ENTRY G4105 20240312 G053G410500000001 SUBENT G4105001 20240312 G053G410500100001 BIB 13 36 G410500100002 TITLE Production of 180mHf in photoproton reaction G410500100003 181Ta(gamma,p)180mHf at energy Egmax=35-95 MeV G410500100004 AUTHOR (I.S.Timchenko, O.S.Deiev, S.M.Olejnik, S.M.Potin, G410500100005 L.P.Korda V.A.Kushnir, V.V.Mytrochenko, G410500100006 S.A.Perezhogin, A.Herzan) G410500100007 INSTITUTE (4UKRKFT,3SLKSLO,2FR CSN) G410500100008 REFERENCE (J,EPJ/A,59,268,2023) G410500100009 #doi:10.1140/epja/s10050-023-01186-2 G410500100010 FACILITY (LINAC,4UKRKFT) LUE-40 G410500100011 INC-SOURCE (BRST) G410500100012 METHOD (ACTIV) Induced beta-delayed gamma-activity measured. G410500100013 DETECTOR (HPGE) Gamma spectrometer based on the HPGe-detector, G410500100014 model Canberra GC-2018 with the energy resolution of G410500100015 0.8 and 1.8 keV at 122 and 1332.5 keV, respectively. G410500100016 Its detection efficiency at 1332.5 keV was 20% relativeG410500100017 to the NaI(Tl) scintillator, 3 inches in diameter and G410500100018 3 inches in thickness. Calibration of the detection G410500100019 efficiency was done by using a set of gamma-ray G410500100020 radiation sources: 22Na, 60Co, 133Ba, 137Cs, 152Eu, G410500100021 241Am. G410500100022 MONITOR (42-MO-100(G,N)42-MO-99,,SIG,,BRA) G410500100023 DECAY-MON (42-MO-99,65.94HR,DG,739.50,0.1213) G410500100024 ADD-RES (COMP) Experimental data are compared with theoretical G410500100025 predictions calculated with TALYS 1.95 code. G410500100026 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) The uncertainty of measured flux-averaged G410500100027 cross sections was determined as a square root of the G410500100028 quadratic sum of statistical and systematic errors. G410500100029 (ERR-S,2.,9.) Mainly due to statistics in the full G410500100030 absorption peak of the corresponding gamma-ray - 2-9%, G410500100031 (ERR-1) exposure time and the electron curren - 0.5%, G410500100032 (ERR-2,2.,3.) gamma-ray detection efficiency - 2-3% G410500100033 (ERR-3) normalization of the experimental data to the G410500100034 yield of the monitoring reaction 100Mo(g,n)99Mo,G410500100035 (ERR-4,2.,2.06) the half-life T1/2 of the reaction G410500100036 products and the intensity of the analyzed gamma-rays. G410500100037 HISTORY (20240312C) UkrNDC G410500100038 ENDBIB 36 0 G410500100039 COMMON 2 3 G410500100040 ERR-1 ERR-3 G410500100041 PER-CENT PER-CENT G410500100042 0.5 6. G410500100043 ENDCOMMON 3 0 G410500100044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 G410500199999 SUBENT G4105002 20240312 G053G410500200001 BIB 4 14 G410500200002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,P)72-HF-180-M,,SIG,,BRA) G410500200003 The flux-weighted average reaction cross section. G410500200004 DECAY-DATA (72-HF-180-M,5.5HR,DG,443.09,0.819) G410500200005 Data from Tab.1 (p. 268). G410500200006 FLAG (1.) A converter made of a natural tantalum plate with G410500200007 transverse dimensions of 20x20 mm and a thickness of G410500200008 1.05 mm. The flux of bremsstrahlung gamma-quanta was G410500200009 cleaned fromelectrons using an Al absorber of G410500200010 cylindrical shape with a diameter of 100mm and a lengthG410500200011 of 150mm. G410500200012 (2.) A natTa converter foil with a thickness of G410500200013 100 mu-m, and a bending magnet to clean the G410500200014 bremsstrahlung gamma-flux from electrons were used. G410500200015 STATUS (TABLE,,I.S.Timchenko+,J,EPJ/A,59,268,2023) Tab.2 G410500200016 ENDBIB 14 0 G410500200017 NOCOMMON 0 0 G410500200018 DATA 4 17 G410500200019 EN-MAX DATA ERR-T FLAG G410500200020 MEV MB MB NO-DIM G410500200021 35.1 48.4 5.7 1. G410500200022 39.9 50.2 5.3 1. G410500200023 45.1 51.6 5.0 1. G410500200024 50.0 54.5 5.0 1. G410500200025 55.2 53.9 4.4 1. G410500200026 60.1 57.7 5.2 1. G410500200027 60.4 59.4 5.1 2. G410500200028 64.6 54.6 5.2 1. G410500200029 70.3 56.5 5.0 1. G410500200030 75.2 55.7 5.2 1. G410500200031 80.2 60.1 5.0 1. G410500200032 80.5 61.8 5.5 2. G410500200033 84.9 55.9 4.4 1. G410500200034 85.6 58.5 4.8 1. G410500200035 90.5 54.3 4.3 1. G410500200036 90.9 58.6 5.0 1. G410500200037 95.0 55.9 4.6 1. G410500200038 ENDDATA 19 0 G410500200039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 G410500299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 G410599999999