ENTRY            G0060   20210526                             G047G006000000001 
SUBENT        G0060001   20210526                             G047G006000100001 
BIB                  9         40                                 G006000100002 
TITLE      Dipole strength distribution in 206Pb for the          G006000100003 
            evaluation of the neutron capture cross section of    G006000100004 
            205Pb                                                 G006000100005 
AUTHOR     (T.Shizuma, N.Iwamoto, A.Makinaga, R.Massarczyk,       G006000100006 
            R.Schwengner, R.Beyer, D.Bemmerer, M.Dietz,           G006000100007 
            A.Junghans, T.Koegler, F.Ludwig, S.Reinicke, S.Schulz,G006000100008 
            S.Urlass, A.Wagner)                                   G006000100009 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNIRS,2JPNJAE,2JPNHOK,1USALAS,2GERZFK)              G006000100010 
           (2JPNJPN) JEIN Institute for Fundamental Science, KyotoG006000100011 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,98,064317,2018)                                G006000100012 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2GERZFK) ELBE                                   G006000100013 
INC-SOURCE (BRST) Ee=10.5 MeV (470 uA in average, micropulse      G006000100014 
            repetition rate of 13 MHz) on Nb foil (5 um thick).   G006000100015 
           The bremsstrahlung was collimated by an Al collimator  G006000100016 
            with a length of 2.6 m and an opening angle of 5 mrad.G006000100017 
           Low-energy part of the bremsstrahlung spectrum was     G006000100018 
            reduced by Al absorber (10 cm thick) behind the Nb    G006000100019 
            radiator.                                             G006000100020 
SAMPLE     (82-PB-206,ENR=0.993)                                  G006000100021 
            3940 mg enriched 206Pb disk (20 mm diam., tilted by   G006000100022 
            45 deg).                                              G006000100023 
           (5-B-11,ENR=0.995)                                     G006000100024 
            400 mg enriched 11B disk (20 mm in diam.) for flux    G006000100025 
            determination                                         G006000100026 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Four HPGe detectors with relative efficiencies  G006000100027 
            of 100% and 60%.                                      G006000100028 
            Two HPGe detectors at 90 deg relative to the photon   G006000100029 
             beam direction and at distance of 28 cm from the     G006000100030 
             target.                                              G006000100031 
            Two HPGe detectors at 127 deg relative to the photon  G006000100032 
             beam direction and at distance of 32 cm from the     G006000100033 
             target.                                              G006000100034 
            Absorbers (8 mm Pb+3 mm Cu at 90 deg, 3 mm Pb+3 mm Cu G006000100035 
             at 127 deg) were placed in front of HPGe detectors   G006000100036 
             to reduce the count rate due to low-energy photons.  G006000100037 
           (BGO) All HPGe detectors were surrounded by BGO        G006000100038 
            scintillation detectors.                              G006000100039 
HISTORY    (20181229C) On                                         G006000100040 
           (20190110R) On. Data received from T.Shizuma           G006000100041 
           (20210526A) On. Major revision in 003.                 G006000100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 G006000100043 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 G006000100044 
ENDSUBENT           43          0                                 G006000199999 
SUBENT        G0060002   20190108                             G043G006000200001 
BIB                  4         24                                 G006000200002 
REACTION  1(82-PB-206(G,0),,EN)                                   G006000200003 
           Measured at 127 deg                                    G006000200004 
          2((82-PB-206(G,EL)82-PB-206,,DA,,RES)//                 G006000200005 
           (82-PB-206(G,EL)82-PB-206,,DA,,RES))                   G006000200006 
           90 deg/127 deg intensity ratio                         G006000200007 
          3(82-PB-206(G,0),,J)                                    G006000200008 
          4((82-PB-206(G,EL),,WID,,SQ)/(82-PB-206(G,SCT),,WID))   G006000200009 
          5((82-PB-206(G,EL),,WID)/(82-PB-206(G,SCT),,WID))       G006000200010 
           Elastic scattering branching ratio                     G006000200011 
FLAG       (1.) Transition into the ground state coincides with a G006000200012 
                possible branch of the state at 5580 keV.         G006000200013 
           (2.) Possible branch to the first 2+ state coincides   G006000200014 
                with the transition at 4778 keV.                  G006000200015 
           (3.) Transition into the ground state coincides with a G006000200016 
