ENTRY L0058 20150313 L026L005800000001 SUBENT L0058001 20150127 L026L005800100001 BIB 13 106 L005800100002 TITLE Photofission and photoneutron cross sections and L005800100003 photofission neutron multiplicities for 233U, 234U, L005800100004 237Np, and 239Pu. L005800100005 AUTHOR (B.L.Berman,J.T.Caldwell,E.J.Dowdy,S.S.Dietrich, L005800100006 P.Meyer,R.A.Alvarez) L005800100007 REFERENCE (J,PR/C,34,2201,198612) L005800100008 #doi:10.1103/PhysRevC.34.2201 L005800100009 INSTITUTE (1USALRL,1USAGWU,1USALAS) L005800100010 FACILITY (LINAC,1USALRL) L005800100011 INC-SOURCE (QMPH,ARAD) Positron annihilation in flight. L005800100012 Energy resolution (FWHM) ranged from about 250 keV at L005800100013 energies below 10 MeV to about 325 keV at the L005800100014 highest energy (E(gamma) about 18 MeV). L005800100015 DETECTOR (BF3) Neutron 4pi detector, consisting of a 61-cm L005800100016 cube of paraffin containing 48 BF3 tubes arranged in L005800100017 four concentric rings of 12 tubes each. L005800100018 METHOD (EXTB,RINGR) Direct photoneutron detection. L005800100019 Ring-ratio neutron multiplicity measurement. L005800100020 A noteworthy feature of this experiment is the use of L005800100021 a remotely controlled pneumatic 8-position revolving L005800100022 sample changer, which allowed all of the samples, as L005800100023 well as a blank sample and a neutron calibration L005800100024 source, to be inserted into the center of 4pi L005800100025 neutron detector sequentially without changing the L005800100026 beam tuning or any other experimental conditions. L005800100027 This feature enabled relative cross section L005800100028 measurements to be made with a precision of about L005800100029 2%. This is much better than the overall absolute L005800100030 accuracy of about 5% typical of recent measurements L005800100031 near the peak of the giant resonance of medium and L005800100032 heavy nuclei. L005800100033 ANALYSIS Photoneutrons from each sample and from a L005800100034 sample-blank were measured, both with and without L005800100035 the annihilation target present. After the recorded L005800100036 neutron events were corrected for pileup in the L005800100037 detector, the neutron backgrounds (annihilation L005800100038 target removed) were substracted for both the L005800100039 positron and electron measurements. L005800100040 Because the energy spectrum of the annihilation-plus- L005800100041 Bremsstrahlung radiation differs from that of purely L005800100042 Bremsstrahlung photons, a measured correction was L005800100043 applied to the ion-chamber (beam monitor) response L005800100044 to normalize the electron data to the positron data. L005800100045 The normalized electron data then were substracted L005800100046 from the positron data, leaving the neutron counts L005800100047 which result only from the annihilation radiation. L005800100048 The measured sample-blank data, normalized to equal L005800100049 photon flux, were substracted from the target data L005800100050 to give the net target results. L005800100051 After a small correction for the neutron multiplicity L005800100052 in each ring, the data were corrected for the L005800100053 energy dependent efficiency of the neutron detector L005800100054 using the ring-ratio result for each energy. L005800100055 The data were converted to photoneutron cross L005800100056 sections by applying the measured ion-chamber L005800100057 response per photon, the known number of target L005800100058 nuclei in the beam and a small correction for the L005800100059 photon attenuation in the sample. L005800100060 A multiplicity analysis of the number of neutrons L005800100061 recordered in each beam burst allows the (gamma,n) L005800100062 an (gamma,2n) yields to be extracted simultaneously L005800100063 and independently. L005800100064 