisted of 20 targets. Each target was a F145600100012 thin 151Eu layer with a thickness of ~100 mu-g/cm2 F145600100013 and a spot diameter of 22 mm, electrochemically F145600100014 deposited on the surface of a titanium foil with a F145600100015 thickness of 2 mu-m. Eu2O3 with enrichment of 97.5 + F145600100016 -0.1%, with impurity content of 0.02% Nd, 0.02% Gd, F145600100017 <0.01% Sm provided by the state reserve of stable F145600100018 isotopes was used for electrode-position. F145600100019 DETECTOR (HPGE) Ultrapure germanium detector with an energy F145600100020 resolution of 850 eV for the 122 keV line and 1.8 keV F145600100021 for the 1.33 MeV line was used for gamma F145600100022 spectrometry. The distance from the source to the F145600100023 detector was 6 or 11 cm, depending on the radiation F145600100024 intensity, and was chosen so that the dead time did F145600100025 not exceed 10-15%. F145600100026 METHOD (STTA,GSPEC) F145600100027 (EDEG) Aluminum foils with a thickness of 9 to 100 mu-mF145600100028 were placed between the targets, serving as beam F145600100029 monitors or degraders. F145600100030 (ACTIV) The irradiation time was about 30 min, the F145600100031 average beam current was ~ 1.7 mu-A. Measurements of F145600100032 radioactivity were started 4 h after EOB in the first F145600100033 experiment (60 MeV) and after 24 h in the second (43 F145600100034 MeV), and were repeated several times during the F145600100035 week to determine the activity of radionuclides with F145600100036 different half-lives. Typical acquisition time was F145600100037 400-1800 s. F145600100038 MONITOR (13-AL-27(A,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) F145600100039 (22-TI-0(A,X)24-CR-51,,SIG) F145600100040 ERR-ANALYS The uncertainty in measuring the beam energy was F145600100041 estimated as + -1 MeV. The uncertainty of the F145600100042 thickness of the absorbers and monitor was determined F145600100043 by multiple weighing and was estimated as 0.1-1 mu-m, F145600100044 depending on the foil mass. The calculated total F145600100045 energy uncertainty was 1-1.7 MeV, depending on the F145600100046 position of the target in the stack. F145600100047 (ERR-T) The uncertainty was calculated as the square F145600100048 root of the sum of the squares of the individual F145600100049 uncertainties: F145600100050 (ERR-1) uncertainty for the detector efficiency; F145600100051 (ERR-3) uncertainty for the target thickness; F145600100052 (ERR-4) uncertainty for nuclear data; F145600100053 (ERR-5) uncertainty for the current value. F145600100054 STATUS (APRVD) Entry was approved by Dr. A.N. Moiseeva F145600100055 HISTORY (20220221C) F145600100056 (20230125A) Energy units in Sub002-006 were corrected. F145600100057 ENDBIB 55 0 F145600100058 COMMON 4 3 F145600100059 ERR-1 ERR-3 ERR-4 ERR-5 F145600100060 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT F145600100061 7. 10. 3. 10. F145600100062 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F145600100063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 F145600199999 SUBENT F1456002 20230125 F094F145600200001 BIB 7 11 F145600200002 REACTION (63-EU-151(A,6N)65-TB-149-G,,SIG) F145600200003 METHOD (ASPEC) F145600200004 DETECTOR (SI) ORTEC Alpha Duo spectrometer with an ion- F145600200005 implanted silicon detector of charged particles with F145600200006 a resolution of 20 keV was used. F145600200007 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-149-G,4.12HR,DG,352.2,0.294,A,3967.,0.167) F145600200008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty for the area of the F145600200009 photopeak, increasing up to 40% in some cases, F145600200010 depending on the count rate F145600200011 STATUS (TABLE)Tbl. 3 from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B,497,59,2021F145600200012 HISTORY (20230125A) Energy units were corrected (KEV->MEV) F145600200013 ENDBIB 11 0 F145600200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 F145600200015 DATA 3 6 F145600200016 EN DATA ERR-T F145600200017 MEV MB MB F145600200018 53.2 0.012 0.002 F145600200019 54.6 0.14 0.024 F145600200020 55.9 0.70 0.12 F145600200021 57.2 2.02 0.35 F145600200022 58.5 4.21 0.73 F145600200023 59.5 6.67 1.16 F145600200024 ENDDATA 8 0 F145600200025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 F145600299999 SUBENT F1456003 20230125 F094F145600300001 BIB 5 7 F145600300002 REACTION (63-EU-151(A,X)65-TB-150-G,CUM,SIG) F145600300003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-150-G,3.48HR,DG,638.1,0.721) F145600300004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty for the area of the F145600300005 photopeak, increasing up to 40% in some cases, F145600300006 depending on the count rate F145600300007 STATUS (TABLE)Tbl. 3 from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B,497,59,2021F145600300008 HISTORY (20230125A) Energy units were corrected (KEV->MEV) F145600300009 ENDBIB 7 0 F145600300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 F145600300011 DATA 3 11 F145600300012 EN DATA ERR-T F145600300013 MEV MB MB F145600300014 46.7 2.4 1.0 F145600300015 48.2 8.7 1.7 F145600300016 49.3 15.6 2.9 F145600300017 50.8 29.0 5.0 F145600300018 51.8 40.7 7.1 F145600300019 53.2 57.5 10.1 F145600300020 54.6 62.2 10.7 F145600300021 55.9 73.2 12.5 F145600300022 57.2 67.2 11.4 F145600300023 58.5 69.0 11.7 F145600300024 59.5 69.7 11.8 F145600300025 ENDDATA 13 0 F145600300026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 F145600399999 SUBENT F1456004 20230125 F094F145600400001 BIB 7 13 F145600400002 REACTION (63-EU-151(A,X)65-TB-151-G,CUM,SIG) F145600400003 METHOD (ASPEC) F145600400004 DETECTOR (SI) ORTEC Alpha Duo spectrometer with an ion- F145600400005 implanted silicon detector of charged particles with F145600400006 a resolution of 20 keV was used. F145600400007 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-151-G,17.61HR,DG,108.1,0.721, F145600400008 DG,251.9,0.263, F145600400009 DG,287.4,0.283,A,3407.,0.00009) F145600400010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty for the area of the F145600400011 photopeak, increasing up to 40% in some cases, F145600400012 depending on the count rate F145600400013 STATUS (TABLE)Tbl. 3 from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B,497,59,2021F145600400014 HISTORY (20230125A) Energy units were corrected (KEV->MEV) F145600400015 ENDBIB 13 0 F145600400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 F145600400017 DATA 3 24 F145600400018 EN DATA ERR-T F145600400019 MEV MB MB F145600400020 36.8 9.0 2.4 F145600400021 38.1 28.4 6.0 F145600400022 38.1 30.7 6.2 F145600400023 39.1 58.6 10.5 F145600400024 39.7 81.6 16.8 F145600400025 40.3 152. 26. F145600400026 41.2 161. 29. F145600400027 41.2 223. 38. F145600400028 42.1 252. 43. F145600400029 42.4 279. 49. F145600400030 43.3 342. 59. F145600400031 44.5 493. 84. F145600400032 45.6 505. 86. F145600400033 46.7 533. 91. F145600400034 48.2 721. 124. F145600400035 49.3 680. 117. F145600400036 50.8 700. 120. F145600400037 51.8 717. 122. F145600400038 53.2 677. 116. F145600400039 54.6 550. 94. F145600400040 55.9 495. 85. F145600400041 57.2 388. 66. F145600400042 58.5 324. 55. F145600400043 59.5 297. 51. F145600400044 ENDDATA 26 0 F145600400045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 F145600499999 SUBENT F1456005 20230125 F094F145600500001 BIB 5 7 F145600500002 REACTION (63-EU-151(A,X)65-TB-152-G,CUM,SIG) F145600500003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,344.3,0.635) F145600500004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty for the area of the F145600500005 photopeak, increasing up to 40% in some cases, F145600500006 depending on the count rate F145600500007 STATUS (TABLE)Tbl. 3 from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B,497,59,2021F145600500008 HISTORY (20230125A) Energy units were corrected (KEV->MEV) F145600500009 ENDBIB 7 0 F145600500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 F145600500011 DATA 3 30 F145600500012 EN DATA ERR-T F145600500013 MEV MB MB F145600500014 28.1 4.5 1.5 F145600500015 29.7 60.5 10.8 F145600500016 31.5 268. 