ENTRY G0088 20221126 G050G008800000001 SUBENT G0088001 20221126 G050G008800100001 BIB 10 30 G008800100002 TITLE Photon-induced nuclear reactions above 1 GeV (I). G008800100003 Experimental G008800100004 AUTHOR (G.Andersson, I.Blomqvist, B.Forkman, G.G.Jonsson, G008800100005 A.Jaerund, I.Kroon, K.Lindgren, B.Schroeder, K.Tesch) G008800100006 INSTITUTE (2SWDLND) G008800100007 (2GERGER) Deutsches Elektronen - Synchrotron, DESY, G008800100008 Hamburg G008800100009 REFERENCE (J,NP/A,197,44,1972) G008800100010 METHOD (ACTIV) G008800100011 FACILITY (SYNCH,2GERGER) Electron synchrotron DESY G008800100012 INC-SOURCE (BRST) Electrons on 0.1 mm Ta target G008800100013 SAMPLE 127I: G008800100014 570 mg/cm2, 30 mm inner diam. and 2 mm depth, G008800100015 purity higher than 99.98%. G008800100016 197Au: G008800100017 190 mg/cm2, 50 mm diam., purity higher than 99.98%. G008800100018 C: G008800100019 Graphite disks, 0.35 g/cm2, 30 mm and 50 mm diam., G008800100020 99.995% purity. G008800100021 27Al: G008800100022 0.54 g/cm2, 50 mm diam., 99.6% purity. G008800100023 197Au, Pb: G008800100024 3 mg/cm2 thick Au foil and two 2 mg/cm2 thick Pb G008800100025 layers mounted in a sandwich arrangement G008800100026 together with glass detectors G008800100027 U: G008800100028 Uranyl nitrate (0.10 r.l.) sealed in Al container G008800100029 ANALYSIS A calibrated quantameter used to record the incident G008800100030 photon flux G008800100031 HISTORY (20221125C) Ayano Makinaga G008800100032 ENDBIB 30 0 G008800100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 G008800100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 G008800199999 SUBENT G0088002 20221126 G050G008800200001 BIB 5 9 G008800200002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,N)53-I-126,,SIG,,BRA) G008800200003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-126,12.8D,DG,391.,0.34) G008800200004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800200006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800200007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800200008 spectrum G008800200009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800200010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800200011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800200012 COMMON 1 3 G008800200013 ERR-SYS G008800200014 PER-CENT G008800200015 15. G008800200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800200017 DATA 3 10 G008800200018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008800200019 MEV MB MB G008800200020 9.9E+02 143.96 5.31 G008800200021 1.3E+03 148.31 3.86 G008800200022 1.6E+03 146.86 G008800200023 2.0E+03 148.79 G008800200024 2.5E+03 146.38 4.35 G008800200025 3.2E+03 146.86 3.86 G008800200026 4.0E+03 148.79 G008800200027 5.1E+03 147.34 G008800200028 6.0E+03 145.89 G008800200029 7.5E+03 138.65 3.86 G008800200030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800299999 SUBENT G0088003 20221126 G050G008800300001 BIB 5 9 G008800300002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)53-I-124,,SIG,,BRA) G008800300003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-124,4.15D,DG,602.,0.67) G008800300004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800300006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800300007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800300008 spectrum G008800300009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800300010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.2 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800300011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800300012 COMMON 1 3 G008800300013 ERR-SYS G008800300014 PER-CENT G008800300015 15. G008800300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800300017 DATA 3 10 G008800300018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008800300019 MEV MB MB G008800300020 9.9E+02 6.96 0.39 G008800300021 1.3E+03 7.45 0.21 G008800300022 1.6E+03 7.55 0.18 G008800300023 2.0E+03 7.55 0.21 G008800300024 2.5E+03 7.97 0.22 G008800300025 3.2E+03 7.76 0.19 G008800300026 4.0E+03 8.06 0.21 G008800300027 5.0E+03 8.25 0.30 G008800300028 6.0E+03 8.46 0.24 G008800300029 7.4E+03 8.36 0.25 G008800300030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800399999 SUBENT G0088004 20221126 G050G008800400001 BIB 5 9 G008800400002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)53-I-121,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008800400003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-121,2.12HR,DG,212.,0.90) G008800400004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800400006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800400007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800400008 spectrum G008800400009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800400010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800400011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800400012 COMMON 1 3 G008800400013 ERR-SYS G008800400014 PER-CENT G008800400015 15. G008800400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800400017 DATA 3 10 G008800400018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008800400019 MEV MB MB G008800400020 9.8E+02 2.13 0.13 G008800400021 1.3E+03 2.28 0.10 G008800400022 1.6E+03 2.28 0.11 G008800400023 2.0E+03 2.36 0.15 G008800400024 2.5E+03 2.48 0.07 G008800400025 3.2E+03 2.46 0.06 G008800400026 4.0E+03 2.55 0.06 G008800400027 5.0E+03 2.63 0.09 G008800400028 6.0E+03 2.53 0.18 G008800400029 7.3E+03 2.72 0.36 G008800400030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800499999 SUBENT G0088005 20221126 G050G008800500001 BIB 5 9 G008800500002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)53-I-120-G,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008800500003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-120-G,1.35HR,DG,562.,1.00) G008800500004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800500006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800500007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800500008 