ENTRY G4101 20221202 G050G410100000001 SUBENT G4101001 20221202 G050G410100100001 BIB 12 32 G410100100002 TITLE Photonuclear reactions cross-sections at energies up G410100100003 to 100 MeV for different experimental setups G410100100004 AUTHOR (O.S.Deiev,I.S.Timchenko,S.M.Olejnik,S.M.Potin, G410100100005 V.A.Kushnir,V.V.Mytrochenko,S.A.Perezhogin, G410100100006 V.A.Bocharov,B.I.Shramenko) G410100100007 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT) G410100100008 REFERENCE (J,VAT/I,,(5/141),11,2022) G410100100009 #doi:10.46813/2022-141-011 G410100100010 FACILITY (LINAC,4UKRKFT) LUE-40 G410100100011 INC-SOURCE (BRST) In the case of experimental Setup 1 - the G410100100012 bremsstrahlung gamma radiation was generated by G410100100013 passing a pulsed electron beam at end-point energy G410100100014 range 35...95 MeV through a tantalum metal plate, 1.05 G410100100015 1.05 mm in thickness. The Ta-converter was fixed on theG410100100016 aluminum cylinder, 100 mm in diameter and 150 mm in G410100100017 thickness. G410100100018 For Setup 2 - the bremsstrahlung radiation was G410100100019 generated by passing an electron beam at end-point G410100100020 energies Egmax = 42.4; 60.4, and 80.5 MeV through the G410100100021 Ta foil, 0.1 mm in thickness and without Al-absorber. G410100100022 METHOD (ACTIV) G410100100023 DETECTOR (HPGE) A Canberra GC-2018 semiconductor HPGe detector G410100100024 with the relative detection efficiency of 20%. The G410100100025 resolution FWHM is 1.8 keV for energy Egamma=1332 keV G410100100026 and is 0.8 keV for Egamma=122 keV. G410100100027 MONITOR (42-MO-100(G,N)42-MO-99,,SIG,,BRA) G410100100028 The natural Mo target, which represented thin discs G410100100029 with diameters 8 mm. The target mass was 60 mg. G410100100030 DECAY-MON (42-MO-99,65.94HR,DG,739.50,0.1213) G410100100031 ADD-RES (COMP) Experimental data are compared with theoretical G410100100032 predictions calculated with TALYS1.9-1.95 codes. G410100100033 HISTORY (20221117C) UkrNDC G410100100034 ENDBIB 32 0 G410100100035 NOCOMMON 0 0 G410100100036 ENDSUBENT 35 0 G410100199999 SUBENT G4101002 20221202 G050G410100200001 BIB 6 8 G410100200002 REACTION (13-AL-27(G,X)11-NA-24,,SIG,,BRA) G410100200003 DECAY-DATA (11-NA-24,14.9590HR,DG,1368.633,1.00) G410100200004 FLAG (1.) Setup 1 G410100200005 (2.) Setup 2 G410100200006 SAMPLE The natural Al target, which represented thin discs G410100200007 with diameters 8 mm. The target mass was 135 mg. G410100200008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. G410100200009 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.15 in J,VAT/I,5/141,11,2022 G410100200010 ENDBIB 8 0 G410100200011 NOCOMMON 0 0 G410100200012 DATA 4 5 G410100200013 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR FLAG G410100200014 MEV MB MB NO-DIM G410100200015 42.4 0.120 0.012 2. G410100200016 54.85 0.219 0.017 1. G410100200017 60.4 0.223 0.021 2. G410100200018 80.5 0.218 0.021 2. G410100200019 85.35 0.211 0.016 1. G410100200020 ENDDATA 7 0 G410100200021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 G410100299999 SUBENT G4101003 20221202 G050G410100300001 BIB 6 7 G410100300002 REACTION (41-NB-93(G,N)41-NB-92-M,,SIG,,BRA) G410100300003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-92-M,10.15D,DG,934.46,0.99) G410100300004 FLAG (2.) Setup 2 G410100300005 SAMPLE The natural Nb target, which represented thin discs G410100300006 with diameters 8 mm. The target mass was 80 mg. G410100300007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. G410100300008 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.15 in J,VAT/I,5/141,11,2022 G410100300009 ENDBIB 7 0 G410100300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 G410100300011 DATA 4 1 G410100300012 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR FLAG G410100300013 MEV MB MB NO-DIM G410100300014 42.4 19.2 2.3 2. G410100300015 ENDDATA 3 0 G410100300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 G410100399999 SUBENT G4101004 20221202 G050G410100400001 BIB 6 8 G410100400002 REACTION (41-NB-93(G,3N)41-NB-90,,SIG,,BRA) G410100400003 DECAY-DATA (41-NB-90-G,14.60HR,DG,1129.22,0.927) G410100400004 FLAG (1.) Setup 1 G410100400005 (2.) Setup 2 G410100400006 SAMPLE The natural Nb target, which represented thin discs G410100400007 with diameters 8 mm. The target mass was 80 mg. G410100400008 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. G410100400009 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.15 in J,VAT/I,5/141,11,2022 G410100400010 ENDBIB 8 0 G410100400011 NOCOMMON 0 0 G410100400012 DATA 4 3 G410100400013 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR FLAG G410100400014 MEV MB MB NO-DIM G410100400015 42.4 3.34 0.21 2. G410100400016 50.2 3.11 0.24 1. G410100400017 79.95 2.56 0.16 1. G410100400018 ENDDATA 5 0 G410100400019 ENDSUBENT 18 0 G410100499999 SUBENT G4101005 20221202 G050G410100500001 BIB 6 7 G410100500002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,N)73-TA-180-G,,SIG,,BRA) G410100500003 DECAY-DATA (73-TA-180-G,8.152HR,DG,103.557,0.81) G410100500004 FLAG (2.) Setup 2 G410100500005 SAMPLE The natural Ta target, which represented thin discs G410100500006 with diameters 8 mm. The target mass was 43 mg. G410100500007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information on source of uncertainties. G410100500008 STATUS (TABLE) Text on p.16 in J,VAT/I,5/141,11,2022 G410100500009 ENDBIB 7 0 G410100500010 NOCOMMON 0 0 G410100500011 DATA 4 2 G410100500012 EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR FLAG G410100500013 MEV MB MB NO-DIM G410100500014 60.4 65.4 13.3 2. G410100500015 80.5 64.6 13.2 2. G410100500016 ENDDATA 4 0 G410100500017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 G410100599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 G410199999999