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-1) subtraction of the positron-bremsstrahlung L005800100065 yield (2%), L005800100066 (ERR-2) neutron-detector efficiency calibration (3%), L005800100067 (ERR-3) photon-flux calibration (5%), L005800100068 impurities in the samples (SAMPLE) have been L005800100069 accounted for whenever their effect on the results L005800100070 exceeded 1%, L005800100071 uncertainties resulting from multiplication L005800100072 effects in the samples are estimated to be less than L005800100073 2%, L005800100074 uncertainties resulting from subtraction of the L005800100075 copper and nickel backgrounds from (g, 1n) cross L005800100076 sections are estimated to be less than 5% for 233U L005800100077 and 237Np and less than 10% for 239Pu (at the L005800100078 highest energies, for the single-photoneutron cross L005800100079 section only), L005800100080 the final (g,F) and (g,tot) cross-section values are L005800100081 subject to overall systematic uncertainties that do L005800100082 not exceed 7 %. L005800100083 CORRECTION Corrected for; L005800100084 - pileup of counts in the detector, L005800100085 - ion-chamber response to electron and positron L005800100086 produced radiation, L005800100087 - neutron multiplicities in each ring, L005800100088 - photon attenuation in the sample. L005800100089 COMMENT An interesting result is the complete absence of any L005800100090 (gamma,2n) cross section for 238U and 234U. L005800100091 The values of nu prompt(E) for 234U agree with those L005800100092 measured with neutrons incident on 233U. L005800100093 The parameters of the giant dipole resonance deduced L005800100094 from the total photonuclear cross sections show that L005800100095 these nuclei have large static deformations, as L005800100096 expected. The integrated photofission cross sections L005800100097 are large (as are the absolute fission L005800100098 probabilities), and account for 60 to 80% of the L005800100099 total photonuclear absorption strength. L005800100100 HISTORY (19891207C) L005800100101 (19950407A) BIB Updated. L005800100102 (20070914A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SUBENTs 026 - L005800100103 028 added, errors DATA-ERR1 changed to ERR-S, dates. L005800100104 (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, SAMPLE, L005800100105 COMMON, ERR-ANALYS, REACTION and comment in SUBENT L005800100106 015 corrected, DATA in SUBENT 028 substituted, L005800100107 SUBENTs 033 - 037 added. L005800100108 ENDBIB 106 0 L005800100109 COMMON 3 3 L005800100110 ERR-1 ERR-2 ERR-3 L005800100111 PER-CENT PER-CENT PER-CENT L005800100112 2. 3. 5. L005800100113 ENDCOMMON 3 0 L005800100114 ENDSUBENT 113 0 L005800199999 SUBENT L0058002 20150127 L026L005800200001 BIB 5 9 L005800200002 REACTION (92-U-233(G,F),,SIG) L005800200003 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.974) L005800200004 2 samples, 40.31 and 101.06 gram metal disks in L005800200005 brass can, 1.91 cm diam., 97.46% 233U. L005800200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005800200007 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800200008 Data presented in Fig 4 (c). L005800200009 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, L005800200010 ERR-ANALYS. L005800200011 ENDBIB 9 0 L005800200012 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800200013 DATA 3 27 L005800200014 EN DATA ERR-S L005800200015 MEV MB MB L005800200016 5.02 1.0 1.2 L005800200017 5.51 2.0 1.0 L005800200018 6.00 11.0 1.5 L005800200019 6.49 19.0 1.4 L005800200020 6.98 29.0 1.5 L005800200021 7.47 29.0 1.5 L005800200022 7.96 36.0 1.5 L005800200023 8.45 46.0 1.5 L005800200024 8.94 62.0 2.1 L005800200025 9.43 97.0 1.4 L005800200026 9.92 142.0 2.5 L005800200027 10.41 201.0 2.7 L005800200028 10.90 252.0 1.1 L005800200029 11.40 289.0 4.1 L005800200030 