ENTRY            F1481   20231030                             F095F148100000001 
SUBENT        F1481001   20231030                             F095F148100100001 
BIB                 13         48                                 F148100100002 
TITLE      Measurement of cumulative cross sections for 232Th     F148100100003 
           fission products upon irradiation with medium-energy   F148100100004 
           3He nuclei                                             F148100100005 
AUTHOR     (A.A.Smirnov,M.N.German,V.A.Zagryadskiy,               F148100100006 
           K.A.Makoveeva,T.Y.Malamut,V.I.Novikov,V.N.Unezhev)     F148100100007 
INSTITUTE  (4RUSKUR)                                              F148100100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PAN,85,1449,2022) English translation               F148100100009 
           #doi:10.1134/S1063778822090368                         F148100100010 
           Original text was published in the journal "Yadernaya  F148100100011 
           Fizika i Inzhiniring", Vol. 13, No. 5, p. 421, 2022.   F148100100012 
FACILITY   (ISOCY,4RUSKUR) U-150 cyclotron                        F148100100013 
SAMPLE     The targets obtained using sedimentation method were   F148100100014 
           mechanically stable and visually uniformly thick       F148100100015 
           layers of thorium dioxide with thicknesses of 7-11     F148100100016 
           mg/cm2. The applied spot diameter was 20 mm.           F148100100017 
INC-SOURCE A mean current was 0.1 mu-A, total charge of ~0.3 mu-AhF148100100018 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) The peak areas of the total absorption of       F148100100019 
           gamma quanta were measured using an ORTEC GEM gamma    F148100100020 
           spectrometer with an ultrapure germanium detector.     F148100100021 
           During the measurements, the targets were located at   F148100100022 
           a distance of 6-40 cm above the detector surface       F148100100023 
           depending on the load of the spectrometer. The dead    F148100100024 
           time during measurements did not exceed 5%.            F148100100025 
METHOD     (ACTIV) The exposure time for each fission fragment    F148100100026 
           significantly exceeded the decay time of its           F148100100027 
           short-lived precursors after the end of irradiation.   F148100100028 
           Therefore, the assumption of complete decay of the     F148100100029 
           precursors by the end of irradiation was made by       F148100100030 
           reducing the measured activity of fission fragments    F148100100031 
           to the end of irradiation.                             F148100100032 
           (STTA) The foil stack contained 11 targets. Charged    F148100100033 
           particle moderators in the form of aluminum foils with F148100100034 
           thicknesses of 9 and 30 mu-m were placed between the   F148100100035 
           targets in the stack.                                  F148100100036 
           (GSPEC)                                                F148100100037 
CORRECTION Calculated corrections for the decay of the            F148100100038 
           radionuclide during the measurement time and           F148100100039 
           self-absorption of gamma-quanta in the targets were    F148100100040 
           introduced.                                            F148100100041 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The errors of the measured values include:     F148100100042 
           (ERR-1,8.,12.) the error in determining the detector   F148100100043 
           efficiency;                                            F148100100044 
           (ERR-2,10.,15.) the errors in determination of peak    F148100100045 
           areas of the total absorption of gamma quanta in the   F148100100046 
           instrument spectra;                                    F148100100047 
           (ERR-3,3.,22.) the error of quantum yield.             F148100100048 
STATUS     (APRVD) Entry was approved by Dr. V.A.Zagryadskiy.     F148100100049 
HISTORY    (20231030C)                                            F148100100050 
ENDBIB              48          0                                 F148100100051 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F148100100052 
ENDSUBENT           51          0                                 F148100199999 
SUBENT        F1481002   20231030                             F095F148100200001 
BIB                  4         19                                 F148100200002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(HE3,X)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG)                    F148100200003 
RAD-DET    (43-TC-99-M,DG) 99Mo was detected via 99mTc decay      F148100200004 
           (47-AG-112,DG) 112Pd was detected via 112AG decay      F148100200005 
DECAY-DATA (40-ZR-95,64.03D,DG,724.2,0.443)                       F148100200006 
           (41-NB-96,0.97D,DG,778.2,0.00965)                      F148100200007 
           (43-TC-99-M,,DG,140.5,0.89)                            F148100200008 
           (44-RU-103,39.25D,DG,497.1,0.91)                       F148100200009 
           (45-RH-105-G,1.47D,DG,319.2,0.169)                     F148100200010 
           (47-AG-111-G,7.45D,DG,342.1,0.067)                     F148100200011 
           (47-AG-112,,DG,617.4,0.43)                             F148100200012 
           (51-SB-122-G,2.7D,DG,564.,0.707)                       F148100200013 
           (51-SB-127,3.85D,DG,685.7,0.368)                       F148100200014 
           (53-I-131,8.02D,DG,364.5,0.815)                        F148100200015 