spectrum G008800500009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800500010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.3 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800500011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800500012 COMMON 1 3 G008800500013 ERR-SYS G008800500014 PER-CENT G008800500015 15. G008800500016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800500017 DATA 5 10 G008800500018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S +ERR-S -ERR-S G008800500019 MEV MB MB MB MB G008800500020 9.8E+02 0.82 0.12 G008800500021 1.3E+03 1.04 0.07 G008800500022 1.6E+03 1.08 0.10 G008800500023 2.0E+03 1.22 0.09 G008800500024 2.5E+03 1.22 0.07 G008800500025 3.2E+03 1.29 0.04 G008800500026 4.0E+03 1.30 0.05 G008800500027 5.0E+03 1.37 0.05 G008800500028 6.0E+03 1.29 0.09 G008800500029 7.4E+03 1.58 0.02 0.10 G008800500030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800599999 SUBENT G0088006 20221126 G050G008800600001 BIB 5 9 G008800600002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)53-I-119,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008800600003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-119,19.5MIN,DG,257.,1.00) G008800600004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800600006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800600007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800600008 spectrum G008800600009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800600010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800600011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800600012 COMMON 1 3 G008800600013 ERR-SYS G008800600014 PER-CENT G008800600015 15. G008800600016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800600017 DATA 3 10 G008800600018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008800600019 MEV MB MB G008800600020 9.9E+02 0.75 0.05 G008800600021 1.3E+03 0.80 0.06 G008800600022 1.6E+03 0.80 0.05 G008800600023 2.0E+03 0.91 0.05 G008800600024 2.5E+03 0.92 0.04 G008800600025 3.2E+03 0.94 0.05 G008800600026 4.0E+03 0.95 0.05 G008800600027 5.1E+03 0.97 0.04 G008800600028 6.1E+03 1.00 0.06 G008800600029 7.5E+03 1.07 0.12 G008800600030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800699999 SUBENT G0088007 20221126 G050G008800700001 BIB 5 9 G008800700002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)53-I-118-G,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008800700003 DECAY-DATA (53-I-118-G,13.9MIN,DG,606.,1.00) G008800700004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800700006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800700007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800700008 spectrum G008800700009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800700010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.4 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800700011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800700012 COMMON 1 3 G008800700013 ERR-SYS G008800700014 PER-CENT G008800700015 15. G008800700016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800700017 DATA 3 10 G008800700018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008800700019 MEV MB MB G008800700020 9.9E+02 0.27 0.02 G008800700021 1.3E+03 0.30 0.04 G008800700022 1.6E+03 0.32 0.05 G008800700023 2.0E+03 0.35 0.03 G008800700024 2.5E+03 0.37 0.03 G008800700025 3.2E+03 0.38 0.04 G008800700026 4.0E+03 0.39 0.04 G008800700027 5.0E+03 0.42 0.02 G008800700028 6.0E+03 0.45 0.03 G008800700029 7.4E+03 0.46 0.02 G008800700030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800700031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800799999 SUBENT G0088008 20221126 G050G008800800001 BIB 5 9 G008800800002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)52-TE-121-G,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008800800003 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-121-G,17.D,DG,573.,0.80) G008800800004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800800006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800800007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800800008 spectrum G008800800009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800800010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.5 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800800011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800800012 COMMON 1 3 G008800800013 ERR-SYS G008800800014 PER-CENT G008800800015 15. G008800800016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800800017 DATA 3 10 G008800800018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008800800019 MEV MB MB G008800800020 9.8E+02 1.60 0.17 G008800800021 1.3E+03 1.72 0.18 G008800800022 1.6E+03 1.99 0.19 G008800800023 2.0E+03 2.07 0.17 G008800800024 2.5E+03 2.12 0.14 G008800800025 3.2E+03 2.13 0.25 G008800800026 4.0E+03 2.37 0.24 G008800800027 5.0E+03 2.53 0.16 G008800800028 5.9E+03 2.53 0.17 G008800800029 7.4E+03 2.69 0.36 G008800800030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800899999 SUBENT G0088009 20221126 G050G008800900001 BIB 5 9 G008800900002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)52-TE-119-M,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008800900003 DECAY-DATA (52-TE-119-M,4.68D,DG,153.,0.62) G008800900004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008800900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008800900006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008800900007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008800900008 spectrum G008800900009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008800900010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.5 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008800900011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008800900012 COMMON 1 3 G008800900013 ERR-SYS G008800900014 PER-CENT G008800900015 15. G008800900016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008800900017 