ENTRY            L0047   19970129                             0000L004700000001 
SUBENT        L0047001   19970129                             0000L004700100001 
BIB                 13         78                                 L004700100002 
INSTITUTE  (1USALRL)                                              L004700100003 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,19,1667,7905)                                  L004700100004 
           B.L.BERMAN,D.D.FAUL,P.MEYER)                           L004700100006 
TITLE      Photoneutron cross sections for 18O.                   L004700100007 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1USALRL)                                        L004700100008 
INC-SOURCE (QMPH,ARAD) Positron annihilation in flight.           L004700100009 
           Upper limit for energy resolution estimated to be      L004700100010 
            about 240 keV for the 15.11 MeV resonance in 13C.     L004700100011 
SAMPLE     Two samples:                                           L004700100012 
            118.55 grams; 96.5% 18O, sample blank: 28.35 grams.   L004700100013 
                         Main impurities: 16O (1.58%), 17O (1.92%)L004700100014 
            34.7 grams; 96.6% 18O, sample blank: 19.75 grams.     L004700100015 
                        Main impurities: 16O (1.6%), 17O (1.8%)   L004700100016 
DETECTOR   (BF3) Neutron detector consists of a 61-cm cube of     L004700100017 
            paraffin in which 48 high-pressure BF3 tubes have beenL004700100018 
            placed.                                               L004700100019 
ANALYSIS   The data were converted to photoneutron cross sections L004700100020 
            by applying the measured ion-chamber response per     L004700100021 
            photon, the known number of target nuclei in the beam L004700100022 
            and a small correction for the photon attenuation in  L004700100023 
            the sample.                                           L004700100024 
           A multiplicity analysis of the number of neutrons      L004700100025 
            recorded in each beam burst allows the (gamma,n) and  L004700100026 
            (gamma,2n) yields to be extracted simultaneously and  L004700100027 
            independently.                                        L004700100028 
           The photoproton reaction in O18 yields the product     L004700100029 
            nucleus N17, which decays by (beta-) emission with a  L004700100030 
            half-life of 4.174 sec to excited states in O17.      L004700100031 
            The O17 nucleus is left in neutron-unbound excited   lL004700100032 
            states 95.1% of the time, and so decays predominantly L004700100033 
            by neutron emission. The average delayed-neutron      L004700100034 
            energy was measured by using the measured ring ratios.L004700100035 
CORRECTION Some corrections were made:                            L004700100036 
           - about 1% for statistical effect of pileup counts in  L004700100037 
             the detector;                                        L004700100038 
           - about 1% for removal of annihilation-target-out      L004700100039 
             background;                                          L004700100040 
           - about 2% for drift of the neutron detector and ion   L004700100041 
             chanber (beam monitor);                              L004700100042 
           - about 2% for substraction of sample-blank background L004700100043 
           - about 2% at low neutron energies to about 10% at     L004700100044 
             highest neutron energies for conversion of ring      L004700100045 
             ratios to efficiencies;                              L004700100046 
           - about 6% for uncertainrty in photon-flux calibration L004700100047 
           After the recorded neutron events were corrected for   L004700100048 
            pileup in the detector, the neutron backgrounds       L004700100049 
            (annihilation target removed) were substracted for    L004700100050 
            both the positron and electron measurements.          L004700100051 
           Because the energy spectrum of the annihilation-plus-  L004700100052 
            bremsstrahlung radiation differs from that of purely  L004700100053 
            bremsstrahlung photons, a measured correction was     L004700100054 
            applied to the ion-chamber (beam monitor) response to L004700100055 
            normalize the electron data to the positron data.     L004700100056 
           The normalized electron data were substracted from the L004700100057 
            positron data, leaving the neutron counts which resul L004700100058 
            only from the annihilation radiation.                 L004700100059 
           The measured sample-blank data, normalized to equal    L004700100060 
            photon flux, were substracted from the target data to L004700100061 
            give the net target results.                          L004700100062 
           After a small correction for the neutron multiplicity  L004700100063 
            in each ring, the data were corrected for the energy- L004700100064 
            dependent efficiency of the neutron detector using    L004700100065 
            the ring-ratio result for each energy.                L004700100066 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Statistical errors only.                    L004700100067 
COMMENT    Resonances in the pygmy-resonance region exhibit       L004700100068 
            substantional decay branching to negative-parity      L004700100069 
            states in O17.                                        L004700100070 
           Significant differencies in the branching of resonance L004700100071 
            in the giant-resonance region to the various partial  L004700100072 
            cross sections, together with the photoneutron-energy L004700100073 
            data, allow isospin assignments to be made for all theL004700100074 
            resonances, with the consequent delineation of the    L004700100075 
            isospin strength distribution for O18.                L004700100076 
           Evidence was found for two weak but broad resonances   L004700100077 
            above the giant-resonance region.                     L004700100078 
HISTORY    (891207C)                                              L004700100079 
           (950406A) BIB Updated                                  L004700100080 
ENDBIB              78          0                                 L004700100081 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700100082 
ENDSUBENT           81          0                                 L004700199999 
SUBENT        L0047002   19970129                             0000L004700200001 
BIB                  3          6                                 L004700200002 
REACTION   ((8-O-18(G,N)8-O-17,,SIG)+                             L004700200003 
           (8-O-18(G,N+P)7-N-16,,SIG))                            L004700200004 
           Threshold of the reaction (gamma,n+p) is 21.8 MeV.     L004700200005 
METHOD     (EXTB,RINGR) Obtained from direct ring-ratio           L004700200006 
            measurements of neutron multiplicities.               L004700200007 
STATUS     Converted from Berman compilation.                     L004700200008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 L004700200009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700200010 
DATA                 3        184                                 L004700200011 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    L004700200012 
MEV        MB         MB                                          L004700200013 
 8.351       0.07      0.05                                       L004700200014 
 8.503       0.24      0.03                                       L004700200015 
 8.596       0.33      0.06                                       L004700200016 
 8.738       0.55      0.04                                       L004700200017 
 8.842       0.84      0.07                                       L004700200018 
 8.987       1.02      0.05                                       L004700200019 
 9.087       1.15      0.09                                       L004700200020 
 9.228       1.06      0.07                                       L004700200021 