11.89 296.0 3.8 L005800200031 12.38 335.0 2.9 L005800200032 12.87 372.0 4.4 L005800200033 13.36 407.0 5.4 L005800200034 13.85 419.0 3.7 L005800200035 14.34 405.0 6.0 L005800200036 14.83 350.0 6.3 L005800200037 15.32 297.0 3.9 L005800200038 15.81 266.0 5.4 L005800200039 16.30 217.0 5.0 L005800200040 16.79 179.0 2.0 L005800200041 17.28 157.0 3.9 L005800200042 17.77 142.0 4.0 L005800200043 ENDDATA 29 0 L005800200044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 L005800299999 SUBENT L0058003 20150127 L026L005800300001 BIB 5 13 L005800300002 REACTION ((92-U-233(G,N)92-U-232,,SIG)+ L005800300003 (92-U-233(G,N+P)91-PA-231,,SIG)) L005800300004 Threshold of the reaction (gamma,n+p) is about 13.0 L005800300005 MeV. L005800300006 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005800300007 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.974) L005800300008 2 samples, 40.31 and 101.06 gram metal disks in L005800300009 brass can, 1.91 cm diam., 97.46% 233U. L005800300010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005800300011 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800300012 Data presented in Fig 4 (b). L005800300013 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, L005800300014 ERR-ANALYS. L005800300015 ENDBIB 13 0 L005800300016 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800300017 DATA 3 27 L005800300018 EN DATA ERR-S L005800300019 MEV MB MB L005800300020 5.02 1.7 7.7 L005800300021 5.51 6.6 6.9 L005800300022 6.00 2.0 5.6 L005800300023 6.49 -1.5 4.4 L005800300024 6.98 0.0 3.5 L005800300025 7.47 5.6 3.5 L005800300026 7.96 13.0 2.5 L005800300027 8.45 15.0 3.3 L005800300028 8.94 25.0 4.2 L005800300029 9.43 34.0 2.4 L005800300030 9.92 59.0 6.1 L005800300031 10.41 99.0 5.7 L005800300032 10.90 131.0 2.7 L005800300033 11.40 134.0 6.9 L005800300034 11.89 110.0 6.5 L005800300035 12.38 77.0 5.3 L005800300036 12.87 59.0 7.9 L005800300037 13.36 64.0 10.0 L005800300038 13.85 45.0 7.0 L005800300039 14.34 45.0 12.0 L005800300040 14.83 24.0 13.0 L005800300041 15.32 56.0 7.9 L005800300042 15.81 31.0 11.0 L005800300043 16.30 47.0 10.0 L005800300044 16.79 63.0 4.9 L005800300045 17.28 23.0 9.2 L005800300046 17.77 42.0 9.4 L005800300047 ENDDATA 29 0 L005800300048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 L005800399999 SUBENT L0058004 20150127 L026L005800400001 BIB 5 11 L005800400002 REACTION (92-U-233(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG) L005800400003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+2(G,2N)+nu(G,F). L005800400004 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.974) L005800400005 2 samples, 40.31 and 101.06 gram metal disks in L005800400006 brass can, 1.91 cm diam., 97.46% 233U. L005800400007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005800400008 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005800400009 the partial cross sections. L005800400010 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800400011 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION comment L005800400012 substituted, SAMPLE, DATA-ERR, ERR-ANALYS. L005800400013 ENDBIB 11 0 L005800400014 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800400015 DATA 3 27 L005800400016 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005800400017 MEV MB MB L005800400018 5.02 4.8 8.1 L005800400019 5.51 11.0 1.0 L005800400020 6.00 26.0 6.5 L005800400021 6.49 42.0 5.4 L005800400022 6.98 69.0 4.9 L005800400023 7.47 77.0 5.1 L005800400024 7.96 105.0 4.5 L005800400025 8.45 136.0 5.0 L005800400026 8.94 193.0 7.0 L005800400027 9.43 302.0 4.6 L005800400028 9.92 467.0 9.4 L005800400029 10.41 693.0 9.9 L005800400030 10.90 898.0 4.7 L005800400031 11.40 1037.0 14.0 L005800400032 11.89 1059.0 14.0 L005800400033 12.38 1179.0 11.0 L005800400034 12.87 1314.0 17.0 L005800400035 13.36 1471.0 21.0 L005800400036 13.85 1528.0 15.0 