ENTRY G0090 20230303 G051G009000000001 SUBENT G0090001 20230303 G051G009000100001 BIB 12 30 G009000100002 TITLE Photonuclear reaction study with the (p,g) resonance G009000100003 gamma-source G009000100004 AUTHOR (Chuangye He, Yongle Dang, Fulong Liu, Guangyong Fu, G009000100005 Di Wu, Yangping Shen, Zhiyu Han, Qiwen Fan, Bing Guo, G009000100006 Naiyan Wang) G009000100007 INSTITUTE (3CPRAEP,3CPRBNU) G009000100008 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/CS,239,01014,2020) G009000100009 (J,CPH/B,28,100701,2019) Preliminary data given G009000100010 FACILITY (VDGT,3CPRAEP) 2x1.7-MV tandem accelerator G009000100011 INC-SOURCE (MPH=(6-C-13(P,G)7-N-14)) G009000100012 Proton beam (8 uA, 1.750 MeV) on 13C (100 ug/cm2) G009000100013 evaporated on Au (10 mm diam x 2 mm thick) G009000100014 SAMPLE Two air-cooled 197Au disks (purity of 99%, 10 mm diam.)G009000100015 coated with 13C foil (100 ug/cm2) G009000100016 DETECTOR (HPGE) Coaxial HPGe detector to measure 9.17 MeV gamma G009000100017 yields G009000100018 (LABR3) LaBr3(Ce) to measure 9.17 MeV gamma angular G009000100019 distribution G009000100020 (NAICR) NaI(Tl) to monitor 9.17 MeV gammas G009000100021 (HPGE) Anti-Compton HPGe to measure gamma-rays from G009000100022 activated samples G009000100023 METHOD (ACTIV) Irradiated for 6 hrs and 5.5 hrs, cooled for G009000100024 cooled for 3.6 hrs and 3.1 hrs, measured for 20.6 hrs G009000100025 and 94.2 hrs G009000100026 CORRECTION Corrected for attenuation of 9.17 MeV and 355.7 keV G009000100027 gamma-rays in the gold sample G009000100028 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty G009000100029 (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty G009000100030 (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty G009000100031 HISTORY (20230303C) On G009000100032 ENDBIB 30 0 G009000100033 NOCOMMON 0 0 G009000100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 G009000199999 SUBENT G0090002 20230303 G051G009000200001 BIB 5 6 G009000200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,N)79-AU-196,,SIG) G009000200003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-196-G,6.18D,DG,355.73,0.870) G009000200004 ADD-RES weighted mean = 40.3+/-6.9 mb G009000200005 MISC-COL (MISC) Number of detected gammas G009000200006 STATUS (TABLE) Table 3 of Chin.Phys.B 28(2019)100701 G009000200007 (SPSDD,G0090003) Final values G009000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 G009000200009 COMMON 1 3 G009000200010 EN G009000200011 MEV G009000200012 9.17 G009000200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G009000200014 DATA 6 2 G009000200015 DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC MISC-ERR G009000200016 MB MB MB MB NO-DIM NO-DIM G009000200017 40.1 6.9 6.27 0.63 1566. 49. G009000200018 40.4 6.9 6.27 0.63 6610. 100. G009000200019 ENDDATA 4 0 G009000200020 ENDSUBENT 19 0 G009000299999 SUBENT G0090003 20230303 G051G009000300001 BIB 6 9 G009000300002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,N)79-AU-196,,SIG) G009000300003 DECAY-DATA (79-AU-196-G,6.18D,DG,355.7,0.87) G009000300004 ADD-RES weighted mean = 45.4+/-6.9 mb G009000300005 MISC-COL (MISC) Number of detected gammas G009000300006 COMMENT By author: G009000300007 Statistical errors (91%) and systematic errors (9%) G009000300008 written on the 2020 reference are wrong. Adopt their G009000300009 values written in the 2019 reference. G009000300010 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 of EPJ Web Conf.239(2020)01014 G009000300011 ENDBIB 9 0 G009000300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 G009000300013 DATA 6 2 G009000300014 EN DATA ERR-T ERR-S ERR-SYS MISC G009000300015 MEV MB MB MB MB NO-DIM G009000300016 9.17 45.2 6.9 6.27 0.63 1566. G009000300017 9.17 45.6 6.9 6.27 0.63 6610. G009000300018 ENDDATA 4 0 G009000300019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 G009000399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 G009099999999