ENTRY            G0058   20180228                             G041G005800000001 
SUBENT        G0058001   20180228                             G041G005800100001 
BIB                 14         78                                 G005800100002 
TITLE      Correlated neutron-proton pairs from the               G005800100003 
           photodisintegration of oxygen                          G005800100004 
AUTHOR     (J.Garvey, B.H.Patrick, J.G.Rutherglen, I.L.Smith)     G005800100005 
INSTITUTE  (2UK GLS)                                              G005800100006 
REFERENCE  (J,NP,70,241,1965)                                     G005800100007 
           #doi:10.1016/0029-5582(65)90522-5                      G005800100008 
FACILITY   (SYNCH,2UK GLS)                                        G005800100009 
INC-SOURCE (BRST,KINDT) Peak energy of photon beam is 300 MeV.    G005800100010 
DETECTOR   (TRD) Spark chamber telescope was used for proton      G005800100011 
           registration.                                          G005800100012 
           (SCIN) Plastic scintillator NE102A (30.5 cm length,    G005800100013 
           17.8 cm diam.) was used for neutron registration. The  G005800100014 
           angle between photon beam direction and neutron        G005800100015 
           counter axis was 90+-0.5 degr in horizontal plane.     G005800100016 
SAMPLE     5.1 cm of liquid deuterium for deuteron                G005800100017 
           photodisintegration was used. For O-16                 G005800100018 
           photodisintegration cylindrical water target (5.7 cm   G005800100019 
           length and 4.8 cm diam) was used.                      G005800100020 
METHOD     (COINC) Proton and neutron detected in coincidence.    G005800100021 
ADD-RES    Differential cross section of O-16 photodisintegration G005800100022 
           was measured. Two angles for outgoing photoprotons     G005800100023 
           were used. Horizontal angle beta (ANG) of outgoing     G005800100024 
           protons was the angle between projection of outgoing   G005800100025 
           proton momentum to horizontal plane and incident       G005800100026 
           photon beam direction. This angle covered the range    G005800100027 
           55<=ANG<=75 degr. Vertical angle alpha (ANG1) was the  G005800100028 
           angle between projection of outgoing proton momentum   G005800100029 
           to horizontal plane and momentum of outgoing proton.   G005800100030 
           Differential cross section of O-16 photodisintegration G005800100031 
           was measured as a function of alpha angle (ANG1).      G005800100032 
           Neutron detector was set at two positions              G005800100033 
            (at 90+-0.5 degr to gamma-ray beam):                  G005800100034 
           1. Neutron counter in the horizontal plane             G005800100035 
           PROTON ENERGY      ANG1       DATA         ERR-S       G005800100036 
                MEV           ADEG       MU-B/SR      MU-B/SR     G005800100037 
             88.8-142.5        1.25       5.66         0.5        G005800100038 
             88.8-142.5        3.75       5.31         0.5        G005800100039 
             88.8-142.5        6.25       4.71         0.5        G005800100040 
             88.8-142.5        8.75       3.77         0.5        G005800100041 
             88.8-142.5        11.25      3.09         0.43       G005800100042 
             108.5-142.5       1.25       5.27         0.71       G005800100043 
             108.5-142.5       3.75       4.91         0.71       G005800100044 
             108.5-142.5       6.25       4.19         0.62       G005800100045 
             108.5-142.5       8.75       3.30         0.54       G005800100046 
             108.5-142.5       11.25      2.05         0.45       G005800100047 
             88.8-108.5        1.25       6.01         0.87       G005800100048 
             88.8-108.5        3.75       5.86         0.87       G005800100049 
             88.8-108.5        6.25       5.46         0.87       G005800100050 
             88.8-108.5        8.75       4.43         0.79       G005800100051 
             88.8-108.5        11.25      4.43         0.79       G005800100052 
           2. Neutron detector lowered through 20 degr about      G005800100053 
           the beam direction.                                    G005800100054 
           PROTON ENERGY      ANG1       DATA         ERR-S       G005800100055 
                MEV           ADEG       MU-B/SR      MU-B/SR     G005800100056 
             88.8-142.5        7.         3.69         0.60       G005800100057 
             88.8-142.5        10.75      2.27         0.35       G005800100058 
             88.8-142.5        15.75      2.23         0.35       G005800100059 
             88.8-142.5        20.75      1.67         0.30       G005800100060 
             88.8-142.5        25.75      1.37         0.30       G005800100061 
             88.8-142.5        29.5       1.37         0.36       G005800100062 
             108.5-142.5       7.         3.03         0.66       G005800100063 
             108.5-142.5       10.75      1.70         0.36       G005800100064 
             108.5-142.5       15.75      1.65         0.36       G005800100065 
             108.5-142.5       20.75      1.96         0.40       G005800100066 
             108.5-142.5       25.75      1.16         0.32       G005800100067 
             108.5-142.5       29.5       1.70         0.53       G005800100068 
             88.8-108.5        7.         4.83         0.10       G005800100069 
             88.8-108.5        10.75      3.05         0.60       G005800100070 
             88.8-108.5        15.75      3.13         0.60       G005800100071 
             88.8-108.5        20.75      1.07         0.40       G005800100072 
             88.8-108.5        25.75      1.66         0.48       G005800100073 
             88.8-108.5        29.5       0.87         0.56       G005800100074 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error.                             G005800100075 
COMMENT    *by compiler* The angle ANG=65 degr used for deuteron  G005800100076 
           photodisintegration was horizontal angle of proton     G005800100077 
           counter (beta angle for O-16 photodisintegration).     G005800100078 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table 2.                                       G005800100079 
HISTORY    (20180228C) SS+On                                      G005800100080 
ENDBIB              78          0                                 G005800100081 
COMMON               3          3                                 G005800100082 
ANG        ANG-RSL-HW ANG-ERR                                     G005800100083 
ADEG       ADEG       ADEG                                        G005800100084 
        65.         7.        0.5                                 G005800100085 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 G005800100086 
ENDSUBENT           85          0                                 G005800199999 
SUBENT        G0058002   20180228                             G041G005800200001 
BIB                  1          1                                 G005800200002 
REACTION   (1-H-2(G,N)1-H-1,,DA,P)                                G005800200003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 G005800200004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 G005800200005 
DATA                 4          6                                 G005800200006 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA       ERR-S                            G005800200007 
MEV        MEV        MU-B/SR    MU-B/SR                          G005800200008 
     125.09     147.58       5.43       0.19                      G005800200009 
     147.48     166.73       5.69       0.21                      G005800200010 
     166.73     184.61       5.45       0.24                      G005800200011 
     184.61     201.00       6.11       0.28                      G005800200012 
     201.00     215.99       5.60       0.29                      G005800200013 
     215.99     229.56       6.47       0.35                      G005800200014 
ENDDATA              8          0                                 G005800200015 
ENDSUBENT           14          0                                 G005800299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 G005899999999