L005800400037 14.34 1512.0 25.0 L005800400038 14.83 1321.0 27.0 L005800400039 15.32 1181.0 17.0 L005800400040 15.81 1061.0 23.0 L005800400041 16.30 905.0 22.0 L005800400042 16.79 788.0 9.4 L005800400043 17.28 670.0 19.0 L005800400044 17.77 639.0 19.0 L005800400045 ENDDATA 29 0 L005800400046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 L005800499999 SUBENT L0058005 20150127 L026L005800500001 BIB 5 11 L005800500002 REACTION (92-U-234(G,F),,SIG) L005800500003 SAMPLE (92-U-234,ENR=0.9984) L005800500004 (92-U-234,ENR=0.9978) L005800500005 2 samples, oxide powder in lucite cylinder, 2.54 cm L005800500006 diam.: 3.325 grams (99.84% 234U) and 12.525 grams L005800500007 (99.78% 234U). L005800500008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005800500009 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800500010 Data presented in Fig 5 (c). L005800500011 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, L005800500012 ERR-ANALYS. L005800500013 ENDBIB 11 0 L005800500014 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800500015 DATA 3 27 L005800500016 EN DATA ERR-S L005800500017 MEV MB MB L005800500018 6.98 25.2 4.5 L005800500019 7.47 34.4 4.6 L005800500020 7.96 37.9 3.4 L005800500021 8.45 50.5 5.7 L005800500022 8.94 58.5 5.7 L005800500023 9.43 99.8 4.6 L005800500024 9.92 155.0 8.4 L005800500025 10.41 189.0 5.7 L005800500026 10.90 236.0 3.4 L005800500027 11.39 250.0 9.2 L005800500028 11.88 234.0 9.2 L005800500029 12.37 239.0 5.7 L005800500030 12.74 255.0 3.0 L005800500031 12.86 270.0 10.0 L005800500032 12.98 297.0 3.3 L005800500033 13.22 319.0 3.7 L005800500034 13.35 325.0 10.0 L005800500035 13.47 327.0 4.3 L005800500036 13.84 379.0 6.9 L005800500037 14.33 384.0 10.0 L005800500038 14.82 361.0 10.0 L005800500039 15.31 310.0 6.9 L005800500040 15.80 260.0 9.2 L005800500041 16.29 216.0 9.2 L005800500042 16.78 165.0 5.7 L005800500043 17.76 122.0 8.0 L005800500044 18.25 122.0 8.0 L005800500045 ENDDATA 29 0 L005800500046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 L005800599999 SUBENT L0058006 20150127 L026L005800600001 BIB 5 13 L005800600002 REACTION ((92-U-234(G,N)92-U-233,,SIG)+ L005800600003 (92-U-234(G,N+P)91-PA-232,,SIG)) L005800600004 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005800600005 SAMPLE (92-U-234,ENR=0.9984) L005800600006 (92-U-234,ENR=0.9978) L005800600007 2 samples, oxide powder in lucite cylinder, 2.54 cm L005800600008 diam.: 3.325 grams (99.84% 234U) and 12.525 grams L005800600009 (99.78% 234U). L005800600010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005800600011 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800600012 Data presented in Fig 5 (b). L005800600013 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, L005800600014 ERR-ANALYS. L005800600015 ENDBIB 13 0 L005800600016 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800600017 DATA 3 27 L005800600018 EN DATA ERR-S L005800600019 MEV MB MB L005800600020 6.98 57.4 70.0 L005800600021 7.47 35.6 60.0 L005800600022 7.96 122.0 57.0 L005800600023 8.45 64.2 56.0 L005800600024 8.94 89.5 53.0 L005800600025 9.43 31.0 52.0 L005800600026 9.92 44.7 47.0 L005800600027 10.41 167.0 23.0 L005800600028 10.90 240.0 15.0 L005800600029 11.39 224.0 38.0 L005800600030 11.88 249.0 36.0 L005800600031 12.37 210.0 31.0 L005800600032 12.74 179.0 12.0 L005800600033 12.86 103.0 38.0 L005800600034 12.98 163.0 12.0 L005800600035 13.22 146.0 13.0 L005800600036 13.35 87.0 36.0 L005800600037 13.47 129.0 17.0 L005800600038 13.84 68.0 32.0 L005800600039 14.33 83.0 34.0 L005800600040 14.82 61.0 34.0 L005800600041 15.31 24.0 25.0 L005800600042 15.80 -18.9 31.0 L005800600043 16.29 -11.6 29.0 L005800600044 16.78 32.0 24.0 L005800600045 17.76 56.0 42.0 L005800600046 18.25 40.0 26.0 L005800600047 ENDDATA 29 0 L005800600048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 L005800699999 