ENTRY F1471 20230310 F095F147100000001 SUBENT F1471001 20230310 F095F147100100001 BIB 9 27 F147100100002 TITLE Cross section measurements of 151Eu(3He,5n) reaction: F147100100003 new opportunities for medical alpha emitter 149Tb F147100100004 production F147100100005 AUTHOR (A.N.Moiseeva,R.A.Aliev,V.N.Unezhev,V.A.Zagryadskiy, F147100100006 S.T.Latushkin,V.N.Aksenov,N.S.Gustova,M.G.Voronuk, F147100100007 G.Ya.Starodub,A.A.Ogloblin) F147100100008 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) F147100100009 (4RUSMOS) Chemistry Department F147100100010 (4ZZZDUB) Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions F147100100011 REFERENCE (J,SCR,10,508,2020) F147100100012 #doi:10.1016/j.apradiso.2021.109609 F147100100013 FACILITY (ISOCY,4RUSKUR) U-150 isochronous cyclotron F147100100014 SAMPLE A stack of thin (100 mu-m/cm2) 151Eu targets in oxide F147100100015 form (97.5 + - 0.1% enrichment) was used. It contains F147100100016 0.02% Nd, 0.02% Gd, <0.01% Sm impurities. 151Eu F147100100017 targets were prepared by electrodeposition from F147100100018 isopropanol solution on 2 mu-m thick titanium foil. F147100100019 METHOD (STTA,EDEG) Up to 10 151Eu/Ti target foils were F147100100020 irradiated in one run using the conventional stack F147100100021 foils technique. Apart from the target foils, the F147100100022 stack also contained 9 mu-m Al and 13 mu-m Cu F147100100023 monitors for controlling the beam parameters, and F147100100024 aluminum degraders (53-159 mu-m). F147100100025 (ACTIV) The beam current averaged 1 mu-A irradiation F147100100026 time 1 hour. F147100100027 MONITOR (13-AL-27(HE3,X)11-NA-24,,SIG) F147100100028 HISTORY (20230310C) F147100100029 ENDBIB 27 0 F147100100030 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147100100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 F147100199999 SUBENT F1471002 20230310 F095F147100200001 BIB 6 20 F147100200002 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,5N)65-TB-149-G,,SIG) F147100200003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-149-G,4.118HR,A,,,DG,352.2,0.2943) F147100200004 METHOD (ASPEC) F147100200005 DETECTOR (SI) ORTEC Alpha Suite Alpha Duo instrument with F147100200006 ULTRA Ion Implanted Silicon Charged Particle Radiation F147100200007 Detector with an energy resolution of up to 20 keV F147100200008 was used. F147100200009 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F147100200010 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F147100200011 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F147100200012 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F147100200013 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F147100200014 efficiency of the detector; F147100200015 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF147100200016 area; F147100200017 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F147100200018 thickness and composition; F147100200019 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F147100200020 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F147100200021 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F147100200022 ENDBIB 20 0 F147100200023 COMMON 2 3 F147100200024 ERR-3 ERR-4 F147100200025 PER-CENT PER-CENT F147100200026 10. 3. F147100200027 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F147100200028 DATA 4 18 F147100200029 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F147100200030 MEV MEV MB MB F147100200031 69.8 1.1 12.3 2.5 F147100200032 66.2 1.2 13.1 2.6 F147100200033 63.7 1.3 17.5 3.5 F147100200034 60.9 1.4 18.1 3.6 F147100200035 58.7 1.5 26.2 5.2 F147100200036 56.1 1.5 34.9 7.0 F147100200037 53.5 1.6 43.3 8.7 F147100200038 51.0 1.6 56.2 11.2 F147100200039 48.2 1.8 69.8 14.0 F147100200040 46.1 1.9 46.8 9.4 F147100200041 44.8 1.1 66.1 13.2 F147100200042 40.1 1.4 63.1 12.6 F147100200043 35.0 1.6 15.3 3.1 F147100200044 31.2 1.8 0.4 0.1 F147100200045 26.9 2.1 0.0 F147100200046 22.0 2.6 0.0 F147100200047 16.2 3.4 0.0 F147100200048 12.0 4.3 0.0 F147100200049 ENDDATA 20 0 F147100200050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 F147100299999 SUBENT F1471003 20230310 F095F147100300001 BIB 6 22 F147100300002 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,4N)65-TB-150-G,,SIG) F147100300003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-150-G,3.48HR,DG,638.1,0.720) F147100300004 METHOD (GSPEC) F147100300005 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity germanium detector ORTEC GEM 35P4 F147100300006 Series, with the energy resolution of 850 eV for 122 F147100300007 keV line and of 1.5 keV for 1.33 MeV was used. The F147100300008 measurement was carried out in two geometries at a F147100300009 distance of 11 cm and 6 cm so that the dead time did F147100300010 not exceed 6-7%. F147100300011 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F147100300012 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F147100300013 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F147100300014 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F147100300015 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F147100300016 efficiency of the detector; F147100300017 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF147100300018 area; F147100300019 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F147100300020 thickness and composition; F147100300021 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F147100300022 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F147100300023 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F147100300024 ENDBIB 22 0 F147100300025 COMMON 2 3 F147100300026 ERR-3 ERR-4 F147100300027 PER-CENT PER-CENT F147100300028 10. 