                possible branch of the state at 7881 keV.         G006000200017 
           (4.) Possible branch to the first 2+ state coincides   G006000200018 
                with the transition at 7078 keV.                  G006000200019 
ERR-ANALYS1(DATA-ERR) Peak fitting error                          G006000200020 
          2(DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty     G006000200021 
          4(DATA-ERR) Statistical and systematic uncertainties    G006000200022 
            (associated with strength normalization, photon flux, G006000200023 
            and efficiency)                                       G006000200024 
          5(DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainty     G006000200025 
STATUS     (TABLE) Table I of Phys.Rev.C98(2018)064317            G006000200026 
ENDBIB              24          0                                 G006000200027 
COMMON               2          3                                 G006000200028 
ANG-NM    2ANG-DN    2                                            G006000200029 
ADEG       ADEG                                                   G006000200030 
 90.        127.                                                  G006000200031 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 G006000200032 
DATA                10         88                                 G006000200033 
DATA      1DATA-ERR  1DATA      2DATA-ERR  2DATA      3DATA      4G006000200034 
DATA-ERR  4DATA      5DATA-ERR  5FLAG                             G006000200035 
KEV        KEV        NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM     EV         G006000200036 
EV         NO-DIM     NO-DIM     NO-DIM                           G006000200037 
  3742.7        0.2        0.35       0.14       1.         0.13  G006000200038 
     0.02       1.0                                               G006000200039 
  4115.2        0.1        2.09       0.20       2.         0.21  G006000200040 
     0.02       1.0                                               G006000200041 
  4146.1        0.7        1.3        0.3        1.         0.05  G006000200042 
     0.02       1.0                                               G006000200043 
  4328.0        0.1        0.66       0.11       1.         0.33  G006000200044 
     0.03       1.0                                               G006000200045 
  4603.8        0.1        0.63       0.15       1.         0.30  G006000200046 
     0.03       1.0                                               G006000200047 
  4690.7        0.2        0.8        0.3        1.         0.13  G006000200048 
     0.02       1.0                                               G006000200049 
  4778.2        0.5        0.83       0.11       1.         0.48  G006000200050 
     0.12       0.85       0.06       1.                          G006000200051 
  4805.2        0.3        0.8        0.4        1.         0.06  G006000200052 
     0.01       1.0                                               G006000200053 
  4932.6        0.3        3.0        0.9        2.         0.07  G006000200054 
     0.01       1.0                                               G006000200055 
  4971.1        0.1        0.93       0.15       1.         0.71  G006000200056 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200057 
  5037.8        0.1        0.79       0.07       1.         2.33  G006000200058 
     0.16       0.92       0.05                                   G006000200059 
  5127.6        0.2        0.86       0.19       1.         0.23  G006000200060 
     0.03       1.0                                               G006000200061 
  5377.2        0.3        0.92       0.21       1.         0.23  G006000200062 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200063 
  5459.0        0.5        0.61       0.23       1.         0.14  G006000200064 
     0.03       0.48       0.10                                   G006000200065 
  5470.2        0.1        0.82       0.12       1.         0.49  G006000200066 
     0.04       1.0                                               G006000200067 
  5524.5        0.2        0.88       0.11       1.         0.56  G006000200068 
     0.06       1.0                                               G006000200069 
  5579.9        0.1        0.87       0.09       1.         1.23  G006000200070 
     0.09       1.0                   2.                          G006000200071 
  5615.2        0.1        0.81       0.07       1.         1.77  G006000200072 
     0.12       0.91       0.05                                   G006000200073 
  5692.9        0.1        0.81       0.11       1.         0.88  G006000200074 
     0.07       1.0                                               G006000200075 
  5721.7        0.6        0.71       0.24       1.         0.19  G006000200076 
     0.05       0.57       0.08                                   G006000200077 
  5732.0        0.1        0.70       0.07       1.         0.99  G006000200078 
     0.12       1.0                                               G006000200079 
  5761.3        0.1        0.73       0.12       1.         0.72  G006000200080 
