ENTRY K2683 20231112 K022K268300000001 SUBENT K2683001 20231112 K022K268300100001 BIB 12 64 K268300100002 TITLE IAEA Photonuclear Data Library 2019 K268300100003 AUTHOR (T.Kawano, Y.S.Cho, P.Dimitriou, D.Filipescu, K268300100004 N.Iwamoto, V.Plujko, X.Tao, H.Utsunomiya, V.Varlamov, K268300100005 R.Xu, R.Capote, I.Gheorghe, O.Gorbachenko, Y.L.Jin, K268300100006 T.Renstroem, M.Sin, K.Stopani, Y.Tian, G.M.Tveten, K268300100007 J.M.Wang, T.Belgya, R.Firestone, S.Goriely, J.Kopecky,K268300100008 M.Krticka, R.Schwengner, S.Siem, M.Wiedeking) K268300100009 INSTITUTE (1USALAS,3KORKAE,3ZZZIAE,3RUMBUC,2JPNJAE,4UKRKGU, K268300100010 3CPRAEP,2JPNKON,4RUSMOS,2NOROSL,3RUMBUU,3HUNKFI, K268300100011 1USACLA,2BLGBRU,3CZRCHU,2GERZFK,3SAFITH) K268300100012 (2NEDNED) JUKO Research, Alkmaar K268300100013 REFERENCE (J,NDS,163,109,2020) K268300100014 Main reference. See also TITLE and AUTHOR. K268300100015 (J,PR/C,102,064309,2020) K268300100016 Cross sections of the (g,Sn) reactions K268300100017 SAMPLE - Chemical-form of target is element. K268300100018 - Physical-form of target is solid. K268300100019 METHOD (RINGR) K268300100020 FACILITY (SRING,2JPNJSR) NewSUBARU K268300100021 ANALYSIS Pile-up (Poisson-fitting) method for incident photon K268300100022 flux. Direct neutron multiplicity sorting with FED. K268300100023 (UNFLD) K268300100024 DETECTOR DAQ: 8-channel APU8002 MCA in list mode used to record K268300100025 timestamps and ring distribution of detected neutrons, K268300100026 and energy and time stamps of photons detected by K268300100027 monitor NaI. K268300100028 (HE3SP) Two neutron detection systems: (A) FED - K268300100029 constant efficiency 4pi neutron detection K268300100030 system, consisting of 31 3He proportional K268300100031 counters arranged in three concentric rings K268300100032 and embedded in a 46x46x50 cm3 polyethylene K268300100033 moderator. (B) HED - high efficiency 4pi K268300100034 neutron detection system, consisting of 20 3He K268300100035 proportional counters arranged in three K268300100036 concentric rings and embedded in a 36x36x50 K268300100037 cm3 polyethylene moderator. K268300100038 (NAICR) 8''x12'' NaI(Tl) detector for LCS beam flux K268300100039 measurement K268300100040 (SCIN) 3.5''x4.0'' LaBr3(Ce) detector to determine the K268300100041 energy profiles of the produced gamma-ray beams K268300100042 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainty due to neutron detection K268300100043 efficiency, areal density of targets, K268300100044 gamma-ray numbers determined by pileup K268300100045 method, and statistics of detected neutron K268300100046 numbers. K268300100047 REL-REF (O,K2556003,I.Gheorghe+,J,PR/C,96,044604,2017) K268300100048 209Bi data compiled separately K268300100049 (M,,H.Utsunomiya+,J,NIM/A,896,103,2018) K268300100050 Poisson-fitting method for determination of total K268300100051 number of gamma-rays K268300100052 (M,,H.Utsunomiya+,J,NIM/A,871,135,2017) K268300100053 Flat efficiency neutron detector and associated Direct K268300100054 neutron-multiplicity sorting method K268300100055 (M,,T.Renstrom+,J,PR/C,98,054310,2018) K268300100056 Energy unfolding procedure K268300100057 HISTORY (20210129C) S.Shin K268300100058 (20210202R) Received by e-mail from I.Gheorghe K268300100059 (20231026R) Received (g,nx) data by e-mail from K268300100060 H.Utsunomiya K268300100061 (20231109A) MA: added the primary reference (modified K268300100062 TITLE, AUTHOR, INSTITUTE, REFERENCE) in K268300100063 001, new subentries in 011-043, ANALYSIS K268300100064 in 002-010; modified REL-REF in 001, K268300100065 SAMPLE in 020-010. K268300100066 ENDBIB 64 0 K268300100067 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300100068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 K268300199999 SUBENT K2683002 20231112 K022K268300200001 BIB 5 10 K268300200002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300200003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268300200004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268300200005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268300200006 571 MeV and 1082 MeV. K268300200007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 5.68 g/cm2 K268300200008 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300200009 sections K268300200010 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300200011 064309 K268300200012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268300200013 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300200014 DATA 3 55 K268300200015 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300200016 MEV MB MB K268300200017 11.40 8.41 0.47 K268300200018 11.92 10.26 0.49 K268300200019 12.37 12.57 0.55 K268300200020 12.88 14.76 0.64 K268300200021 13.35 17.74 0.83 K268300200022 13.87 23.38 1.00 K268300200023 14.35 30.14 1.25 K268300200024 14.85 38.88 1.48 K268300200025 15.35 50.37 1.90 K268300200026 15.81 62.44 2.29 K268300200027 16.04 68.13 2.41 K268300200028 16.33 74.36 2.58 K268300200029 16.56 78.78 2.79 K268300200030 16.80 82.22 2.99 K268300200031 17.05 84.45 3.08 K268300200032 17.29 85.90 3.14 K268300200033 17.53 86.22 3.24 K268300200034 17.78 85.88 3.27 K268300200035 18.03 84.87 3.25 K268300200036 18.27 83.90 3.22 K268300200037 18.53 82.14 3.30 K268300200038 18.78 80.02 3.80 K268300200039 18.98 77.74 4.45 K268300200040 19.24 75.69 5.35 K268300200041 19.75 71.98 5.67 K268300200042 20.22 66.94 5.14 K268300200043 20.70 60.60 4.51 K268300200044 21.23 53.49 3.65 K268300200045 21.72 47.88 3.24 K268300200046 22.21 43.47 3.03 K268300200047 22.71 39.79 2.62 K268300200048 23.15 37.12 2.57 K268300200049 23.66 34.50 2.48 K268300200050 24.17 31.84 2.12 K268300200051 24.62 29.70 1.80 K268300200052 25.14 27.35 1.76 K268300200053 25.61 25.34 1.68 K268300200054 26.08 23.78 1.52 K268300200055 26.61 22.22 1.33 K268300200056 27.09 20.98 1.16 K268300200057 27.57 19.89 1.02 K268300200058 28.05 18.84 0.87 K268300200059 28.54 17.74 0.78 K268300200060 29.02 16.74 0.77 K268300200061 29.58 15.56 0.77 K268300200062 30.01 14.83 0.76 K268300200063 30.51 14.06 0.75 K268300200064 31.01 13.56 0.75 K268300200065 31.51 13.33 0.74 K268300200066 32.46 13.34 0.75 K268300200067 33.30 12.81 0.74 K268300200068 34.41 12.35 0.82 K268300200069 36.37 10.27 0.88 K268300200070 38.27 9.39 0.81 K268300200071 40.23 8.24 2.06 K268300200072 ENDDATA 57 0 K268300200073 ENDSUBENT 72 0 K268300299999 SUBENT K2683003 20231112 K022K268300300001 BIB 5 13 K268300300002 REACTION (39-Y-89(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300300003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268300300004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268300300005 varied between 812 MeV and 1069 MeV. (B) FED and K268300300006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268300300007 Electron beam energy varied between 772 MeV and K268300300008 1069 MeV. K268300300009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 10 mm diameter, 1.87 g/cm2 below the K268300300010 2n threshold, 8.99 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268300300011 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300300012 sections K268300300013 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300300014 064309 K268300300015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268300300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300300017 DATA 3 42 K268300300018 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300300019 MEV MB MB K268300300020 11.60 1.90 0.07 K268300300021 11.80 2.83 0.17 K268300300022 12.00 7.66 0.38 K268300300023 12.26 16.74 0.67 K268300300024 12.49 24.55 1.21 K268300300025 13.00 32.28 1.83 K268300300026 14.00 59.95 2.79 K268300300027 14.68 96.44 4.74 K268300300028 16.02 186.88 9.45 K268300300029 17.00 228.82 12.02 K268300300030 17.51 200.69 11.78 K268300300031 18.02 153.31 11.80 K268300300032 18.51 114.25 9.51 K268300300033 19.01 94.86 9.10 K268300300034 19.49 93.58 8.18 K268300300035 20.01 85.74 7.80 K268300300036 20.70 74.16 4.98 K268300300037 21.23 62.04 4.55 K268300300038 21.72 55.61 4.32 K268300300039 22.21 50.91 3.76 K268300300040 22.71 43.99 2.59 K268300300041 23.15 37.37 1.97 K268300300042 23.66 32.70 1.97 K268300300043 24.17 32.21 1.82 K268300300044 24.62 31.78 1.58 K268300300045 25.14 30.46 1.49 K268300300046 25.61 28.54 1.46 K268300300047 26.08 26.65 1.39 K268300300048 26.61 25.04 1.25 K268300300049 27.09 23.80 1.19 K268300300050 27.57 22.85 1.19 K268300300051 28.05 22.06 1.15 K268300300052 29.02 21.03 0.97 K268300300053 29.58 20.66 0.93 K268300300054 30.01 20.44 0.92 K268300300055 30.51 20.23 0.98 K268300300056 31.01 20.00 1.10 K268300300057 31.51 19.69 1.20 K268300300058 33.30 18.52 1.16 K268300300059 35.41 17.05 0.86 K268300300060 37.34 15.48 0.91 K268300300061 39.28 14.20 2.06 K268300300062 ENDDATA 44 0 K268300300063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 K268300399999 SUBENT K2683004 20231112 K022K268300400001 BIB 5 13 K268300400002 REACTION (45-RH-103(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300400003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268300400004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268300400005 Electron beam energy varied between 729 MeV and K268300400006 970 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268300400007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268300400008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268300400009 652 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268300400010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 8.40 g/cm2 K268300400011 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300400012 sections K268300400013 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300400014 064309 K268300400015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268300400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300400017 DATA 3 74 K268300400018 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300400019 MEV MB MB K268300400020 9.36 1.88 0.07 K268300400021 9.49 5.12 0.18 K268300400022 9.74 16.65 0.59 K268300400023 10.01 21.26 0.78 K268300400024 10.49 24.91 0.95 K268300400025 10.76 28.22 1.05 K268300400026 11.01 31.96 1.13 K268300400027 11.26 36.25 1.26 K268300400028 11.51 41.23 1.46 K268300400029 11.74 46.39 1.69 K268300400030 12.00 53.01 2.05 K268300400031 12.26 60.62 2.44 K268300400032 12.49 69.47 2.71 K268300400033 12.76 81.66 3.11 K268300400034 13.00 93.17 3.50 K268300400035 13.24 104.51 3.85 K268300400036 13.51 117.25 4.17 K268300400037 13.75 129.85 4.61 K268300400038 14.00 143.00 5.13 K268300400039 14.25 155.66 5.59 K268300400040 14.50 166.59 5.78 K268300400041 14.85 178.96 5.98 K268300400042 14.93 181.28 6.02 K268300400043 15.03 183.01 6.07 K268300400044 15.07 183.71 6.08 K268300400045 15.25 186.54 6.16 K268300400046 15.51 188.26 6.17 K268300400047 15.58 188.54 6.18 K268300400048 15.76 189.36 6.34 K268300400049 15.81 189.40 6.41 K268300400050 16.02 189.61 6.80 K268300400051 16.04 189.74 6.84 K268300400052 16.33 191.74 7.74 K268300400053 16.51 193.05 8.53 K268300400054 16.56 193.45 8.81 K268300400055 17.29 195.05 11.48 K268300400056 17.78 184.49 9.99 K268300400057 18.27 162.12 7.41 K268300400058 18.78 139.02 6.62 K268300400059 19.24 120.89 5.74 K268300400060 19.75 103.57 5.58 K268300400061 20.22 91.51 5.37 K268300400062 20.70 81.46 4.80 K268300400063 21.23 72.36 4.76 K268300400064 21.72 65.57 4.98 K268300400065 22.21 59.61 4.59 K268300400066 22.71 54.15 3.97 K268300400067 23.15 49.64 3.86 K268300400068 23.66 44.83 3.62 K268300400069 24.17 40.39 3.35 K268300400070 24.62 37.02 3.14 K268300400071 25.14 33.89 2.95 K268300400072 25.61 31.96 2.85 K268300400073 26.08 30.80 2.62 K268300400074 26.61 30.17 2.33 K268300400075 27.09 29.97 2.04 K268300400076 27.57 29.77 1.89 K268300400077 28.05 29.24 1.80 K268300400078 28.54 28.27 1.74 K268300400079 29.02 27.12 1.73 K268300400080 29.58 25.93 1.72 K268300400081 30.51 24.78 1.57 K268300400082 31.51 24.13 1.42 K268300400083 32.46 23.22 1.35 K268300400084 33.30 22.04 1.33 K268300400085 34.41 20.48 1.22 K268300400086 35.41 19.59 1.06 K268300400087 36.37 19.22 0.95 K268300400088 37.34 18.47 0.95 K268300400089 38.27 17.22 0.98 K268300400090 39.28 15.72 1.04 K268300400091 40.23 14.54 1.32 K268300400092 41.20 13.66 2.13 K268300400093 42.19 12.06 4.48 K268300400094 ENDDATA 76 0 K268300400095 ENDSUBENT 94 0 K268300499999 SUBENT K2683005 20231112 K022K268300500001 BIB 5 14 K268300500002 REACTION (57-LA-139(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300500003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268300500004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268300500005 Electron beam energy varied between 706 MeV and K268300500006 961 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268300500007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268300500008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268300500009 630 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268300500010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 12.5 mm diameter, 3.66 g/cm2 below K268300500011 the 2n threshold, 7.51 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268300500012 