3. F147100300029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F147100300030 DATA 4 18 F147100300031 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F147100300032 MEV MEV MB MB F147100300033 69.8 1.1 10.8 7.4 F147100300034 66.2 1.2 10.1 12.1 F147100300035 63.7 1.3 23.6 13.2 F147100300036 60.9 1.4 22.3 10.3 F147100300037 58.7 1.5 27.1 14.5 F147100300038 56.1 1.5 11.6 11.4 F147100300039 53.5 1.6 15.3 15.7 F147100300040 51.0 1.6 26.1 17.2 F147100300041 48.2 1.8 46.9 18.8 F147100300042 46.1 1.9 78.0 23.9 F147100300043 44.8 1.1 61.8 9.8 F147100300044 40.1 1.4 97.9 16.1 F147100300045 35.0 1.6 205.0 28.5 F147100300046 31.2 1.8 191.5 26.9 F147100300047 26.9 2.1 91.9 13.7 F147100300048 22.0 2.6 0.0 F147100300049 16.2 3.4 0.0 F147100300050 12.0 4.3 0.0 F147100300051 ENDDATA 20 0 F147100300052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 F147100399999 SUBENT F1471004 20230310 F095F147100400001 BIB 6 23 F147100400002 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,3N)65-TB-151-G,M+,SIG) F147100400003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-151-G,17.609HR,DG,108.1,0.243,DG,251.9,0.263, F147100400004 DG,287.4,0.283) F147100400005 METHOD (GSPEC) F147100400006 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity germanium detector ORTEC GEM 35P4 F147100400007 Series, with the energy resolution of 850 eV for 122 F147100400008 keV line and of 1.5 keV for 1.33 MeV was used. The F147100400009 measurement was carried out in two geometries at a F147100400010 distance of 11 cm and 6 cm so that the dead time did F147100400011 not exceed 6-7%. F147100400012 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F147100400013 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F147100400014 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F147100400015 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F147100400016 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F147100400017 efficiency of the detector; F147100400018 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF147100400019 area; F147100400020 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F147100400021 thickness and composition; F147100400022 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F147100400023 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F147100400024 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F147100400025 ENDBIB 23 0 F147100400026 COMMON 2 3 F147100400027 ERR-3 ERR-4 F147100400028 PER-CENT PER-CENT F147100400029 10. 3. F147100400030 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F147100400031 DATA 4 18 F147100400032 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F147100400033 MEV MEV MB MB F147100400034 69.8 1.1 13.0 3.1 F147100400035 66.2 1.2 15.6 5.8 F147100400036 63.7 1.3 15.5 5.2 F147100400037 60.9 1.4 20.5 5.6 F147100400038 58.7 1.5 21.6 5.9 F147100400039 56.1 1.5 25.5 5.7 F147100400040 53.5 1.6 28.8 5.7 F147100400041 51.0 1.6 37.1 8.9 F147100400042 48.2 1.8 42.9 9.2 F147100400043 46.1 1.9 44.3 9.0 F147100400044 44.8 1.1 52.4 7.8 F147100400045 40.1 1.4 52.8 8.1 F147100400046 35.0 1.6 96.7 13.0 F147100400047 31.2 1.8 163.8 21.5 F147100400048 26.9 2.1 330.2 42.0 F147100400049 22.0 2.6 256.3 32.5 F147100400050 16.2 3.4 14.4 3.1 F147100400051 12.0 4.3 0.0 F147100400052 ENDDATA 20 0 F147100400053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 F147100499999 SUBENT F1471005 20230310 F095F147100500001 BIB 6 22 F147100500002 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,2N)65-TB-152-G,M+,SIG) F147100500003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,344.3,0.650) F147100500004 METHOD (GSPEC) F147100500005 DETECTOR (HPGE) High purity germanium detector ORTEC GEM 35P4 F147100500006 Series, with the energy resolution of 850 eV for 122 F147100500007 keV line and of 1.5 keV for 1.33 MeV was used. The F147100500008 measurement was carried out in two geometries at a F147100500009 distance of 11 cm and 6 cm so that the dead time did F147100500010 not exceed 6-7%. F147100500011 ERR-ANALYS The initial beam energy varies within + - 1 MeV. F147100500012 (ERR-T) The overall experimental uncertainty was F147100500013 calculated as the square root of the sum of the F147100500014 squares of the individual relative uncertainties: F147100500015 (ERR-1,5.,7.) uncertainty in determining the F147100500016 efficiency of the detector; F147100500017 (ERR-2,1.,10.) uncertainty in determining the photopeakF147100500018 area; F147100500019 (ERR-3) uncertainty in determining of Eu targets F147100500020 thickness and composition; F147100500021 (ERR-4) uncertainty of nuclear decay data. F147100500022 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F147100500023 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2a. F147100500024 ENDBIB 22 0 F147100500025 COMMON 2 3 F147100500026 ERR-3 ERR-4 F147100500027 PER-CENT PER-CENT F147100500028 10. 