ENTRY G4068 20190207 G043G406800000001 SUBENT G4068001 20190207 G043G406800100001 BIB 10 22 G406800100002 TITLE Polarization of secondary protons from the reaction G406800100003 g+p -> pi0+p in the region of the third resonance G406800100004 AUTHOR (A.I.Derebchinskii,S.G.Tonapetyan,O.G.Konovalov, G406800100005 V.P.Nazyrov,A.E.Tenishev) G406800100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT) G406800100007 REFERENCE (J,ZET,66,68,1974) G406800100008 (J,JET,39,30,1974) English translation G406800100009 FACILITY (LINAC,4UKRKFT) The 2-GeV electron linear accelerator G406800100010 INC-SOURCE (BRST) G406800100011 METHOD (EXTB) G406800100012 DETECTOR (MAGSP,SCIN,TRD) Secondary protons were analyzed in G406800100013 momentum by a magnetic spectrometer with an G406800100014 acceptance angle +-0.5 degrees and were recorded by a G406800100015 spark chamber telescope. The polarization of the G406800100016 protons was determined by the asymmetry of their G406800100017 scattering in the spark chamber telescope. Events with G406800100018 stopping of a proton in the spark chamber were G406800100019 recorded by coincidence of the pulses of two G406800100020 scintillation counters and anticoincidence of one G406800100021 scintillation counter. G406800100022 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors G406800100023 HISTORY (20190207C) UkrNDC G406800100024 ENDBIB 22 0 G406800100025 NOCOMMON 0 0 G406800100026 ENDSUBENT 25 0 G406800199999 SUBENT G4068002 20190207 G043G406800200001 BIB 3 7 G406800200002 REACTION (1-H-1(G,PI0)1-H-1,,POL/DA) G406800200003 STATUS (TABLE) Table 1 from Sov.Phys.JETP,39,(1),30,1974 G406800200004 ADD-RES The energy dependence of the polarization cross G406800200005 section in the photon energy interval 950-1250 MeV was G406800200006 calculated with the amplitudes for photoproduction of G406800200007 single pi0 mesons from protons taken from the work of G406800200008 R.L.Walker, Phys.Rev.,182,1729,1969. G406800200009 ENDBIB 7 0 G406800200010 NOCOMMON 0 0 G406800200011 DATA 5 14 G406800200012 EN EN-ERR ANG-CM DATA ERR-S G406800200013 MEV MEV ADEG NO-DIM NO-DIM G406800200014 980. 12. 90.9 -0.175 0.115 G406800200015 1000. 13. 90.7 -0.195 0.065 G406800200016 1028. 13. 90.5 -0.362 0.064 G406800200017 1050. 14. 90.3 -0.392 0.059 G406800200018 1057. 14. 90.3 -0.442 0.065 G406800200019 1073. 15. 90.1 -0.547 0.062 G406800200020 1090. 15. 90.0 -0.701 0.061 G406800200021 1100. 15. 89.9 -0.636 0.057 G406800200022 1119. 16. 89.7 -0.573 0.070 G406800200023 1136. 16. 89.6 -0.468 0.075 G406800200024 1152. 17. 89.5 -0.280 0.077 G406800200025 1175. 18. 89.3 -0.324 0.085 G406800200026 1198. 19. 89.1 -0.430 0.089 G406800200027 1225. 20. 88.8 -0.325 0.120 G406800200028 ENDDATA 16 0 G406800200029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 G406800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 G406899999999