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300500013 sections K268300500014 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300500015 064309 K268300500016 ENDBIB 14 0 K268300500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300500018 DATA 3 79 K268300500019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300500020 MEV MB MB K268300500021 8.80 1.94 0.08 K268300500022 9.00 9.86 0.37 K268300500023 9.25 23.37 0.80 K268300500024 9.36 26.50 0.91 K268300500025 9.49 29.19 1.03 K268300500026 9.74 32.92 1.25 K268300500027 10.01 36.66 1.43 K268300500028 10.25 40.70 1.58 K268300500029 10.49 45.60 1.73 K268300500030 10.76 52.08 1.94 K268300500031 11.01 58.62 2.16 K268300500032 11.26 66.33 2.36 K268300500033 11.51 75.41 2.70 K268300500034 11.74 84.80 3.15 K268300500035 12.00 96.89 3.64 K268300500036 12.26 111.04 4.18 K268300500037 12.49 126.86 4.74 K268300500038 12.76 147.38 5.58 K268300500039 13.00 168.38 6.38 K268300500040 13.24 190.93 7.05 K268300500041 13.51 218.18 7.48 K268300500042 13.75 245.71 8.08 K268300500043 13.87 258.77 8.45 K268300500044 14.00 274.89 8.84 K268300500045 14.25 305.97 9.60 K268300500046 14.35 319.91 10.01 K268300500047 14.50 338.77 10.56 K268300500048 14.58 348.31 10.90 K268300500049 14.76 368.80 11.65 K268300500050 14.85 378.52 12.05 K268300500051 14.93 386.92 12.42 K268300500052 15.03 393.47 12.77 K268300500053 15.25 406.59 13.57 K268300500054 15.35 408.93 13.86 K268300500055 15.51 406.48 14.13 K268300500056 15.58 403.79 14.15 K268300500057 15.81 388.61 13.87 K268300500058 16.02 369.13 13.90 K268300500059 16.21 347.52 14.11 K268300500060 16.33 336.65 14.33 K268300500061 16.80 291.58 13.08 K268300500062 17.29 238.97 9.41 K268300500063 17.78 187.55 8.14 K268300500064 18.27 147.83 6.28 K268300500065 18.78 119.31 5.61 K268300500066 19.24 100.64 5.38 K268300500067 19.75 86.48 5.10 K268300500068 20.22 78.20 4.87 K268300500069 20.70 72.32 4.70 K268300500070 21.23 66.02 4.42 K268300500071 21.72 61.52 4.28 K268300500072 22.21 57.88 4.12 K268300500073 22.71 55.30 3.88 K268300500074 23.15 52.58 3.84 K268300500075 23.66 49.25 3.79 K268300500076 24.17 45.55 3.47 K268300500077 24.62 41.68 3.33 K268300500078 25.14 37.68 3.23 K268300500079 25.61 34.73 3.14 K268300500080 26.08 32.45 2.99 K268300500081 26.61 32.98 2.85 K268300500082 27.09 32.95 2.71 K268300500083 27.57 32.95 2.57 K268300500084 28.05 32.41 2.36 K268300500085 28.54 31.49 2.15 K268300500086 29.02 30.29 2.03 K268300500087 29.58 28.80 1.93 K268300500088 30.51 26.59 1.83 K268300500089 31.51 25.22 1.71 K268300500090 32.46 24.23 1.63 K268300500091 33.30 23.48 1.61 K268300500092 34.41 22.69 1.69 K268300500093 35.41 22.19 1.66 K268300500094 36.37 22.18 1.61 K268300500095 37.34 21.94 1.66 K268300500096 38.27 21.20 2.08 K268300500097 39.28 19.65 3.66 K268300500098 40.23 17.45 6.30 K268300500099 41.20 13.51 13.38 K268300500100 ENDDATA 81 0 K268300500101 ENDSUBENT 100 0 K268300599999 SUBENT K2683006 20231112 K022K268300600001 BIB 5 14 K268300600002 REACTION (65-TB-159(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300600003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268300600004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268300600005 Electron beam energy varied between 683 MeV and K268300600006 921 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268300600007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268300600008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268300600009 630 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268300600010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.44 g/cm2 below the K268300600011 2n threshold, 6.74 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268300600012 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300600013 sections K268300600014 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300600015 064309 K268300600016 ENDBIB 14 0 K268300600017 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300600018 DATA 3 81 K268300600019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300600020 MEV MB MB K268300600021 8.24 3.14 0.11 K268300600022 8.36 8.76 0.31 K268300600023 8.51 17.42 0.62 K268300600024 8.75 27.30 0.96 K268300600025 8.80 28.81 1.02 K268300600026 9.00 33.90 1.23 K268300600027 9.25 40.72 1.48 K268300600028 9.36 43.87 1.59 K268300600029 9.49 48.33 1.78 K268300600030 9.74 58.09 2.16 K268300600031 10.01 69.82 2.62 K268300600032 10.25 82.82 3.28 K268300600033 10.49 99.48 3.94 K268300600034 10.76 122.99 4.48 K268300600035 11.01 147.88 5.14 K268300600036 11.26 175.79 6.25 K268300600037 11.51 205.21 7.72 K268300600038 11.74 231.17 8.93 K268300600039 12.00 256.04 9.56 K268300600040 12.26 272.20 9.82 K268300600041 12.49 278.04 10.11 K268300600042 12.76 275.62 10.54 K268300600043 13.00 268.86 10.88 K268300600044 13.24 259.96 10.76 K268300600045 13.51 251.63 9.86 K268300600046 13.75 247.30 9.03 K268300600047 13.87 246.77 8.88 K268300600048 14.00 247.77 8.52 K268300600049 14.25 253.23 8.17 K268300600050 14.35 256.32 8.18 K268300600051 14.50 261.34 8.39 K268300600052 14.58 264.43 8.61 K268300600053 14.76 271.45 9.16 K268300600054 14.90 276.51 9.81 K268300600055 15.35 303.66 10.94 K268300600056 15.58 317.83 10.73 K268300600057 15.81 322.64 10.18 K268300600058 16.04 320.42 9.56 K268300600059 16.33 310.14 8.86 K268300600060 16.56 298.23 8.54 K268300600061 16.80 284.06 8.46 K268300600062 17.05 268.20 8.80 K268300600063 17.29 250.91 9.38 K268300600064 17.78 212.22 10.33 K268300600065 18.27 173.93 10.24 K268300600066 18.78 142.71 8.62 K268300600067 19.24 120.91 8.39 K268300600068 19.75 103.52 7.84 K268300600069 20.22 92.14 7.06 K268300600070 20.70 83.34 6.81 K268300600071 21.23 74.83 5.94 K268300600072 21.72 68.90 5.72 K268300600073 22.21 64.64 5.58 K268300600074 22.71 61.28 5.36 K268300600075 23.15 58.72 5.02 K268300600076 23.66 55.48 4.47 K268300600077 24.17 52.63 3.96 K268300600078 24.62 50.10 3.79 K268300600079 25.14 46.46 3.57 K268300600080 25.61 43.28 3.30 K268300600081 26.08 40.72 2.96 K268300600082 26.61 38.78 2.56 K268300600083 27.09 37.63 2.38 K268300600084 27.57 37.09 2.35 K268300600085 28.05 36.53 2.26 K268300600086 28.54 35.55 2.13 K268300600087 29.02 34.26 2.05 K268300600088 29.58 32.61 2.14 K268300600089 30.51 30.24 2.41 K268300600090 31.51 28.91 2.40 K268300600091 32.46 28.02 2.42 K268300600092 33.30 26.70 2.62 K268300600093 34.41 26.16 2.58 K268300600094 35.41 25.48 2.44 K268300600095 36.37 25.19 2.61 K268300600096 37.34 25.01 2.59 K268300600097 38.27 24.45 2.51 K268300600098 39.28 23.69 2.90 K268300600099 40.23 23.27 3.40 K268300600100 41.20 23.19 4.80 K268300600101 42.19 24.41 9.53 K268300600102 ENDDATA 83 0 K268300600103 ENDSUBENT 102 0 K268300699999 SUBENT K2683007 20231112 K022K268300700001 BIB 5 15 K268300700002 REACTION (67-HO-165(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300700003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268300700004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268300700005 varied between 684 MeV and 791 MeV. (B) FED and K268300700006 532 nm laser (neutron counting below S2n, K268300700007 neutron multiplicity sorting above S2n.). K268300700008 Electron beam energy varied between 571 MeV and K268300700009 1121 MeV. K268300700010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.52, 3.64 g/cm2 K268300700011 below the 2n threshold, 7.28 g/cm2 above the 2n K268300700012 threshold K268300700013 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300700014 sections K268300700015 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300700016 064309 K268300700017 ENDBIB 15 0 K268300700018 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300700019 DATA 3 58 K268300700020 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300700021 MEV MB MB K268300700022 8.26 14.06 0.57 K268300700023 8.51 27.23 1.14 K268300700024 9.00 46.29 2.20 K268300700025 10.01 87.75 3.98 K268300700026 11.01 159.70 6.91 K268300700027 11.40 207.25 8.17 K268300700028 11.51 227.62 9.08 K268300700029 11.92 293.92 11.55 K268300700030 12.37 327.65 13.44 K268300700031 12.88 323.84 15.78 K268300700032 13.35 305.59 15.14 K268300700033 13.87 291.25 14.69 K268300700034 14.35 289.92 13.36 K268300700035 14.85 301.04 11.86 K268300700036 14.94 304.64 11.97 K268300700037 15.07 310.76 12.10 K268300700038 15.35 323.94 12.40 K268300700039 15.58 329.44 11.77 K268300700040 15.81 330.91 10.98 K268300700041 16.04 326.39 10.67 K268300700042 16.33 315.98 10.44 K268300700043 16.56 301.10 10.70 K268300700044 16.80 282.00 10.93 K268300700045 17.29 235.52 11.07 K268300700046 17.78 189.83 11.17 K268300700047 18.27 155.70 11.07 K268300700048 18.78 133.79 10.27 K268300700049 19.24 118.27 9.91 K268300700050 19.75 100.21 9.61 K268300700051 20.22 85.96 9.19 K268300700052 20.70 75.49 8.78 K268300700053 21.23 68.45 7.95 K268300700054 21.72 63.95 7.18 K268300700055 22.21 62.35 6.51 K268300700056 22.71 61.93 5.90 K268300700057 23.15 60.20 5.42 K268300700058 23.66 56.33 4.74 K268300700059 24.17 52.59 4.37 K268300700060 24.62 50.26 3.91 K268300700061 25.14 49.01 3.72 K268300700062 25.61 47.94 3.65 K268300700063 26.08 46.23 3.35 K268300700064 26.61 43.07 2.88 K268300700065 27.09 40.52 2.64 K268300700066 27.57 37.50 2.82 K268300700067 28.05 34.67 3.10 K268300700068 28.54 32.35 3.71 K268300700069 29.02 30.19 4.30 K268300700070 29.58 28.10 4.32 K268300700071 30.51 26.44 3.52 K268300700072 31.51 27.18 3.48 K268300700073 32.46 28.77 3.86 K268300700074 33.30 27.89 4.51 K268300700075 35.41 15.91 6.82 K268300700076 37.34 13.40 8.13 K268300700077 39.28 20.17 10.01 K268300700078 41.20 21.22 14.30 K268300700079 43.19 11.07 38.29 K268300700080 ENDDATA 60 0 K268300700081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 K268300799999 SUBENT K2683008 20231112 K022K268300800001 BIB 5 13 K268300800002 REACTION (69-TM-169(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300800003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268300800004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268300800005 varied between 684 MeV and 908 MeV. (B) FED and K268300800006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268300800007 Electron beam energy varied between 652 MeV and K268300800008 1069 MeV. K268300800009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.78 g/cm2 below the K268300800010 2n threshold, 7.40 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268300800011 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300800012 sections K268300800013 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300800014 064309 K268300800015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268300800016 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300800017 DATA 3 60 K268300800018 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300800019 MEV MB MB K268300800020 8.26 13.66 0.51 K268300800021 8.51 25.54 0.94 K268300800022 8.75 30.54 1.11 K268300800023 9.00 34.79 1.22 K268300800024 9.25 40.89 1.53 K268300800025 9.51 48.15 1.89 K268300800026 9.74 55.00 2.15 K268300800027 10.01 63.99 2.52 K268300800028 10.25 75.03 2.94 K268300800029 10.49 89.75 3.44 K268300800030 10.76 111.09 4.10 K268300800031 11.01 135.08 4.94 K268300800032 11.26 165.41 6.20 K268300800033 11.51 200.88 7.76 K268300800034 12.00 262.91 10.79 K268300800035 12.49 285.04 11.91 K268300800036 13.00 266.65 11.83 K268300800037 13.51 244.84 11.05 K268300800038 14.00 247.30 11.04 K268300800039 14.50 285.02 11.36 K268300800040 14.85 313.86 12.54 K268300800041 14.98 320.15 13.54 K268300800042 15.35 342.86 13.66 K268300800043 15.58 348.70 11.99 K268300800044 15.81 345.98 10.88 K268300800045 15.95 342.10 10.96 K268300800046 16.33 325.86 10.46 K268300800047 16.56 309.11 10.10 K268300800048 16.80 286.48 10.15 K268300800049 17.29 234.88 10.88 K268300800050 17.78 187.32 10.56 K268300800051 18.27 155.87 10.72 K268300800052 18.78 130.18 9.32 K268300800053 19.24 110.87 8.04 K268300800054 19.75 93.77 7.08 K268300800055 20.22 84.46 6.66 K268300800056 20.70 78.12 6.23 K268300800057 21.23 72.29 5.87 K268300800058 21.72 67.89 5.70 K268300800059 22.21 65.31 5.23 K268300800060 22.71 63.62 4.43 K268300800061 23.15 61.74 4.03 K268300800062 23.66 58.38 4.04 K268300800063 24.17 54.63 3.71 K268300800064 24.62 52.28 3.48 K268300800065 25.14 49.99 3.15 K268300800066 25.61 48.04 2.88 K268300800067 26.08 46.37 2.62 K268300800068 26.61 44.92 2.30 K268300800069 27.09 44.01 2.12 K268300800070 27.57 43.35 2.04 K268300800071 28.05 42.56 2.05 K268300800072 28.54 41.41 2.12 K268300800073 29.02 39.86 2.27 K268300800074 29.58 37.82 2.52 K268300800075 31.51 31.56 2.70 K268300800076 33.30 26.75 3.28 K268300800077 35.41 23.12 4.47 K268300800078 37.34 31.28 4.44 K268300800079 39.28 31.84 13.00 K268300800080 ENDDATA 62 0 K268300800081 ENDSUBENT 80 0 K268300899999 SUBENT K2683009 20231112 K022K268300900001 BIB 5 11 K268300900002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268300900003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268300900004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268300900005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268300900006 571 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268300900007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 15 mm diameter, 3.34 g/cm2 below the