SUBENT L0058007 20150127 L026L005800700001 BIB 5 13 L005800700002 REACTION (92-U-234(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG) L005800700003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+2(G,2N)+nu(G,F). L005800700004 SAMPLE (92-U-234,ENR=0.9984) L005800700005 (92-U-234,ENR=0.9978) L005800700006 2 samples, oxide powder in lucite cylinder, 2.54 cm L005800700007 diam.: 3.325 grams (99.84% 234U) and 12.525 grams L005800700008 (99.78% 234U). L005800700009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005800700010 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005800700011 the partial cross sections. L005800700012 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800700013 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION comment L005800700014 substituted, SAMPLE, DATA-ERR, ERR-ANALYS. L005800700015 ENDBIB 13 0 L005800700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800700017 DATA 3 27 L005800700018 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005800700019 MEV MB MB L005800700020 6.98 121.0 71.0 L005800700021 7.47 124.0 61.0 L005800700022 7.96 222.0 58.0 L005800700023 8.45 201.0 58.0 L005800700024 8.94 251.0 55.0 L005800700025 9.43 314.0 54.0 L005800700026 9.92 494.0 52.0 L005800700027 10.41 727.0 29.0 L005800700028 10.90 955.0 18.0 L005800700029 11.39 998.0 47.0 L005800700030 11.88 988.0 46.0 L005800700031 12.37 981.0 36.0 L005800700032 12.74 1014.0 16.0 L005800700033 12.86 991.0 50.0 L005800700034 12.98 1145.0 16.0 L005800700035 13.22 1211.0 18.0 L005800700036 13.35 1177.0 49.0 L005800700037 13.47 1231.0 22.0 L005800700038 13.84 1364.0 40.0 L005800700039 14.33 1421.0 49.0 L005800700040 14.82 1342.0 49.0 L005800700041 15.31 1144.0 35.0 L005800700042 15.80 938.0 46.0 L005800700043 16.29 797.0 45.0 L005800700044 16.78 660.0 32.0 L005800700045 17.76 537.0 53.0 L005800700046 18.25 528.0 41.0 L005800700047 ENDDATA 29 0 L005800700048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 L005800799999 SUBENT L0058008 20150127 L026L005800800001 BIB 5 11 L005800800002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(G,N)93-NP-236,,SIG)+ L005800800003 (93-NP-237(G,N+P)92-U-235,,SIG)) L005800800004 Threshold of the reaction (gamma,n+p) is 11.4 MeV. L005800800005 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005800800006 SAMPLE Metal sample in brass cylinder, 2.86 cm diam., 45.62 L005800800007 grams, 100% 237Np. L005800800008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005800800009 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800800010 Data presented in Fig 6 (b). L005800800011 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, L005800800012 ERR-ANALYS. L005800800013 ENDBIB 11 0 L005800800014 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800800015 DATA 3 27 L005800800016 EN DATA ERR-S L005800800017 MEV MB MB L005800800018 5.51 1.6 16.0 L005800800019 6.00 1.6 13.0 L005800800020 6.49 -1.0 8.9 L005800800021 6.98 0.5 6.3 L005800800022 7.47 12.0 4.2 L005800800023 7.96 23.0 5.8 L005800800024 8.45 32.0 7.4 L005800800025 8.94 33.0 7.9 L005800800026 9.43 56.0 5.3 L005800800027 9.92 87.0 9.6 L005800800028 10.41 138.0 10.0 L005800800029 10.90 185.0 5.3 L005800800030 11.40 198.0 9.1 L005800800031 11.89 196.0 12.0 L005800800032 12.38 212.0 9.1 L005800800033 12.87 180.0 13.0 L005800800034 13.36 208.0 18.0 L005800800035 13.85 160.0 14.0 L005800800036 14.34 102.0 22.0 L005800800037 14.83 108.0 25.0 L005800800038 15.32 117.0 15.0 L005800800039 15.81 62.0 20.0 L005800800040 16.30 66.0 19.0 L005800800041 16.79 62.0 13.0 L005800800042 17.28 40.0 17.0 L005800800043 17.77 87.0 17.0 L005800800044 18.26 46.0 39.0 L005800800045 ENDDATA 29 0 L005800800046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 L005800899999 SUBENT L0058009 20150127 L026L005800900001 BIB 5 11 