 9.333       1.44      0.10                                       L004700200022 
 9.473       1.71      0.08                                       L004700200023 
 9.579       2.37      0.12                                       L004700200024 
 9.721       2.99      0.10                                       L004700200025 
 9.824       4.17      0.10                                       L004700200026 
 9.991       3.97      0.17                                       L004700200027 
10.071       4.84      0.16                                       L004700200028 
10.212       4.76      0.12                                       L004700200029 
10.316       5.26      0.17                                       L004700200030 
10.473       4.84      0.13                                       L004700200031 
10.587       4.00      0.16                                       L004700200032 
10.718       2.69      0.12                                       L004700200033 
10.832       1.88      0.15                                       L004700200034 
10.965       2.29      0.12                                       L004700200035 
10.998       2.14      0.16                                       L004700200036 
11.078       3.30      0.17                                       L004700200037 
11.127       3.98      0.17                                       L004700200038 
11.213       6.45      0.13                                       L004700200039 
11.249       7.51      0.13                                       L004700200040 
11.323       8.10      0.20                                       L004700200041 
11.373       8.51      0.19                                       L004700200042 
11.453       9.00      0.17                                       L004700200043 
11.496       8.68      0.19                                       L004700200044 
11.570       8.43      0.20                                       L004700200045 
11.618       6.90      0.13                                       L004700200046 
11.698       6.52      0.16                                       L004700200047 
11.815       4.84      0.17                                       L004700200048 
11.864       4.47      0.17                                       L004700200049 
11.945       3.75      0.15                                       L004700200050 
12.060       2.39      0.16                                       L004700200051 
12.110       1.70      0.17                                       L004700200052 
12.198       1.92      0.12                                       L004700200053 
12.307       1.28      0.16                                       L004700200054 
12.355       1.88      0.18                                       L004700200055 
12.441       2.32      0.14                                       L004700200056 
12.552       2.80      0.17                                       L004700200057 
12.595       3.40      0.13                                       L004700200058 
12.719       3.70      0.15                                       L004700200059 
12.847       4.96      0.19                                       L004700200060 
12.970       6.26      0.19                                       L004700200061 
13.089       6.75      0.17                                       L004700200062 
13.216       5.99      0.21                                       L004700200063 
13.339       4.04      0.20                                       L004700200064 
13.457       4.12      0.16                                       L004700200065 
13.582       4.46      0.17                                       L004700200066 
13.704       4.98      0.17                                       L004700200067 
13.830       4.89      0.21                                       L004700200068 
13.953       4.05      0.21                                       L004700200069 
14.073       3.94      0.18                                       L004700200070 
14.199       4.00      0.22                                       L004700200071 
14.322       4.69      0.23                                       L004700200072 
14.444       5.87      0.23                                       L004700200073 
14.567       7.64      0.25                                       L004700200074 
14.688       8.35      0.22                                       L004700200075 
14.813       8.65      0.26                                       L004700200076 
14.936       6.17      0.25                                       L004700200077 
15.059       4.73      0.24                                       L004700200078 
15.180       3.33      0.21                                       L004700200079 
15.305       3.02      0.23                                       L004700200080 
15.428       2.57      0.24                                       L004700200081 
15.547       3.69      0.21                                       L004700200082 
15.673       3.44      0.26                                       L004700200083 
15.796       2.89      0.26                                       L004700200084 
15.917       3.08      0.23                                       L004700200085 
16.042       2.81      0.27                                       L004700200086 
16.164       2.28      0.29                                       L004700200087 
16.287       2.55      0.31                                       L004700200088 
16.410       2.27      0.33                                       L004700200089 
16.533       2.65      0.32                                       L004700200090 
16.656       2.54      0.32                                       L004700200091 
16.779       2.97      0.32                                       L004700200092 
16.901       3.19      0.36                                       L004700200093 
17.025       3.11      0.39                                       L004700200094 
17.149       3.19      0.33                                       L004700200095 
17.271       3.02      0.44                                       L004700200096 
17.393       3.01      0.46                                       L004700200097 
17.517       2.41      0.49                                       L004700200098 
17.640       2.56      0.45                                       L004700200099 
17.763       2.82      0.42                                       L004700200100 
17.886       2.31      0.39                                       L004700200101 
18.008       2.47      0.25                                       L004700200102 
18.133       2.52      0.30                                       L004700200103 
18.255       2.92      0.38                                       L004700200104 
18.378       2.94      0.38                                       L004700200105 
18.501       2.62      0.38                                       L004700200106 
18.623       2.67      0.38                                       L004700200107 
18.747       2.96      0.38                                       L004700200108 
18.870       2.88      0.37                                       L004700200109 
18.992       2.81      0.38                                       L004700200110 
19.118       2.85      0.32                                       L004700200111 
19.238       2.68      0.41                                       L004700200112 
19.359       3.01      0.43                                       L004700200113 
19.486       2.92      0.36                                       L004700200114 
19.607       2.73      0.44                                       L004700200115 
19.730       3.38      0.44                                       L004700200116 
19.851       3.06      0.44                                       L004700200117 
19.975       2.60      0.44                                       L004700200118 
20.103       3.17      0.32                                       L004700200119 
20.220       2.55      0.45                                       L004700200120 
20.346       3.27      0.39                                       L004700200121 
20.466       2.81      0.46                                       L004700200122 
20.592       2.92      0.41                                       L004700200123 
20.712       2.92      0.51                                       L004700200124 
20.838       2.95      0.42                                       L004700200125 