DATA 3 10 G008800900018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008800900019 MEV MB MB G008800900020 9.8E+02 1.86 0.25 G008800900021 1.3E+03 2.18 0.09 G008800900022 1.6E+03 2.29 0.07 G008800900023 2.0E+03 2.43 0.19 G008800900024 2.5E+03 2.47 0.11 G008800900025 3.2E+03 2.61 0.12 G008800900026 4.0E+03 2.67 0.13 G008800900027 5.0E+03 2.78 0.10 G008800900028 6.0E+03 2.88 0.14 G008800900029 7.4E+03 2.88 0.20 G008800900030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008800900031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008800999999 SUBENT G0088010 20221126 G050G008801000001 BIB 5 9 G008801000002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)52-TE-117,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801000003 RAD-DET (52-TE-117,DG) G008801000004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801000006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801000007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801000008 spectrum G008801000009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801000010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.6 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801000011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801000012 COMMON 1 3 G008801000013 ERR-SYS G008801000014 PER-CENT G008801000015 15. G008801000016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801000017 DATA 3 10 G008801000018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801000019 MEV MB MB G008801000020 1.0E+03 0.52 0.16 G008801000021 1.3E+03 0.63 0.17 G008801000022 1.6E+03 0.67 0.10 G008801000023 2.0E+03 0.64 0.15 G008801000024 2.6E+03 0.76 0.19 G008801000025 3.3E+03 0.78 0.14 G008801000026 4.1E+03 0.67 0.18 G008801000027 5.1E+03 0.84 0.17 G008801000028 6.1E+03 0.80 0.16 G008801000029 7.6E+03 0.81 0.14 G008801000030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801000031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801099999 SUBENT G0088011 20221126 G050G008801100001 BIB 5 9 G008801100002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)51-SB-122,,SIG,,BRA) G008801100003 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-122-G,2.80D,DG,564.,0.66) G008801100004 DETECTOR (GE-IN) 31 cm3 G008801100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801100006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801100007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801100008 spectrum G008801100009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801100010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.6 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801100011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801100012 COMMON 1 3 G008801100013 ERR-SYS G008801100014 PER-CENT G008801100015 15. G008801100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801100017 DATA 3 10 G008801100018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801100019 MEV MB MB G008801100020 9.9E+02 1.56 0.11 G008801100021 1.3E+03 1.76 0.06 G008801100022 1.6E+03 1.81 0.12 G008801100023 2.0E+03 2.11 0.12 G008801100024 2.5E+03 2.04 0.11 G008801100025 3.3E+03 2.11 0.15 G008801100026 4.1E+03 2.16 0.21 G008801100027 5.1E+03 2.42 0.07 G008801100028 6.1E+03 2.50 0.16 G008801100029 7.5E+03 2.70 0.26 G008801100030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801199999 SUBENT G0088012 20221126 G050G008801200001 BIB 5 9 G008801200002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)51-SB-120-M,,SIG,,BRA) G008801200003 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-120-M,5.8D,DG,196.,0.88) G008801200004 DETECTOR (GE-IN) 31 cm3 G008801200005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801200006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801200007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801200008 spectrum G008801200009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801200010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.7 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801200011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801200012 COMMON 1 3 G008801200013 ERR-SYS G008801200014 PER-CENT G008801200015 15. G008801200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801200017 DATA 3 10 G008801200018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801200019 MEV MB MB G008801200020 9.8E+02 0.70 0.17 G008801200021 1.3E+03 0.68 0.06 G008801200022 1.6E+03 0.65 0.06 G008801200023 2.0E+03 0.69 0.04 G008801200024 2.5E+03 0.72 0.07 G008801200025 3.2E+03 0.75 0.06 G008801200026 4.0E+03 0.82 0.05 G008801200027 5.0E+03 0.84 0.09 G008801200028 6.0E+03 0.84 0.13 G008801200029 7.4E+03 0.99 0.10 G008801200030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801200031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801299999 SUBENT G0088013 20221126 G050G008801300001 BIB 5 9 G008801300002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)51-SB-118-M,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801300003 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-118-M,5.1HR,DG,252.,0.93) G008801300004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801300006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801300007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801300008 spectrum G008801300009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801300010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.7 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801300011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801300012 COMMON 1 3 G008801300013 ERR-SYS G008801300014 PER-CENT G008801300015 15. G008801300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801300017 DATA 3 10 G008801300018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801300019 MEV MB MB G008801300020 9.8E+02 0.93 0.12 G008801300021 1.3E+03 1.04 0.05 G008801300022 1.6E+03 1.24 0.11 G008801300023 2.0E+03 1.30 0.17 G008801300024 2.5E+03 1.32 0.11 G008801300025 3.2E+03 1.35 0.10 G008801300026 4.0E+03 1.38 0.15 G008801300027 5.0E+03 1.35 0.20 G008801300028 6.1E+03 