ENTRY F1501 20240408 F099F150100000001 SUBENT F1501001 20240408 F099F150100100001 BIB 10 44 F150100100002 TITLE Measurement of proton-evaporation rates in fusion F150100100003 reactions leading to transfermium nuclei F150100100004 AUTHOR (A.Lopez-Martens,A.V.Yeremin,M.S.Tezekbayeva,Z.Asfari, F150100100005 P.Brionnet,O.Dorvaux,B.Gall,K.Hauschild,D.Ackermann, F150100100006 L.Caceres,M.L.Chelnokov,V.I.Chepigin,M.V.Gustova, F150100100007 A.V.Isaev,A.V.Karpov,A.A.Kuznetsova,J.Piot, F150100100008 O.N.Malyshev,A.G.Popeko,Yu.A.Popov,K.Rezynkina, F150100100009 H.Savajols,A.I.Svirikhin,E.A.Sokol,P.Steinegger) F150100100010 INSTITUTE (2FR PAR,4ZZZDUB,4KASKAZ,2FR ULP,2FR GAN) F150100100011 REFERENCE (J,PL/B,795,271,2019) F150100100012 #doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2019.06.010 F150100100013 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) U-400 F150100100014 SAMPLE Targets wheels accommodating 6 metallic Bi targets on F150100100015 a 3 mu-m Al backing were used. The average thickness ofF150100100016 the Bi target segments on a given wheel varied from F150100100017 0.38 to 0.51 mg/cm2 + -0.02 mg/cm2. F150100100018 DETECTOR (SISD) GABRIELA detector array was used to detect the F150100100019 residues and their subsequent alpha decay or fission F150100100020 as well as gamma rays, X rays and conversion F150100100021 electrons. The evaporation residues pass through a F150100100022 Time of Flight detector composed of 2 emissive foils F150100100023 and 4 large-size (70x90 mm2) micro channel plate F150100100024 detectors. The residues are then implanted into a F150100100025 10x10 cm2 300 mu-m thick Double-sided Silicon Strip F150100100026 Detector. Particles escaping from the DSSD are F150100100027 detected in eight 6x5 cm2 DSSDs with 16 strips on each F150100100028 side. F150100100029 (GE)The Ge array consists of a large clover detector F150100100030 installed just behind the DSSD and 4 coaxial detectors F150100100031 forming a cross around the DSSD. F150100100032 METHOD (OLMS) The Separator for Heavy Elements Spectroscopy F150100100033 (SHELS) was used for separation of fusion-evaporation F150100100034 reaction products. F150100100035 (TOF,ASPEC) F150100100036 COMMENT *By author* The data were taken in two experiments. F150100100037 The first experiment was performed in two campaigns. F150100100038 During the first campaign, cyclotron beam energies of F150100100039 255 and 265 MeV were used, while in second the F150100100040 primary beam energies were 255 and 275 MeV. For the F150100100041 second experiment, primary beam energies of 255, 265 F150100100042 and 275 MeV were used. F150100100043 Cross sections were averaged over the first and second F150100100044 experiments. Mid-target energies are given. F150100100045 HISTORY (20240408C) F150100100046 ENDBIB 44 0 F150100100047 COMMON 1 3 F150100100048 EN-ERR F150100100049 MEV F150100100050 3. F150100100051 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F150100100052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 F150100199999 SUBENT F1501002 20240408 F099F150100200001 BIB 4 9 F150100200002 REACTION (83-BI-209(22-TI-50,N)105-DB-258,,SIG) F150100200003 SAMPLE The targets were covered with a 30 mu-g/cm C coating onF150100200004 both sides to maximise heat evacuation by radiation. F150100200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors account for a 1% uncertainty on F150100200006 the measurement of the beam energy as well as on the F150100200007 thickness of the Al backing. F150100200008 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Lopez-Martens+,J,PL/B,795,271,2019) Data F150100200009 were received from Dr. A.Lopez-Martens. The same on F150100200010 Fig. 3. F150100200011 ENDBIB 9 0 F150100200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 F150100200013 DATA 4 2 F150100200014 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR F150100200015 MEV MB MB MB F150100200016 237.9 7.5E-07 2.3E-07 1.5E-07 F150100200017 248.5 4.7E-08 5.E-08 1.2E-08 F150100200018 ENDDATA 