20.958       3.08      0.51                                       L004700200126 
21.084       3.73      0.43                                       L004700200127 
21.204       3.21      0.52                                       L004700200128 
21.330       3.53      0.42                                       L004700200129 
21.449       3.37      0.51                                       L004700200130 
21.581       3.32      0.36                                       L004700200131 
21.698       3.73      0.50                                       L004700200132 
21.828       3.95      0.32                                       L004700200133 
21.944       3.87      0.52                                       L004700200134 
22.075       4.02      0.35                                       L004700200135 
22.189       4.31      0.55                                       L004700200136 
22.319       4.45      0.43                                       L004700200137 
22.435       4.07      0.61                                       L004700200138 
22.568       5.12      0.37                                       L004700200139 
22.684       4.80      0.59                                       L004700200140 
22.815       4.78      0.39                                       L004700200141 
22.927       4.74      0.58                                       L004700200142 
23.061       4.97      0.41                                       L004700200143 
23.173       5.22      0.66                                       L004700200144 
23.303       6.03      0.52                                       L004700200145 
23.426       6.36      0.53                                       L004700200146 
23.543       5.43      0.74                                       L004700200147 
23.673       6.87      0.54                                       L004700200148 
23.789       5.94      0.75                                       L004700200149 
23.920       6.25      0.56                                       L004700200150 
24.035       6.56      0.76                                       L004700200151 
24.165       6.21      0.56                                       L004700200152 
24.280       5.42      0.73                                       L004700200153 
24.412       5.22      0.56                                       L004700200154 
24.527       4.48      0.74                                       L004700200155 
24.657       4.81      0.57                                       L004700200156 
24.768       5.64      0.77                                       L004700200157 
24.942       5.33      0.85                                       L004700200158 
25.030       5.43      0.80                                       L004700200159 
25.278       5.55      0.51                                       L004700200160 
25.510       5.80      0.85                                       L004700200161 
25.765       6.04      0.65                                       L004700200162 
26.002       6.87      0.91                                       L004700200163 
26.259       5.80      0.66                                       L004700200164 
26.496       5.83      0.94                                       L004700200165 
26.754       6.22      0.70                                       L004700200166 
26.987       6.93      0.95                                       L004700200167 
27.246       5.96      0.68                                       L004700200168 
27.477       5.93      0.87                                       L004700200169 
27.738       5.32      0.68                                       L004700200170 
27.970       5.81      0.90                                       L004700200171 
28.232       4.81      0.68                                       L004700200172 
28.462       5.59      0.92                                       L004700200173 
28.724       5.38      0.67                                       L004700200174 
28.952       5.07      0.86                                       L004700200175 
29.213       4.65      0.72                                       L004700200176 
29.444       4.95      0.94                                       L004700200177 
29.707       4.65      0.71                                       L004700200178 
29.938       5.24      0.91                                       L004700200179 
30.202       4.83      0.67                                       L004700200180 
30.432       5.82      0.86                                       L004700200181 
30.693       4.98      0.69                                       L004700200182 
30.945       4.80      0.67                                       L004700200183 
31.713       3.84      0.98                                       L004700200184 
32.453       3.08      1.12                                       L004700200185 
33.195       2.13      1.11                                       L004700200186 
33.935       1.95      1.17                                       L004700200187 
34.675       2.06      1.24                                       L004700200188 
35.416       2.07      1.18                                       L004700200189 
36.156       3.21      1.41                                       L004700200190 
36.897       1.90      1.18                                       L004700200191 
37.638       2.06      1.21                                       L004700200192 
38.378       1.81      1.23                                       L004700200193 
39.118       1.66      1.40                                       L004700200194 
40.353       0.75      1.44                                       L004700200195 
41.093       3.06      1.49                                       L004700200196 
41.834       1.19      1.52                                       L004700200197 
ENDDATA            186          0                                 L004700200198 
ENDSUBENT          197          0                                 L004700299999 
SUBENT        L0047003   19970129                             0000L004700300001 
BIB                  4          7                                 L004700300002 
REACTION   ((8-O-18(G,2N)8-O-16,,SIG)+                            L004700300003 
           (8-O-18(G,2N+P)7-N-15,,SIG))                           L004700300004 
            Threshold of (gamma,2n+p) reaction is 24.3 MeV.       L004700300005 
METHOD     (EXTB,RINGR) Obtained from direct ring-ratio           L004700300006 
            measurements of neutron multiplicities.               L004700300007 
STATUS     Converted from Berman compilation.                     L004700300008 
HISTORY    (950406A) REACTION corrected.                          L004700300009 
ENDBIB               7          0                                 L004700300010 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700300011 
DATA                 3        145                                 L004700300012 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    L004700300013 
MEV        MB         MB                                          L004700300014 
10.998       0.01      0.01                                       L004700300015 
12.198      -0.01      0.01                                       L004700300016 
12.355       0.01      0.01                                       L004700300017 
12.441      -0.01      0.01                                       L004700300018 
12.552       0.01      0.01                                       L004700300019 
12.595       0.01      0.01                                       L004700300020 
12.719       0.04      0.01                                       L004700300021 
12.847       0.31      0.03                                       L004700300022 
12.970       0.52      0.03                                       L004700300023 
13.089       0.95      0.04                                       L004700300024 
13.216       1.18      0.05                                       L004700300025 
13.339       0.87      0.04                                       L004700300026 
13.457       0.63      0.04                                       L004700300027 
13.582       0.65      0.04                                       L004700300028 
13.704       0.93      0.04                                       L004700300029 
13.830       1.02      0.05                                       L004700300030 