1.51 0.12 G008801300029 7.4E+03 1.58 0.24 G008801300030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801399999 SUBENT G0088014 20221126 G050G008801400001 BIB 5 9 G008801400002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)51-SB-116-M,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801400003 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-116-M,60.MIN,DG,135.,0.30) G008801400004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801400006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801400007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801400008 spectrum G008801400009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801400010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.8 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801400011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801400012 COMMON 1 3 G008801400013 ERR-SYS G008801400014 PER-CENT G008801400015 15. G008801400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801400017 DATA 3 10 G008801400018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801400019 MEV MB MB G008801400020 1.0E+03 1.13 0.08 G008801400021 1.3E+03 1.28 0.13 G008801400022 1.6E+03 1.42 0.10 G008801400023 2.0E+03 1.46 0.10 G008801400024 2.5E+03 1.54 0.07 G008801400025 3.2E+03 1.64 0.10 G008801400026 4.0E+03 1.63 0.09 G008801400027 5.1E+03 1.81 0.08 G008801400028 6.1E+03 1.84 0.22 G008801400029 7.5E+03 2.05 0.27 G008801400030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801499999 SUBENT G0088015 20221126 G050G008801500001 BIB 5 9 G008801500002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)51-SB-115,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801500003 DECAY-DATA (51-SB-115,31.MIN,DG,497.,1.00) G008801500004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801500006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801500007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801500008 spectrum G008801500009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801500010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.8 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801500011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801500012 COMMON 1 3 G008801500013 ERR-SYS G008801500014 PER-CENT G008801500015 15. G008801500016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801500017 DATA 3 10 G008801500018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801500019 MEV MB MB G008801500020 1.0E+03 2.21 0.12 G008801500021 1.3E+03 2.36 0.15 G008801500022 1.6E+03 2.54 0.18 G008801500023 2.0E+03 2.73 0.18 G008801500024 2.5E+03 2.72 0.17 G008801500025 3.2E+03 2.80 0.25 G008801500026 4.0E+03 2.84 0.15 G008801500027 5.0E+03 3.06 0.17 G008801500028 6.0E+03 3.54 0.28 G008801500029 7.4E+03 3.72 0.23 G008801500030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801599999 SUBENT G0088016 20221126 G050G008801600001 BIB 5 9 G008801600002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)49-IN-111,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801600003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-111-G,2.81D,DG,245.,0.94) G008801600004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801600006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801600007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801600008 spectrum G008801600009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801600010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.9 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801600011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801600012 COMMON 1 3 G008801600013 ERR-SYS G008801600014 PER-CENT G008801600015 15. G008801600016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801600017 DATA 3 10 G008801600018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801600019 MEV MB MB G008801600020 9.8E+02 1.83 0.22 G008801600021 1.3E+03 2.06 0.24 G008801600022 1.6E+03 2.08 0.24 G008801600023 2.0E+03 2.25 0.20 G008801600024 2.5E+03 2.43 0.31 G008801600025 3.2E+03 2.50 0.18 G008801600026 4.0E+03 2.64 0.18 G008801600027 5.0E+03 2.73 0.24 G008801600028 6.0E+03 2.93 0.20 G008801600029 7.4E+03 2.85 0.17 G008801600030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801699999 SUBENT G0088017 20221126 G050G008801700001 BIB 5 9 G008801700002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)49-IN-109,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801700003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-109-G,4.3HR,DG,202.,1.00) G008801700004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801700005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801700006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801700007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801700008 spectrum G008801700009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801700010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.9 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801700011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801700012 COMMON 1 3 G008801700013 ERR-SYS G008801700014 PER-CENT G008801700015 15. G008801700016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801700017 DATA 3 10 G008801700018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801700019 MEV MB MB G008801700020 9.8E+02 0.71 0.23 G008801700021 1.3E+03 1.10 0.23 G008801700022 1.6E+03 1.05 0.20 G008801700023 2.0E+03 1.41 0.16 G008801700024 2.5E+03 1.13 0.17 G008801700025 3.2E+03 1.40 0.15 G008801700026 4.1E+03 1.54 0.20 G008801700027 5.1E+03 1.30 0.34 G008801700028 6.1E+03 1.74 0.19 G008801700029 7.4E+03 1.82 0.18 G008801700030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801700031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801799999 SUBENT G0088018 20221126 G050G008801800001 BIB 5 9 G008801800002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)49-IN-108-M,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801800003 DECAY-DATA (49-IN-108-M,39.MIN,DG,631.,1.00) G008801800004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801800005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801800006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801800007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801800008 spectrum G008801800009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801800010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.10 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801800011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801800012 COMMON 1 3 G008801800013 ERR-SYS G008801800014 PER-CENT G008801800015 15. G008801800016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801800017 DATA 3 10 G008801800018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801800019 MEV MB MB G008801800020 9.9E+02 0.36 0.03 G008801800021 1.3E+03 0.43 0.07 G008801800022 1.6E+03 0.47 0.06 G008801800023 2.0E+03 0.52 0.06 G008801800024 2.5E+03 0.55 0.05 G008801800025 3.2E+03 0.59 0.04 G008801800026 4.0E+03 0.62 0.04 G008801800027 5.0E+03 0.64 0.03 G008801800028 6.0E+03 0.78 0.04 G008801800029 7.4E+03 0.80 0.05 G008801800030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801800031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801899999 SUBENT G0088019 20221126 G050G008801900001 BIB 5 9 G008801900002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)47-AG-104-M,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008801900003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-104-M,30.MIN,DG,556.,1.00) G008801900004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008801900005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008801900006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008801900007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008801900008 spectrum G008801900009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008801900010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.10 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008801900011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008801900012 COMMON 1 3 G008801900013 ERR-SYS G008801900014 PER-CENT G008801900015 15. G008801900016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008801900017 DATA 3 10 G008801900018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008801900019 MEV MB MB G008801900020 9.9E+02 0.29 0.03 G008801900021 1.3E+03 0.34 0.03 G008801900022 1.6E+03 0.36 0.03 G008801900023 2.0E+03 0.45 0.06 G008801900024 2.5E+03 0.48 0.05 G008801900025 3.2E+03 0.52 0.07 G008801900026 4.0E+03 0.56 0.06 G008801900027 5.0E+03 0.58 0.04 G008801900028 6.0E+03 0.62 0.04 G008801900029 7.4E+03 0.68 0.06 G008801900030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008801900031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008801999999 SUBENT G0088020 20221126 G050G008802000001 BIB 5 9 G008802000002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)47-AG-103,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802000003 DECAY-DATA (47-AG-103-G,66.MIN,DG,245.,1.00) G008802000004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008802000006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008802000007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008802000008 spectrum G008802000009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008802000010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.11 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802000011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008802000012 COMMON 1 3 G008802000013 ERR-SYS G008802000014 PER-CENT G008802000015 15. G008802000016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802000017 DATA 3 10 G008802000018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008802000019 MEV MB MB G008802000020 9.8E+02 0.15 0.04 G008802000021 1.3E+03 0.15 0.02 G008802000022 1.6E+03 0.17 0.04 G008802000023 2.0E+03 0.21 0.04 G008802000024 2.5E+03 0.21 0.03 G008802000025 3.2E+03 0.22 0.05 G008802000026 4.0E+03 0.22 0.03 G008802000027 5.0E+03 0.21 0.03 G008802000028 6.0E+03 0.25 0.09 G008802000029 7.5E+03 0.26 0.06 G008802000030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802000031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008802099999 SUBENT G0088021 20221126 G050G008802100001 BIB 5 9 G008802100002 REACTION (53-I-127(G,X)45-RH-101-M,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802100003 DECAY-DATA (45-RH-101-M,4.4D,DG,307.,0.83) G008802100004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802100005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008802100006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008802100007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008802100008 spectrum G008802100009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008802100010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.11 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802100011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008802100012 COMMON 1 3 G008802100013 ERR-SYS G008802100014 PER-CENT G008802100015 15. G008802100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802100017 DATA 3 10 G008802100018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008802100019 MEV MB MB G008802100020 9.8E+02 0.49 0.05 G008802100021 1.3E+03 0.58 0.04 G008802100022 1.6E+03 0.55 0.07 G008802100023 2.0E+03 0.69 0.08 G008802100024 2.5E+03 0.72 0.17 G008802100025 3.2E+03 0.76 0.06 G008802100026 4.0E+03 0.88 0.06 G008802100027 5.0E+03 0.89 0.05 G008802100028 6.0E+03 1.01 0.05 G008802100029 7.4E+03 1.05 0.15 G008802100030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802100031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008802199999 SUBENT G0088022 20221126 G050G008802200001 BIB 5 10 G008802200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)79-AU-196,,SIG,,BRA) G008802200003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-196-G,6.18D,DG,356.,0.94, G008802200004 DG,333.,0.25) G008802200005 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008802200007 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008802200008 