K268300900008 2n threshold, 6.68 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268300900009 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268300900010 sections K268300900011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268300900012 064309 K268300900013 ENDBIB 11 0 K268300900014 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268300900015 DATA 3 52 K268300900016 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268300900017 MEV MB MB K268300900018 11.40 215.98 7.16 K268300900019 11.92 310.08 14.98 K268300900020 12.37 386.82 17.09 K268300900021 12.88 411.36 18.09 K268300900022 13.35 403.61 16.95 K268300900023 13.87 391.16 17.04 K268300900024 14.35 382.01 14.41 K268300900025 14.58 386.18 14.33 K268300900026 14.85 402.02 14.65 K268300900027 15.07 408.13 14.67 K268300900028 15.35 406.89 13.76 K268300900029 15.58 395.45 12.50 K268300900030 15.81 378.47 11.55 K268300900031 16.04 355.56 11.36 K268300900032 16.33 327.32 11.90 K268300900033 16.56 302.54 12.32 K268300900034 16.80 278.42 12.63 K268300900035 17.29 229.87 13.51 K268300900036 17.78 185.80 14.39 K268300900037 18.27 149.82 14.21 K268300900038 18.78 122.43 12.52 K268300900039 19.24 104.36 11.38 K268300900040 19.75 89.51 10.78 K268300900041 20.22 80.09 10.52 K268300900042 20.70 73.36 9.97 K268300900043 21.23 67.80 8.78 K268300900044 21.72 62.33 7.52 K268300900045 22.21 58.42 6.86 K268300900046 22.71 56.89 6.40 K268300900047 23.15 56.67 6.01 K268300900048 23.66 55.72 5.27 K268300900049 24.17 53.54 4.67 K268300900050 24.62 52.77 4.14 K268300900051 25.14 52.09 3.64 K268300900052 25.61 50.51 3.27 K268300900053 26.08 48.71 3.12 K268300900054 26.61 44.81 3.16 K268300900055 27.09 41.38 3.29 K268300900056 27.57 38.48 3.21 K268300900057 28.05 35.96 3.31 K268300900058 28.54 33.63 3.26 K268300900059 29.02 31.51 3.23 K268300900060 29.58 29.27 3.28 K268300900061 30.01 27.92 3.38 K268300900062 30.51 26.94 3.60 K268300900063 31.51 26.61 3.97 K268300900064 32.46 26.92 3.95 K268300900065 33.30 26.14 4.91 K268300900066 35.41 19.80 9.07 K268300900067 37.34 18.99 12.94 K268300900068 39.28 20.33 19.48 K268300900069 41.20 15.53 50.11 K268300900070 ENDDATA 54 0 K268300900071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 K268300999999 SUBENT K2683010 20231112 K022K268301000001 BIB 5 11 K268301000002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) K268301000003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268301000004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268301000005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268301000006 571 MeV and 1069 MeV. K268301000007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.88 g/cm2 below the K268301000008 2n threshold, 7.75 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268301000009 ANALYSIS Sum of (g,n+x), (g,2n+x), (g,3n+x) and (g,4n+x) cross K268301000010 sections K268301000011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys. Rev. C 102(2020) K268301000012 064309 K268301000013 ENDBIB 11 0 K268301000014 NOCOMMON 0 0 K268301000015 DATA 3 43 K268301000016 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301000017 MEV MB MB K268301000018 11.40 209.29 6.10 K268301000019 11.92 306.81 15.44 K268301000020 12.37 405.06 18.91 K268301000021 12.88 484.03 20.68 K268301000022 13.35 522.66 22.61 K268301000023 13.87 581.33 24.54 K268301000024 14.35 565.36 26.00 K268301000025 14.85 473.99 29.15 K268301000026 15.35 396.49 28.41 K268301000027 15.81 334.57 19.91 K268301000028 16.33 273.69 17.01 K268301000029 16.80 223.35 12.14 K268301000030 17.29 178.98 10.26 K268301000031 17.78 144.99 8.84 K268301000032 18.27 123.08 7.83 K268301000033 18.78 106.09 7.37 K268301000034 19.24 93.96 7.00 K268301000035 19.75 84.90 6.10 K268301000036 20.22 80.10 5.66 K268301000037 20.70 76.07 5.47 K268301000038 21.23 71.15 4.97 K268301000039 21.72 67.12 4.45 K268301000040 22.21 64.35 4.08 K268301000041 22.71 62.89 3.97 K268301000042 23.15 61.43 3.97 K268301000043 23.66 57.92 4.12 K268301000044 24.17 54.33 4.07 K268301000045 24.62 52.38 3.76 K268301000046 25.14 51.11 3.27 K268301000047 25.61 50.75 2.93 K268301000048 26.08 51.03 2.60 K268301000049 26.61 49.68 2.36 K268301000050 27.09 48.11 2.19 K268301000051 27.57 46.39 2.18 K268301000052 28.05 44.25 2.21 K268301000053 28.54 42.04 2.47 K268301000054 29.02 39.84 2.86 K268301000055 29.58 37.85 3.30 K268301000056 31.51 33.78 3.26 K268301000057 33.30 33.11 3.44 K268301000058 35.41 31.37 4.40 K268301000059 37.34 31.77 6.86 K268301000060 39.28 32.91 19.07 K268301000061 ENDDATA 45 0 K268301000062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 K268301099999 SUBENT K2683011 20231112 K022K268301100001 BIB 5 9 K268301100002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301100003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268301100004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268301100005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268301100006 571 MeV and 1082 MeV. K268301100007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 5.68 g/cm2 K268301100008 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 21 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301100009 (2020) 109. K268301100010 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301100011 ENDBIB 9 0 K268301100012 COMMON 1 3 K268301100013 PART-OUT K268301100014 NO-DIM K268301100015 1. K268301100016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301100017 DATA 3 55 K268301100018 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301100019 MEV MB MB K268301100020 11.40 8.41 0.47 K268301100021 11.92 10.26 0.49 K268301100022 12.37 12.57 0.55 K268301100023 12.88 14.76 0.64 K268301100024 13.35 17.74 0.83 K268301100025 13.87 23.38 1.00 K268301100026 14.35 30.14 1.25 K268301100027 14.85 38.88 1.48 K268301100028 15.35 50.37 1.90 K268301100029 15.81 62.44 2.29 K268301100030 16.04 68.13 2.41 K268301100031 16.33 74.36 2.58 K268301100032 16.56 78.78 2.79 K268301100033 16.80 82.22 2.99 K268301100034 17.05 84.45 3.08 K268301100035 17.29 85.90 3.14 K268301100036 17.53 86.22 3.24 K268301100037 17.78 85.88 3.27 K268301100038 18.03 84.87 3.25 K268301100039 18.27 83.90 3.22 K268301100040 18.53 82.14 3.30 K268301100041 18.78 80.02 3.80 K268301100042 18.98 77.74 4.45 K268301100043 19.24 74.28 5.34 K268301100044 19.75 65.21 5.61 K268301100045 20.22 55.49 5.02 K268301100046 20.70 45.56 4.38 K268301100047 21.23 35.42 3.53 K268301100048 21.72 27.90 3.10 K268301100049 22.21 22.41 2.84 K268301100050 22.71 18.53 2.35 K268301100051 23.15 16.23 2.28 K268301100052 23.66 14.46 2.19 K268301100053 24.17 12.93 1.78 K268301100054 24.62 11.86 1.39 K268301100055 25.14 10.79 1.31 K268301100056 25.61 9.99 1.23 K268301100057 26.08 9.56 1.08 K268301100058 26.61 9.27 0.92 K268301100059 27.09 9.17 0.78 K268301100060 27.57 9.11 0.65 K268301100061 28.05 8.98 0.51 K268301100062 28.54 8.62 0.44 K268301100063 29.02 8.22 0.41 K268301100064 29.58 7.56 0.38 K268301100065 30.01 7.16 0.38 K268301100066 30.51 6.73 0.38 K268301100067 31.01 6.53 0.38 K268301100068 31.51 6.49 0.39 K268301100069 32.46 6.60 0.42 K268301100070 33.30 6.29 0.43 K268301100071 34.41 5.59 0.48 K268301100072 36.37 4.63 0.51 K268301100073 38.27 3.50 0.48 K268301100074 40.23 1.68 1.21 K268301100075 ENDDATA 57 0 K268301100076 ENDSUBENT 75 0 K268301199999 SUBENT K2683012 20231112 K022K268301200001 BIB 5 9 K268301200002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301200003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268301200004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268301200005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268301200006 571 MeV and 1082 MeV. K268301200007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 5.68 g/cm2 K268301200008 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 21 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301200009 (2020) 109. K268301200010 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301200011 ENDBIB 9 0 K268301200012 COMMON 1 3 K268301200013 PART-OUT K268301200014 NO-DIM K268301200015 2. K268301200016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301200017 DATA 3 32 K268301200018 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301200019 MEV MB MB K268301200020 19.24 1.41 0.27 K268301200021 19.75 6.77 0.88 K268301200022 20.22 11.46 1.13 K268301200023 20.70 15.04 1.09 K268301200024 21.23 18.07 0.94 K268301200025 21.72 19.97 0.94 K268301200026 22.21 21.05 1.04 K268301200027 22.71 21.27 1.16 K268301200028 23.15 20.89 1.18 K268301200029 23.66 20.04 1.17 K268301200030 24.17 18.91 1.16 K268301200031 24.62 17.84 1.14 K268301200032 25.14 16.56 1.17 K268301200033 25.61 15.35 1.15 K268301200034 26.08 14.22 1.07 K268301200035 26.61 12.95 0.97 K268301200036 27.09 11.81 0.86 K268301200037 27.57 10.78 0.78 K268301200038 28.05 9.86 0.70 K268301200039 28.54 9.12 0.65 K268301200040 29.02 8.52 0.66 K268301200041 29.58 8.00 0.68 K268301200042 30.01 7.67 0.66 K268301200043 30.51 7.34 0.65 K268301200044 31.01 7.03 0.65 K268301200045 31.51 6.83 0.63 K268301200046 32.46 6.74 0.62 K268301200047 33.30 6.51 0.60 K268301200048 34.41 5.88 0.64 K268301200049 36.37 4.81 0.67 K268301200050 38.27 4.83 0.61 K268301200051 40.23 4.39 1.53 K268301200052 ENDDATA 34 0 K268301200053 ENDSUBENT 52 0 K268301299999 SUBENT K2683013 20231112 K022K268301300001 BIB 5 9 K268301300002 REACTION (27-CO-59(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301300003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268301300004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268301300005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268301300006 571 MeV and 1082 MeV. K268301300007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 5.68 g/cm2 K268301300008 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 21 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301300009 (2020) 109. K268301300010 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301300011 ENDBIB 9 0 K268301300012 COMMON 1 3 K268301300013 PART-OUT K268301300014 NO-DIM K268301300015 3. K268301300016 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301300017 DATA 3 4 K268301300018 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301300019 MEV MB MB K268301300020 34.41 0.87 0.19 K268301300021 36.37 0.83 0.26 K268301300022 38.27 1.06 0.24 K268301300023 40.23 2.17 0.66 K268301300024 ENDDATA 6 0 K268301300025 ENDSUBENT 24 0 K268301399999 SUBENT K2683014 20231112 K022K268301400001 BIB 5 12 K268301400002 REACTION (39-Y-89(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301400003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268301400004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268301400005 varied between 812 MeV and 1069 MeV. (B) FED and K268301400006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268301400007 Electron beam energy varied between 772 MeV and K268301400008 1069 MeV. K268301400009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 10 mm diameter, 1.87 g/cm2 below the K268301400010 2n threshold, 8.99 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268301400011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 23 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301400012 (2020) 109. K268301400013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301400014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268301400015 COMMON 1 3 K268301400016 PART-OUT K268301400017 NO-DIM K268301400018 1. K268301400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301400020 DATA 3 42 K268301400021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301400022 MEV MB MB K268301400023 11.60 1.90 0.07 K268301400024 11.80 2.83 0.17 K268301400025 12.00 7.66 0.38 K268301400026 12.26 16.74 0.67 K268301400027 12.49 24.55 1.21 K268301400028 13.00 32.28 1.83 K268301400029 14.00 59.95 2.79 K268301400030 14.68 96.44 4.74 K268301400031 16.02 186.88 9.45 K268301400032 17.00 228.82 12.02 K268301400033 17.51 200.69 11.78 K268301400034 18.02 153.31 11.80 K268301400035 18.51 114.25 9.51 K268301400036 19.01 94.86 9.10 K268301400037 19.49 93.58 8.18 K268301400038 20.01 85.74 7.80 K268301400039 20.70 74.16 4.98 K268301400040 21.23 59.18 4.52 K268301400041 21.72 47.00 4.25 K268301400042 22.21 37.35 3.66 K268301400043 22.71 26.36 2.43 K268301400044 23.15 16.79 1.61 K268301400045 23.66 10.52 1.44 K268301400046 24.17 9.73 1.27 K268301400047 24.62 10.04 1.01 K268301400048 25.14 9.37 0.79 K268301400049 25.61 7.90 0.74 K268301400050 26.08 6.60 0.68 K268301400051 26.61 5.68 0.62 K268301400052 27.09 5.23 0.59 K268301400053 27.57 5.06 0.59 K268301400054 28.05 4.98 0.57 K268301400055 29.02 4.91 0.44 K268301400056 29.58 5.03 0.44 K268301400057 30.01 5.14 0.45 K268301400058 30.51 5.33 0.50 K268301400059 31.01 5.57 0.59 K268301400060 31.51 5.83 0.67 K268301400061 33.30 6.56 0.67 K268301400062 35.41 6.56 0.51 K268301400063 37.34 6.36 0.51 K268301400064 39.28 6.37 1.09 K268301400065 ENDDATA 44 0 K268301400066 ENDSUBENT 65 0 K268301499999 SUBENT K2683015 20231112 K022K268301500001 BIB 5 12 K268301500002 REACTION (39-Y-89(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301500003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268301500004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268301500005 