13.953       1.10      0.05                                       L004700300031 
14.073       0.89      0.04                                       L004700300032 
14.199       0.88      0.05                                       L004700300033 
14.322       0.92      0.05                                       L004700300034 
14.444       1.17      0.05                                       L004700300035 
14.567       1.47      0.06                                       L004700300036 
14.688       2.16      0.06                                       L004700300037 
14.813       2.24      0.07                                       L004700300038 
14.936       2.32      0.07                                       L004700300039 
15.059       2.05      0.07                                       L004700300040 
15.180       1.93      0.05                                       L004700300041 
15.305       1.69      0.06                                       L004700300042 
15.428       1.81      0.06                                       L004700300043 
15.547       2.58      0.06                                       L004700300044 
15.673       3.34      0.08                                       L004700300045 
15.796       4.01      0.09                                       L004700300046 
15.917       3.63      0.08                                       L004700300047 
16.042       3.28      0.08                                       L004700300048 
16.164       3.13      0.08                                       L004700300049 
16.287       3.28      0.08                                       L004700300050 
16.410       3.66      0.09                                       L004700300051 
16.533       3.47      0.09                                       L004700300052 
16.656       3.60      0.09                                       L004700300053 
16.779       3.29      0.09                                       L004700300054 
16.901       3.22      0.09                                       L004700300055 
17.025       3.20      0.09                                       L004700300056 
17.149       3.44      0.08                                       L004700300057 
17.271       3.39      0.09                                       L004700300058 
17.393       3.46      0.10                                       L004700300059 
17.517       3.23      0.09                                       L004700300060 
17.640       3.29      0.10                                       L004700300061 
17.763       3.13      0.10                                       L004700300062 
17.886       3.25      0.10                                       L004700300063 
18.008       3.21      0.08                                       L004700300064 
18.133       3.29      0.10                                       L004700300065 
18.255       3.07      0.12                                       L004700300066 
18.378       2.97      0.13                                       L004700300067 
18.501       3.34      0.14                                       L004700300068 
18.623       3.39      0.15                                       L004700300069 
18.747       2.95      0.15                                       L004700300070 
18.870       3.40      0.16                                       L004700300071 
18.992       3.22      0.16                                       L004700300072 
19.118       3.58      0.14                                       L004700300073 
19.238       3.42      0.16                                       L004700300074 
19.359       3.17      0.16                                       L004700300075 
19.486       3.23      0.14                                       L004700300076 
19.607       3.07      0.16                                       L004700300077 
19.730       2.88      0.16                                       L004700300078 
19.851       2.85      0.16                                       L004700300079 
19.975       2.96      0.17                                       L004700300080 
20.103       2.75      0.14                                       L004700300081 
20.220       2.83      0.18                                       L004700300082 
20.346       2.67      0.16                                       L004700300083 
20.466       2.48      0.18                                       L004700300084 
20.592       2.76      0.16                                       L004700300085 
20.712       2.93      0.18                                       L004700300086 
20.838       3.06      0.16                                       L004700300087 
20.958       3.18      0.17                                       L004700300088 
21.084       2.98      0.16                                       L004700300089 
21.204       3.26      0.18                                       L004700300090 
21.330       2.98      0.16                                       L004700300091 
21.449       2.85      0.18                                       L004700300092 
21.581       2.87      0.15                                       L004700300093 
21.698       2.77      0.20                                       L004700300094 
21.828       2.80      0.14                                       L004700300095 
21.944       2.90      0.20                                       L004700300096 
22.075       3.04      0.16                                       L004700300097 
22.189       3.05      0.20                                       L004700300098 
22.319       3.79      0.19                                       L004700300099 
22.435       4.21      0.24                                       L004700300100 
22.568       4.12      0.18                                       L004700300101 
22.684       4.11      0.25                                       L004700300102 
22.815       4.87      0.19                                       L004700300103 
22.927       4.30      0.25                                       L004700300104 
23.061       4.92      0.19                                       L004700300105 
23.173       5.26      0.26                                       L004700300106 
23.303       5.16      0.22                                       L004700300107 
23.426       5.59      0.23                                       L004700300108 
23.543       5.57      0.29                                       L004700300109 
23.673       5.45      0.25                                       L004700300110 
23.789       4.81      0.29                                       L004700300111 
23.920       4.78      0.24                                       L004700300112 
24.035       3.84      0.29                                       L004700300113 
24.165       4.12      0.24                                       L004700300114 
24.280       3.67      0.27                                       L004700300115 
24.412       3.64      0.24                                       L004700300116 
24.527       3.41      0.28                                       L004700300117 
24.657       3.23      0.24                                       L004700300118 
24.768       2.66      0.28                                       L004700300119 
24.942       3.65      0.42                                       L004700300120 
25.030       2.88      0.28                                       L004700300121 
25.278       3.35      0.22                                       L004700300122 
25.510       2.88      0.28                                       L004700300123 
25.765       3.36      0.24                                       L004700300124 
26.002       2.63      0.31                                       L004700300125 
26.259       3.02      0.25                                       L004700300126 
26.496       2.93      0.33                                       L004700300127 
26.754       2.71      0.25                                       L004700300128 
26.987       2.63      0.34                                       L004700300129 
27.246       2.76      0.25                                       L004700300130 
27.477       2.63      0.31                                       L004700300131 
27.738       2.81      0.26                                       L004700300132 
27.970       2.13      0.37                                       L004700300133 
28.232       3.09      0.27                                       L004700300134 
