ENTRY F1491 20231211 F095F149100000001 SUBENT F1491001 20231211 F095F149100100001 BIB 14 29 F149100100002 TITLE 230U yield measurement on 3,4He-irradiated ThO2 targetsF149100100003 AUTHOR (A.A.Smirnov,M.N.German,V.A.Zagryadskiy,V.A.Kurochkin, F149100100004 K.A.Makoveeva,T.Y.Malamut,V.I.Novikov,V.N.Unezhev) F149100100005 INSTITUTE (4RUSKUR) F149100100006 REFERENCE (J,AE/T,132,294,2022) English translation F149100100007 #doi:10.1007/S10512-023-00952-1 F149100100008 (J,AE,132,279,2022) Original source F149100100009 FACILITY (ISOCY,4RUSKUR) U-150 cyclotron F149100100010 SAMPLE Targets in the form of disks 8 mm in diameter made F149100100011 from ThO2 powder were packed in target devices with F149100100012 40 mu-m thick aluminum foil windows at the beam F149100100013 entrance. The targets had bulk density of 2.2 g/cm3 F149100100014 determined by weighing. F149100100015 INC-SOURCE Beam current was ~0.15 mu-A, total charge of ~0.3 mu-AhF149100100016 DETECTOR (HPGE) The measurements were performed using a gamma F149100100017 spectrometer with an ultrapure germanium detector F149100100018 ORTEC. The dead time during measurements did not F149100100019 exceed 5%. F149100100020 METHOD (ACTIV,GSPEC,CHSEP,BCINT) F149100100021 RAD-DET (88-RA-222,DG) F149100100022 DECAY-DATA (88-RA-222,,DG,324.31,0.0257) F149100100023 ADD-RES (COMP) Comparison with the computed yield using the F149100100024 nuclear data from the TENDL-2019 library. F149100100025 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors of the measured values include F149100100026 the error in determining the detector efficiency, the F149100100027 errors in determination of peak areas of the total F149100100028 absorption of gamma quanta in the instrument spectra F149100100029 and the error of quantum yield. F149100100030 HISTORY (20231211C) F149100100031 ENDBIB 29 0 F149100100032 NOCOMMON 0 0 F149100100033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 F149100199999 SUBENT F1491002 20231211 F095F149100200001 BIB 3 7 F149100200002 REACTION (90-TH-OXI(HE3,X)92-U-230,,TTY,,EOB) F149100200003 CORRECTION The contribution of the 230U accumulated upon the F149100200004 decay of 230Pa produced in the target via the F149100200005 reaction 232Th(3He,p4n)230Pa was subtracted from the F149100200006 measured activity. F149100200007 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Smirnov+,J,AE/T,132,294,2022) Table from F149100200008 text F149100200009 ENDBIB 7 0 F149100200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 F149100200011 DATA 4 1 F149100200012 EN TIME-IRRD DATA DATA-ERR F149100200013 MEV HR KBQ/MUA KBQ/MUA F149100200014 65. 1. 5.11 1.08 F149100200015 ENDDATA 3 0 F149100200016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 F149100299999 SUBENT F1491003 20231211 F095F149100300001 BIB 3 6 F149100300002 REACTION (90-TH-OXI(A,X)92-U-230,CUM,TTY,,EOB) F149100300003 COMMENT *By author* No correction was made to account for 230U F149100300004 accumulation via 230Pa decay in determining 230U F149100300005 activity through direct 232Th(4He,6n)230U reaction. F149100300006 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Smirnov+,J,AE/T,132,294,2022) Table from F149100300007 text F149100300008 ENDBIB 6 0 F149100300009 NOCOMMON 0 0 F149100300010 DATA 4 1 F149100300011 EN TIME-IRRD DATA DATA-ERR F149100300012 MEV HR KBQ/MUA KBQ/MUA F149100300013 55. 1. 0.20 0.16 F149100300014 ENDDATA 3 0 F149100300015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 F149100399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 F149199999999