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008802200009 spectrum G008802200010 (ERR-S) Random errors G008802200011 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.12 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802200012 ENDBIB 10 0 G008802200013 COMMON 1 3 G008802200014 ERR-SYS G008802200015 PER-CENT G008802200016 15. G008802200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802200018 DATA 3 10 G008802200019 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008802200020 MEV MB MB G008802200021 9.9E+02 229.34 6.28 G008802200022 1.3E+03 235.21 12.07 G008802200023 1.6E+03 236.24 6.76 G008802200024 2.0E+03 234.85 6.76 G008802200025 2.5E+03 235.40 9.18 G008802200026 3.2E+03 234.02 6.76 G008802200027 4.1E+03 243.74 7.24 G008802200028 5.0E+03 231.73 7.73 G008802200029 6.1E+03 225.98 6.28 G008802200030 7.5E+03 217.35 5.80 G008802200031 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802200032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 G008802299999 SUBENT G0088023 20221126 G050G008802300001 BIB 5 9 G008802300002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)79-AU-194,,SIG,,BRA) G008802300003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-194-G,39.5HR,DG,329.,0.68) G008802300004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802300005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008802300006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008802300007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008802300008 spectrum G008802300009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008802300010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.12 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802300011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008802300012 COMMON 1 3 G008802300013 ERR-SYS G008802300014 PER-CENT G008802300015 15. G008802300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802300017 DATA 3 10 G008802300018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008802300019 MEV MB MB G008802300020 9.9E+02 229.34 6.28 G008802300021 1.3E+03 235.21 12.07 G008802300022 1.6E+03 236.24 6.76 G008802300023 2.0E+03 234.85 6.76 G008802300024 2.5E+03 235.40 9.18 G008802300025 3.2E+03 234.02 6.76 G008802300026 4.1E+03 243.74 7.24 G008802300027 5.0E+03 231.73 7.73 G008802300028 6.1E+03 225.98 6.28 G008802300029 7.5E+03 217.35 5.80 G008802300030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802300031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008802399999 SUBENT G0088024 20221126 G050G008802400001 BIB 5 9 G008802400002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)79-AU-190,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802400003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-190-G,39.MIN,DG,296.,0.86) G008802400004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802400005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008802400006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008802400007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008802400008 spectrum G008802400009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008802400010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.13 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802400011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008802400012 COMMON 1 3 G008802400013 ERR-SYS G008802400014 PER-CENT G008802400015 15. G008802400016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802400017 DATA 3 10 G008802400018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008802400019 MEV MB MB G008802400020 9.7E+02 2.60 0.18 G008802400021 1.3E+03 2.81 0.35 G008802400022 1.6E+03 2.87 0.24 G008802400023 2.0E+03 3.42 0.24 G008802400024 2.5E+03 3.72 0.35 G008802400025 3.2E+03 3.71 0.39 G008802400026 4.0E+03 4.06 0.20 G008802400027 5.0E+03 4.02 0.30 G008802400028 5.9E+03 3.86 0.37 G008802400029 7.4E+03 4.27 0.20 G008802400030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802400031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008802499999 SUBENT G0088025 20221126 G050G008802500001 BIB 5 9 G008802500002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)79-AU-188,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802500003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-188,8.MIN,DG,265.,1.00) G008802500004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802500005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008802500006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008802500007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008802500008 spectrum G008802500009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008802500010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.13 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802500011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008802500012 COMMON 1 3 G008802500013 ERR-SYS G008802500014 PER-CENT G008802500015 15. G008802500016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802500017 DATA 3 10 G008802500018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008802500019 MEV MB MB G008802500020 9.8E+02 1.18 0.23 G008802500021 1.3E+03 1.48 0.22 G008802500022 1.6E+03 1.35 0.28 G008802500023 2.0E+03 1.50 0.13 G008802500024 2.5E+03 1.63 0.22 G008802500025 3.2E+03 1.66 0.29 G008802500026 4.0E+03 2.01 0.12 G008802500027 5.0E+03 1.84 0.24 G008802500028 6.1E+03 1.78 0.27 G008802500029 7.5E+03 1.82 0.17 G008802500030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802500031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008802599999 SUBENT G0088026 20221126 G050G008802600001 BIB 5 9 G008802600002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)79-AU-186,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802600003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-186,12.MIN,DG,191.,1.00) G008802600004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802600005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS) Decay data, peak areas, solid angle between G008802600006 sample and detector, detector efficiency, quantameter