ENTRY F1511 20240524 F099F151100000001 SUBENT F1511001 20240524 F099F151100100001 BIB 15 65 F151100100002 TITLE Evidence for the first excited state of 7H F151100100003 AUTHOR (I.A.Muzalevskii,A.A.Bezbakh,E.Yu.Nikolskii,V.Chudoba, F151100100004 S.A.Krupko,S.G.Belogurov,D.Biare,A.S.Fomichev, F151100100005 E.M.Gazeeva,A.V.Gorshkov,L.V.Grigorenko,G.Kaminski, F151100100006 O.A.Kiselev,D.A.Kostyleva,M.Yu.Kozlov,B.Mauyey,I.Mukha,F151100100007 Yu.L.Parfenova,W.Piatek,A.M.Quynh,V.N.Schetinin, F151100100008 A.Serikov,S.I.Sidorchuk,P.G.Sharov,R.S.Slepnev, F151100100009 S.V.Stepantsov,A.Swiercz,P.Szymkiewicz,G.M.Ter-Akopian,F151100100010 R.Wolski,B.Zalewski,M.V.Zhukov) F151100100011 INSTITUTE (4ZZZDUB) Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions; F151100100012 Laboratory of Information Technologies F151100100013 (3CZRCZR) Institute of Physics, Silesian University F151100100014 in Opava F151100100015 (4RUSKUR,4RUSMIF,4RUSDBU,3POLWWA,2GERGSI,2GERJLU, F151100100016 4KASATN,3VN DAL,3POLITJ,3POLIFJ,2SWDCTH) F151100100017 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,103,044313,2021) F151100100018 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.103.044313 F151100100019 REL-REF (I,F1510001,A.A.Bezbakh+,J,PRL,124,022502,2020) F151100100020 Details of experimental setup is given. F151100100021 FACILITY (CYCLO,4ZZZDUB) U-400M cyclotron (primary 11B beam) F151100100022 INC-SOURCE Primary 11B beam intensity was ~ 1p mu-A, 33.4 MeV. F151100100023 METHOD (EDE,TOF) F151100100024 (COINC) The 3He recoils were detected in coincidence F151100100025 with 3H. Triple coincidence events 3H-3He-n were also F151100100026 recorded. F151100100027 DETECTOR (TELES,SISD) 3He telescope assembly was installed at F151100100028 a distance of 179 mm from the target. It consisted of F151100100029 four identical dE-E-E telescopes made of the silicon F151100100030 strip detectors (SSD). The 20-mu-thick SSD with a F151100100031 sensitive area of 50x50 mm2 was divided into 16 strips,F151100100032 the second and the third layers were created by the twoF151100100033 identical 1-mm-thick SSDs (60x60 mm2 with 16 strips). F151100100034 The angular range covered by these 3 telescopes F151100100035 for the 3He recoil nuclei was extended up to the F151100100036 range from ~6 to ~24 degrees in the laboratory system. F151100100037 Tritons originating from 7H were detected using the F151100100038 setup where the central telescope was placed at a F151100100039 distance of 323 mm from the target. It consisted of oneF151100100040 1.5-mm-thick double-sided SSD (64x64 mm2, with 32 F151100100041 strips on each side) followed by a square array of 16 F151100100042 CsI(Tl) crystals. F151100100043 (SCIN) Neutron spectrometer, made of 48 organic F151100100044 scintillator modules was used. F151100100045 SAMPLE Primary 11B beam bombarded the 1-mm thick beryllium F151100100046 production target. The secondary 8He beam with F151100100047 intensity ~10**5 pps, was focused on the deuterium F151100100048 gas target. The 4-mm-thick target cell, equipped with F151100100049 the 6-mu-thick and 25-mm diameter stainless-steel F151100100050 entrance and exit windows, was cooled down to 27 K F151100100051 and filled with the deuterium gas up to a pressure at F151100100052 which the target thickness was ~3.7x10**2 cm(-2). F151100100053 PART-DET (HE3,T) F151100100054 EN-SEC (E,1-H-7) Decay energy above the 3H+4n threshold is F151100100055 given. F151100100056 ADD-RES H-2(Be-10,He-3)Li-9 g.s. was studied at 42 A MeV 10Be F151100100057 secondary beam. The cross-section values of ~7-10 mb/srF151100100058 at forward angles in the center-of-mass system were F151100100059 deduced for the 9Li ground state. F151100100060 (STRUC) With obtained 7H spectra the authors assign theF151100100061 ground state at 2.2(3) MeV, the first excited state at F151100100062 5.5(3) MeV, and the higher-energy resonances at 7.5(3) F151100100063 and 11.0(5) MeV. F151100100064 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Error from the graphic bars. No explanation F151100100065 is given. F151100100066 HISTORY (20240524C) F151100100067 ENDBIB 65 0 F151100100068 COMMON 2 3 F151100100069 EN ERR-DIG F151100100070 MEV/A PER-CENT F151100100071 26. 