28.462       2.68      0.36                                       L004700300135 
28.724       2.84      0.26                                       L004700300136 
28.952       2.75      0.36                                       L004700300137 
29.213       3.07      0.29                                       L004700300138 
29.444       2.90      0.35                                       L004700300139 
29.707       2.78      0.28                                       L004700300140 
29.938       2.98      0.36                                       L004700300141 
30.202       2.59      0.28                                       L004700300142 
30.432       2.61      0.37                                       L004700300143 
30.693       2.83      0.31                                       L004700300144 
30.945       2.52      0.29                                       L004700300145 
31.713       2.37      0.45                                       L004700300146 
32.453       2.79      0.48                                       L004700300147 
33.195       2.51      0.50                                       L004700300148 
33.935       2.27      0.50                                       L004700300149 
34.675       3.10      0.52                                       L004700300150 
35.416       2.26      0.49                                       L004700300151 
36.156       1.84      0.63                                       L004700300152 
36.897       2.16      0.50                                       L004700300153 
37.638       2.18      0.50                                       L004700300154 
38.378       1.73      0.51                                       L004700300155 
39.118       1.56      0.58                                       L004700300156 
40.353       2.25      0.63                                       L004700300157 
41.093       0.97      0.64                                       L004700300158 
41.834       1.95      0.66                                       L004700300159 
ENDDATA            147          0                                 L004700300160 
ENDSUBENT          159          0                                 L004700399999 
SUBENT        L0047004   19970129                             0000L004700400001 
BIB                  3          5                                 L004700400002 
REACTION   (8-O-18(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG)                               L004700400003 
            The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+2(G,2N)+2(G,2N+P).             L004700400004 
METHOD     (EXTB,RINGR) Obtained from direct ring-ratio           L004700400005 
            measurements of neutron multiplicities.               L004700400006 
STATUS     Converted from Berman compilation.                     L004700400007 
ENDBIB               5          0                                 L004700400008 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700400009 
DATA                 3        184                                 L004700400010 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    L004700400011 
MEV        MB         MB                                          L004700400012 
 8.351       0.07      0.05                                       L004700400013 
 8.503       0.24      0.03                                       L004700400014 
 8.596       0.33      0.06                                       L004700400015 
 8.738       0.55      0.04                                       L004700400016 
 8.842       0.84      0.07                                       L004700400017 
 8.987       1.02      0.05                                       L004700400018 
 9.087       1.15      0.09                                       L004700400019 
 9.228       1.06      0.07                                       L004700400020 
 9.333       1.44      0.10                                       L004700400021 
 9.473       1.71      0.08                                       L004700400022 
 9.579       2.37      0.12                                       L004700400023 
 9.721       2.99      0.10                                       L004700400024 
 9.824       4.17      0.10                                       L004700400025 
 9.991       3.97      0.17                                       L004700400026 
10.071       4.84      0.16                                       L004700400027 
10.212       4.76      0.12                                       L004700400028 
10.316       5.26      0.17                                       L004700400029 
10.473       4.84      0.13                                       L004700400030 
10.587       4.00      0.16                                       L004700400031 
10.718       2.69      0.12                                       L004700400032 
10.832       1.88      0.15                                       L004700400033 
10.965       2.29      0.12                                       L004700400034 
10.998       2.16      0.16                                       L004700400035 
11.078       3.31      0.17                                       L004700400036 
11.127       3.99      0.17                                       L004700400037 
11.213       6.46      0.13                                       L004700400038 
11.249       7.52      0.13                                       L004700400039 
11.323       8.11      0.20                                       L004700400040 
11.373       8.52      0.19                                       L004700400041 
11.453       9.01      0.17                                       L004700400042 
11.496       8.69      0.19                                       L004700400043 
11.570       8.44      0.20                                       L004700400044 
11.618       6.91      0.13                                       L004700400045 
11.698       6.53      0.16                                       L004700400046 
11.815       4.85      0.17                                       L004700400047 
11.864       4.48      0.17                                       L004700400048 
11.945       3.76      0.15                                       L004700400049 
12.060       2.40      0.16                                       L004700400050 
12.110       1.71      0.17                                       L004700400051 
12.198       1.93      0.12                                       L004700400052 
12.307       1.29      0.16                                       L004700400053 
12.355       1.90      0.18                                       L004700400054 
12.441       2.32      0.14                                       L004700400055 
12.552       2.81      0.17                                       L004700400056 
12.595       3.42      0.13                                       L004700400057 
12.719       3.78      0.15                                       L004700400058 
12.847       5.58      0.19                                       L004700400059 
12.970       7.30      0.19                                       L004700400060 
13.089       8.64      0.16                                       L004700400061 
13.216       8.35      0.21                                       L004700400062 
13.339       5.78      0.20                                       L004700400063 
13.457       5.38      0.16                                       L004700400064 
13.582       5.76      0.16                                       L004700400065 
13.704       6.84      0.16                                       L004700400066 
13.830       6.93      0.21                                       L004700400067 
13.953       6.25      0.21                                       L004700400068 
14.073       5.72      0.17                                       L004700400069 
14.199       5.76      0.22                                       L004700400070 
14.322       6.53      0.23                                       L004700400071 
14.444       8.21      0.23                                       L004700400072 
14.567      10.58      0.25                                       L004700400073 
14.688      12.67      0.22                                       L004700400074 
14.813      13.13      0.26                                       L004700400075 
14.936      10.81      0.25                                       L004700400076 
15.059       8.83      0.24                                       L004700400077 