L005800900002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(G,2N)93-NP-235,,SIG)+ L005800900003 (93-NP-237(G,2N+P)92-U-234,,SIG)) L005800900004 Threshold of the reaction (gamma,2n+p) is 16.7 MeV. L005800900005 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005800900006 SAMPLE Metal sample in brass cylinder, 2.86 cm diam., 45.62 L005800900007 grams, 100% 237Np. L005800900008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005800900009 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005800900010 Data presented in Fig 6 (c). L005800900011 HISTORY (19950407A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION, L005800900012 STATUS? ERR-ANALYS. L005800900013 ENDBIB 11 0 L005800900014 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005800900015 DATA 3 14 L005800900016 EN DATA ERR-S L005800900017 MEV MB MB L005800900018 11.89 1.1 12.0 L005800900019 12.38 -6.5 9.1 L005800900020 12.87 19.0 13.0 L005800900021 13.36 46.0 18.0 L005800900022 13.85 71.0 13.0 L005800900023 14.34 130.0 21.0 L005800900024 14.83 100.0 23.0 L005800900025 15.32 77.0 14.0 L005800900026 15.81 100.0 19.0 L005800900027 16.30 59.0 18.0 L005800900028 16.79 21.0 12.0 L005800900029 17.28 59.0 17.0 L005800900030 17.77 4.4 17.0 L005800900031 18.26 61.0 37.0 L005800900032 ENDDATA 16 0 L005800900033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 L005800999999 SUBENT L0058010 20150127 L026L005801000001 BIB 5 8 L005801000002 REACTION (93-NP-237(G,F),,SIG) L005801000003 SAMPLE Metal sample in brass cylinder, 2.86 cm diam., 45.62 L005801000004 grams, 100% 237Np. L005801000005 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005801000006 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005801000007 Data presented in Fig 6 (d). L005801000008 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, L005801000009 ERR-ANALYS. L005801000010 ENDBIB 8 0 L005801000011 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801000012 DATA 3 27 L005801000013 EN DATA ERR-S L005801000014 MEV MB MB L005801000015 5.51 5.7 12.0 L005801000016 6.00 17.0 9.9 L005801000017 6.49 30.0 6.8 L005801000018 6.98 38.0 4.7 L005801000019 7.47 40.0 4.7 L005801000020 7.96 39.0 3.7 L005801000021 8.45 46.0 4.7 L005801000022 8.94 76.0 5.3 L005801000023 9.43 104.0 3.2 L005801000024 9.92 166.0 5.8 L005801000025 10.41 238.0 5.9 L005801000026 10.90 278.0 3.2 L005801000027 11.40 280.0 5.4 L005801000028 11.89 263.0 7.0 L005801000029 12.38 258.0 4.8 L005801000030 12.87 283.0 7.0 L005801000031 13.36 325.0 8.1 L005801000032 13.85 350.0 6.0 L005801000033 14.34 338.0 9.2 L005801000034 14.83 310.0 9.2 L005801000035 15.32 261.0 5.5 L005801000036 15.81 215.0 7.1 L005801000037 16.30 187.0 7.1 L005801000038 16.79 168.0 4.4 L005801000039 17.28 140.0 6.1 L005801000040 17.77 136.0 6.1 L005801000041 18.26 117.0 13.0 L005801000042 ENDDATA 29 0 L005801000043 ENDSUBENT 42 0 L005801099999 SUBENT L0058011 20150127 L026L005801100001 BIB 5 10 L005801100002 REACTION (93-NP-237(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG) L005801100003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+2(G,2N)+2(G,2N+P)+nu(G,F). L005801100004 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005801100005 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005801100006 the partial cross sections. L005801100007 SAMPLE Metal sample in brass cylinder, 2.86 cm diam., 45.62 L005801100008 grams, 100% 237Np. L005801100009 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005801100010 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REACTION comment L005801100011 substituted, DATA-ERR, ERR-ANALYS. L005801100012 ENDBIB 10 0 L005801100013 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801100014 DATA 3 27 L005801100015 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005801100016 MEV MB MB L005801100017 5.51 14.0 31.0 L005801100018 6.00 41.0 27.0 L005801100019 6.49 72.0 19.0 