           (52-TE-132,3.26D,DG,228.2,0.88)                        F148100200016 
           (55-CS-136-G,13.16D,DG,818.5,0.997)                    F148100200017 
           (56-BA-140,12.75D,DG,537.3,0.244)                      F148100200018 
           (58-CE-141,32.5D,DG,145.4,0.484)                       F148100200019 
           (58-CE-143,1.375D,DG,293.3,0.428)                      F148100200020 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.A.Smirnov+,J,PAN,85,1449,2022) Table 1       F148100200021 
ENDBIB              19          0                                 F148100200022 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F148100200023 
DATA                 6        135                                 F148100200024 
EN         EN-ERR     ELEMENT    MASS       DATA       ERR-T      F148100200025 
MEV        MEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     MB         MB         F148100200026 
       39.2        2.1        40.        95.       49.8       12.4F148100200027 
       39.2        2.1        41.        96.        5.6        1.3F148100200028 
       39.2        2.1        42.        99.       48.7        7.9F148100200029 
       39.2        2.1        44.       103.       41.1        7.2F148100200030 
       39.2        2.1        45.       105.       47.8        9.0F148100200031 
       39.2        2.1        46.       112.       30.8       11.3F148100200032 
       39.2        2.1        47.       111.       37.3       11.5F148100200033 
       39.2        2.1        51.       122.        4.3        1.1F148100200034 
       39.2        2.1        51.       127.       33.1        5.9F148100200035 
       39.2        2.1        52.       132.       17.6        2.9F148100200036 
       39.2        2.1        53.       131.       38.9        6.3F148100200037 
       39.2        2.1        55.       136.         9.        2.8F148100200038 
       39.2        2.1        56.       140.       27.8        4.8F148100200039 
       39.2        2.1        58.       141.       32.6        5.9F148100200040 
       39.2        2.1        58.       143.       21.8        4.2F148100200041 
       41.0        1.9        40.        95.       68.2       14.2F148100200042 
       41.0        1.9        41.        96.        6.1        1.5F148100200043 
       41.0        1.9        42.        99.       58.2        9.4F148100200044 
       41.0        1.9        44.       103.       46.4        7.5F148100200045 
       41.0        1.9        45.       105.       55.8       10.0F148100200046 
       41.0        1.9        46.       112.       36.9        7.4F148100200047 
       41.0        1.9        47.       111.       37.5       19.7F148100200048 
       41.0        1.9        51.       122.        4.5        0.9F148100200049 
       41.0        1.9        51.       127.       35.1        6.1F148100200050 
       41.0        1.9        52.       132.       19.4        3.2F148100200051 
       41.0        1.9        53.       131.       46.5        7.6F148100200052 
       41.0        1.9        55.       136.       11.0        2.0F148100200053 
       41.0        1.9        56.       140.       30.2        5.3F148100200054 
       41.0        1.9        58.       141.       36.6        6.4F148100200055 
       41.0        1.9        58.       143.       23.0        4.1F148100200056 
       42.7        1.8        40.        95.       75.1       13.6F148100200057 
       42.7        1.8        41.        96.        8.7        1.9F148100200058 
       42.7        1.8        42.        99.       73.3       11.8F148100200059 
       42.7        1.8        44.       103.       50.7        8.5F148100200060 
       42.7        1.8        45.       105.       59.8       10.6F148100200061 
       42.7        1.8        46.       112.       40.6        7.8F148100200062 
       42.7        1.8        47.       111.       50.1       15.8F148100200063 
       42.7        1.8        51.       122.        4.9       1.12F148100200064 
       42.7        1.8        51.       127.       41.5        6.9F148100200065 
       42.7        1.8        52.       132.       22.8        3.7F148100200066 
       42.7        1.8        53.       131.       54.9        8.9F148100200067 
       42.7        1.8        55.       136.       11.9        2.2F148100200068 
       42.7        1.8        56.       140.       40.8        7.2F148100200069 
       42.7        1.8        58.       141.       44.8        7.5F148100200070 
       42.7        1.8        58.       143.       22.1        4.0F148100200071 
       44.5        1.7        40.        95.       69.5       12.5F148100200072 
       44.5        1.7        41.        96.        9.4        1.9F148100200073 
       44.5        1.7        42.        99.       73.5       11.8F148100200074 
       44.5        1.7        44.       103.       62.0       10.1F148100200075 
       44.5        1.7        45.       105.       74.4       12.5F148100200076 
       44.5        1.7        46.       112.       52.3        9.2F148100200077 
       44.5        1.7        47.       111.       63.6       14.3F148100200078 
       44.5        1.7        51.       122.        5.5        1.1F148100200079 
       44.5        1.7        51.       127.       42.6        7.1F148100200080 
       44.5        1.7        52.       132.       21.8        3.5F148100200081 
       44.5        1.7        53.       131.       54.8        8.9F148100200082 
       44.5        1.7        55.       136.       14.5        2.5F148100200083 
       44.5        1.7        56.       140.       39.4        6.9F148100200084 
       44.5        1.7        58.       141.       44.1        7.4F148100200085 