15.180       7.19      0.21                                       L004700400078 
15.305       6.40      0.23                                       L004700400079 
15.428       6.19      0.24                                       L004700400080 
15.547       8.84      0.21                                       L004700400081 
15.673      10.12      0.26                                       L004700400082 
15.796      10.91      0.27                                       L004700400083 
15.917      10.34      0.23                                       L004700400084 
16.042       9.37      0.27                                       L004700400085 
16.164       8.54      0.29                                       L004700400086 
16.287       9.11      0.31                                       L004700400087 
16.410       9.59      0.33                                       L004700400088 
16.533       9.59      0.32                                       L004700400089 
16.656       9.74      0.32                                       L004700400090 
16.779       9.55      0.32                                       L004700400091 
16.901       9.63      0.36                                       L004700400092 
17.025       9.51      0.39                                       L004700400093 
17.149      10.07      0.33                                       L004700400094 
17.271       9.80      0.44                                       L004700400095 
17.393       9.93      0.46                                       L004700400096 
17.517       8.87      0.49                                       L004700400097 
17.640       9.14      0.45                                       L004700400098 
17.763       9.08      0.42                                       L004700400099 
17.886       8.81      0.38                                       L004700400100 
18.008       8.89      0.24                                       L004700400101 
18.133       9.10      0.30                                       L004700400102 
18.255       9.06      0.38                                       L004700400103 
18.378       8.88      0.37                                       L004700400104 
18.501       9.30      0.38                                       L004700400105 
18.623       9.45      0.37                                       L004700400106 
18.747       8.86      0.37                                       L004700400107 
18.870       9.68      0.37                                       L004700400108 
18.992       9.25      0.37                                       L004700400109 
19.118      10.01      0.31                                       L004700400110 
19.238       9.52      0.40                                       L004700400111 
19.359       9.35      0.42                                       L004700400112 
19.486       9.38      0.36                                       L004700400113 
19.607       8.87      0.44                                       L004700400114 
19.730       9.14      0.44                                       L004700400115 
19.851       8.76      0.44                                       L004700400116 
19.975       8.52      0.43                                       L004700400117 
20.103       8.67      0.31                                       L004700400118 
20.220       8.21      0.45                                       L004700400119 
20.346       8.61      0.38                                       L004700400120 
20.466       7.77      0.46                                       L004700400121 
20.592       8.44      0.40                                       L004700400122 
20.712       8.78      0.50                                       L004700400123 
20.838       9.07      0.41                                       L004700400124 
20.958       9.44      0.51                                       L004700400125 
21.084       9.70      0.42                                       L004700400126 
21.204       9.73      0.51                                       L004700400127 
21.330       9.49      0.41                                       L004700400128 
21.449       9.07      0.50                                       L004700400129 
21.581       9.06      0.35                                       L004700400130 
21.698       9.27      0.49                                       L004700400131 
21.828       9.55      0.31                                       L004700400132 
21.944       9.67      0.51                                       L004700400133 
22.075      10.10      0.34                                       L004700400134 
22.189      10.41      0.55                                       L004700400135 
22.319      12.04      0.42                                       L004700400136 
22.435      12.49      0.60                                       L004700400137 
22.568      13.36      0.36                                       L004700400138 
22.684      13.02      0.59                                       L004700400139 
22.815      14.51      0.38                                       L004700400140 
22.927      13.34      0.58                                       L004700400141 
23.061      14.82      0.41                                       L004700400142 
23.173      15.74      0.65                                       L004700400143 
23.303      16.37      0.51                                       L004700400144 
23.426      17.54      0.52                                       L004700400145 
23.543      16.57      0.73                                       L004700400146 
23.673      17.74      0.53                                       L004700400147 
23.789      15.56      0.74                                       L004700400148 
23.920      15.77      0.55                                       L004700400149 
24.035      14.24      0.76                                       L004700400150 
24.165      14.43      0.55                                       L004700400151 
24.280      12.76      0.72                                       L004700400152 
24.412      12.49      0.55                                       L004700400153 
24.527      11.30      0.74                                       L004700400154 
24.657      11.24      0.56                                       L004700400155 
24.768      10.96      0.76                                       L004700400156 
24.942      12.63      0.84                                       L004700400157 
25.030      11.19      0.79                                       L004700400158 
25.278      12.24      0.50                                       L004700400159 
25.510      11.56      0.85                                       L004700400160 
25.765      12.74      0.65                                       L004700400161 
26.002      12.13      0.90                                       L004700400162 
26.259      11.84      0.66                                       L004700400163 
26.496      11.69      0.93                                       L004700400164 
26.754      11.64      0.70                                       L004700400165 
26.987      12.19      0.94                                       L004700400166 
27.246      11.48      0.68                                       L004700400167 
27.477      11.19      0.87                                       L004700400168 
27.738      10.94      0.67                                       L004700400169 
27.970      10.07      0.89                                       L004700400170 
28.232      10.99      0.68                                       L004700400171 
28.462      10.95      0.91                                       L004700400172 
28.724      11.06      0.66                                       L004700400173 
28.952      10.57      0.85                                       L004700400174 
29.213      10.79      0.71                                       L004700400175 
29.444      10.75      0.93                                       L004700400176 
29.707      10.21      0.71                                       L004700400177 
29.938      11.20      0.90                                       L004700400178 
30.202      10.01      0.66                                       L004700400179 
30.432      11.04      0.85                                       L004700400180 
30.693      10.64      0.68                                       L004700400181 