varied between 812 MeV and 1069 MeV. (B) FED and K268301500006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268301500007 Electron beam energy varied between 772 MeV and K268301500008 1069 MeV. K268301500009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 10 mm diameter, 1.87 g/cm2 below the K268301500010 2n threshold, 8.99 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268301500011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 23 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301500012 (2020) 109. K268301500013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301500014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268301500015 COMMON 1 3 K268301500016 PART-OUT K268301500017 NO-DIM K268301500018 2. K268301500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301500020 DATA 3 25 K268301500021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301500022 MEV MB MB K268301500023 21.23 2.85 0.56 K268301500024 21.72 8.61 0.81 K268301500025 22.21 13.56 0.87 K268301500026 22.71 17.63 0.89 K268301500027 23.15 20.58 1.13 K268301500028 23.66 22.18 1.35 K268301500029 24.17 22.48 1.30 K268301500030 24.62 21.74 1.22 K268301500031 25.14 21.09 1.26 K268301500032 25.61 20.64 1.26 K268301500033 26.08 20.06 1.21 K268301500034 26.61 19.36 1.09 K268301500035 27.09 18.57 1.04 K268301500036 27.57 17.79 1.04 K268301500037 28.05 17.08 1.00 K268301500038 29.02 16.12 0.87 K268301500039 29.58 15.64 0.82 K268301500040 30.01 15.31 0.80 K268301500041 30.51 14.90 0.84 K268301500042 31.01 14.43 0.93 K268301500043 31.51 13.86 1.00 K268301500044 33.30 11.71 0.95 K268301500045 35.41 9.19 0.68 K268301500046 37.34 6.70 0.60 K268301500047 39.28 3.80 1.23 K268301500048 ENDDATA 27 0 K268301500049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 K268301599999 SUBENT K2683016 20231112 K022K268301600001 BIB 5 12 K268301600002 REACTION (39-Y-89(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301600003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268301600004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268301600005 varied between 812 MeV and 1069 MeV. (B) FED and K268301600006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268301600007 Electron beam energy varied between 772 MeV and K268301600008 1069 MeV. K268301600009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 10 mm diameter, 1.87 g/cm2 below the K268301600010 2n threshold, 8.99 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268301600011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 23 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301600012 (2020) 109. K268301600013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301600014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268301600015 COMMON 1 3 K268301600016 PART-OUT K268301600017 NO-DIM K268301600018 3. K268301600019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301600020 DATA 3 4 K268301600021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301600022 MEV MB MB K268301600023 33.30 0.24 0.05 K268301600024 35.41 1.30 0.17 K268301600025 37.34 2.42 0.47 K268301600026 39.28 4.03 1.24 K268301600027 ENDDATA 6 0 K268301600028 ENDSUBENT 27 0 K268301699999 SUBENT K2683017 20231112 K022K268301700001 BIB 5 12 K268301700002 REACTION (45-RH-103(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301700003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268301700004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268301700005 Electron beam energy varied between 729 MeV and K268301700006 970 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268301700007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268301700008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268301700009 652 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268301700010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 8.40 g/cm2 K268301700011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 25 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301700012 (2020) 109. K268301700013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301700014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268301700015 COMMON 1 3 K268301700016 PART-OUT K268301700017 NO-DIM K268301700018 1. K268301700019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301700020 DATA 3 74 K268301700021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301700022 MEV MB MB K268301700023 9.36 1.88 0.07 K268301700024 9.49 5.12 0.18 K268301700025 9.74 16.65 0.59 K268301700026 10.01 21.26 0.78 K268301700027 10.49 24.91 0.95 K268301700028 10.76 28.22 1.05 K268301700029 11.01 31.96 1.13 K268301700030 11.26 36.25 1.26 K268301700031 11.51 41.23 1.46 K268301700032 11.74 46.39 1.69 K268301700033 12.00 53.01 2.05 K268301700034 12.26 60.62 2.44 K268301700035 12.49 69.47 2.71 K268301700036 12.76 81.66 3.11 K268301700037 13.00 93.17 3.50 K268301700038 13.24 104.51 3.85 K268301700039 13.51 117.25 4.17 K268301700040 13.75 129.85 4.61 K268301700041 14.00 143.00 5.13 K268301700042 14.25 155.66 5.59 K268301700043 14.50 166.59 5.78 K268301700044 14.85 178.96 5.98 K268301700045 14.93 181.28 6.02 K268301700046 15.03 183.01 6.07 K268301700047 15.07 183.71 6.08 K268301700048 15.25 186.54 6.16 K268301700049 15.51 188.26 6.17 K268301700050 15.58 188.54 6.18 K268301700051 15.76 189.36 6.34 K268301700052 15.81 189.40 6.41 K268301700053 16.02 189.61 6.80 K268301700054 16.04 189.74 6.84 K268301700055 16.33 191.74 7.74 K268301700056 16.51 193.05 8.53 K268301700057 16.56 193.45 8.81 K268301700058 17.29 182.58 11.36 K268301700059 17.78 149.47 9.65 K268301700060 18.27 107.24 6.75 K268301700061 18.78 71.74 5.40 K268301700062 19.24 49.22 3.73 K268301700063 19.75 31.84 2.67 K268301700064 20.22 22.20 2.59 K268301700065 20.70 15.65 2.78 K268301700066 21.23 11.34 2.60 K268301700067 21.72 9.08 2.48 K268301700068 22.21 8.53 2.36 K268301700069 22.71 8.43 2.00 K268301700070 23.15 8.21 1.72 K268301700071 23.66 7.44 1.76 K268301700072 24.17 6.02 1.76 K268301700073 24.62 5.02 1.59 K268301700074 25.14 4.23 1.47 K268301700075 25.61 3.96 1.52 K268301700076 26.08 4.35 1.45 K268301700077 26.61 5.12 1.29 K268301700078 27.09 5.76 1.18 K268301700079 27.57 6.24 1.11 K268301700080 28.05 6.40 1.04 K268301700081 28.54 6.35 0.94 K268301700082 29.02 6.18 0.96 K268301700083 29.58 6.04 1.03 K268301700084 30.51 6.14 0.99 K268301700085 31.51 5.97 0.91 K268301700086 32.46 5.45 0.83 K268301700087 33.30 4.88 0.80 K268301700088 34.41 4.19 0.64 K268301700089 35.41 4.05 0.50 K268301700090 36.37 4.40 0.48 K268301700091 37.34 4.73 0.46 K268301700092 38.27 4.68 0.42 K268301700093 39.28 4.29 0.40 K268301700094 40.23 3.95 0.51 K268301700095 41.20 3.72 0.86 K268301700096 42.19 3.32 1.80 K268301700097 ENDDATA 76 0 K268301700098 ENDSUBENT 97 0 K268301799999 SUBENT K2683018 20231112 K022K268301800001 BIB 5 12 K268301800002 REACTION (45-RH-103(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301800003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268301800004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268301800005 Electron beam energy varied between 729 MeV and K268301800006 970 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268301800007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268301800008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268301800009 652 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268301800010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 8.40 g/cm2 K268301800011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 25 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301800012 (2020) 109. K268301800013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301800014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268301800015 COMMON 1 3 K268301800016 PART-OUT K268301800017 NO-DIM K268301800018 2. K268301800019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301800020 DATA 3 39 K268301800021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301800022 MEV MB MB K268301800023 17.29 12.47 1.69 K268301800024 17.78 35.02 2.60 K268301800025 18.27 54.87 3.07 K268301800026 18.78 67.28 3.83 K268301800027 19.24 71.67 4.36 K268301800028 19.75 71.74 4.89 K268301800029 20.22 69.32 4.70 K268301800030 20.70 65.81 3.91 K268301800031 21.23 61.02 3.99 K268301800032 21.72 56.49 4.32 K268301800033 22.21 51.08 3.94 K268301800034 22.71 45.72 3.43 K268301800035 23.15 41.43 3.46 K268301800036 23.66 37.39 3.17 K268301800037 24.17 34.37 2.85 K268301800038 24.62 32.01 2.71 K268301800039 25.14 29.66 2.56 K268301800040 25.61 28.00 2.41 K268301800041 26.08 26.45 2.18 K268301800042 26.61 25.05 1.94 K268301800043 27.09 23.91 1.66 K268301800044 27.57 22.81 1.52 K268301800045 28.05 21.39 1.46 K268301800046 28.54 19.83 1.45 K268301800047 29.02 18.04 1.41 K268301800048 29.58 15.91 1.33 K268301800049 30.51 12.69 1.11 K268301800050 31.51 10.39 0.88 K268301800051 32.46 8.78 0.73 K268301800052 33.30 7.54 0.64 K268301800053 34.41 6.53 0.57 K268301800054 35.41 6.25 0.49 K268301800055 36.37 6.29 0.43 K268301800056 37.34 5.87 0.39 K268301800057 38.27 5.19 0.41 K268301800058 39.28 4.56 0.48 K268301800059 40.23 4.14 0.67 K268301800060 41.20 3.98 1.10 K268301800061 42.19 2.96 2.38 K268301800062 ENDDATA 41 0 K268301800063 ENDSUBENT 62 0 K268301899999 SUBENT K2683019 20231112 K022K268301900001 BIB 5 12 K268301900002 REACTION (45-RH-103(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268301900003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268301900004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268301900005 Electron beam energy varied between 729 MeV and K268301900006 970 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268301900007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268301900008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268301900009 652 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268301900010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 8.40 g/cm2 K268301900011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 25 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268301900012 (2020) 109. K268301900013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268301900014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268301900015 COMMON 1 3 K268301900016 PART-OUT K268301900017 NO-DIM K268301900018 3. K268301900019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268301900020 DATA 3 19 K268301900021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268301900022 MEV MB MB K268301900023 27.09 0.30 0.06 K268301900024 27.57 0.72 0.11 K268301900025 28.05 1.46 0.17 K268301900026 28.54 2.09 0.22 K268301900027 29.02 2.90 0.28 K268301900028 29.58 3.99 0.36 K268301900029 30.51 5.95 0.49 K268301900030 31.51 7.76 0.63 K268301900031 32.46 8.99 0.77 K268301900032 33.30 9.62 0.86 K268301900033 34.41 9.77 0.86 K268301900034 35.41 9.29 0.79 K268301900035 36.37 8.53 0.70 K268301900036 37.34 7.87 0.74 K268301900037 38.27 7.36 0.78 K268301900038 39.28 6.88 0.83 K268301900039 40.23 6.45 1.02 K268301900040 41.20 5.97 1.61 K268301900041 42.19 5.77 3.34 K268301900042 ENDDATA 21 0 K268301900043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 K268301999999 SUBENT K2683020 20231112 K022K268302000001 BIB 5 13 K268302000002 REACTION (57-LA-139(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302000003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302000004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302000005 Electron beam energy varied between 706 MeV and K268302000006 961 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302000007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302000008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302000009 630 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268302000010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 12.5 mm diameter, 3.66 g/cm2 below K268302000011 the 2n threshold, 7.51 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302000012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 40 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302000013 (2020) 109. K268302000014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302000015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302000016 COMMON 1 3 K268302000017 PART-OUT K268302000018 NO-DIM K268302000019 1. K268302000020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302000021 DATA 3 79 K268302000022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302000023 MEV MB MB K268302000024 8.80 1.94 0.08 K268302000025 9.00 9.86 0.37 K268302000026 9.25 23.37 0.80 K268302000027 9.36 26.50 0.91 K268302000028 9.49 29.19 1.03 K268302000029 9.74 32.92 1.25 K268302000030 10.01 36.66 1.43 K268302000031 10.25 40.70 1.58 K268302000032 10.49 45.60 1.73 K268302000033 10.76 52.08 1.94 K268302000034 11.01 58.62 2.16 K268302000035 11.26 66.33 2.36 K268302000036 11.51 75.41 2.70 K268302000037 11.74 84.80 3.15 K268302000038 12.00 96.89 3.64 K268302000039 12.26 111.04 4.18 K268302000040 12.49 126.86 4.74 K268302000041 12.76 147.38 5.58 K268302000042 13.00 168.38 6.38 K268302000043 13.24 190.93 7.05 K268302000044 13.51 218.18 7.48 K268302000045 13.75 245.71 8.08 K268302000046 13.87 258.77 8.45 K268302000047 14.00 274.89 8.84 K268302000048 