0.5 F151100100072 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F151100100073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 F151100199999 SUBENT F1511002 20240524 F099F151100200001 BIB 2 3 F151100200002 REACTION (1-H-2(2-HE-8,HE3)1-H-7,PAR,DA) F151100200003 STATUS (CURVE,,I.A.Muzalevskii+,J,PR/C,103,044313,2021) F151100200004 Fig. 12. F151100200005 ENDBIB 3 0 F151100200006 COMMON 2 3 F151100200007 E-MAX ANG-ERR-D F151100200008 MEV ADEG F151100200009 3.5 0.03 F151100200010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F151100200011 DATA 3 5 F151100200012 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F151100200013 ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR F151100200014 3.74 1.142E+02 1.075E+02 F151100200015 6.29 2.453E+01 1.633E+01 F151100200016 8.84 4.621E+00 4.418E+00 F151100200017 16.31 9.492E+00 4.478E+00 F151100200018 18.77 2.606E+00 2.491E+00 F151100200019 ENDDATA 7 0 F151100200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 F151100299999 SUBENT F1511003 20240524 F099F151100300001 BIB 2 3 F151100300002 REACTION (1-H-2(2-HE-8,HE3)1-H-7,PAR,DA) F151100300003 STATUS (CURVE,,I.A.Muzalevskii+,J,PR/C,103,044313,2021) F151100300004 Fig. 12. F151100300005 ENDBIB 3 0 F151100300006 COMMON 3 3 F151100300007 E-MIN E-MAX ANG-ERR-D F151100300008 MEV MEV ADEG F151100300009 3.5 8.5 0.04 F151100300010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F151100300011 DATA 3 12 F151100300012 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F151100300013 ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR F151100300014 6.22 1.558E+02 7.894E+01 F151100300015 8.73 8.477E+01 3.038E+01 F151100300016 11.25 3.914E+01 1.524E+01 F151100300017 13.76 4.537E+01 1.377E+01 F151100300018 16.41 3.786E+01 1.149E+01 F151100300019 18.92 3.212E+01 1.047E+01 F151100300020 21.31 3.319E+01 1.082E+01 F151100300021 23.83 2.862E+01 9.954E+00 F151100300022 26.34 1.279E+01 7.436E+00 F151100300023 28.86 2.814E+01 1.257E+01 F151100300024 31.38 6.298E+01 2.323E+01 F151100300025 36.41 3.541E+01 2.509E+01 F151100300026 ENDDATA 14 0 F151100300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 F151100399999 SUBENT F1511004 20240524 F099F151100400001 BIB 2 3 F151100400002 REACTION (1-H-2(2-HE-8,HE3)1-H-7,PAR,DA) F151100400003 STATUS (CURVE,,I.A.Muzalevskii+,J,PR/C,103,044313,2021) F151100400004 Fig. 12. F151100400005 ENDBIB 3 0 F151100400006 COMMON 3 3 F151100400007 E-MIN E-MAX ANG-ERR-D F151100400008 MEV MEV ADEG F151100400009 10.5 12.5 0.06 F151100400010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F151100400011 DATA 3 12 F151100400012 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F151100400013 ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR F151100400014 11.29 1.778E+01 1.710E+01 F151100400015 13.79 3.604E+01 1.827E+01 F151100400016 16.30 6.098E+01 1.988E+01 F151100400017 18.67 3.319E+01 1.258E+01 F151100400018 21.30 3.602E+01 1.214E+01 F151100400019 23.68 2.509E+01 9.513E+00 F151100400020 26.18 4.040E+01 1.180E+01 F151100400021 28.68 2.956E+01 9.961E+00 F151100400022 31.18 2.634E+01 9.718E+00 F151100400023 33.68 1.662E+01 7.574E+00 F151100400024 36.06 2.812E+01 1.038E+01 F151100400025 38.69 5.796E+01 2.138E+01 F151100400026 ENDDATA 14 0 F151100400027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 F151100499999 SUBENT F1511005 20240524 F099F151100500001 BIB 2 3 F151100500002 REACTION (1-H-2(2-HE-8,HE3)1-H-7,PAR,DA) F151100500003 STATUS (CURVE,,I.A.Muzalevskii+,J,PR/C,103,044313,2021) F151100500004 Fig. 12. F151100500005 ENDBIB 3 0 F151100500006 COMMON 3 3 F151100500007 E-MIN E-MAX ANG-ERR-D F151100500008 MEV MEV ADEG F151100500009 12.5 17. 0.09 F151100500010 ENDCOMMON 3 0 F151100500011 DATA 3 10 F151100500012 ANG-CM DATA-CM DATA-ERR F151100500013 ADEG MU-B/SR MU-B/SR F151100500014 11.33 1.352E+02 7.869E+01 F151100500015 13.84 8.475E+01 3.833E+01 F151100500016 16.35 5.730E+01 2.397E+01 F151100500017 18.86 7.742E+01 2.265E+01 F151100500018 21.37 8.222E+01 2.137E+01 F151100500019 23.89 7.072E+01 1.838E+01 F151100500020 26.27 5.078E+01 1.432E+01 F151100500021 28.78 8.097E+01 1.922E+01 F151100500022 31.29 4.303E+01 1.563E+01 F151100500023 33.81 9.553E+01 2.795E+01 F151100500024 ENDDATA 12 0 F151100500025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 F151100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 F151199999999