ENTRY F1475 20221118 F094F147500000001 SUBENT F1475001 20221118 F094F147500100001 BIB 9 15 F147500100002 TITLE Measuring total 6Li(d,xt) reaction cross sections F147500100003 AUTHOR (L.N.Generalov,S.N.Abramovich) F147500100004 INSTITUTE (4RUSEPA) F147500100005 REFERENCE (J,BAS,85,574,2021) English translation F147500100006 #doi:10.3103/S1062873821050075 F147500100007 (J,IZV,85,737,2021) Russian original F147500100008 #doi:10.31857/S0367676521050070 F147500100009 FACILITY (VDGT,4RUSEPA) EGP-10 tandem accelerator. F147500100010 DETECTOR (HPGE) For 18F nuclei activity measurements germanium F147500100011 detector with a volume of 100 cm3 was used. F147500100012 ADD-RES Evaluated cross sections on 7Li(d,t0), 7Li(d,t1) and F147500100013 7Li(d,d2) reactions with regard to 18F thick target F147500100014 yield data were obtained. F147500100015 STATUS (APRVD) Entry was approved by Dr. L.N. Generalov F147500100016 HISTORY (20221118C) F147500100017 ENDBIB 15 0 F147500100018 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147500100019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 F147500199999 SUBENT F1475002 20221118 F094F147500200001 BIB 6 8 F147500200002 REACTION (8-O-17(D,X)9-F-18,,TTY,,PHY/REL) F147500200003 Relative units are given as 10**(-12) pulses per secondF147500200004 METHOD (ACTIV) F147500200005 SAMPLE Quartz discs 3 mm thick were used. F147500200006 INC-SOURCE The irradiation currents were 0.005-0.01 mu-A. F147500200007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error F147500200008 STATUS (TABLE) Data were presented by authors. F147500200009 The same on Fig.4a of Izv.Ross.AN,Fiz. 85,(5),737,2021 F147500200010 ENDBIB 8 0 F147500200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147500200012 DATA 3 12 F147500200013 EN DATA DATA-ERR F147500200014 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS F147500200015 2.244 1.83E-13 5.49E-15 F147500200016 2.78 3.34E-13 1.002E-14 F147500200017 3.385 4.39E-13 1.317E-14 F147500200018 4.477 5.54E-13 1.662E-14 F147500200019 5.541 6.71E-13 2.013E-14 F147500200020 6.576 7.55E-13 2.265E-14 F147500200021 7.103 9.04E-13 2.712E-14 F147500200022 7.628 1.06E-12 3.18E-14 F147500200023 8.68 1.422E-12 4.266E-14 F147500200024 9.394 1.722E-12 5.166E-14 F147500200025 10.2 2.091E-12 6.273E-14 F147500200026 11. 2.55E-12 7.65E-14 F147500200027 ENDDATA 14 0 F147500200028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 F147500299999 SUBENT F1475003 20221118 F094F147500300001 BIB 6 8 F147500300002 REACTION (8-O-0(T,X)9-F-18,,TTY,,PHY/REL) F147500300003 Relative units are given as 10**(-9) pulses per second F147500300004 SAMPLE Quartz discs 3 mm thick were used. F147500300005 INC-SOURCE The irradiation currents were 0.005-0.01 mu-A. F147500300006 METHOD (ACTIV,EDEG) F147500300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Total error F147500300008 STATUS (TABLE) Data were presented by authors. F147500300009 The same on Fig.4b of Izv.Ross.AN,Fiz. 85,(5),737,2021 F147500300010 ENDBIB 8 0 F147500300011 NOCOMMON 0 0 F147500300012 DATA 3 27 F147500300013 EN DATA DATA-ERR F147500300014 MEV ARB-UNITS ARB-UNITS F147500300015 0.1482.94956E-138.84867E-15 F147500300016 0.4721.10629E-123.31886E-14 F147500300017 0.7972.30227E-126.90681E-14 F147500300018 1.073 4.3314E-121.29942E-13 F147500300019 1.3037.83855E-122.35156E-13 F147500300020 1.5021.47882E-114.43646E-13 F147500300021 1.6932.42429E-117.27288E-13 F147500300022 1.8683.74149E-111.12245E-12 F147500300023 2.196.46478E-111.93943E-12 F147500300024 2.4061.15861E-103.47583E-12 F147500300025 2.892.86571E-108.59713E-12 F147500300026 3.23 3.8021E-101.14063E-11 F147500300027 3.5954.83881E-101.45164E-11 F147500300028 4.156.25634E-10 1.8769E-11 F147500300029 4.448.29512E-102.48854E-11 F147500300030 4.769.79176E-102.93753E-11 F147500300031 5.21 1.11477E-93.34431E-11 F147500300032 5.59 1.3243E-9 3.9729E-11 F147500300033 6.17 1.45158E-94.35474E-11 F147500300034 6.773 1.7536E-9 5.2608E-11 F147500300035 7.653 