14.25 305.97 9.60 K268302000049 14.35 319.91 10.01 K268302000050 14.50 338.77 10.56 K268302000051 14.58 348.31 10.90 K268302000052 14.76 368.80 11.65 K268302000053 14.85 378.52 12.05 K268302000054 14.93 386.92 12.42 K268302000055 15.03 393.47 12.77 K268302000056 15.25 406.59 13.57 K268302000057 15.35 408.93 13.86 K268302000058 15.51 406.48 14.13 K268302000059 15.58 403.79 14.15 K268302000060 15.81 388.61 13.87 K268302000061 16.02 369.13 13.90 K268302000062 16.21 347.52 14.11 K268302000063 16.33 333.01 14.32 K268302000064 16.80 266.14 12.87 K268302000065 17.29 189.17 8.96 K268302000066 17.78 119.82 7.36 K268302000067 18.27 69.80 4.79 K268302000068 18.78 39.24 3.64 K268302000069 19.24 24.20 2.84 K268302000070 19.75 15.90 2.28 K268302000071 20.22 11.31 2.24 K268302000072 20.70 7.82 2.54 K268302000073 21.23 5.11 2.55 K268302000074 21.72 5.83 2.50 K268302000075 22.21 7.91 2.44 K268302000076 22.71 10.12 2.34 K268302000077 23.15 9.81 2.38 K268302000078 23.66 7.76 2.29 K268302000079 24.17 4.94 2.09 K268302000080 24.62 2.23 2.12 K268302000081 25.14 0.10 2.00 K268302000082 25.61 -0.73 1.88 K268302000083 26.08 -0.79 1.81 K268302000084 26.61 0.15 1.68 K268302000085 27.09 1.67 1.55 K268302000086 27.57 3.24 1.44 K268302000087 28.05 4.13 1.33 K268302000088 28.54 4.66 1.30 K268302000089 29.02 4.97 1.30 K268302000090 29.58 5.04 1.22 K268302000091 30.51 4.35 1.06 K268302000092 31.51 3.58 0.92 K268302000093 32.46 2.96 0.74 K268302000094 33.30 3.13 0.65 K268302000095 34.41 3.92 0.61 K268302000096 35.41 4.49 0.60 K268302000097 36.37 5.07 0.56 K268302000098 37.34 5.33 0.56 K268302000099 38.27 5.31 0.65 K268302000100 39.28 4.86 1.08 K268302000101 40.23 3.81 1.86 K268302000102 41.20 0.79 4.15 K268302000103 ENDDATA 81 0 K268302000104 ENDSUBENT 103 0 K268302099999 SUBENT K2683021 20231112 K022K268302100001 BIB 5 13 K268302100002 REACTION (57-LA-139(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302100003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302100004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302100005 Electron beam energy varied between 706 MeV and K268302100006 961 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302100007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302100008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302100009 630 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268302100010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 12.5 mm diameter, 3.66 g/cm2 below K268302100011 the 2n threshold, 7.51 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302100012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 40 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302100013 (2020) 109. K268302100014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302100015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302100016 COMMON 1 3 K268302100017 PART-OUT K268302100018 NO-DIM K268302100019 2. K268302100020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302100021 DATA 3 40 K268302100022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302100023 MEV MB MB K268302100024 16.33 3.65 0.61 K268302100025 16.80 25.44 2.34 K268302100026 17.29 49.80 2.87 K268302100027 17.78 67.72 3.48 K268302100028 18.27 78.02 4.06 K268302100029 18.78 80.08 4.26 K268302100030 19.24 76.44 4.57 K268302100031 19.75 70.58 4.56 K268302100032 20.22 66.90 4.33 K268302100033 20.70 64.50 3.96 K268302100034 21.23 60.92 3.61 K268302100035 21.72 55.69 3.47 K268302100036 22.21 49.97 3.31 K268302100037 22.71 45.19 3.10 K268302100038 23.15 42.77 3.01 K268302100039 23.66 41.49 3.03 K268302100040 24.17 40.61 2.77 K268302100041 24.62 39.45 2.57 K268302100042 25.14 37.58 2.54 K268302100043 25.61 35.47 2.51 K268302100044 26.08 33.24 2.37 K268302100045 26.61 30.87 2.26 K268302100046 27.09 28.41 2.19 K268302100047 27.57 25.46 2.05 K268302100048 28.05 22.37 1.84 K268302100049 28.54 19.04 1.55 K268302100050 29.02 15.54 1.34 K268302100051 29.58 11.82 1.15 K268302100052 30.51 7.69 0.94 K268302100053 31.51 6.06 0.83 K268302100054 32.46 5.95 0.75 K268302100055 33.30 5.34 0.71 K268302100056 34.41 3.90 0.84 K268302100057 35.41 3.57 0.83 K268302100058 36.37 3.98 0.80 K268302100059 37.34 4.11 0.80 K268302100060 38.27 3.09 0.86 K268302100061 39.28 1.12 1.31 K268302100062 40.23 -0.94 2.17 K268302100063 41.20 -0.78 4.65 K268302100064 ENDDATA 42 0 K268302100065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 K268302199999 SUBENT K2683022 20231112 K022K268302200001 BIB 5 13 K268302200002 REACTION (57-LA-139(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302200003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302200004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302200005 Electron beam energy varied between 706 MeV and K268302200006 961 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302200007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302200008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302200009 630 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268302200010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 12.5 mm diameter, 3.66 g/cm2 below K268302200011 the 2n threshold, 7.51 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302200012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 41 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302200013 (2020) 109. K268302200014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302200015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302200016 COMMON 1 3 K268302200017 PART-OUT K268302200018 NO-DIM K268302200019 3. K268302200020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302200021 DATA 3 19 K268302200022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302200023 MEV MB MB K268302200024 26.61 1.95 0.44 K268302200025 27.09 2.88 0.40 K268302200026 27.57 4.24 0.56 K268302200027 28.05 5.91 0.65 K268302200028 28.54 7.78 0.72 K268302200029 29.02 9.77 0.80 K268302200030 29.58 11.94 0.96 K268302200031 30.51 14.56 1.16 K268302200032 31.51 15.59 1.18 K268302200033 32.46 15.31 1.25 K268302200034 33.30 14.82 1.29 K268302200035 34.41 14.24 1.32 K268302200036 35.41 13.21 1.30 K268302200037 36.37 11.82 1.25 K268302200038 37.34 10.58 1.27 K268302200039 38.27 10.16 1.64 K268302200040 39.28 10.15 3.06 K268302200041 40.23 10.19 5.36 K268302200042 41.20 7.58 11.26 K268302200043 ENDDATA 21 0 K268302200044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 K268302299999 SUBENT K2683023 20231112 K022K268302300001 BIB 5 13 K268302300002 REACTION (57-LA-139(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302300003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302300004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302300005 Electron beam energy varied between 706 MeV and K268302300006 961 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302300007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302300008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302300009 630 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268302300010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 12.5 mm diameter, 3.66 g/cm2 below K268302300011 the 2n threshold, 7.51 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302300012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 41 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302300013 (2020) 109. K268302300014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302300015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302300016 COMMON 1 3 K268302300017 PART-OUT K268302300018 NO-DIM K268302300019 4. K268302300020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302300021 DATA 3 9 K268302300022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302300023 MEV MB MB K268302300024 33.30 0.20 0.05 K268302300025 34.41 0.63 0.14 K268302300026 35.41 0.92 0.20 K268302300027 36.37 1.31 0.30 K268302300028 37.34 1.93 0.45 K268302300029 38.27 2.65 0.68 K268302300030 39.28 3.52 1.06 K268302300031 40.23 4.39 1.67 K268302300032 41.20 5.92 3.67 K268302300033 ENDDATA 11 0 K268302300034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 K268302399999 SUBENT K2683024 20231112 K022K268302400001 BIB 5 13 K268302400002 REACTION (65-TB-159(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302400003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302400004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302400005 Electron beam energy varied between 683 MeV and K268302400006 921 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302400007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302400008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302400009 630 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268302400010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.44 g/cm2 below the K268302400011 2n threshold, 6.74 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302400012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 28 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302400013 (2020) 109. K268302400014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302400015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302400016 COMMON 1 3 K268302400017 PART-OUT K268302400018 NO-DIM K268302400019 1. K268302400020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302400021 DATA 3 81 K268302400022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302400023 MEV MB MB K268302400024 8.24 3.14 0.11 K268302400025 8.36 8.76 0.31 K268302400026 8.51 17.42 0.62 K268302400027 8.75 27.30 0.96 K268302400028 8.80 28.81 1.02 K268302400029 9.00 33.90 1.23 K268302400030 9.25 40.72 1.48 K268302400031 9.36 43.87 1.59 K268302400032 9.49 48.33 1.78 K268302400033 9.74 58.09 2.16 K268302400034 10.01 69.82 2.62 K268302400035 10.25 82.82 3.28 K268302400036 10.49 99.48 3.94 K268302400037 10.76 122.99 4.48 K268302400038 11.01 147.88 5.14 K268302400039 11.26 175.79 6.25 K268302400040 11.51 205.21 7.72 K268302400041 11.74 231.17 8.93 K268302400042 12.00 256.04 9.56 K268302400043 12.26 272.20 9.82 K268302400044 12.49 278.04 10.11 K268302400045 12.76 275.62 10.54 K268302400046 13.00 268.86 10.88 K268302400047 13.24 259.96 10.76 K268302400048 13.51 251.63 9.86 K268302400049 13.75 247.30 9.03 K268302400050 13.87 246.77 8.88 K268302400051 14.00 247.77 8.52 K268302400052 14.25 253.23 8.17 K268302400053 14.35 256.32 8.18 K268302400054 14.50 261.34 8.39 K268302400055 14.58 264.43 8.61 K268302400056 14.76 271.45 9.16 K268302400057 14.90 276.51 9.81 K268302400058 15.35 285.51 10.84 K268302400059 15.58 281.17 10.55 K268302400060 15.81 268.73 9.86 K268302400061 16.04 248.01 8.98 K268302400062 16.33 215.84 7.76 K268302400063 16.56 187.71 6.91 K268302400064 16.80 160.02 6.02 K268302400065 17.05 134.50 5.43 K268302400066 17.29 112.13 5.31 K268302400067 17.78 74.91 5.35 K268302400068 18.27 47.36 5.07 K268302400069 18.78 28.37 4.47 K268302400070 19.24 16.75 4.56 K268302400071 19.75 10.83 4.54 K268302400072 20.22 9.55 4.01 K268302400073 20.70 9.51 3.84 K268302400074 21.23 8.33 3.54 K268302400075 21.72 7.45 3.26 K268302400076 22.21 7.00 3.05 K268302400077 22.71 6.86 2.94 K268302400078 23.15 7.04 2.88 K268302400079 23.66 7.26 2.69 K268302400080 24.17 7.09 2.44 K268302400081 24.62 6.41 2.21 K268302400082 25.14 4.93 2.15 K268302400083 25.61 3.77 2.17 K268302400084 26.08 3.47 2.03 K268302400085 26.61 3.97 1.64 K268302400086 27.09 4.80 1.43 K268302400087 27.57 5.87 1.39 K268302400088 28.05 6.55 1.37 K268302400089 28.54 6.43 1.31 K268302400090 29.02 5.69 1.16 K268302400091 29.58 4.51 1.11 K268302400092 30.51 2.96 1.07 K268302400093 31.51 3.09 0.93 K268302400094 32.46 4.18 0.94 K268302400095 33.30 4.84 0.92 K268302400096 34.41 4.72 0.79 K268302400097 35.41 4.49 0.83 K268302400098 36.37 4.97 1.03 K268302400099 37.34 5.81 0.98 K268302400100 38.27 6.27 0.90 K268302400101 39.28 6.16 1.20 K268302400102 40.23 6.00 1.40 K268302400103 41.20 5.92 1.91 K268302400104 42.19 7.87 3.39 K268302400105 ENDDATA 83 0 K268302400106 ENDSUBENT 105 0 K268302499999 SUBENT K2683025 20231112 K022K268302500001 BIB 5 13 K268302500002 REACTION (65-TB-159(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302500003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302500004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302500005 Electron beam energy varied between 683 MeV and K268302500006 921 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302500007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302500008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302500009 630 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268302500010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.44 g/cm2 below the K268302500011 2n threshold, 6.74 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302500012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 28 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302500013 (2020) 109. K268302500014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302500015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302500016 COMMON 1 3 K268302500017 PART-OUT K268302500018 NO-DIM K268302500019 2. K268302500020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302500021 DATA 3 47 K268302500022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302500023 