ENTRY            K2115   20120523                             K011K211500000001 
SUBENT        K2115001   20120523                             K011K211500100001 
BIB                 11         40                                 K211500100002 
TITLE      M1 gamma strength for zirconium nuclei in the          K211500100003 
           photoneutron channel                                   K211500100004 
AUTHOR     (H.Utsunomiya, S.Goriely, T.Kondo, T.Kaihori,          K211500100005 
            A.Makinaga, S.Goko, H.Akimune, T.Yamagata, H.Toyokawa,K211500100006 
            T.Matsumoto, H.Harano, S.Hohara, Y.W.Lui, S.Hilaire,  K211500100007 
            S.Peru, A.J.Koning)                                   K211500100008 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNKON) Department of Physics                        K211500100009 
           (2BLGBRU) Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique     K211500100010 
           (2JPNJAE)                                              K211500100011 
           (2JPNAIS)                                              K211500100012 
           (2JPNKNK) Atomic Energy Research Institute             K211500100013 
           (1USATAM) Cyclotron Institute                          K211500100014 
           (2FR BRC) Department de Physique Theorique et          K211500100015 
                     Appliquee, Service de Physique Nucleaire,    K211500100016 
                     Bruyeres-le-Chatel                           K211500100017 
           (2NEDNRG)                                              K211500100018 
REFERENCE  (J,PRL,100,(16),162502,200804)                         K211500100019 
           Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR.             K211500100020 
           (S,AIP-1120,183,200905)                                K211500100021 
           H.Utsunomiya+, Conf. Proc. of ASR2008                  K211500100022 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    K211500100023 
INC-SOURCE (LCS) lambda=532 nm laser photons used                 K211500100024 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target: ZrO2                        K211500100025 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    K211500100026 
FACILITY   (SRING,2JPNAIS) To store electron beam                 K211500100027 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-SYS,4.8,9.1) Total systematic uncertainty due to  K211500100028 
                             the target impurities, neutron       K211500100029 
                             detection efficiency, number of      K211500100030 
                             incident gamma rays and a few        K211500100031 
                             percent for the beam size effect     K211500100032 
                             (4.8-9.1%)                           K211500100033 
           (ERR-1) Uncertainty due to neutron detection           K211500100034 
                   efficiency                                     K211500100035 
           (ERR-2) Uncertainty due to number of incident gamma    K211500100036 
                   rays                                           K211500100037 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        K211500100038 
STATUS     (APRVD) Proofread by Hiroaki Utsunomiya (2008.05.17)   K211500100039 
HISTORY    (20080430R) Received by e-mail from H.Utsunomiya       K211500100040 
           (20080503C)                                            K211500100041 
           (20101018A) Nf. REFERENCE: AIP-1120 added              K211500100042 
ENDBIB              40          0                                 K211500100043 
COMMON               2          3                                 K211500100044 
ERR-1      ERR-2                                                  K211500100045 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               K211500100046 
 3.2        3.                                                    K211500100047 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 K211500100048 
ENDSUBENT           47          0                                 K211500199999 
SUBENT        K2115002   20120523                             K011K211500200001 
BIB                  5          8                                 K211500200002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-91(G,N)40-ZR-90,,SIG)                           K211500200003 
SAMPLE     (40-ZR-91,ENR=0.904)                                   K211500200004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3,3.6,7.4) the uncertainty of the present         K211500200005 
                           photoneutron cross section associated  K211500200006 
                           with the isotopic target imurities     K211500200007 
                           (3.6-7.4%)                             K211500200008 
REL-REF    (A,L0011008,B.L.Berman+,J,PR,162,1098,1967)            K211500200009 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of J,PRL,100,162502,2008      K211500200010 
ENDBIB               8          0                                 K211500200011 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 K211500200012 
DATA                 3         24                                 K211500200013 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       K211500200014 
MEV        MB         MB                                          K211500200015 
       7.33       1.66       0.43                                 K211500200016 
       7.44       2.20       0.38                                 K211500200017 
       7.53       2.73       0.46                                 K211500200018 
       7.66       3.70       0.19                                 K211500200019 
       7.79       3.78       0.22                                 K211500200020 
       7.93       5.12       0.17                                 K211500200021 
       8.03       5.55       0.11                                 K211500200022 
       8.16       5.77       0.22                                 K211500200023 
       8.33       6.74       0.22                                 K211500200024 
       8.45       7.30       0.19                                 K211500200025 
       8.61       7.37       0.26                                 K211500200026 
       8.81       8.93       0.21                                 K211500200027 