     0.06       1.0                                               G006000200081 
  5799.3        0.1        0.86       0.09       1.         2.16  G006000200082 
     0.16       1.0                                               G006000200083 
  5818.3        0.3        0.84       0.24       1.         0.18  G006000200084 
     0.04       1.0                                               G006000200085 
  5845.8        0.1        0.89       0.10       1.         0.99  G006000200086 
     0.08       1.0                                               G006000200087 
  5857.0        0.1        0.85       0.08       1.         1.79  G006000200088 
     0.13       1.0                                               G006000200089 
  5902.4        0.1        0.77       0.06       1.         2.88  G006000200090 
     0.20       1.0                                               G006000200091 
  5951.4        0.6        0.54       0.24       1.         0.13  G006000200092 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200093 
  5959.4        0.6        1.06       0.11       1.         0.53  G006000200094 
     0.14       1.0                                               G006000200095 
  5999.4        0.6        1.00       0.16       1.         0.18  G006000200096 
     0.04       1.0                                               G006000200097 
  6019.7        0.2        1.07       0.14       1.         0.73  G006000200098 
     0.06       1.0                                               G006000200099 
  6100.3        0.6        1.33       0.16       1.         0.24  G006000200100 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200101 
  6149.1        0.5        0.7        0.3        1.         0.16  G006000200102 
     0.04       1.0                                               G006000200103 
  6185.8        0.6        2.1        0.5        2.         0.16  G006000200104 
     0.02       1.0                                               G006000200105 
  6200.0        0.8        1.1        0.4        1.         0.20  G006000200106 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200107 
  6409.1        0.2        0.86       0.11       1.         0.96  G006000200108 
     0.09       1.0                                               G006000200109 
  6419.8        0.2        0.89       0.13       1.         0.82  G006000200110 
     0.07       1.0                                               G006000200111 
  6432.5        0.3        0.98       0.18       1.         0.58  G006000200112 
     0.06       1.0                                               G006000200113 
  6442.6        0.5        0.79       0.22       1.         0.38  G006000200114 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200115 
  6458.8        0.6        0.55       0.14       1.         0.36  G006000200116 
     0.08       1.0                                               G006000200117 
  6467.8        0.2        0.84       0.12       1.         0.76  G006000200118 
     0.09       0.83       0.05                                   G006000200119 
  6508.6        0.1        0.87       0.11       1.         1.79  G006000200120 
     0.14       1.0                                               G006000200121 
  6531.3        0.2        0.91       0.16       1.         0.34  G006000200122 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200123 
  6691.9        0.3        1.15       0.25       1.         0.37  G006000200124 
     0.05       1.0                                               G006000200125 
  6723.5        0.1        0.78       0.07       1.         3.12  G006000200126 
     0.22       0.86       0.05                                   G006000200127 
  6819.7        0.1        0.75       0.06       1.         3.88  G006000200128 
     0.27       1.0                                               G006000200129 
  6933.8        0.1        0.73       0.09       1.         1.65  G006000200130 
     0.13       1.0                                               G006000200131 
  7061.5        0.1        0.76       0.10       1.         3.14  G006000200132 
     0.27       1.0                                               G006000200133 
  7077.6        0.2        0.63       0.11       1.         1.83  G006000200134 
     0.19       0.74       0.06       3.                          G006000200135 
  7128.2        0.2        0.89       0.15       1.         1.20  G006000200136 
     0.12       1.0                                               G006000200137 
  7158.5        0.5        0.88       0.20       1.         0.79  G006000200138 
     0.11       1.0                                               G006000200139 
  7181.1        0.4        0.72       0.14       1.         0.85  G006000200140 
     0.10       1.0                                               G006000200141 
  7199.8        0.3        0.67       0.10       1.         1.61  G006000200142 
     0.15       1.0                                               G006000200143 
  7238.7        0.6        0.71       0.22       1.         0.57  G006000200144 
     0.10       1.0                                               G006000200145 