G008802600007 constant, end-point energy of the bremsstrahlung G008802600008 spectrum G008802600009 (ERR-S) Random errors G008802600010 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.14 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802600011 ENDBIB 9 0 G008802600012 COMMON 1 3 G008802600013 ERR-SYS G008802600014 PER-CENT G008802600015 15. G008802600016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802600017 DATA 3 10 G008802600018 EN-MAX DATA ERR-S G008802600019 MEV MB MB G008802600020 9.8E+02 1.19 0.06 G008802600021 1.3E+03 1.44 0.10 G008802600022 1.6E+03 1.31 0.05 G008802600023 2.0E+03 1.62 0.10 G008802600024 2.5E+03 1.80 0.11 G008802600025 3.2E+03 1.83 0.07 G008802600026 4.0E+03 1.85 0.06 G008802600027 5.1E+03 1.89 0.06 G008802600028 6.1E+03 2.07 0.14 G008802600029 7.5E+03 2.07 0.12 G008802600030 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802600031 ENDSUBENT 30 0 G008802699999 SUBENT G0088027 20221126 G050G008802700001 BIB 5 5 G008802700002 REACTION (6-C-0(G,X)6-C-11,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802700003 DECAY-DATA (6-C-11,20.35MIN,DG,511.,2.00) G008802700004 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802700005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties G008802700006 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.15 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802700007 ENDBIB 5 0 G008802700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 G008802700009 DATA 3 16 G008802700010 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR G008802700011 MEV MB MB G008802700012 9.8E+02 4.03 0.12 G008802700013 1.3E+03 4.22 0.10 G008802700014 1.6E+03 4.23 0.08 G008802700015 2.0E+03 4.30 0.10 G008802700016 2.3E+03 4.11 0.08 G008802700017 2.5E+03 4.34 0.08 G008802700018 2.8E+03 4.35 0.13 G008802700019 3.2E+03 4.38 0.11 G008802700020 3.6E+03 4.31 0.12 G008802700021 4.0E+03 4.39 0.13 G008802700022 4.5E+03 4.30 0.14 G008802700023 5.0E+03 4.42 0.12 G008802700024 5.5E+03 4.45 0.13 G008802700025 6.0E+03 4.35 0.11 G008802700026 6.5E+03 4.32 0.08 G008802700027 7.3E+03 4.49 0.13 G008802700028 ENDDATA 18 0 G008802700029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 G008802799999 SUBENT G0088028 20221126 G050G008802800001 BIB 4 4 G008802800002 REACTION (13-AL-27(G,X)12-MG-27,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802800003 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802800004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Random errors G008802800005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.16 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802800006 ENDBIB 4 0 G008802800007 COMMON 1 3 G008802800008 ERR-S G008802800009 PER-CENT G008802800010 5. G008802800011 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008802800012 DATA 2 10 G008802800013 EN-MAX DATA G008802800014 MEV MB G008802800015 9.5E+02 36.33 G008802800016 1.2E+03 44.05 G008802800017 1.5E+03 42.84 G008802800018 1.9E+03 46.10 G008802800019 2.4E+03 46.10 G008802800020 3.1E+03 50.09 G008802800021 3.9E+03 52.14 G008802800022 5.0E+03 46.22 G008802800023 5.9E+03 51.29 G008802800024 7.3E+03 54.31 G008802800025 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802800026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 G008802899999 SUBENT G0088029 20221126 G050G008802900001 BIB 4 4 G008802900002 REACTION (13-AL-27(G,X)11-NA-24,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008802900003 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008802900004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties G008802900005 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.16 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008802900006 ENDBIB 4 0 G008802900007 NOCOMMON 0 0 G008802900008 DATA 3 10 G008802900009 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR G008802900010 MEV MB MB G008802900011 1.0E+03 0.81 0.02 G008802900012 1.3E+03 0.83 0.01 G008802900013 1.7E+03 0.80 G008802900014 2.1E+03 0.90 G008802900015 2.6E+03 0.91 0.02 G008802900016 3.4E+03 0.96 0.01 G008802900017 4.3E+03 1.03 0.02 G008802900018 5.5E+03 0.94 0.02 G008802900019 6.6E+03 1.02 0.03 G008802900020 7.7E+03 1.05 G008802900021 ENDDATA 12 0 G008802900022 ENDSUBENT 21 0 G008802999999 SUBENT G0088030 20221126 G050G008803000001 BIB 4 5 G008803000002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,F),,SIG,,BRA) G008803000003 DETECTOR (TRD) Glass plate detector G008803000004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Quantameter constant (2%) G008803000005 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties G008803000006 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.17 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008803000007 ENDBIB 5 0 G008803000008 COMMON 1 3 G008803000009 ERR-1 G008803000010 PER-CENT G008803000011 2. G008803000012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008803000013 DATA 3 9 G008803000014 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR G008803000015 MEV MB MB G008803000016 9.5E-01 2.03 G008803000017 1.2E+00 2.37 0.08 G008803000018 1.5E+00 2.83 G008803000019 1.9E+00 3.11 G008803000020 3.2E+00 3.79 0.10 G008803000021 4.0E+00 4.10 G008803000022 4.9E+00 4.28 G008803000023 6.0E+00 4.84 0.15 G008803000024 7.3E+00 5.16 G008803000025 ENDDATA 11 0 G008803000026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 G008803099999 SUBENT G0088031 20221126 G050G008803100001 BIB 4 5 G008803100002 REACTION (82-PB-0(G,F),,SIG,,BRA) G008803100003 DETECTOR (TRD) Glass plate detector G008803100004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) Quantameter constant (2%) G008803100005 (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties G008803100006 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.17 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008803100007 ENDBIB 5 0 G008803100008 COMMON 1 3 G008803100009 ERR-1 G008803100010 PER-CENT G008803100011 2. G008803100012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008803100013 DATA 3 8 G008803100014 