30.945       9.84      0.67                                       L004700400182 
31.713       8.58      0.96                                       L004700400183 
32.453       8.66      1.11                                       L004700400184 
33.195       7.15      1.09                                       L004700400185 
33.935       6.49      1.15                                       L004700400186 
34.675       8.26      1.23                                       L004700400187 
35.416       6.59      1.17                                       L004700400188 
36.156       6.89      1.39                                       L004700400189 
36.897       6.22      1.17                                       L004700400190 
37.638       6.42      1.20                                       L004700400191 
38.378       5.27      1.22                                       L004700400192 
39.118       4.78      1.39                                       L004700400193 
40.353       5.25      1.43                                       L004700400194 
41.093       5.00      1.48                                       L004700400195 
41.834       5.09      1.51                                       L004700400196 
ENDDATA            186          0                                 L004700400197 
ENDSUBENT          196          0                                 L004700499999 
SUBENT        L0047005   19970129                             0000L004700500001 
BIB                  4          4                                 L004700500002 
REACTION   (8-O-18(G,P)7-N-17,,SIG)                               L004700500003 
METHOD     (ACTIV)                                                L004700500004 
PART-DET   (B-) B- activity of 17N                                L004700500005 
STATUS     Converted from Berman compilation.                     L004700500006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 L004700500007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700500008 
DATA                 3        113                                 L004700500009 
EN         DATA       DATA-ERR                                    L004700500010 
MEV        MB         MB                                          L004700500011 
15.547       0.00      0.01                                       L004700500012 
15.917       0.02      0.01                                       L004700500013 
16.164       0.03      0.01                                       L004700500014 
16.287      -0.03      0.01                                       L004700500015 
16.410       0.00      0.01                                       L004700500016 
16.533       0.03      0.01                                       L004700500017 
16.656       0.05      0.01                                       L004700500018 
16.779       0.08      0.01                                       L004700500019 
16.901       0.14      0.01                                       L004700500020 
17.025       0.26      0.02                                       L004700500021 
17.149       0.50      0.02                                       L004700500022 
17.271       0.83      0.03                                       L004700500023 
17.393       1.11      0.03                                       L004700500024 
17.517       1.22      0.03                                       L004700500025 
17.640       1.10      0.03                                       L004700500026 
17.763       0.70      0.03                                       L004700500027 
17.886       0.46      0.42                                       L004700500028 
18.008       0.21      0.02                                       L004700500029 
18.133       0.20      0.02                                       L004700500030 
18.255       0.25      0.02                                       L004700500031 
18.378       0.28      0.02                                       L004700500032 
18.501       0.38      0.03                                       L004700500033 
18.623       0.56      0.03                                       L004700500034 
18.747       0.72      0.03                                       L004700500035 
18.870       0.98      0.04                                       L004700500036 
18.992       1.22      0.04                                       L004700500037 
19.118       1.52      0.03                                       L004700500038 
19.238       1.81      0.05                                       L004700500039 
19.359       1.80      0.06                                       L004700500040 
19.486       1.77      0.04                                       L004700500041 
19.607       1.62      0.05                                       L004700500042 
19.730       1.22      0.04                                       L004700500043 
19.851       1.01      0.05                                       L004700500044 
19.975       0.91      0.05                                       L004700500045 
20.103       0.96      0.03                                       L004700500046 
20.220       0.96      0.05                                       L004700500047 
20.346       0.82      0.04                                       L004700500048 
20.466       0.97      0.05                                       L004700500049 
20.592       1.05      0.05                                       L004700500050 
20.712       0.97      0.05                                       L004700500051 
20.838       1.20      0.05                                       L004700500052 
20.958       1.20      0.05                                       L004700500053 
21.084       1.23      0.05                                       L004700500054 
21.204       1.16      0.05                                       L004700500055 
21.330       1.05      0.05                                       L004700500056 
21.449       1.06      0.05                                       L004700500057 
21.581       1.08      0.04                                       L004700500058 
21.698       0.95      0.05                                       L004700500059 
21.828       1.08      0.04                                       L004700500060 
21.944       1.10      0.05                                       L004700500061 
22.075       1.35      0.05                                       L004700500062 
22.189       1.56      0.06                                       L004700500063 
22.319       1.94      0.05                                       L004700500064 
22.435       2.09      0.07                                       L004700500065 
22.568       2.38      0.06                                       L004700500066 
22.684       2.80      0.07                                       L004700500067 
22.815       3.10      0.06                                       L004700500068 
22.927       3.22      0.09                                       L004700500069 
23.061       3.68      0.07                                       L004700500070 
23.173       4.17      0.10                                       L004700500071 
23.303       4.80      0.09                                       L004700500072 
23.426       5.41      0.10                                       L004700500073 
23.543       5.85      0.12                                       L004700500074 
23.673       6.14      0.11                                       L004700500075 
23.789       5.78      0.12                                       L004700500076 
23.920       5.86      0.10                                       L004700500077 
24.035       5.47      0.12                                       L004700500078 
24.165       4.91      0.11                                       L004700500079 
24.280       4.20      0.12                                       L004700500080 
24.412       3.95      0.10                                       L004700500081 
24.527       3.45      0.11                                       L004700500082 
24.657       3.31      0.09                                       L004700500083 
24.768       2.88      0.10                                       L004700500084 
24.942       2.85      0.09                                       L004700500085 
25.030       3.13      0.15                                       L004700500086 
25.278       2.99      0.09                                       L004700500087 
