ENTRY F1510 20240423 F099F151000000001 SUBENT F1510001 20240423 F099F151000100001 BIB 12 48 F151000100002 TITLE Evidence for the first excited state of 7H F151000100003 AUTHOR (A.A.Bezbakh,V.Chudoba,S.A.Krupko,S.G.Belogurov, F151000100004 D.Biare,A.S.Fomichev,E.M.Gazeeva,A.V.Gorshkov, F151000100005 L.V.Grigorenko,G.Kaminski,O.A.Kiselev,D.A.Kostyleva, F151000100006 M.Yu.Kozlov,B.Mauyey,I.Mukha,I.A.Muzalevskii, F151000100007 E.Yu.Nikolskii,Yu.L.Parfenova,W.Piatek,A.M.Quynh, F151000100008 V.N.Schetinin,A.Serikov,S.I.Sidorchuk,P.G.Sharov, F151000100009 R.S.Slepnev,S.V.Stepantsov,A.Swiercz,P.Szymkiewicz, F151000100010 G.M.Ter-Akopian,R.Wolski,B.Zalewski,M.V.Zhukov) F151000100011 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions; F151000100012 Laboratory of Information Technologies F151000100013 (3CZRCZR) Institute of Physics, Silesian University F151000100014 in Opava F151000100015 (4RUSKUR) SSC RF ITEP of NRC; National Research Centre F151000100016 "Kurchatov Institute", Kurchatov sq. 1, Moscow F151000100017 (4RUSMIF,4RUSDBU,3POLWWA,2GERGSI,2GERJLU,4KASKAZ, F151000100018 3VN DAL,3POLITJ,3POLIFJ,2SWDCTH) F151000100019 REFERENCE (J,PRL,124,022502,2020) F151000100020 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.022502 F151000100021 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) U-400M cyclotron (primary 11B beam) F151000100022 INC-SOURCE Primary 11B beam intensity was ~ 1p mu-A. F151000100023 METHOD (EDE) F151000100024 (COINC) The 3He recoils were detected in coincidence F151000100025 with 3H. F151000100026 DETECTOR (TELES,SISD) Two identical dE -E -E telescopes were F151000100027 used to detect 3He nuclei. Each telescope consisted F151000100028 of three Si detectors: one 20-micron SSD (50x50 mm2, F151000100029 16 strips) and two 1000- micron SSDs (61x61 mm2, 16 F151000100030 strips). The telescopes were located 166 mm F151000100031 downstream from the D2 target. F151000100032 Tritons emitted from 7H were detected by the 64x64 mm2F151000100033 telescope installed at zero laboratory angle 280 mm F151000100034 downstream from the target. It consisted of one F151000100035 1500-micron Si DSD (32x32 strips) and a set of 16 F151000100036 square CsI(Tl)/PMT modules. F151000100037 SAMPLE Primary 11B beam was focused into a 5-mm spot on the F151000100038 1-mm thick beryllium production target. The secondary F151000100039 8He beam with energy 26 AMeV, ~90% purity, and F151000100040 intensity ~10**5 pps, was focused into a 17-mm spot F151000100041 on the deuterium gas target. The 4 mm thick gas cell F151000100042 was equipped with 6 mu-m stainless steel windows. The F151000100043 D2 target was cooled to 27 K, and its thickness made F151000100044 ~ 3.8x10**20 cm**(-2). F151000100045 ADD-RES (STRUC) For the first time, the 7H excited state is F151000100046 observed. Indications for the 7H ground states are F151000100047 found. F151000100048 STATUS No response from authors was received. F151000100049 HISTORY (20240423C) F151000100050 ENDBIB 48 0 F151000100051 NOCOMMON 0 0 F151000100052 ENDSUBENT 51 0 F151000199999 SUBENT F1510002 20240423 F099F151000200001 BIB 3 4 F151000200002 REACTION (1-H-2(2-HE-8,HE3)1-H-7,PAR,DA) F151000200003 PART-DET (HE3,T) F151000200004 STATUS (TABLE,,A.A.Bezbakh+,J,PRL,124,022502,2020) Data from F151000200005 text, p. 022502-1. F151000200006 ENDBIB 4 0 F151000200007 NOCOMMON 0 0 F151000200008 DATA 5 1 F151000200009 EN E-LVL ANG-CM-MIN ANG-CM-MAX DATA-AP-CM F151000200010 MEV/A MEV ADEG ADEG MU-B/SR F151000200011 26. 0. 17. 27. 25. F151000200012 ENDDATA 3 0 F151000200013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 F151000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 F151099999999