ENTRY G4002 20130612 G027G400200000001 SUBENT G4002001 20130612 G027G400200100001 BIB 12 26 G400200100002 TITLE Study of the short-lived isomeric states of thallium G400200100003 and yttrium excited in the reaction (g,n). G400200100004 AUTHOR (I.Z.Beseda, A.I.Guty, Ya.E.Kostyu, A.P.Osipenko, G400200100005 N.T.Sabolchi,I.V.Khimich, I.A.Shabalina) G400200100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRUZH) G400200100007 REFERENCE (J,SNP,54,369,1991) Engl. transl. of YF,54,609,1991 G400200100008 (J,YF,54,609,1991) G400200100009 (J,UFZ,35,(8),1153,1990) G400200100010 (J,UZHV,32,39,2012) G400200100011 FACILITY (BETAT,4UKRUZH) 25 MeV betatron B25/30 at the G400200100012 university of Uzhgorod. G400200100013 REL-REF (O,G4007002,I.Z.Beseda+,J,YF,54,609,1991) G400200100014 89Y(g,n)88mY data given. G400200100015 METHOD (EXTB,SITA)Gamma-rays were detected between pulses of G400200100016 betatron. G400200100017 INC-SOURCE (BRST) Diameter of beam in disposition of target 40mm. G400200100018 DETECTOR (NAICR)Size crystal 63X63mm G400200100019 SAMPLE Isotopically enriched with Tl-203, diameter 30mm, G400200100020 weight 10.7g,located under angle 45 degrees to an axis G400200100021 of beam at distance of 15cm from a crystal. G400200100022 COMMENT Ionization chamber calibrated with the help of absoluteG400200100023 aluminium ioniz.chamber and standard gamma sources. G400200100024 Cross section calculated by inversion matrix method. G400200100025 HISTORY (20050210C)NK G400200100026 (20060609) Finalized G400200100027 (20130612A)OG Reference J,UZHV,32,39,2012 was added. G400200100028 ENDBIB 26 0 G400200100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 G400200100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 G400200199999 SUBENT G4002002 20130612 G027G400200200001 BIB 6 11 G400200200002 REACTION (81-TL-203(G,N)81-TL-202-L,,SIG,,BRS) G400200200003 DECAY-DATA (81-TL-202-L,0.57MSEC) G400200200004 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error G400200200005 STATUS (TABLE) Correspond to Fig.4. G400200200006 HISTORY (20130612A)OG Digitized data were substituted by G400200200007 tabulated data received from A.M.Parlag in May 2013. G400200200008 COMMENT For investigation excitation functions unresolved groupG400200200009 two lines 459.8 and 490.7 keV were used. G400200200010 The contribution of produced Tl-202(HL=12.2D), G400200200011 irradiating gamma-rays with energy 439.6 keV was taken G400200200012 into account. G400200200013 ENDBIB 11 0 G400200200014 NOCOMMON 0 0 G400200200015 DATA 3 11 G400200200016 EN DATA ERR-S G400200200017 MEV MB MB G400200200018 12.0 19.47 1.80 G400200200019 13.0 35.90 2.58 G400200200020 14.0 51.36 4.31 G400200200021 15.0 57.66 5.06 G400200200022 16.0 62.03 5.70 G400200200023 17.0 45.39 6.00 G400200200024 18.0 24.55 6.99 G400200200025 19.0 2.14 7.52 G400200200026 20.0 4.24 8.67 G400200200027 21.0 7.27 8.55 G400200200028 22.0 9.69 8.80 G400200200029 ENDDATA 13 0 G400200200030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 G400200299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 G400299999999