4 0 F150100200019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 F150100299999 SUBENT F1501003 20240408 F099F150100300001 BIB 4 9 F150100300002 REACTION (83-BI-209(22-TI-50,2N)105-DB-257,,SIG) F150100300003 SAMPLE The targets were covered with a 30 mu-g/cm C coating onF150100300004 both sides to maximise heat evacuation by radiation. F150100300005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors account for a 1% uncertainty on F150100300006 the measurement of the beam energy as well as on the F150100300007 thickness of the Al backing. F150100300008 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Lopez-Martens+,J,PL/B,795,271,2019) Data F150100300009 were received from Dr. A.Lopez-Martens. The same on F150100300010 Fig. 3. F150100300011 ENDBIB 9 0 F150100300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 F150100300013 DATA 4 3 F150100300014 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR F150100300015 MEV MB MB MB F150100300016 237.9 3.1E-06 5.6E-07 5.4E-07 F150100300017 248.5 3.87E-07 1.8E-07 1.39E-07 F150100300018 258.4 1.9E-08 3.4E-08 1.3E-08 F150100300019 ENDDATA 5 0 F150100300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 F150100399999 SUBENT F1501004 20240408 F099F150100400001 BIB 4 9 F150100400002 REACTION (83-BI-209(22-TI-50,3N)105-DB-256,,SIG) F150100400003 SAMPLE The targets were covered with a 30 mu-g/cm C coating onF150100400004 both sides to maximise heat evacuation by radiation. F150100400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The errors account for a 1% uncertainty on F150100400006 the measurement of the beam energy as well as on the F150100400007 thickness of the Al backing. F150100400008 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Lopez-Martens+,J,PL/B,795,271,2019) Data F150100400009 were received from Dr. A.Lopez-Martens. The same on F150100400010 Fig. 3. F150100400011 ENDBIB 9 0 F150100400012 NOCOMMON 0 0 F150100400013 DATA 4 3 F150100400014 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR F150100400015 MEV MB MB MB F150100400016 237.9 1.2E-07 2.67E-07 1.0E-07 F150100400017 248.5 4.5E-07 2.E-07 1.32E-07 F150100400018 258.4 3.6E-08 5.E-08 2.E-08 F150100400019 ENDDATA 5 0 F150100400020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 F150100499999 SUBENT F1501005 20240408 F099F150100500001 BIB 4 6 F150100500002 REACTION (83-BI-209(22-TI-50,P)104-RF-258,,SIG) F150100500003 SAMPLE Bi targets with a Pb impurity content of ~ 0.7%. F150100500004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No explanation for the error bars is given. F150100500005 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Lopez-Martens+,J,PL/B,795,271,2019) Data F150100500006 were received from Dr. A.Lopez-Martens. The same on F150100500007 Fig. 4. F150100500008 ENDBIB 6 0 F150100500009 NOCOMMON 0 0 F150100500010 DATA 4 3 F150100500011 EN DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR F150100500012 MEV MB MB MB F150100500013 237.9 4.7E-08 2.68E-08 9.68E-09 F150100500014 248.5 2.7E-08 6.3E-08 2.49E-08 F150100500015 258.4 5.88E-09 7.8E-09 3.98E-09 F150100500016 ENDDATA 5 0 F150100500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 F150100599999 SUBENT F1501006 20240408 F099F150100600001 BIB 4 6 F150100600002 REACTION (83-BI-209(22-TI-50,X)104-RF-256,,SIG) F150100600003 SAMPLE Bi targets with a Pb impurity content of 0.000001%. F150100600004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No explanation for the error bars is given. F150100600005 STATUS (TABLE,,A.Lopez-Martens+,J,PL/B,795,271,2019) Data F150100600006 were received from Dr. A.Lopez-Martens. The same on F150100600007 Fig. 4. F150100600008 ENDBIB 6 0 F150100600009 NOCOMMON 0 0 F150100600010 DATA 5 3 F150100600011 EN DATA-MAX DATA +DATA-ERR -DATA-ERR F150100600012 MEV MB MB MB MB F150100600013 237.9 6.63E-09 F150100600014 248.5 3.89E-09 6.38E-09 2.4E-09 F150100600015 258.4 6.8E-09 F150100600016 ENDDATA 5 0 F150100600017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 F150100699999 ENDENTRY 6 0 F150199999999