       44.5        1.7        58.       143.       27.4        4.6F148100200086 
       46.2        1.6        40.        95.       87.4       15.6F148100200087 
       46.2        1.6        41.        96.       10.0        2.4F148100200088 
       46.2        1.6        42.        99.       94.0       15.1F148100200089 
       46.2        1.6        44.       103.       62.4       10.3F148100200090 
       46.2        1.6        45.       105.       74.7       12.5F148100200091 
       46.2        1.6        46.       112.       51.7        9.2F148100200092 
       46.2        1.6        47.       111.       61.3       14.7F148100200093 
       46.2        1.6        51.       122.        5.5        1.1F148100200094 
       46.2        1.6        51.       127.       49.5        8.2F148100200095 
       46.2        1.6        52.       132.       27.2        4.4F148100200096 
       46.2        1.6        53.       131.       66.0       10.6F148100200097 
       46.2        1.6        55.       136.       13.7        2.3F148100200098 
       46.2        1.6        56.       140.       44.0        7.3F148100200099 
       46.2        1.6        58.       141.       56.1        9.3F148100200100 
       46.2        1.6        58.       143.       28.2        4.8F148100200101 
       47.9        1.5        40.        95.       85.1       15.2F148100200102 
       47.9        1.5        41.        96.       15.3        3.5F148100200103 
       47.9        1.5        42.        99.       86.5       13.9F148100200104 
       47.9        1.5        44.       103.       76.6       12.9F148100200105 
       47.9        1.5        45.       105.       86.4       14.3F148100200106 
       47.9        1.5        46.       112.       67.2       11.5F148100200107 
       47.9        1.5        47.       111.       70.4       15.9F148100200108 
       47.9        1.5        51.       122.        5.8        1.1F148100200109 
       47.9        1.5        51.       127.       44.7        7.4F148100200110 
       47.9        1.5        52.       132.       24.4        4.0F148100200111 
       47.9        1.5        53.       131.       60.6        9.8F148100200112 
       47.9        1.5        55.       136.       16.7        2.8F148100200113 
       47.9        1.5        56.       140.       41.8        6.4F148100200114 
       47.9        1.5        58.       141.       47.9        7.9F148100200115 
       47.9        1.5        58.       143.       32.0        5.4F148100200116 
       51.5        1.3        40.        95.       82.4       14.4F148100200117 
       51.5        1.3        41.        96.       12.8        3.4F148100200118 
       51.5        1.3        42.        99.       87.0       14.0F148100200119 
       51.5        1.3        44.       103.       75.8       12.9F148100200120 
       51.5        1.3        45.       105.       81.1       13.5F148100200121 
       51.5        1.3        46.       112.       66.4       11.3F148100200122 
       51.5        1.3        47.       111.       77.2       13.7F148100200123 
       51.5        1.3        51.       122.        6.3        1.2F148100200124 
       51.5        1.3        51.       127.       42.6        7.0F148100200125 
       51.5        1.3        52.       132.       22.7        3.7F148100200126 
       51.5        1.3        53.       131.       58.0        9.3F148100200127 
       51.5        1.3        55.       136.       15.3        2.6F148100200128 
       51.5        1.3        56.       140.       37.3        6.5F148100200129 
       51.5        1.3        58.       141.       48.0        7.9F148100200130 
       51.5        1.3        58.       143.       30.4        5.0F148100200131 
       53.2        1.2        40.        95.       80.1       13.9F148100200132 
       53.2        1.2        41.        96.       11.0        2.9F148100200133 
       53.2        1.2        42.        99.       74.6       12.0F148100200134 
       53.2        1.2        44.       103.       63.6       11.7F148100200135 
       53.2        1.2        45.       105.       77.9       12.8F148100200136 
       53.2        1.2        46.       112.       61.0       10.3F148100200137 
       53.2        1.2        47.       111.       67.6       16.2F148100200138 
       53.2        1.2        51.       122.        5.5        1.0F148100200139 
       53.2        1.2        51.       127.       36.2        6.0F148100200140 
       53.2        1.2        52.       132.       19.5        3.2F148100200141 
       53.2        1.2        53.       131.       49.3        7.9F148100200142 
       53.2        1.2        55.       136.       14.5        2.4F148100200143 
       53.2        1.2        56.       140.       32.3        5.3F148100200144 
       53.2        1.2        58.       141.       42.9        7.1F148100200145 
       53.2        1.2        58.       143.       26.5        4.4F148100200146 
       54.9        1.1        40.        95.       75.5       23.9F148100200147 
       54.9        1.1        41.        96.        9.8        2.0F148100200148 
       54.9        1.1        42.        99.       70.8       11.5F148100200149 
       54.9        1.1        44.       103.       63.7       10.8F148100200150 
       54.9        1.1        45.       105.       77.7       13.4F148100200151 
       54.9        1.1        46.       112.       64.9       12.2F148100200152 
       54.9        1.1        47.       111.       60.4       13.9F148100200153 
       54.9        1.1        51.       122.        5.6        1.3F148100200154 
       54.9        1.1        51.       127.       34.5        6.2F148100200155 
       54.9        1.1        52.       132.       17.6        2.9F148100200156 
