ENTRY G4100 20221202 G050G410000000001 SUBENT G4100001 20221202 G050G410000100001 BIB 11 24 G410000100002 TITLE Study of the excitation of the isomeric state 7/2+ G410000100003 81Se nuclear in the reaction (gamma,n) by the method G410000100004 of isomeric relationships G410000100005 AUTHOR (V.M.Mazur,Z.M.Bigan,P.S.Derechkei,O.M.Pop) G410000100006 INSTITUTE (4UKRIEP) G410000100007 REFERENCE (J,VAT/I,,(5/141),7,2022) G410000100008 #doi:10.46813/2022-141-007 G410000100009 FACILITY (MICRT,4UKRIEP) G410000100010 INC-SOURCE (BRST) G410000100011 METHOD (ACTIV) G410000100012 DETECTOR (HPGE) A high-resolution spectrometer based on an HP G410000100013 Ge-detector with a volume of 175 cm3. The detector's G410000100014 resolution was ~2 keV for the 1332 keV line of G410000100015 cobalt-60. G410000100016 SAMPLE The investigated targets were high-purity powdered G410000100017 metallic selenium disks pressed into caprolon G410000100018 cassettes. The target weighed 2 g and had a diameter G410000100019 of 30 mm. G410000100020 ADD-RES Cross-section of excitation of metastable states in G410000100021 the reaction (gamma,n) on the 82Se nucleus. G410000100022 (COMP) Using the software package TALYS-1.9, G410000100023 theoretical calculations of the cross-section of the G410000100024 (gamma,n) reaction were performed. G410000100025 HISTORY (20221117C) UkrNDC G410000100026 ENDBIB 24 0 G410000100027 NOCOMMON 0 0 G410000100028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 G410000199999 SUBENT G4100002 20221202 G050G410000200001 BIB 4 6 G410000200002 REACTION (34-SE-82(G,N)34-SE-81-M/G,,SIG/RAT,,BRA) G410000200003 DECAY-DATA (34-SE-81-M,57.3MIN,DG,103.0,0.087) G410000200004 (34-SE-81-G,18.5MIN,DG,289.9,0.00288) G410000200005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) The standard error G410000200006 STATUS (CURVE) Fig.1 (p.8) in J,VAT/I,5/141,7,2022 was G410000200007 digitized by GSYS-2.4.9. G410000200008 ENDBIB 6 0 G410000200009 COMMON 1 3 G410000200010 DATA-ERR G410000200011 PER-CENT G410000200012 1. G410000200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G410000200014 DATA 2 18 G410000200015 EN-MAX DATA G410000200016 MEV NO-DIM G410000200017 10.0 0.012 G410000200018 10.5 0.038 G410000200019 11.0 0.070 G410000200020 11.5 0.111 G410000200021 12.0 0.159 G410000200022 12.5 0.217 G410000200023 13.0 0.229 G410000200024 13.5 0.289 G410000200025 14.0 0.256 G410000200026 14.5 0.385 G410000200027 15.0 0.357 G410000200028 15.5 0.412 G410000200029 16.0 0.443 G410000200030 16.5 0.441 G410000200031 17.0 0.534 G410000200032 17.5 0.475 G410000200033 18.0 0.475 G410000200034 18.5 0.513 G410000200035 ENDDATA 20 0 G410000200036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 G410000299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 G410099999999