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR G008803100015 MEV MB MB G008803100016 9.5E-01 5.90 G008803100017 1.2E+00 6.50 0.23 G008803100018 1.9E+00 8.07 G008803100019 3.1E+00 9.79 0.34 G008803100020 3.8E+00 10.36 G008803100021 4.9E+00 11.93 G008803100022 5.9E+00 12.46 0.37 G008803100023 7.1E+00 13.86 G008803100024 ENDDATA 10 0 G008803100025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 G008803199999 SUBENT G0088032 20221126 G050G008803200001 BIB 5 37 G008803200002 REACTION (92-U-0(G,F)ELEM/MASS,CUM,SIG,,BRA) G008803200003 DECAY-DATA ((3582.)35-BR-82-G,35.5HR,DG,776.5,0.835) G008803200004 ((3685.)36-KR-85-M,4.36HR,DG,149.5,0.796) G008803200005 ((3688.)36-KR-88,2.8HR,DG,196.1,0.35) G008803200006 ((3891.)38-SR-91,9.67HR,DG,1024.3,0.33) G008803200007 ((38925.)38-SR-92,2.71HR,DG,1386.0,0.90) G008803200008 ((39915.)39-Y-91-M,50.MIN,DG,555.6,0.58) G008803200009 ((3992.)39-Y-92,3.53HR,DG,934.5,0.14) G008803200010 ((4095.)40-ZR-95,65.D,DG,756.7,0.546) G008803200011 ((40955.)40-ZR-95,65.D,DG,724.2,0.43) G008803200012 ((4097.)40-ZR-97,17.HR,DG,743.4,0.94) G008803200013 ((41975.)41-NB-97-G,72.MIN,DG,658.1,0.99) G008803200014 ((42995.)42-MO-99,67.HR,DG,181.1,0.076) G008803200015 ((4399.)43-TC-99-M,6.04HR,DG,140.3,0.90) G008803200016 ((44103.)44-RU-103,36.9D,DG,497.1,0.90) G008803200017 ((44105.)44-RU-105,4.44HR,DG,742.2,0.445) G008803200018 ((441055.)45-RH-105-G,35.9HR,DG,319.2,0.196) G008803200019 ((47112.)47-AG-112,3.2HR,DG,617.4,0.435) G008803200020 ((47113.)47-AG-113-G,5.37HR,DG,298.6,0.10) G008803200021 ((51125.)51-SB-125,2.62YR,DG,427.9,1.00) G008803200022 ((51127.)51-SB-127,93.HR,DG,473.2,0.248) G008803200023 ((511275.)51-SB-127,93.HR,DG,648.9,0.368) G008803200024 ((521325.)52-TE-132,78.8HR,DG,228.2,0.88) G008803200025 ((53131.)53-I-131,8.05D,DG,364.5,0.82) G008803200026 ((53133.)53-I-133-G,21.HR,DG,531.0,0.89) G008803200027 ((531355.)53-I-135,6.7HR,DG,1260.5,0.349) G008803200028 ((54135.)54-XE-135-G,9.2HR,DG,249.6,0.92) G008803200029 ((57140.)57-LA-140,40.2HR,DG,1596.2,0.965) G008803200030 ((58141.)58-CE-141,33.D,DG,145.4,0.48) G008803200031 ((58143.)58-CE-143,33.7HR,DG,293.2,0.492) G008803200032 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008803200033 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) No information on source of uncertainties G008803200034 (DATA-ERR2) One standard deviation defined from spread G008803200035 around the mean value G008803200036 (DATA-ERR3) Mean of standard-deviation in gamma-peak G008803200037 area determination G008803200038 STATUS (CURVE) Table 2 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008803200039 ENDBIB 37 0 G008803200040 COMMON 1 3 G008803200041 EN-MAX G008803200042 GEV G008803200043 6. G008803200044 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G008803200045 DATA 8 29 G008803200046 ELEMENT MASS ISOMER DATA DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 G008803200047 DATA-ERR3 DECAY-FLAG G008803200048 NO-DIM NO-DIM NO-DIM MB MB PER-CENT G008803200049 PER-CENT NO-DIM G008803200050 35. 82. 0. 3.11 0.01 0.41G008803200051 2.82 3582. G008803200052 36. 85. 1. 3.52 0.10 2.71G008803200053 2.74 3685. G008803200054 36. 88. 4.20 0.10 2.41G008803200055 4.55 3688. G008803200056 38. 91. 11.38 0.33 2.93G008803200057 3.62 3891. G008803200058 38. 92. 11.58 0.28 2.42G008803200059 1.87 38925. G008803200060 39. 91. 10.29 0.32 3.09G008803200061 2.39 39915. G008803200062 39. 92. 14.04 0.52 3.70G008803200063 2.26 3992. G008803200064 40. 95. 15.39 0.79 5.16G008803200065 2.12 4095. G008803200066 40. 95. 13.48 0.13 G008803200067 0.97 40955. G008803200068 40. 97. 15.60 0.63 4.06G008803200069 1.92 4097. G008803200070 41. 97. 13.38 0.47 3.49G008803200071 1.12 41975. G008803200072 42. 99. 14.02 0.36 2.62G008803200073 3.42 42995. G008803200074 43. 99. 1. 16.41 0.50 3.05G008803200075 1.57 4399. G008803200076 44. 103. 15.52 0.57 3.69G008803200077 1.34 44103. G008803200078 44. 105. 13.70 0.35 2.60G008803200079 1.39 44105. G008803200080 44. 105. 12.25 0.29 2.34G008803200081 1.02 441055. G008803200082 47. 112. 10.86 0.50 4.60G008803200083 2.39 47112. G008803200084 47. 113. 0. 11.11 0.59 5.34G008803200085 4.43 47113. G008803200086 51. 125. 4.17 0.10 G008803200087 2.33 51125. G008803200088 51. 127. 3.87 0.26 6.69G008803200089 2.46 51127. G008803200090 51. 127. 3.8 0.12 3.80G008803200091 2.12 511275. G008803200092 52. 132. 9.45 0.28 2.94G008803200093 1.65 521325. G008803200094 53. 131. 8.40 0.53 6.32G008803200095 2.61 53131. G008803200096 53. 133. 0. 12.38 0.19 1.50G008803200097 3.15 53133. G008803200098 53. 135. 8.31 0.42 5.05G008803200099 1.28 531355. G008803200100 54. 135. 0. 10.30 0.56 5.34G008803200101 1.36 54135. G008803200102 57. 140. 12.79 0.62 4.85G008803200103 1.00 57140. G008803200104 58. 141. 13.88 0.41 2.95G008803200105 1.90 58141. G008803200106 58. 143. 7.01 0.35 4.93G008803200107 1.85 58143. G008803200108 ENDDATA 62 0 G008803200109 ENDSUBENT 108 0 G008803299999 SUBENT G0088033 20221126 G050G008803300001 BIB 5 10 G008803300002 REACTION (92-U-0(G,F)53-I-132-G,(CUM)/M+,SIG,,BRA) G008803300003 DECAY-DATA ((53132.)53-I-132-G,2.3HR,DG,666.7,0.98) G008803300004 ((531325.)53-I-132-G,2.3HR,DG,772.7,0.89) G008803300005 DETECTOR (GELI) 31 cm3 G008803300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR1) No information on source of uncertainties G008803300007 (DATA-ERR2) One standard deviation defined from spread G008803300008 around the mean value G008803300009 (DATA-ERR3) Mean of standard-deviation in gamma-peak G008803300010 area determination G008803300011 STATUS (CURVE) Table 2 of Nucl.Phys.A197(1972)44 G008803300012 ENDBIB 10 0 G008803300013 NOCOMMON 0 0 G008803300014 DATA 6 2 G008803300015 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR1 DATA-ERR2 DATA-ERR3 DECAY-FLAG G008803300016 GEV MB MB PER-CENT PER-CENT NO-DIM G008803300017 6. 10.02 0.30 3.40 1.96 53132.G008803300018 6. 9.98 0.26 2.61 1.46 531325.G008803300019 ENDDATA 4 0 G008803300020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 G008803399999 ENDENTRY 33 0 G008899999999