       9.00       8.94       0.22                                 K211500200028 
       9.13       9.14       0.22                                 K211500200029 
       9.21       9.62       0.25                                 K211500200030 
       9.28       9.98       0.27                                 K211500200031 
       9.34       9.96       0.28                                 K211500200032 
       9.78      12.69       0.51                                 K211500200033 
      10.18      14.33       0.55                                 K211500200034 
      10.71      17.43       0.58                                 K211500200035 
      11.12      20.29       0.69                                 K211500200036 
      11.46      22.81       0.72                                 K211500200037 
      11.86      27.67       0.95                                 K211500200038 
      12.75      42.93       1.13                                 K211500200039 
ENDDATA             26          0                                 K211500200040 
ENDSUBENT           39          0                                 K211500299999 
SUBENT        K2115003   20120523                             K011K211500300001 
BIB                  5          7                                 K211500300002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-92(G,N)40-ZR-91,,SIG)                           K211500300003 
SAMPLE     (40-ZR-92,ENR=0.914)                                   K211500300004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3,1.7,6.2) the uncertainty of the present         K211500300005 
                           photoneutron cross section (1.7-6.2%)  K211500300006 
REL-REF    (A,L0011011,B.L.Berman+,J,PR,162,1098,1967)            K211500300007 
           Disagree below 11 MeV                                  K211500300008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of J,PRL,100,162502,2008      K211500300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 K211500300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 K211500300011 
DATA                 3         15                                 K211500300012 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       K211500300013 
MEV        MB         MB                                          K211500300014 
       8.66       7.45       3.00                                 K211500300015 
       8.70      12.08       2.65                                 K211500300016 
       8.76      11.50       0.49                                 K211500300017 
       8.92      10.82       0.32                                 K211500300018 
       9.11      11.97       0.36                                 K211500300019 
       9.29      12.86       0.33                                 K211500300020 
       9.56      12.19       0.36                                 K211500300021 
       9.69      15.18       0.42                                 K211500300022 
       9.97      15.11       0.57                                 K211500300023 
      10.37      18.27       0.63                                 K211500300024 
      10.82      18.78       0.66                                 K211500300025 
      11.21      20.16       0.77                                 K211500300026 
      11.52      30.07       0.91                                 K211500300027 
      11.89      35.64       1.14                                 K211500300028 
      12.77      44.30       1.24                                 K211500300029 
ENDDATA             17          0                                 K211500300030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 K211500399999 
SUBENT        K2115004   20120523                             K011K211500400001 
BIB                  5          6                                 K211500400002 
REACTION   (40-ZR-94(G,N)40-ZR-93,,SIG)                           K211500400003 
SAMPLE     (40-ZR-94,ENR=0.926)                                   K211500400004 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-3,1.8,3.0) the uncertainty of the present         K211500400005 
                           photoneutron cross section (1.8-3.0%)  K211500400006 
REL-REF    (A,L0011014,B.L.Berman+,J,PR,162,1098,1967)            K211500400007 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of J,PRL,100,162502,2008      K211500400008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 K211500400009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 K211500400010 
DATA                 3         18                                 K211500400011 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       K211500400012 
MEV        MB         MB                                          K211500400013 
       8.29      10.18       0.78                                 K211500400014 
       8.33      11.27       0.65                                 K211500400015 
       8.38       9.98       0.49                                 K211500400016 
       8.47      11.72       0.51                                 K211500400017 
       8.52      12.46       0.60                                 K211500400018 
       8.58      12.30       0.32                                 K211500400019 
       8.75      11.99       0.27                                 K211500400020 
       8.95      12.93       0.28                                 K211500400021 
       9.15      13.56       0.29                                 K211500400022 
       9.43      14.58       0.30                                 K211500400023 
       9.57      16.20       0.39                                 K211500400024 
       9.90      16.71       0.55                                 K211500400025 
      10.29      17.40       0.69                                 K211500400026 
      10.77      23.34       0.75                                 K211500400027 
      11.17      27.69       0.89                                 K211500400028 
      11.50      31.19       0.94                                 K211500400029 
      11.88      35.55       1.16                                 K211500400030 
      12.76      59.08       1.60                                 K211500400031 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 K211500400032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 K211500499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 K211599999999