ENTRY F1500 20240405 F099F150000000001 SUBENT F1500001 20240405 F099F150000100001 BIB 13 31 F150000100002 TITLE Charge exchange upon the fragmentation of carbon ions F150000100003 at an energy of 300 MeV/nucleon: comparing models of F150000100004 ion-ion interaction F150000100005 AUTHOR (A.A.Kulikovskaya,B.M.Abramov,Yu.A.Borodin, F150000100006 S.A.Bulychjov,I.A.Dukhovskoy,A.P.Krutenkova, F150000100007 V.V.Kulikov,M.A.Martemianov,M.A.Matsyuk,E.N.Turdakina) F150000100008 REFERENCE (J,BAS,87,1147,2023) English translation F150000100009 #doi:10.3103/S1062873823703008 F150000100010 (J,IZV,87,1130,2023) Russian original F150000100011 #doi:10.31857/S0367676523702034 F150000100012 INSTITUTE (4RUSITE) F150000100013 REL-REF (N,F1499001,A.A.Kulikovskaya+,J,PAN,85,466,2022) Data F150000100014 for Be-11 and B-12 are given. F150000100015 FACILITY (SYNCH,4RUSITE) ITEP-TWAC accelerating complex F150000100016 METHOD (TOF) A time-to-digital converter identified ions at F150000100017 each setting using their times of flight as a F150000100018 function of the amplitude of the signal from the F150000100019 charge digital converter. F150000100020 DETECTOR (MAGSP) The FRAGM facility was used to record nuclear F150000100021 fragments. F150000100022 (SCIN) Scintillation counters of FRAGM facility were F150000100023 used to measure amplitude and time of flight. F150000100024 SAMPLE A narrow vertical beryllium foil 50 mu-m thick. F150000100025 MONITOR (4-BE-9(6-C-12,NON),,SIG) F150000100026 To obtain the absolute values of the differential crossF150000100027 sections, a normalization to the total cross section F150000100028 for the interaction of carbon ions with a beryllium F150000100029 target was used. F150000100030 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error F150000100031 STATUS (APRVD) Entry was approved by Dr. A.A. Kulikovskaya. F150000100032 HISTORY (20240405C) F150000100033 ENDBIB 31 0 F150000100034 COMMON 4 3 F150000100035 EN ANG EN-NRM MONIT F150000100036 MEV/A ADEG MEV/A MB F150000100037 300. 3.5 300. 772.8 F150000100038 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F150000100039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 F150000199999 SUBENT F1500002 20240405 F099F150000200001 BIB 2 3 F150000200002 REACTION (4-BE-9(6-C-12,X)4-BE-12,,DA/DP) F150000200003 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Kulikovskaya+,J,BAS,87,1147,2023) The same F150000200004 on Fig. 2. Data were presented by Dr. A.A. KulikovskayaF150000200005 ENDBIB 3 0 F150000200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 F150000200007 DATA 3 8 F150000200008 MOM-SEC DATA ERR-S F150000200009 GEV/C MB/SR/MEVC MB/SR/MEVC F150000200010 8.76 1.58E-05 9.14E-06 F150000200011 8.84 3.59E-05 1.20E-05 F150000200012 8.92 4.80E-05 1.70E-05 F150000200013 9.00 7.04E-05 1.82E-05 F150000200014 9.08 1.01E-04 5.85E-05 F150000200015 9.16 1.32E-04 1.32E-04 F150000200016 9.40 1.23E-04 1.23E-04 F150000200017 9.48 1.08E-04 1.08E-04 F150000200018 ENDDATA 10 0 F150000200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 F150000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 F150099999999