45. F145600500017 32.9 477. 80. F145600500018 34.7 716. 121. F145600500019 36.4 730. 123. F145600500020 36.8 676. 114. F145600500021 38.1 842. 142. F145600500022 38.1 789. 133. F145600500023 39.1 683. 116. F145600500024 39.7 756. 127. F145600500025 40.3 830. 141. F145600500026 41.2 622. 105. F145600500027 41.2 784. 133. F145600500028 42.1 589. 100. F145600500029 42.4 629. 106. F145600500030 43.3 492. 83. F145600500031 44.5 455. 78. F145600500032 45.6 330. 56. F145600500033 46.7 249. 42. F145600500034 48.2 237. 40. F145600500035 49.3 184. 31. F145600500036 50.8 152. 26. F145600500037 51.8 138. 24. F145600500038 53.2 124. 21. F145600500039 54.6 101. 17. F145600500040 55.9 93.9 16.2 F145600500041 57.2 79.4 13.6 F145600500042 58.5 69.7 12.0 F145600500043 59.5 73.9 12.8 F145600500044 ENDDATA 32 0 F145600500045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 F145600599999 SUBENT F1456006 20230125 F094F145600600001 BIB 5 7 F145600600002 REACTION (63-EU-151(A,X)65-TB-153,CUM,SIG) F145600600003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-153,2.34D,DG,212.0,0.310) F145600600004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty for the area of the F145600600005 photopeak, increasing up to 40% in some cases, F145600600006 depending on the count rate F145600600007 STATUS (TABLE)Tbl. 3 from Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B,497,59,2021F145600600008 HISTORY (20230125A) Energy units were corrected (KEV->MEV) F145600600009 ENDBIB 7 0 F145600600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 F145600600011 DATA 3 35 F145600600012 EN DATA ERR-T F145600600013 MEV MB MB F145600600014 18.7 3.8 1.4 F145600600015 20.7 136. 23. F145600600016 22.6 410. 69. F145600600017 24.4 561. 94. F145600600018 26.1 638. 107. F145600600019 28.1 962. 161. F145600600020 29.7 766. 128. F145600600021 31.5 716. 121. F145600600022 32.9 555. 94. F145600600023 34.7 385. 67. F145600600024 36.4 216. 37. F145600600025 36.8 174. 30. F145600600026 38.1 155. 27. F145600600027 38.1 150. 26. F145600600028 39.1 112. 19. F145600600029 39.7 113. 20. F145600600030 40.3 130. 22. F145600600031 41.2 86.4 15.2 F145600600032 41.2 105. 19. F145600600033 42.1 88.4 15.8 F145600600034 42.4 89.5 15.8 F145600600035 43.3 80.5 14.1 F145600600036 44.5 83.3 15.0 F145600600037 45.6 71.3 12.6 F145600600038 46.7 63.4 11.6 F145600600039 48.2 68.0 12.1 F145600600040 49.3 62.5 11.1 F145600600041 50.8 56.3 9.9 F145600600042 51.8 56.0 10.4 F145600600043 53.2 50.6 9.3 F145600600044 54.6 38.5 9.8 F145600600045 55.9 33.6 9.4 F145600600046 57.2 25.1 7.3 F145600600047 58.5 24.8 7.8 F145600600048 59.5 19.2 8.4 F145600600049 ENDDATA 37 0 F145600600050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 F145600699999 SUBENT F1456007 20220221 F088F145600700001 BIB 4 5 F145600700002 REACTION (63-EU-151(A,X)65-TB-152-G,CUM,TTY,,EOB,DERIV) F145600700003 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F145600700004 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,344.3,0.635) F145600700005 STATUS (TABLE)Data from text p. 59, from Nucl.Instr. and Meth.F145600700006 B,497,59,2021 F145600700007 ENDBIB 5 0 F145600700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 F145600700009 DATA 4 1 F145600700010 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA F145600700011 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUA F145600700012 42. 34. 8. 222. F145600700013 ENDDATA 3 0 F145600700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 F145600799999 ENDENTRY 7 0 F145699999999