MEV MB MB K268302500024 15.35 18.15 1.51 K268302500025 15.58 36.67 1.98 K268302500026 15.81 53.91 2.54 K268302500027 16.04 72.41 3.30 K268302500028 16.33 94.31 4.27 K268302500029 16.56 110.52 5.03 K268302500030 16.80 124.04 5.96 K268302500031 17.05 133.70 6.93 K268302500032 17.29 138.79 7.73 K268302500033 17.78 137.31 8.83 K268302500034 18.27 126.57 8.89 K268302500035 18.78 114.33 7.37 K268302500036 19.24 104.16 7.04 K268302500037 19.75 92.69 6.39 K268302500038 20.22 82.60 5.81 K268302500039 20.70 73.83 5.63 K268302500040 21.23 66.50 4.78 K268302500041 21.72 61.45 4.71 K268302500042 22.21 57.64 4.67 K268302500043 22.71 54.42 4.48 K268302500044 23.15 51.68 4.11 K268302500045 23.66 48.22 3.58 K268302500046 24.17 44.87 3.12 K268302500047 24.62 41.96 3.06 K268302500048 25.14 38.33 2.79 K268302500049 25.61 34.46 2.42 K268302500050 26.08 29.91 2.07 K268302500051 26.61 24.49 1.84 K268302500052 27.09 19.97 1.67 K268302500053 27.57 15.87 1.52 K268302500054 28.05 12.42 1.30 K268302500055 28.54 9.81 1.09 K268302500056 29.02 8.21 1.07 K268302500057 29.58 7.24 1.16 K268302500058 30.51 6.89 1.32 K268302500059 31.51 6.37 1.31 K268302500060 32.46 5.19 1.25 K268302500061 33.30 4.03 1.33 K268302500062 34.41 3.56 1.36 K268302500063 35.41 3.79 1.20 K268302500064 36.37 3.92 1.16 K268302500065 37.34 3.54 1.20 K268302500066 38.27 2.75 1.32 K268302500067 39.28 2.50 1.65 K268302500068 40.23 2.96 1.91 K268302500069 41.20 3.94 2.70 K268302500070 42.19 3.55 5.39 K268302500071 ENDDATA 49 0 K268302500072 ENDSUBENT 71 0 K268302599999 SUBENT K2683026 20231112 K022K268302600001 BIB 5 13 K268302600002 REACTION (65-TB-159(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302600003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302600004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302600005 Electron beam energy varied between 683 MeV and K268302600006 921 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302600007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302600008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302600009 630 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268302600010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.44 g/cm2 below the K268302600011 2n threshold, 6.74 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302600012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 29 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302600013 (2020) 109. K268302600014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302600015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302600016 COMMON 1 3 K268302600017 PART-OUT K268302600018 NO-DIM K268302600019 3. K268302600020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302600021 DATA 3 25 K268302600022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302600023 MEV MB MB K268302600024 24.17 0.68 0.19 K268302600025 24.62 1.72 0.40 K268302600026 25.14 3.20 0.57 K268302600027 25.61 5.05 0.60 K268302600028 26.08 7.35 0.60 K268302600029 26.61 10.31 0.68 K268302600030 27.09 12.86 0.93 K268302600031 27.57 15.36 1.13 K268302600032 28.05 17.55 1.24 K268302600033 28.54 19.30 1.27 K268302600034 29.02 20.36 1.31 K268302600035 29.58 20.86 1.42 K268302600036 30.51 20.40 1.71 K268302600037 31.51 19.44 1.80 K268302600038 32.46 18.66 1.85 K268302600039 33.30 17.83 2.06 K268302600040 34.41 15.74 1.99 K268302600041 35.41 13.33 1.74 K268302600042 36.37 11.30 1.77 K268302600043 37.34 9.67 1.77 K268302600044 38.27 8.46 1.67 K268302600045 39.28 6.76 1.74 K268302600046 40.23 5.21 1.96 K268302600047 41.20 3.53 2.75 K268302600048 42.19 5.70 5.81 K268302600049 ENDDATA 27 0 K268302600050 ENDSUBENT 49 0 K268302699999 SUBENT K2683027 20231112 K022K268302700001 BIB 5 13 K268302700002 REACTION (65-TB-159(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302700003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements, both with the FED: (A) K268302700004 FED and 1064 nm laser (neutron counting). K268302700005 Electron beam energy varied between 683 MeV and K268302700006 921 MeV. (B) FED and 532 nm laser (neutron K268302700007 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268302700008 above S2n.). Electron beam energy varied between K268302700009 630 MeV and 1108 MeV. K268302700010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.44 g/cm2 below the K268302700011 2n threshold, 6.74 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268302700012 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 29 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302700013 (2020) 109. K268302700014 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302700015 ENDBIB 13 0 K268302700016 COMMON 1 3 K268302700017 PART-OUT K268302700018 NO-DIM K268302700019 4. K268302700020 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302700021 DATA 3 9 K268302700022 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302700023 MEV MB MB K268302700024 34.41 2.13 0.49 K268302700025 35.41 3.87 0.90 K268302700026 36.37 5.00 1.13 K268302700027 37.34 5.98 1.08 K268302700028 38.27 6.97 0.97 K268302700029 39.28 8.27 1.10 K268302700030 40.23 9.10 1.43 K268302700031 41.20 9.80 2.13 K268302700032 42.19 7.29 4.06 K268302700033 ENDDATA 11 0 K268302700034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 K268302799999 SUBENT K2683028 20231112 K022K268302800001 BIB 5 14 K268302800002 REACTION (67-HO-165(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302800003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268302800004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268302800005 varied between 684 MeV and 791 MeV. (B) FED and K268302800006 532 nm laser (neutron counting below S2n, K268302800007 neutron multiplicity sorting above S2n.). K268302800008 Electron beam energy varied between 571 MeV and K268302800009 1121 MeV. K268302800010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.52, 3.64 g/cm2 K268302800011 below the 2n threshold, 7.28 g/cm2 above the 2n K268302800012 threshold K268302800013 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 31 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302800014 (2020) 109. K268302800015 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302800016 ENDBIB 14 0 K268302800017 COMMON 1 3 K268302800018 PART-OUT K268302800019 NO-DIM K268302800020 1. K268302800021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302800022 DATA 3 58 K268302800023 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302800024 MEV MB MB K268302800025 8.26 14.06 0.57 K268302800026 8.51 27.23 1.14 K268302800027 9.00 46.29 2.20 K268302800028 10.01 87.75 3.98 K268302800029 11.01 159.70 6.91 K268302800030 11.40 207.25 8.17 K268302800031 11.51 227.62 9.08 K268302800032 11.92 293.92 11.55 K268302800033 12.37 327.65 13.44 K268302800034 12.88 323.84 15.78 K268302800035 13.35 305.59 15.14 K268302800036 13.87 291.25 14.69 K268302800037 14.35 289.92 13.36 K268302800038 14.85 296.27 11.85 K268302800039 14.94 296.84 11.96 K268302800040 15.07 295.72 12.05 K268302800041 15.35 286.95 12.20 K268302800042 15.58 273.59 11.39 K268302800043 15.81 253.50 10.30 K268302800044 16.04 227.76 9.60 K268302800045 16.33 192.33 8.77 K268302800046 16.56 160.58 8.36 K268302800047 16.80 129.00 7.75 K268302800048 17.29 74.05 6.07 K268302800049 17.78 36.55 4.80 K268302800050 18.27 17.78 5.05 K268302800051 18.78 12.45 4.77 K268302800052 19.24 11.00 4.83 K268302800053 19.75 6.70 5.26 K268302800054 20.22 3.51 5.09 K268302800055 20.70 0.81 4.96 K268302800056 21.23 0.59 4.61 K268302800057 21.72 1.34 4.48 K268302800058 22.21 5.19 4.10 K268302800059 22.71 9.23 3.71 K268302800060 23.15 10.48 3.33 K268302800061 23.66 9.99 2.84 K268302800062 24.17 9.10 2.65 K268302800063 24.62 9.64 2.46 K268302800064 25.14 11.59 2.26 K268302800065 25.61 12.22 2.17 K268302800066 26.08 11.41 1.99 K268302800067 26.61 8.56 1.73 K268302800068 27.09 5.99 1.48 K268302800069 27.57 3.53 1.48 K268302800070 28.05 2.24 1.47 K268302800071 28.54 1.74 1.64 K268302800072 29.02 1.54 1.86 K268302800073 29.58 1.69 1.84 K268302800074 30.51 1.91 1.47 K268302800075 31.51 2.56 1.47 K268302800076 32.46 3.79 1.65 K268302800077 33.30 3.55 1.74 K268302800078 35.41 -3.23 2.38 K268302800079 37.34 -3.08 3.01 K268302800080 39.28 3.57 4.59 K268302800081 41.20 4.94 10.11 K268302800082 43.19 -0.29 29.04 K268302800083 ENDDATA 60 0 K268302800084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 K268302899999 SUBENT K2683029 20231112 K022K268302900001 BIB 5 14 K268302900002 REACTION (67-HO-165(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268302900003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268302900004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268302900005 varied between 684 MeV and 791 MeV. (B) FED and K268302900006 532 nm laser (neutron counting below S2n, K268302900007 neutron multiplicity sorting above S2n.). K268302900008 Electron beam energy varied between 571 MeV and K268302900009 1121 MeV. K268302900010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.52, 3.64 g/cm2 K268302900011 below the 2n threshold, 7.28 g/cm2 above the 2n K268302900012 threshold K268302900013 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 31 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268302900014 (2020) 109. K268302900015 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268302900016 ENDBIB 14 0 K268302900017 COMMON 1 3 K268302900018 PART-OUT K268302900019 NO-DIM K268302900020 2. K268302900021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268302900022 DATA 3 45 K268302900023 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268302900024 MEV MB MB K268302900025 14.85 4.77 0.41 K268302900026 14.94 7.80 0.64 K268302900027 15.07 15.04 1.11 K268302900028 15.35 36.99 2.26 K268302900029 15.58 55.85 2.98 K268302900030 15.81 77.41 3.81 K268302900031 16.04 98.63 4.66 K268302900032 16.33 123.65 5.66 K268302900033 16.56 140.52 6.68 K268302900034 16.80 153.00 7.70 K268302900035 17.29 161.47 9.26 K268302900036 17.78 153.28 10.09 K268302900037 18.27 137.92 9.85 K268302900038 18.78 121.34 9.10 K268302900039 19.24 107.26 8.66 K268302900040 19.75 93.51 8.04 K268302900041 20.22 82.45 7.65 K268302900042 20.70 74.67 7.24 K268302900043 21.23 67.86 6.48 K268302900044 21.72 62.61 5.61 K268302900045 22.21 57.16 5.05 K268302900046 22.71 52.69 4.59 K268302900047 23.15 49.56 4.27 K268302900048 23.66 45.69 3.80 K268302900049 24.17 41.30 3.45 K268302900050 24.62 36.83 2.95 K268302900051 25.14 31.15 2.65 K268302900052 25.61 27.15 2.40 K268302900053 26.08 23.94 2.14 K268302900054 26.61 21.10 1.85 K268302900055 27.09 19.08 1.69 K268302900056 27.57 16.39 1.62 K268302900057 28.05 12.88 1.70 K268302900058 28.54 9.33 1.92 K268302900059 29.02 6.12 2.09 K268302900060 29.58 3.11 2.08 K268302900061 30.51 2.03 1.96 K268302900062 31.51 4.67 2.13 K268302900063 32.46 7.45 2.21 K268302900064 33.30 8.49 2.66 K268302900065 35.41 6.26 4.04 K268302900066 37.34 3.94 4.99 K268302900067 39.28 1.96 6.30 K268302900068 41.20 -1.05 5.91 K268302900069 43.19 -10.57 15.73 K268302900070 ENDDATA 47 0 K268302900071 ENDSUBENT 70 0 K268302999999 SUBENT K2683030 20231112 K022K268303000001 BIB 5 14 K268303000002 REACTION (67-HO-165(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303000003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268303000004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268303000005 varied between 684 MeV and 791 MeV. (B) FED and K268303000006 532 nm laser (neutron counting below S2n, K268303000007 neutron multiplicity sorting above S2n.). K268303000008 Electron beam energy varied between 571 MeV and K268303000009 1121 MeV. K268303000010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.52, 3.64 g/cm2 K268303000011 below the 2n threshold, 7.28 g/cm2 above the 2n K268303000012 threshold K268303000013 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 32 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303000014 (2020) 109. K268303000015 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303000016 ENDBIB 14 0 K268303000017 COMMON 1 3 K268303000018 PART-OUT K268303000019 NO-DIM K268303000020 3. K268303000021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303000022 DATA 3 23 K268303000023 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303000024 MEV MB MB K268303000025 23.15 0.17 0.05 K268303000026 23.66 0.65 0.13 K268303000027 24.17 2.19 0.42 K268303000028 24.62 3.79 0.69 K268303000029 25.14 6.27 1.32 K268303000030 25.61 8.57 1.68 K268303000031 26.08 10.87 1.65 K268303000032 26.61 13.41 1.37 K268303000033 27.09 15.46 1.38 K268303000034 27.57 17.58 1.78 K268303000035 28.05 19.55 2.13 K268303000036 28.54 21.28 2.73 K268303000037 29.02 22.54 3.26 K268303000038 29.58 23.30 3.31 K268303000039 30.51 22.33 2.52 K268303000040 31.51 18.75 2.29 K268303000041 32.46 15.00 2.60 K268303000042 33.30 11.70 3.00 K268303000043 35.41 4.14 4.48 K268303000044 37.34 1.43 4.96 K268303000045 39.28 3.75 5.32 K268303000046 41.20 8.45 6.78 K268303000047 43.19 15.64 15.84 K268303000048 ENDDATA 25 0 K268303000049 ENDSUBENT 48 0 K268303099999 SUBENT K2683031 20231112 K022K268303100001 BIB 5 14 K268303100002 REACTION (67-HO-165(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303100003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268303100004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268303100005 varied between 684 MeV and 791 MeV. (B) FED and K268303100006 532 nm laser (neutron counting below S2n, K268303100007 neutron multiplicity sorting above S2n.). K268303100008 Electron beam energy varied between 571 MeV and K268303100009 1121 MeV. K268303100010 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.52, 3.64 g/cm2 K268303100011 below the 2n threshold, 7.28 g/cm2 above the 2n K268303100012 threshold K268303100013 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 32 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303100014 (2020) 109. K268303100015 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303100016 ENDBIB 14 0 K268303100017 COMMON 1 3 K268303100018 PART-OUT K268303100019 NO-DIM K268303100020 4. K268303100021 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303100022 DATA 3 9 K268303100023 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303100024 MEV MB MB K268303100025 30.51 0.17 0.06 K268303100026 31.51 1.20 0.42 K268303100027 32.46 2.53 0.74 K268303100028 33.30 4.15 1.12 K268303100029 35.41 8.74 2.08 K268303100030 37.34 11.11 2.75 K268303100031 39.28 10.90 3.37 K268303100032 41.20 8.88 4.62 K268303100033 43.19 6.29 11.19 K268303100034 ENDDATA 11 0 K268303100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 K268303199999 SUBENT K2683032 20231112 K022K268303200001 BIB 5 12 K268303200002 REACTION (69-TM-169(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303200003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268303200004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268303200005 varied between 684 MeV and 908 MeV. (B) FED and K268303200006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268303200007 Electron beam energy varied between 652 MeV and K268303200008 1069 MeV. K268303200009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.78 g/cm2 below the K268303200010 2n threshold, 7.40 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303200011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 34 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303200012 (2020) 109. K268303200013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303200014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268303200015 COMMON 1 3 K268303200016 PART-OUT K268303200017 NO-DIM K268303200018 1. K268303200019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303200020 DATA 3 60 K268303200021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303200022 MEV MB MB K268303200023 8.26 13.66 0.51 K268303200024 8.51 25.54 0.94 K268303200025 8.75 30.54 1.11 K268303200026 9.00 34.79 1.22 K268303200027 9.25 40.89 1.53 K268303200028 9.51 48.15 1.89 K268303200029 9.74 55.00 2.15 K268303200030 10.01 63.99 2.52 K268303200031 10.25 75.03 2.94 K268303200032 10.49 89.75 3.44 K268303200033 10.76 111.09 4.10 K268303200034 11.01 135.08 4.94 K268303200035 11.26 165.41 6.20 K268303200036 11.51 200.88 7.76 K268303200037 12.00 262.91 10.79 K268303200038 12.49 285.04 11.91 K268303200039 13.00 266.65 11.83 K268303200040 13.51 244.84 11.05 K268303200041 14.00 247.30 11.04 K268303200042 14.50 285.02 11.36 K268303200043 14.85 313.86 12.54 K268303200044 14.98 320.15 13.54 K268303200045 15.35 313.68 13.34 K268303200046 15.58 295.63 11.62 K268303200047 15.81 269.99 10.28 K268303200048 15.95 252.78 10.16 K268303200049 16.33 205.41 8.97 K268303200050 16.56 174.03 7.97 K268303200051 16.80 141.41 7.27 K268303200052 17.29 82.93 6.81 K268303200053 17.78 44.31 4.83 K268303200054 18.27 28.28 5.44 K268303200055 18.78 22.04 4.97 K268303200056 19.24 17.93 4.37 K268303200057 19.75 15.68 3.99 K268303200058 20.22 14.80 3.74 K268303200059 20.70 14.60 3.34 K268303200060 21.23 13.04 3.05 K268303200061 21.72 11.72 2.96 K268303200062 22.21 12.71 2.63 K268303200063 22.71 14.09 2.28 K268303200064 23.15 14.66 2.25 K268303200065 23.66 13.71 2.38 K268303200066 24.17 11.65 2.18 K268303200067 24.62 10.67 2.01 K268303200068 25.14 10.50 1.88 K268303200069 25.61 10.75 1.81 K268303200070 26.08 11.31 1.75 K268303200071 26.61 11.79 1.52 K268303200072 27.09 11.90 1.29 K268303200073 27.57 12.19 1.15 K268303200074 28.05 12.02 1.13 K268303200075 28.54 11.58 1.16 K268303200076 29.02 10.96 1.22 K268303200077 29.58 10.13 1.27 K268303200078 31.51 7.90 0.97 K268303200079 33.30 6.26 1.18 K268303200080 35.41 4.64 1.91 K268303200081 37.34 11.23 1.38 K268303200082 39.28 14.75 4.43 K268303200083 ENDDATA 62 0 K268303200084 ENDSUBENT 83 0 K268303299999 SUBENT K2683033 20231112 K022K268303300001 BIB 5 12 K268303300002 REACTION (69-TM-169(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303300003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268303300004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268303300005 varied between 684 MeV and 908 MeV. (B) FED and K268303300006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268303300007 Electron beam energy varied between 652 MeV and K268303300008 1069 MeV. K268303300009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.78 g/cm2 below the K268303300010 2n threshold, 7.40 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303300011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 34 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303300012 (2020) 109. K268303300013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303300014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268303300015 COMMON 1 3 K268303300016 PART-OUT K268303300017 NO-DIM K268303300018 2. K268303300019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303300020 DATA 3 38 K268303300021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303300022 MEV MB MB K268303300023 15.35 29.18 2.94 K268303300024 15.58 53.07 2.95 K268303300025 15.81 76.00 3.56 K268303300026 15.95 89.32 4.11 K268303300027 16.33 120.45 5.38 K268303300028 16.56 135.08 6.21 K268303300029 16.80 145.08 7.09 K268303300030 17.29 151.94 8.49 K268303300031 17.78 143.01 9.40 K268303300032 18.27 127.59 9.23 K268303300033 18.78 108.14 7.89 K268303300034 19.24 92.94 6.75 K268303300035 19.75 78.09 5.85 K268303300036 20.22 69.66 5.52 K268303300037 20.70 63.52 5.26 K268303300038 21.23 59.25 5.01 K268303300039 21.72 56.17 4.87 K268303300040 22.21 52.61 4.52 K268303300041 22.71 49.53 3.79 K268303300042 23.15 47.09 3.35 K268303300043 23.66 44.67 3.27 K268303300044 24.17 42.35 3.00 K268303300045 24.62 39.65 2.80 K268303300046 25.14 35.62 2.44 K268303300047 25.61 31.23 2.14 K268303300048 26.08 26.35 1.83 K268303300049 26.61 21.08 1.52 K268303300050 27.09 17.27 1.33 K268303300051 27.57 13.94 1.19 K268303300052 28.05 11.40 1.17 K268303300053 28.54 9.29 1.14 K268303300054 29.02 7.51 1.12 K268303300055 29.58 5.85 1.23 K268303300056 31.51 3.17 1.53 K268303300057 33.30 0.99 1.96 K268303300058 35.41 -0.17 2.70 K268303300059 37.34 3.49 2.55 K268303300060 39.28 -0.58 7.26 K268303300061 ENDDATA 40 0 K268303300062 ENDSUBENT 61 0 K268303399999 SUBENT K2683034 20231112 K022K268303400001 BIB 5 12 K268303400002 REACTION (69-TM-169(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303400003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268303400004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268303400005 varied between 684 MeV and 908 MeV. (B) FED and K268303400006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268303400007 Electron beam energy varied between 652 MeV and K268303400008 1069 MeV. K268303400009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.78 g/cm2 below the K268303400010 2n threshold, 7.40 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303400011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 35 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303400012 (2020) 109. K268303400013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303400014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268303400015 COMMON 1 3 K268303400016 PART-OUT K268303400017 NO-DIM K268303400018 3. K268303400019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303400020 DATA 3 17 K268303400021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303400022 MEV MB MB K268303400023 24.17 0.63 0.14 K268303400024 24.62 1.96 0.44 K268303400025 25.14 3.86 0.65 K268303400026 25.61 6.06 0.66 K268303400027 26.08 8.71 0.68 K268303400028 26.61 12.05 0.83 K268303400029 27.09 14.84 1.04 K268303400030 27.57 17.23 1.19 K268303400031 28.05 19.15 1.25 K268303400032 28.54 20.53 1.37 K268303400033 29.02 21.39 1.54 K268303400034 29.58 21.83 1.80 K268303400035 31.51 20.17 2.00 K268303400036 33.30 19.06 2.34 K268303400037 35.41 15.81 2.88 K268303400038 37.34 8.57 2.83 K268303400039 39.28 8.55 8.35 K268303400040 ENDDATA 19 0 K268303400041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 K268303499999 SUBENT K2683035 20231112 K022K268303500001 BIB 5 12 K268303500002 REACTION (69-TM-169(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303500003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Two sets of measurements: (A) HED and 1064 nm K268303500004 laser (neutron counting). Electron beam energy K268303500005 varied between 684 MeV and 908 MeV. (B) FED and K268303500006 532 nm laser (neutron multiplicity sorting). K268303500007 Electron beam energy varied between 652 MeV and K268303500008 1069 MeV. K268303500009 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.78 g/cm2 below the K268303500010 2n threshold, 7.40 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303500011 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 35 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303500012 (2020) 109. K268303500013 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303500014 ENDBIB 12 0 K268303500015 COMMON 1 3 K268303500016 PART-OUT K268303500017 NO-DIM K268303500018 4. K268303500019 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303500020 DATA 3 5 K268303500021 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303500022 MEV MB MB K268303500023 31.51 0.32 0.15 K268303500024 33.30 0.44 0.21 K268303500025 35.41 2.84 0.86 K268303500026 37.34 7.98 1.81 K268303500027 39.28 9.12 5.19 K268303500028 ENDDATA 7 0 K268303500029 ENDSUBENT 28 0 K268303599999 SUBENT K2683036 20231112 K022K268303600001 BIB 5 10 K268303600002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303600003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268303600004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268303600005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268303600006 571 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268303600007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 15 mm diameter, 3.34 g/cm2 below the K268303600008 2n threshold, 6.68 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303600009 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 37 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303600010 (2020) 109. K268303600011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303600012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268303600013 COMMON 1 3 K268303600014 PART-OUT K268303600015 NO-DIM K268303600016 1. K268303600017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303600018 DATA 3 52 K268303600019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303600020 MEV MB MB K268303600021 11.40 215.98 7.16 K268303600022 11.92 310.08 14.98 K268303600023 12.37 386.82 17.09 K268303600024 12.88 411.36 18.09 K268303600025 13.35 403.61 16.95 K268303600026 13.87 391.16 17.04 K268303600027 14.35 376.17 14.40 K268303600028 14.58 366.25 14.26 K268303600029 14.85 348.03 14.35 K268303600030 15.07 326.51 14.13 K268303600031 15.35 290.26 12.80 K268303600032 15.58 252.36 10.96 K268303600033 15.81 212.43 9.05 K268303600034 16.04 172.31 7.83 K268303600035 16.33 130.59 7.45 K268303600036 16.56 101.87 7.27 K268303600037 16.80 78.51 6.97 K268303600038 17.29 43.34 6.72 K268303600039 17.78 18.99 7.64 K268303600040 18.27 4.43 8.05 K268303600041 18.78 -1.14 7.06 K268303600042 19.24 -1.82 6.36 K268303600043 19.75 -0.97 6.10 K268303600044 20.22 -0.21 5.95 K268303600045 20.70 0.29 5.84 K268303600046 21.23 0.39 4.98 K268303600047 21.72 -0.12 4.22 K268303600048 22.21 0.54 3.97 K268303600049 22.71 2.80 3.93 K268303600050 23.15 5.08 3.88 K268303600051 23.66 6.87 3.42 K268303600052 24.17 6.79 2.92 K268303600053 24.62 7.44 2.66 K268303600054 25.14 8.33 2.27 K268303600055 25.61 8.18 1.97 K268303600056 26.08 8.13 1.78 K268303600057 26.61 6.56 1.68 K268303600058 27.09 5.13 1.69 K268303600059 27.57 3.87 1.66 K268303600060 28.05 3.33 1.71 K268303600061 28.54 3.55 1.61 K268303600062 29.02 4.09 1.50 K268303600063 29.58 5.27 1.42 K268303600064 30.01 6.12 1.44 K268303600065 30.51 6.53 1.55 K268303600066 31.51 5.34 1.67 K268303600067 32.46 3.26 1.45 K268303600068 33.30 1.56 1.53 K268303600069 35.41 -0.36 5.46 K268303600070 37.34 3.36 9.99 K268303600071 39.28 5.86 15.59 K268303600072 41.20 2.06 41.03 K268303600073 ENDDATA 54 0 K268303600074 ENDSUBENT 73 0 K268303699999 SUBENT K2683037 20231112 K022K268303700001 BIB 5 10 K268303700002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303700003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268303700004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268303700005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268303700006 