ENTRY F1507 20240418 F099F150700000001 SUBENT F1507001 20240418 F099F150700100001 BIB 8 13 F150700100002 TITLE Production of evaporation residues in the 16O+208Pb andF150700100003 48Ca+176Yb reactions F150700100004 AUTHOR (R.N.Sagaidak,M.L.Chelnokov,V.I.Chepigin,V.A.Gorshkov, F150700100005 O.N.Malyshev,A.G.Popeko,A.I.Svirikhin,A.V.Yeremin) F150700100006 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,105,024604,2022) F150700100007 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) F150700100008 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) Recoil separator VASSILISSA installed F150700100009 in the beam line of the U400 cyclotron at the FLNR, F150700100010 JINR was used. F150700100011 METHOD (EDEG,REC,ASPEC,BCINT) F150700100012 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) The overall systematic uncertainty due to the F150700100013 normalization. F150700100014 HISTORY (20240418C) F150700100015 ENDBIB 13 0 F150700100016 COMMON 1 3 F150700100017 ERR-1 F150700100018 PER-CENT F150700100019 40. F150700100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F150700100021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 F150700199999 SUBENT F1507002 20240418 F099F150700200001 BIB 6 16 F150700200002 REACTION (82-PB-208(8-O-16,FUS),,SIG,ER) F150700200003 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity was up to 0.5 p mu-A. F150700200004 DETECTOR (SISD) Two Si(Au) detectors placed at 30 degrees to F150700200005 the beam axis were used for the measurements. F150700200006 (PS) The alpha activity of the evaporation residues F150700200007 was registered by a 40x35 mm2 position-sensitive PIPS F150700200008 detector consisting of eight strips. F150700200009 SAMPLE (82-PB-208,ENR=0.982) The 208Pb target of the F150700200010 0.36 +-0.04 mg/cm2 thickness was prepared by F150700200011 evaporating a metal onto 0.81+-0.02 mg/cm2 Al backing. F150700200012 ERR-ANALYS Digitizing error of compound nucleus energy F150700200013 is 0.056 MeV F150700200014 (DATA-ERR) Errors from the graphic bars consider F150700200015 statistical and systematical uncertainties F150700200016 STATUS (CURVE,,R.N.Sagaidak+,J,PR/C,105,024604,2022) Fig. 1 F150700200017 left F150700200018 ENDBIB 16 0 F150700200019 COMMON 1 3 F150700200020 ERR-DIG F150700200021 PER-CENT F150700200022 1.8 F150700200023 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F150700200024 DATA 3 6 F150700200025 E-EXC-CMP DATA DATA-ERR F150700200026 MEV MB MB F150700200027 17.970 2.5265E-05 1.4761E-05 F150700200028 21.391 1.6538E-03 6.6693E-04 F150700200029 26.902 1.2900E+00 5.5894E-01 F150700200030 28.232 5.4743E+00 2.3719E+00 F150700200031 30.319 8.2718E+00 3.8199E+00 F150700200032 34.494 1.6176E+01 7.0090E+00 F150700200033 ENDDATA 8 0 F150700200034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 F150700299999 SUBENT F1507003 20240418 F099F150700300001 BIB 7 18 F150700300002 REACTION (70-YB-176(20-CA-48,FUS),,SIG,ER) F150700300003 INC-SOURCE Beam intensity was 0.04 p mu-A. F150700300004 METHOD (TOF) F150700300005 DETECTOR (SISD) A detector system, consisting of a time-of- F150700300006 flight detector and Si-detector array with five F150700300007 identical 16-strip wafers, each with an active area F150700300008 of 60x60 mm2, was installed in the separator's focal F150700300009 plane. Two different configurations of the separator F150700300010 were used. The second configuration used a 32-strip F150700300011 Si-detector array of 60x120 mm2 in size as a stop F150700300012 detector. F150700300013 SAMPLE (70-YB-176,ENR=0.964) The Yb target of 0.29 mg/cm2 F150700300014 thickness was prepared on the 0.987 mg/cm2 Ti backing. F150700300015 ERR-ANALYS Digitizing error of compound nucleus energy F150700300016 is 0.050 MeV F150700300017 (ERR-S) Statistical error F150700300018 STATUS (CURVE,,R.N.Sagaidak+,J,PR/C,105,024604,2022) Fig. 1 F150700300019 right F150700300020 ENDBIB 18 0 F150700300021 COMMON 1 3 F150700300022 ERR-DIG F150700300023 PER-CENT F150700300024 1.6 F150700300025 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F150700300026 DATA 4 9 F150700300027 E-EXC-CMP E-EXC-C-ER DATA ERR-S F150700300028 MEV MEV MB MB F150700300029 20.820 1.363 3.8125E-05 1.9808E-05 F150700300030 25.085 1.192 5.6669E-03 1.8227E-03 F150700300031 29.177 1.363 7.5301E-02 3.0418E-02 F150700300032 31.904 0.852 2.2125E-01 7.7495E-02 F150700300033 35.312 0.852 3.5543E-01 1.0370E-01 F150700300034 37.186 1.533 3.8739E-01 1.1302E-01 F150700300035 45.363 1.533 4.8029E-01 1.4012E-01 F150700300036 50.984 1.704 3.2567E-01 9.5014E-02 F150700300037 57.798 1.533 2.1149E-01 6.8023E-02 F150700300038 ENDDATA 11 0 F150700300039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 F150700399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 F150799999999