  7258.6        0.4        0.85       0.17       1.         0.90  G006000200146 
     0.11       1.0                                               G006000200147 
  7302.6        0.3        0.79       0.12       1.         1.90  G006000200148 
     0.18       1.0                                               G006000200149 
  7312.6        0.3        0.76       0.12       1.         1.89  G006000200150 
     0.18       1.0                                               G006000200151 
  7338.2        0.7        0.9        0.4        1.         1.06  G006000200152 
     0.42       1.0                                               G006000200153 
  7362.9        0.3        0.62       0.18       1.         0.52  G006000200154 
     0.09       1.0                                               G006000200155 
  7387.5        0.2        0.97       0.16       1.         0.87  G006000200156 
     0.09       1.0                                               G006000200157 
  7404.5        0.3        0.92       0.17       1.         0.61  G006000200158 
     0.07       1.0                                               G006000200159 
  7414.1        0.3        0.83       0.14       1.         0.79  G006000200160 
     0.08       1.0                                               G006000200161 
  7424.1        0.2        1.07       0.13       1.         1.32  G006000200162 
     0.12       1.0                                               G006000200163 
  7464.8        0.5        0.8        0.5        1.         2.19  G006000200164 
     0.53       1.0                                               G006000200165 
  7486.1        0.2        0.93       0.12       1.         1.91  G006000200166 
     0.17       1.0                                               G006000200167 
  7493.5        0.3        0.79       0.13       1.         1.19  G006000200168 
     0.12       1.0                                               G006000200169 
  7505.9        0.1        0.68       0.09       1.         2.00  G006000200170 
     0.16       0.66       0.04                                   G006000200171 
  7542.9        0.1        0.86       0.08       1.         3.28  G006000200172 
     0.24       1.0                                               G006000200173 
  7556.4        0.4        0.79       0.25       1.         0.48  G006000200174 
     0.07       1.0                                               G006000200175 
  7571.4        0.3        0.91       0.14       1.         0.65  G006000200176 
     0.09       1.0                                               G006000200177 
  7597.3        1.4        0.91       0.21       1.         0.27  G006000200178 
     0.08       1.0                                               G006000200179 
  7627.6        0.5        0.88       0.13       1.         0.53  G006000200180 
     0.13       1.0                                               G006000200181 
  7645.9        0.3        0.66       0.18       1.         0.31  G006000200182 
     0.07       1.0                                               G006000200183 
  7669.7        0.3        0.7        0.3        1.         0.50  G006000200184 
     0.09       1.0                                               G006000200185 
  7715.5        0.4        0.68       0.19       1.         1.10  G006000200186 
     0.16       1.0                                               G006000200187 
  7781.1        0.3        0.61       0.12       1.         0.68  G006000200188 
     0.12       1.0                                               G006000200189 
  7798.4        0.7        0.59       0.12       1.         0.58  G006000200190 
     0.13       1.0                                               G006000200191 
  7815.4        0.3        0.79       0.09       1.         1.60  G006000200192 
     0.20       0.87       0.05                                   G006000200193 
  7845.5        0.3        0.84       0.28       1.         1.83  G006000200194 
     0.22       0.71       0.07                                   G006000200195 
  7881.1        0.3        0.87       0.10       1.         1.46  G006000200196 
     0.13       1.0                   4.                          G006000200197 
  7891.2        0.2        0.76       0.08       1.         1.95  G006000200198 
     0.16       0.55       0.04                                   G006000200199 
  7904.3        0.2        0.74       0.08       1.         2.47  G006000200200 
     0.20       0.70       0.04                                   G006000200201 
  7930.3        0.7        1.0        0.3        1.         0.43  G006000200202 
     0.11       1.0                                               G006000200203 
  7944.7        0.4        0.89       0.17       1.         0.75  G006000200204 
     0.12       1.0                                               G006000200205 
  8001.6        0.3        0.74       0.10       1.         2.64  G006000200206 
     0.30       1.0                                               G006000200207 
  8046.5        0.4        0.87       0.08       1.         0.79  G006000200208 