3. F147100500029 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F147100500030 DATA 4 18 F147100500031 EN EN-ERR DATA ERR-T F147100500032 MEV MEV MB MB F147100500033 69.8 1.1 3.2 1.0 F147100500034 66.2 1.2 3.5 1.6 F147100500035 63.7 1.3 4.0 1.4 F147100500036 60.9 1.4 4.4 1.4 F147100500037 58.7 1.5 4.0 1.4 F147100500038 56.1 1.5 3.6 1.1 F147100500039 53.5 1.6 6.5 1.4 F147100500040 51.0 1.6 7.7 1.8 F147100500041 48.2 1.8 10.7 2.1 F147100500042 46.1 1.9 11.7 2.2 F147100500043 44.8 1.1 11.5 1.7 F147100500044 40.1 1.4 14.8 2.3 F147100500045 35.0 1.6 19.4 2.8 F147100500046 31.2 1.8 19.0 2.7 F147100500047 26.9 2.1 22.9 3.1 F147100500048 22.0 2.6 32.7 4.3 F147100500049 16.2 3.4 25.0 3.2 F147100500050 12.0 4.3 0.8 1.2 F147100500051 ENDDATA 20 0 F147100500052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 F147100599999 SUBENT F1471006 20230310 F095F147100600001 BIB 5 7 F147100600002 REACTION 1(63-EU-151(HE3,5N)65-TB-149-G,,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F147100600003 2(63-EU-151(HE3,5N)65-TB-149-G,,TTY,,SAT,DERIV) F147100600004 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-149-G,4.118HR,A,,,DG,352.2,0.2943) F147100600005 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F147100600006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No source of uncertainty is given F147100600007 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data from textF147100600008 (DEP,F1471002) Excitation function F147100600009 ENDBIB 7 0 F147100600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147100600011 DATA 6 1 F147100600012 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA 1DATA-ERR 1DATA 2F147100600013 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR MBQ/MUAHR MBQ/MUA F147100600014 70. 30. 1. 38.7 7.7 230.F147100600015 ENDDATA 3 0 F147100600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 F147100699999 SUBENT F1471007 20230310 F095F147100700001 BIB 4 6 F147100700002 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,4N)65-TB-150-G,,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F147100700003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-150-G,3.48HR,DG,638.1,0.720) F147100700004 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F147100700005 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F147100700006 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2b. F147100700007 (DEP,F1471003) Excitation function F147100700008 ENDBIB 6 0 F147100700009 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147100700010 DATA 4 1 F147100700011 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA F147100700012 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR F147100700013 70. 12. 1. 93. F147100700014 ENDDATA 3 0 F147100700015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 F147100799999 SUBENT F1471008 20230310 F095F147100800001 BIB 4 7 F147100800002 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,3N)65-TB-151-G,M+,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F147100800003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-151-G,17.609HR,DG,108.1,0.243,DG,251.9,0.263, F147100800004 DG,287.4,0.283) F147100800005 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F147100800006 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F147100800007 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2b. F147100800008 (DEP,F1471004) Excitation function F147100800009 ENDBIB 7 0 F147100800010 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147100800011 DATA 4 1 F147100800012 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA F147100800013 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR F147100800014 70. 12. 1. 26.2 F147100800015 ENDDATA 3 0 F147100800016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 F147100899999 SUBENT F1471009 20230310 F095F147100900001 BIB 4 6 F147100900002 REACTION (63-EU-151(HE3,2N)65-TB-152-G,M+,TTY,,PHY,DERIV) F147100900003 DECAY-DATA (65-TB-152-G,17.5HR,DG,344.3,0.650) F147100900004 ANALYSIS (INTEF) F147100900005 STATUS (TABLE,,A.N.Moiseeva+,J,SCR,10,508,2020) Data were F147100900006 presented by Dr. A.N.Moiseeva. The same on Fig. 2b. F147100900007 (DEP,F1471005) Excitation function F147100900008 ENDBIB 6 0 F147100900009 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147100900010 DATA 4 1 F147100900011 EN-MAX EN-MIN TIME-IRRD DATA F147100900012 MEV MEV HR MBQ/MUAHR F147100900013 70. 12. 1. 4.34 F147100900014 ENDDATA 3 0 F147100900015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 F147100999999 ENDENTRY 9 0 F147199999999