2.04418E-96.13254E-11 F147500300036 8.265 2.14317E-96.42951E-11 F147500300037 8.265 2.2101E-96.63029E-11 F147500300038 8.629 2.39583E-9 7.1875E-11 F147500300039 9.055 2.59135E-97.77404E-11 F147500300040 9.704 2.915E-9 8.745E-11 F147500300041 10.34 3.00628E-99.01883E-11 F147500300042 ENDDATA 29 0 F147500300043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 F147500399999 SUBENT F1475004 20221118 F094F147500400001 BIB 6 27 F147500400002 REACTION (3-LI-6(D,X)1-H-3,,SIG) F147500400003 SAMPLE Li3N targets 250-400 mu-g/cm2 thick with different F147500400004 lithium isotope compositions (6Li - 91.2% and 7Li - F147500400005 8.8%; 7Li - 99.5% and 6Li - 0.5%) on thin (10 mu-g/cm2)F147500400006 C8H8 hydrocarbon backings were used for measurements. F147500400007 Targets were fabricated via the vacuum evaporation of F147500400008 lithium metal. F147500400009 INC-SOURCE Deuteron beam current was 0.2-0.4 mu-A. F147500400010 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiation time for each target was 30 min. F147500400011 Activation reaction 16O(t,n)18F (T1/2=109 min) was F147500400012 used for measurement of triton production cross F147500400013 section. 18F-collecting converters were composed of F147500400014 three 25-mm long SiO2 quartz tubes with inner and F147500400015 outer diameters of 13.5 and 19.5 mm, respectively. F147500400016 They were positioned in an evacuated chamber F147500400017 separated from the accelerator vacuum by aluminium F147500400018 foil 8 mu-m thick. F147500400019 (BCINT) F147500400020 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Error in relative 18F nucleus yield F147500400021 measurement includes statistical errors of counts, an F147500400022 error in target thickness, and measuring error Nd. F147500400023 (ERR-1,1.5,2.5) Statistical error of counts F147500400024 (ERR-2) Error in target thickness F147500400025 (ERR-3) Error in number of deuterons F147500400026 Nonuniformity of the surface of the target was 2-3%. F147500400027 STATUS (TABLE) Data were presented by authors. F147500400028 The same on Fig. 6 of Izv.Ross.AN,Fiz. 85,(5),737,2021 F147500400029 ENDBIB 27 0 F147500400030 COMMON 2 3 F147500400031 ERR-2 ERR-3 F147500400032 PER-CENT PER-CENT F147500400033 4. 1. F147500400034 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F147500400035 DATA 3 37 F147500400036 EN DATA ERR-T F147500400037 MEV MB MB F147500400038 2.316 227.06723 28.36545 F147500400039 2.316 200.21632 24.97511 F147500400040 2.612 252.92689 31.15424 F147500400041 2.900 223.64667 27.19630 F147500400042 3.180 251.95493 30.34347 F147500400043 3.458 264.33453 31.72617 F147500400044 3.734 251.88100 30.20612 F147500400045 4.007 300.07320 36.00277 F147500400046 4.276 261.13728 31.36500 F147500400047 4.545 268.02093 32.23489 F147500400048 4.810 279.06428 33.59674 F147500400049 5.077 298.75393 35.98975 F147500400050 5.341 274.38892 33.10087 F147500400051 5.606 263.24292 31.76537 F147500400052 5.868 240.30024 29.12406 F147500400053 6.129 268.71004 32.55981 F147500400054 6.388 235.82282 28.62033 F147500400055 6.647 265.73557 32.40055 F147500400056 6.906 268.87744 32.62104 F147500400057 7.165 303.94416 36.80088 F147500400058 7.423 267.68816 32.62495 F147500400059 7.681 280.07914 34.13374 F147500400060 7.981 289.86188 35.30694 F147500400061 8.196 282.21885 34.66822 F147500400062 8.453 310.01847 37.74546 F147500400063 8.703 333.64690 40.52563 F147500400064 8.964 257.23851 31.60114 F147500400065 9.220 276.00575 33.86804 F147500400066 9.476 266.22183 32.88058 F147500400067 9.731 247.91172 30.84088 F147500400068 9.987 259.28674 31.83636 F147500400069 10.242 275.43741 33.68623 F147500400070 10.242 275.82580 33.99986 F147500400071 10.242 276.29734 34.03021 F147500400072 10.242 263.35268 32.64648 F147500400073 11.000 224.17867 26.90144 F147500400074 11.900 200.26269 24.03152 F147500400075 ENDDATA 39 0 F147500400076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 F147500499999 ENDENTRY 4 0 F147599999999