     0.17       1.0                                               G006000200209 
  8079.8        0.7        0.88       0.11       1.         0.41  G006000200210 
     0.09       1.0                                               G006000200211 
  8118.5        0.4        0.82       0.10       1.         0.37  G006000200212 
     0.08       1.0                                               G006000200213 
ENDDATA            180          0                                 G006000200214 
ENDSUBENT          213          0                                 G006000299999 
SUBENT        G0060003   20210526                             G047G006000300001 
BIB                  6         12                                 G006000300002 
REACTION   (82-PB-206(G,SCT)82-PB-206,,SIG)                       G006000300003 
ANALYSIS   Absorption (scattering) cross section was derived by   G006000300004 
            dividing the (g,g0) elastic scattering cross section  G006000300005 
            by the ground state transition branching ratio.       G006000300006 
CORRECTION Selection of ground state transitions and estimation   G006000300007 
            of ground state transition branching ratios were done G006000300008 
            by simulating gamma-ray cascades by the Monte Carlo   G006000300009 
            code DICEBOX with the level schemes obtained by the   G006000300010 
            code gammaDEX.                                        G006000300011 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on the source of uncertainty G006000300012 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.6 of Phys.Rev.C98(2018)064317   G006000300013 
HISTORY    (20210526A) On. REACTION(SF1,SF4): 32-GE-74->82-PB-206 G006000300014 
ENDBIB              12          0                                 G006000300015 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 G006000300016 
DATA                 3         35                                 G006000300017 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    G006000300018 
MEV        MB         MB                                          G006000300019 
 4.6        10.        9.                                         G006000300020 
 4.7        14.        8.                                         G006000300021 
 4.8         9.        7.                                         G006000300022 
 4.9         9.        7.                                         G006000300023 
 5.0        40.       13.                                         G006000300024 
 5.1        25.        8.                                         G006000300025 
 5.2        25.        7.                                         G006000300026 
 5.3        29.        7.                                         G006000300027 
 5.4        26.        5.                                         G006000300028 
 5.5        30.        6.                                         G006000300029 
 5.6        32.        6.                                         G006000300030 
 5.7        26.        3.                                         G006000300031 
 5.8        22.3       1.7                                        G006000300032 
 5.9        26.7       2.3                                        G006000300033 
 6.0        16.3       1.3                                        G006000300034 
 6.1        16.8       1.2                                        G006000300035 
 6.2        23.1       1.9                                        G006000300036 
 6.3        24.8       2.1                                        G006000300037 
 6.4        28.1       2.8                                        G006000300038 
 6.5        39.        3.                                         G006000300039 
 6.6        39.        3.                                         G006000300040 
 6.7        38.        4.                                         G006000300041 
 6.8        50.        4.                                         G006000300042 
 6.9        47.        4.                                         G006000300043 
 7.0        53.        4.                                         G006000300044 
 7.1        59.        4.                                         G006000300045 
 7.2        59.        4.                                         G006000300046 
 7.3        58.        6.                                         G006000300047 
 7.4        54.        5.                                         G006000300048 
 7.5        69.        5.                                         G006000300049 
 7.6        49.        5.                                         G006000300050 
 7.7        50.        4.                                         G006000300051 
 7.8        54.        5.                                         G006000300052 
 7.9        51.        5.                                         G006000300053 
 8.0        41.        5.                                         G006000300054 
ENDDATA             37          0                                 G006000300055 
ENDSUBENT           54          0                                 G006000399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 G006099999999