       54.9        1.1        53.       131.       48.2        7.8F148100200157 
       54.9        1.1        55.       136.       13.8        2.5F148100200158 
       54.9        1.1        56.       140.       31.5        5.5F148100200159 
       54.9        1.1        58.       141.       39.6        7.5F148100200160 
       54.9        1.1        58.       143.       24.3        5.5F148100200161 
ENDDATA            137          0                                 F148100200162 
ENDSUBENT          161          0                                 F148100299999 
SUBENT        F1481003   20231030                             F095F148100300001 
BIB                  3          3                                 F148100300002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(HE3,X)48-CD-115-G,CUM,SIG)                  F148100300003 
DECAY-DATA (48-CD-115-G,2.23D,DG,336.2,0.46)                      F148100300004 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.A.Smirnov+,J,PAN,85,1449,2022) Table 1       F148100300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 F148100300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F148100300007 
DATA                 4          9                                 F148100300008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            F148100300009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               F148100300010 
       39.2        2.1       33.7        5.6                      F148100300011 
       41.0        1.9       44.0        7.2                      F148100300012 
       42.7        1.8      54.34        8.8                      F148100300013 
       44.5        1.7       55.3        9.0                      F148100300014 
       46.2        1.6       73.0       11.8                      F148100300015 
       47.9        1.5       66.3       10.7                      F148100300016 
       51.5        1.3       68.4       11.0                      F148100300017 
       53.2        1.2       62.0       10.0                      F148100300018 
       54.9        1.1       58.6        9.6                      F148100300019 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 F148100300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 F148100399999 
SUBENT        F1481004   20231030                             F095F148100400001 
BIB                  3          3                                 F148100400002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(HE3,X)51-SB-124-G,M+,SIG)                   F148100400003 
DECAY-DATA (51-SB-124-G,60.2D,DG,602.7,0.978)                     F148100400004 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.A.Smirnov+,J,PAN,85,1449,2022) Table 1       F148100400005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 F148100400006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F148100400007 
DATA                 4          9                                 F148100400008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            F148100400009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               F148100400010 
       39.2        2.1        9.8        3.2                      F148100400011 
       41.0        1.9       12.0        3.5                      F148100400012 
       42.7        1.8       14.3        4.1                      F148100400013 
       44.5        1.7       18.3        4.3                      F148100400014 
       46.2        1.6       20.3        4.4                      F148100400015 
       47.9        1.5       22.7        4.5                      F148100400016 
       51.5        1.3       24.9        4.9                      F148100400017 
       53.2        1.2       28.2        5.2                      F148100400018 
       54.9        1.1       19.7        6.1                      F148100400019 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 F148100400020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 F148100499999 
SUBENT        F1481005   20231030                             F095F148100500001 
BIB                  3          3                                 F148100500002 
REACTION   (90-TH-232(HE3,X)51-SB-126-G,M+,SIG)                   F148100500003 
DECAY-DATA (51-SB-126-G,12.4D,DG,666.3,0.996)                     F148100500004 
STATUS     (TABLE,,A.A.Smirnov+,J,PAN,85,1449,2022) Table 1       F148100500005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 F148100500006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 F148100500007 
DATA                 4          9                                 F148100500008 
EN         EN-ERR     DATA       ERR-T                            F148100500009 
MEV        MEV        MB         MB                               F148100500010 
       39.2        2.1       10.8        2.0                      F148100500011 
       41.0        1.9       14.8        2.5                      F148100500012 
       42.7        1.8       17.5        2.9                      F148100500013 
       44.5        1.7       17.6        2.9                      F148100500014 
       46.2        1.6       25.3        4.2                      F148100500015 
       47.9        1.5       21.8        3.6                      F148100500016 
       51.5        1.3       22.1        3.6                      F148100500017 
       53.2        1.2       19.3        3.2                      F148100500018 
       54.9        1.1       20.5        3.6                      F148100500019 
ENDDATA             11          0                                 F148100500020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 F148100599999 
ENDENTRY             5          0                                 F148199999999