ENTRY            K2179   20100816                             K008K217900000001 
SUBENT        K2179001   20100816                             K008K217900100001 
BIB                 14         58                                 K217900100002 
TITLE      Photoneutron cross sections for 96Zr: A systematic     K217900100003 
           experimental study of photoneutron and radiative       K217900100004 
           neutron capture cross sections for zirconium isotopes  K217900100005 
AUTHOR     (H.Utsunomiya, S.Goriely, H.Akimune, H.Harada,         K217900100006 
           F.Kitatani, S.Goko, H.Toyokawa, K.Yamada, T.Kondo,     K217900100007 
           O.Itoh, M.Kamata, T.Yamagata, Y.-W.Lui, S.Hilaire,     K217900100008 
           A.J.Koning)                                            K217900100009 
INSTITUTE  (2JPNKON) Department of Physics                        K217900100010 
           (2BLGBRU) Institut d'Astronomie et d'Astrophysique     K217900100011 
           (2JPNJAE)                                              K217900100012 
           (2JPNAIS)                                              K217900100013 
           (1USATAM) Cyclotron Institute                          K217900100014 
           (2FR BRC) Department de Physique Theorique et          K217900100015 
                     Appliquee, Service de Physique Nucleaire     K217900100016 
           (2NEDNRG)                                              K217900100017 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,81,(3),035801,201003)                          K217900100018 
           Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR.             K217900100019 
           (S,AIP-1120,183,200905)                                K217900100020 
           H.Utsunomiya+, Conf.Proc. of ASR2008                   K217900100021 
PART-DET   (N)                                                    K217900100022 
INC-SOURCE (LCS) Wave length of the laser beam is 532nm           K217900100023 
SAMPLE     - Chemical-form of target is element. ZrO2             K217900100024 
           - Physical-form of target is solid.                    K217900100025 
           - Target-thickness is 1342 mg/cm**2.                   K217900100026 
           (40-ZR-96,ENR=0.864)                                   K217900100027 
           Isotopic impurities in the 96Zr sample were            K217900100028 
           90Zr(5.0%), 91Zr(1.88%), 92Zr(2.69%),94Zr(4.03%)       K217900100029 
METHOD     (RINGR) To determine average neutron energies. 20 3He  K217900100030 
                   proportional counters coaxially embedded in    K217900100031 
                   polyethylene moderator at distance of 3.8, 7.0 K217900100032 
                   and 10.0 cm from beam axis.                    K217900100033 
FACILITY   (SRING,2JPNAIS) To store electron beam from 480.3 to   K217900100034 
                           633.2 MeV at Tsukuba Electron Ring for K217900100035 
                           Accelerating and Storage (TERAS)       K217900100036 
DETECTOR   (PROPC) To detect neutron                              K217900100037 
           (HPGE,BGO) To measure the energy distribution of the   K217900100038 
                      LCS gamma-ray.Two 334 cm**3 high-purity Ge  K217900100039 
                      detectors shielded with an array of 23      K217900100040 
                      pieces of BGO crystals (HHS)                K217900100041 
           (NAICR) To measure the energy distribution of the LCS  K217900100042 
                   gamma-ray.                                     K217900100043 
CORRECTION Neutron events originated from the isotopic impurities K217900100044 
           were experimentally subtracted by using enriched       K217900100045 
           samples of 90Zr(97.7% 2249 mg/cm**2), 91Zr(90.4%, 1751 K217900100046 
           mg/cm**2), 92Zr(91.4%, 1601 mg/cm**2), and 94Zr(92.6%, K217900100047 
           1835 mg/cm**2) in the chemical form ZrO2.              K217900100048 
ERR-ANALYS Uncertainty of the time variation of the LCS beam      K217900100049 
           energy distribution                                    K217900100050 
           (ERR-SYS,4.4,10.8) Total systematic uncertainty        K217900100051 
                              (4.4-10.8%)                         K217900100052 
           (ERR-1) Neutron detection efficiency                   K217900100053 
           (ERR-2) Number of incident gamma rays                  K217900100054 
           (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        K217900100055 
REL-REF    (M,K2164001,H.Utsunomiya+,J,PR/C,80,055806,2009)       K217900100056 
           (M,K2111001,A.Makinaga+,J,PR/C,79,025801,2009)         K217900100057 
HISTORY    (20100409R) Received by e-mail from T.Kondo through H. K217900100058 
                       Utsunomyia                                 K217900100059 
           (20100427C) Ayano Makinaga                             K217900100060 
ENDBIB              58          0                                 K217900100061 
COMMON               2          3                                 K217900100062 
ERR-1      ERR-2                                                  K217900100063 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               K217900100064 
 3.2        3.                                                    K217900100065 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 K217900100066 
ENDSUBENT           65          0                                 K217900199999 
SUBENT        K2179002   20100816                             K008K217900200001 
BIB                  2          7                                 K217900200002 
REACTION  1(40-ZR-96(G,N)40-ZR-95,,SIG)                           K217900200003 
           Corrected for energy spread of LCS beam based on the   K217900200004 
           least square method                                    K217900200005 
          2(40-ZR-96(G,N)40-ZR-95,,SIG)                           K217900200006 
           Corrected for energy spread of LCS beam based on the   K217900200007 
           Taylor expansion method                                K217900200008 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.2 of J,PR/C,81,035801,2010      K217900200009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 K217900200010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 K217900200011 
DATA                 5         21                                 K217900200012 
EN         DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2ERR-S     2           K217900200013 
MEV        MB         MB         MB         MB                    K217900200014 
 7.97       8.91       1.40       10.79      1.33                 K217900200015 
 8.15       10.36      1.06       11.57      1.03                 K217900200016 
 8.50       11.04      0.65       11.51      0.76                 K217900200017 
 8.66                             10.66      1.40                 K217900200018 
 8.67       10.45      1.41                                       K217900200019 
 8.86       12.03      0.55                                       K217900200020 
 8.88                             11.90      0.55                 K217900200021 
 9.06                             12.89      2.68                 K217900200022 
 9.08       13.06      2.69                                       K217900200023 
 9.29                             15.01      1.22                 K217900200024 
 9.31       15.68      1.24                                       K217900200025 
 9.67                             17.52      1.14                 K217900200026 
 9.68       18.49      1.17                                       K217900200027 
 10.01      18.63      0.69                                       K217900200028 
 10.05                            17.72      0.67                 K217900200029 
 10.91      27.59      1.01                                       K217900200030 
 10.98                            27.44      0.93                 K217900200031 
 11.82      37.67      1.49                                       K217900200032 
 11.86                            39.59      1.29                 K217900200033 
 12.64      51.21      1.72                                       K217900200034 
 12.67                            54.88      1.48                 K217900200035 
ENDDATA             23          0                                 K217900200036 
ENDSUBENT           35          0                                 K217900299999 
ENDENTRY             2          0                                 K217999999999