571 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268303700007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 15 mm diameter, 3.34 g/cm2 below the K268303700008 2n threshold, 6.68 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303700009 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 37 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303700010 (2020) 109. K268303700011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303700012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268303700013 COMMON 1 3 K268303700014 PART-OUT K268303700015 NO-DIM K268303700016 2. K268303700017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303700018 DATA 3 46 K268303700019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303700020 MEV MB MB K268303700021 14.35 5.84 0.54 K268303700022 14.58 19.93 1.42 K268303700023 14.85 54.00 2.97 K268303700024 15.07 81.62 3.92 K268303700025 15.35 116.62 5.05 K268303700026 15.58 143.09 6.01 K268303700027 15.81 166.05 7.19 K268303700028 16.04 183.25 8.23 K268303700029 16.33 196.73 9.28 K268303700030 16.56 200.67 9.94 K268303700031 16.80 199.90 10.53 K268303700032 17.29 186.54 11.72 K268303700033 17.78 166.81 12.20 K268303700034 18.27 145.40 11.70 K268303700035 18.78 123.58 10.33 K268303700036 19.24 106.17 9.44 K268303700037 19.75 90.49 8.89 K268303700038 20.22 80.30 8.68 K268303700039 20.70 73.08 8.08 K268303700040 21.23 67.42 7.23 K268303700041 21.72 62.45 6.22 K268303700042 22.21 57.75 5.60 K268303700043 22.71 53.42 5.06 K268303700044 23.15 49.48 4.59 K268303700045 23.66 44.47 3.97 K268303700046 24.17 39.11 3.51 K268303700047 24.62 34.26 2.93 K268303700048 25.14 28.62 2.46 K268303700049 25.61 24.08 2.10 K268303700050 26.08 19.85 1.93 K268303700051 26.61 15.68 1.79 K268303700052 27.09 12.56 1.74 K268303700053 27.57 10.15 1.65 K268303700054 28.05 7.52 1.70 K268303700055 28.54 4.16 1.76 K268303700056 29.02 0.71 1.78 K268303700057 29.58 -3.37 1.87 K268303700058 30.01 -5.41 1.99 K268303700059 30.51 -6.15 2.16 K268303700060 31.51 -2.61 2.49 K268303700061 32.46 2.66 2.29 K268303700062 33.30 5.28 2.75 K268303700063 35.41 2.72 4.28 K268303700064 37.34 -4.41 4.38 K268303700065 39.28 -5.38 4.16 K268303700066 41.20 -1.29 11.01 K268303700067 ENDDATA 48 0 K268303700068 ENDSUBENT 67 0 K268303799999 SUBENT K2683038 20231112 K022K268303800001 BIB 5 10 K268303800002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303800003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268303800004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268303800005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268303800006 571 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268303800007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 15 mm diameter, 3.34 g/cm2 below the K268303800008 2n threshold, 6.68 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303800009 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 38 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303800010 (2020) 109. K268303800011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303800012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268303800013 COMMON 1 3 K268303800014 PART-OUT K268303800015 NO-DIM K268303800016 3. K268303800017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303800018 DATA 3 25 K268303800019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303800020 MEV MB MB K268303800021 22.21 0.13 0.02 K268303800022 22.71 0.67 0.12 K268303800023 23.15 2.11 0.35 K268303800024 23.66 4.39 0.63 K268303800025 24.17 7.64 0.95 K268303800026 24.62 11.07 1.20 K268303800027 25.14 15.14 1.41 K268303800028 25.61 18.26 1.56 K268303800029 26.08 20.73 1.68 K268303800030 26.61 22.57 2.00 K268303800031 27.09 23.69 2.23 K268303800032 27.57 24.47 2.20 K268303800033 28.05 25.11 2.26 K268303800034 28.54 25.92 2.22 K268303800035 29.02 26.71 2.24 K268303800036 29.58 27.20 2.29 K268303800037 30.01 26.86 2.32 K268303800038 30.51 25.84 2.42 K268303800039 31.51 22.21 2.57 K268303800040 32.46 17.06 2.69 K268303800041 33.30 12.27 3.34 K268303800042 35.41 4.05 4.92 K268303800043 37.34 6.75 5.55 K268303800044 39.28 8.37 8.62 K268303800045 41.20 3.33 21.43 K268303800046 ENDDATA 27 0 K268303800047 ENDSUBENT 46 0 K268303899999 SUBENT K2683039 20231112 K022K268303900001 BIB 5 10 K268303900002 REACTION (73-TA-181(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268303900003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268303900004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268303900005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268303900006 571 MeV and 1095 MeV. K268303900007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 15 mm diameter, 3.34 g/cm2 below the K268303900008 2n threshold, 6.68 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268303900009 STATUS (TABLE) Plotted in Fig. 38 of Nucl. Data Sheets 163 K268303900010 (2020) 109. K268303900011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268303900012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268303900013 COMMON 1 3 K268303900014 PART-OUT K268303900015 NO-DIM K268303900016 4. K268303900017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268303900018 DATA 3 10 K268303900019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268303900020 MEV MB MB K268303900021 29.58 0.16 0.08 K268303900022 30.01 0.36 0.16 K268303900023 30.51 0.72 0.26 K268303900024 31.51 1.67 0.41 K268303900025 32.46 3.95 1.02 K268303900026 33.30 7.03 1.75 K268303900027 35.41 13.39 3.13 K268303900028 37.34 13.30 4.21 K268303900029 39.28 11.48 6.69 K268303900030 41.20 11.43 15.73 K268303900031 ENDDATA 12 0 K268303900032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 K268303999999 SUBENT K2683040 20231112 K022K268304000001 BIB 5 10 K268304000002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268304000003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268304000004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268304000005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268304000006 571 MeV and 1069 MeV. K268304000007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.88 g/cm2 below the K268304000008 2n threshold, 7.75 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268304000009 STATUS (TABLE) Data (not shown in reference) received by K268304000010 e-mail from H. Utsunomiya. K268304000011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268304000012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268304000013 COMMON 1 3 K268304000014 PART-OUT K268304000015 NO-DIM K268304000016 1. K268304000017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268304000018 DATA 3 43 K268304000019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268304000020 MEV MB MB K268304000021 11.40 209.29 6.10 K268304000022 11.92 306.81 15.44 K268304000023 12.37 405.06 18.91 K268304000024 12.88 484.03 20.68 K268304000025 13.35 522.66 22.61 K268304000026 13.87 581.33 24.54 K268304000027 14.35 565.36 26.00 K268304000028 14.85 467.99 29.11 K268304000029 15.35 356.22 27.77 K268304000030 15.81 259.73 19.00 K268304000031 16.33 165.6 15.97 K268304000032 16.80 100.01 10.24 K268304000033 17.29 54.2 7.35 K268304000034 17.78 28.94 5.30 K268304000035 18.27 19.45 4.46 K268304000036 18.78 16.32 3.82 K268304000037 19.24 13.48 3.03 K268304000038 19.75 13.59 3.02 K268304000039 20.22 14.83 3.02 K268304000040 20.70 16.27 2.90 K268304000041 21.23 15.36 2.73 K268304000042 21.72 13.82 2.49 K268304000043 22.21 13.16 2.24 K268304000044 22.71 13.32 2.27 K268304000045 23.15 12.81 2.37 K268304000046 23.66 10.1 2.48 K268304000047 24.17 7.27 2.45 K268304000048 24.62 7.06 2.27 K268304000049 25.14 8.54 1.92 K268304000050 25.61 11.09 1.62 K268304000051 26.08 13.8 1.43 K268304000052 26.61 14.35 1.37 K268304000053 27.09 14.19 1.27 K268304000054 27.57 13.67 1.19 K268304000055 28.05 12.46 1.08 K268304000056 28.54 11.16 1.12 K268304000057 29.02 9.84 1.21 K268304000058 29.58 8.52 1.34 K268304000059 31.51 6.85 1.24 K268304000060 33.30 8.55 1.09 K268304000061 35.41 9.91 1.99 K268304000062 37.34 11.53 3.55 K268304000063 39.28 6.32 10.33 K268304000064 ENDDATA 45 0 K268304000065 ENDSUBENT 64 0 K268304099999 SUBENT K2683041 20231112 K022K268304100001 BIB 5 10 K268304100002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268304100003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268304100004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268304100005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268304100006 571 MeV and 1069 MeV. K268304100007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.88 g/cm2 below the K268304100008 2n threshold, 7.75 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268304100009 STATUS (TABLE) Data (not shown in reference) received by K268304100010 e-mail from H. Utsunomiya. K268304100011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268304100012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268304100013 COMMON 1 3 K268304100014 PART-OUT K268304100015 NO-DIM K268304100016 2. K268304100017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268304100018 DATA 3 36 K268304100019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268304100020 MEV MB MB K268304100021 14.85 6. 1.59 K268304100022 15.35 40.27 6.00 K268304100023 15.81 74.84 5.96 K268304100024 16.33 108.08 5.86 K268304100025 16.80 123.35 6.51 K268304100026 17.29 124.79 7.16 K268304100027 17.78 116.04 7.08 K268304100028 18.27 103.64 6.43 K268304100029 18.78 89.77 6.31 K268304100030 19.24 80.48 6.32 K268304100031 19.75 71.31 5.30 K268304100032 20.22 65.27 4.79 K268304100033 20.70 59.8 4.64 K268304100034 21.23 55.78 4.16 K268304100035 21.72 53.31 3.69 K268304100036 22.21 51.19 3.41 K268304100037 22.71 49.57 3.26 K268304100038 23.15 48.49 3.19 K268304100039 23.66 47.23 3.28 K268304100040 24.17 44.86 3.24 K268304100041 24.62 41.46 2.95 K268304100042 25.14 36.14 2.55 K268304100043 25.61 30.33 2.31 K268304100044 26.08 24.75 1.97 K268304100045 26.61 19.26 1.63 K268304100046 27.09 15. 1.33 K268304100047 27.57 11.65 1.13 K268304100048 28.05 9.21 1.09 K268304100049 28.54 7.37 1.13 K268304100050 29.02 6.16 1.26 K268304100051 29.58 5.62 1.49 K268304100052 31.51 5.53 1.84 K268304100053 33.30 5.16 2.08 K268304100054 35.41 3.02 2.66 K268304100055 37.34 2.66 4.39 K268304100056 39.28 14.69 12.24 K268304100057 ENDDATA 38 0 K268304100058 ENDSUBENT 57 0 K268304199999 SUBENT K2683042 20231112 K022K268304200001 BIB 5 10 K268304200002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268304200003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268304200004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268304200005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268304200006 571 MeV and 1069 MeV. K268304200007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.88 g/cm2 below the K268304200008 2n threshold, 7.75 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268304200009 STATUS (TABLE) Data (not shown in reference) received by K268304200010 e-mail from H. Utsunomiya. K268304200011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268304200012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268304200013 COMMON 1 3 K268304200014 PART-OUT K268304200015 NO-DIM K268304200016 3. K268304200017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268304200018 DATA 3 19 K268304200019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268304200020 MEV MB MB K268304200021 23.15 0.14 0.04 K268304200022 23.66 0.60 0.10 K268304200023 24.17 2.20 0.33 K268304200024 24.62 3.86 0.52 K268304200025 25.14 6.44 0.70 K268304200026 25.61 9.33 0.79 K268304200027 26.08 12.48 0.88 K268304200028 26.61 16.07 1.02 K268304200029 27.09 18.91 1.20 K268304200030 27.57 21.07 1.43 K268304200031 28.05 22.59 1.60 K268304200032 28.54 23.51 1.89 K268304200033 29.02 23.84 2.27 K268304200034 29.58 23.71 2.63 K268304200035 31.51 20.68 2.38 K268304200036 33.30 16.33 2.41 K268304200037 35.41 11.68 2.43 K268304200038 37.34 6.56 3.17 K268304200039 39.28 -3.45 8.16 K268304200040 ENDDATA 21 0 K268304200041 ENDSUBENT 40 0 K268304299999 SUBENT K2683043 20231112 K022K268304300001 BIB 5 10 K268304300002 REACTION (79-AU-197(G,X)0-NN-1,NUM,SIG) K268304300003 INC-SOURCE (LCS) Measured with FED and 532 nm laser. Neutron K268304300004 counting below S2n, neutron multiplicity sorting K268304300005 above S2n. Electron beam energy varied between K268304300006 571 MeV and 1069 MeV. K268304300007 SAMPLE Target-thickness: 20 mm diameter, 3.88 g/cm2 below the K268304300008 2n threshold, 7.75 g/cm2 above the 2n threshold K268304300009 STATUS (TABLE) Data (not shown in reference) received by K268304300010 e-mail from H. Utsunomiya. K268304300011 HISTORY (20231110C) MA K268304300012 ENDBIB 10 0 K268304300013 COMMON 1 3 K268304300014 PART-OUT K268304300015 NO-DIM K268304300016 4. K268304300017 ENDCOMMON 3 0 K268304300018 DATA 3 5 K268304300019 EN DATA DATA-ERR K268304300020 MEV MB MB K268304300021 31.51 0.72 0.19 K268304300022 33.30 3.06 0.74 K268304300023 35.41 6.76 1.56 K268304300024 37.34 11.02 2.25 K268304300025 39.28 15.35 6.38 K268304300026 ENDDATA 7 0 K268304300027 ENDSUBENT 26 0 K268304399999 ENDENTRY 43 0 K268399999999