25.510       2.74      0.11                                       L004700500088 
25.765       2.89      0.10                                       L004700500089 
26.002       2.82      0.12                                       L004700500090 
26.259       2.90      0.10                                       L004700500091 
26.496       2.99      0.11                                       L004700500092 
26.754       3.39      0.11                                       L004700500093 
26.987       3.02      0.13                                       L004700500094 
27.246       3.21      0.11                                       L004700500095 
27.477       2.93      0.13                                       L004700500096 
27.738       3.11      0.11                                       L004700500097 
27.970       2.99      0.15                                       L004700500098 
28.232       3.25      0.12                                       L004700500099 
28.462       3.06      0.16                                       L004700500100 
28.724       3.01      0.13                                       L004700500101 
28.952       2.77      0.17                                       L004700500102 
29.213       2.60      0.15                                       L004700500103 
29.444       2.40      0.16                                       L004700500104 
29.707       2.45      0.15                                       L004700500105 
29.938       2.10      0.17                                       L004700500106 
30.202       2.08      0.15                                       L004700500107 
30.432       1.97      0.17                                       L004700500108 
30.693       1.82      0.16                                       L004700500109 
30.945       1.98      0.13                                       L004700500110 
31.713       1.93      0.31                                       L004700500111 
32.453       1.69      0.32                                       L004700500112 
33.195       1.35      0.34                                       L004700500113 
33.935       1.61      0.35                                       L004700500114 
34.675       1.20      0.36                                       L004700500115 
35.416       1.35      0.25                                       L004700500116 
36.156       1.14      0.46                                       L004700500117 
36.897       1.00      0.39                                       L004700500118 
37.638       0.69      0.22                                       L004700500119 
38.378       0.91      0.41                                       L004700500120 
39.118       0.13      0.45                                       L004700500121 
40.353       0.54      0.49                                       L004700500122 
41.093       0.82      0.52                                       L004700500123 
41.834       0.65      0.28                                       L004700500124 
ENDDATA            115          0                                 L004700500125 
ENDSUBENT          124          0                                 L004700599999 
SUBENT        L0047006   19970129                             0000L004700600001 
BIB                  2          4                                 L004700600002 
REACTION   ((8-O-18(G,N)8-O-17,,INT)+                             L004700600003 
           (8-O-18(G,N+P)7-N-16,,INT))                            L004700600004 
           Threshold of the reaction (gamma,n+p) is 21.8 MeV.     L004700600005 
STATUS     Data taken from table in article.                      L004700600006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 L004700600007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700600008 
DATA                 3          1                                 L004700600009 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA                                        L004700600010 
MEV        MEV        MB*MEV                                      L004700600011 
  8.045      41.8       121.5                                     L004700600012 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 L004700600013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 L004700699999 
SUBENT        L0047007   19970129                             0000L004700700001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L004700700002 
REACTION   (8-O-18(G,2N)8-O-16,,INT)                              L004700700003 
STATUS     (DEP,L0047003) Data taken from TABLE 4.                L004700700004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L004700700005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700700006 
DATA                 3          1                                 L004700700007 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA                                        L004700700008 
MEV        MEV        MB*MEV                                      L004700700009 
 12.189      41.8        76.7                                     L004700700010 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 L004700700011 
ENDSUBENT           10          0                                 L004700799999 
SUBENT        L0047008   19970129                             0000L004700800001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L004700800002 
REACTION   (8-O-18(G,P)7-N-17,,INT)                               L004700800003 
STATUS     (DEP,L0047005) Data taken from TABLE 4.                L004700800004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L004700800005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700800006 
DATA                 3          1                                 L004700800007 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA                                        L004700800008 
MEV        MEV        MB*MEV                                      L004700800009 
 15.942      41.8        44.4                                     L004700800010 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 L004700800011 
ENDSUBENT           10          0                                 L004700899999 
SUBENT        L0047009   19970129                             0000L004700900001 
BIB                  2          4                                 L004700900002 
REACTION   ((8-O-18(G,N)8-O-17,,INT)+                             L004700900003 
           (8-O-18(G,N+P)7-N-16,,INT)+                            L004700900004 
           (8-O-18(G,2N)8-O-16,,INT))                             L004700900005 
STATUS     (DEP,L0047004) Data taken from TABLE 4.                L004700900006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 L004700900007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004700900008 
DATA                 3          1                                 L004700900009 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA                                        L004700900010 
MEV        MEV        MB*MEV                                      L004700900011 
  8.045      41.8       198.3                                     L004700900012 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 L004700900013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 L004700999999 
SUBENT        L0047010   19970129                             0000L004701000001 
BIB                  2          4                                 L004701000002 
REACTION   (8-O-18(G,ABS),,INT)                                   L004701000003 
STATUS     (DEP,L0047006) Data taken from TABLE 4.                L004701000004 
           (DEP,L0047007)                                         L004701000005 
           (DEP,L0047008)                                         L004701000006 
ENDBIB               4          0                                 L004701000007 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L004701000008 
DATA                 3          1                                 L004701000009 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     DATA                                        L004701000010 
MEV        MEV        MB*MEV                                      L004701000011 
  8.045      41.8       242.6                                     L004701000012 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 L004701000013 
ENDSUBENT           12          0                                 L004701099999 
ENDENTRY            10          0                                 L004799999999