L005801100020 6.98 98.0 14.0 L005801100021 7.47 119.0 13.0 L005801100022 7.96 131.0 12.0 L005801100023 8.45 165.0 15.0 L005801100024 8.94 261.0 18.0 L005801100025 9.43 380.0 11.0 L005801100026 9.92 623.0 21.0 L005801100027 10.41 932.0 22.0 L005801100028 10.90 1144.0 12.0 L005801100029 11.40 1195.0 21.0 L005801100030 11.89 1163.0 37.0 L005801100031 12.38 1175.0 27.0 L005801100032 12.87 1320.0 40.0 L005801100033 13.36 1601.0 52.0 L005801100034 13.85 1742.0 38.0 L005801100035 14.34 1790.0 61.0 L005801100036 14.83 1652.0 66.0 L005801100037 15.32 1432.0 40.0 L005801100038 15.81 1242.0 54.0 L005801100039 16.30 1057.0 53.0 L005801100040 16.79 907.0 34.0 L005801100041 17.28 843.0 48.0 L005801100042 17.77 776.0 49.0 L005801100043 18.26 766.0 107.0 L005801100044 ENDDATA 29 0 L005801100045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 L005801199999 SUBENT L0058012 20150127 L026L005801200001 BIB 5 16 L005801200002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(G,N)94-PU-238,,SIG)+ L005801200003 (94-PU-239(G,N+P)93-NP-237,,SIG)) L005801200004 Threshold of the reaction (gamma,n+p) is 11.6 MeV. L005801200005 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005801200006 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9767) L005801200007 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9992) L005801200008 2 samples: L005801200009 - metal disk in nickel can, 2.29 cm diam., 4.98 L005801200010 grams, 97.67% 239Pu, L005801200011 - metal cube in steel can, 1.25 cm edge, 29.91 L005801200012 grams, 99.92% 239Pu. L005801200013 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005801200014 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005801200015 Data presented in Fig 7 (b). L005801200016 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, STATUS, L005801200017 ERR-ANALYS. L005801200018 ENDBIB 16 0 L005801200019 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801200020 DATA 3 33 L005801200021 EN DATA ERR-S L005801200022 MEV MB MB L005801200023 6.00 5.2 2.8 L005801200024 6.20 0.9 1.4 L005801200025 6.34 4.6 1.4 L005801200026 6.50 1.4 1.4 L005801200027 6.74 7.6 2.9 L005801200028 6.98 3.3 1.9 L005801200029 7.23 9.0 2.4 L005801200030 7.47 9.0 2.4 L005801200031 7.72 5.3 1.9 L005801200032 7.96 12.0 2.4 L005801200033 8.21 18.0 2.4 L005801200034 8.45 18.0 1.9 L005801200035 8.70 17.0 4.9 L005801200036 8.94 31.0 4.8 L005801200037 9.19 30.0 4.4 L005801200038 9.43 44.0 4.3 L005801200039 9.68 45.0 7.9 L005801200040 9.92 72.0 5.4 L005801200041 10.41 131.0 17.0 L005801200042 10.90 150.0 10.0 L005801200043 11.39 208.0 22.0 L005801200044 11.88 192.0 20.0 L005801200045 12.37 182.0 15.0 L005801200046 12.86 133.0 30.0 L005801200047 13.35 46.0 29.0 L005801200048 13.84 76.0 20.0 L005801200049 14.33 39.0 24.0 L005801200050 14.82 2.0 33.0 L005801200051 15.31 -55.0 20.0 L005801200052 15.80 -68.0 29.0 L005801200053 16.29 -26.0 31.0 L005801200054 16.78 36.0 17.0 L005801200055 17.76 41.0 18.0 L005801200056 ENDDATA 35 0 L005801200057 ENDSUBENT 56 0 L005801299999 SUBENT L0058013 20150127 L026L005801300001 BIB 5 14 L005801300002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,2N)94-PU-237,,SIG) L005801300003 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005801300004 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9767) L005801300005 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9992) L005801300006 2 samples: L005801300007 - metal disk in nickel can, 2.29 cm diam., 4.98 L005801300008 grams, 97.67% 239Pu, L005801300009 - metal cube in steel can, 1.25 cm edge, 29.91 L005801300010 grams, 99.92% 239Pu. L005801300011 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005801300012 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005801300013 Data presented in Fig 7 (c). L005801300014 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, STATUS, L005801300015 ERR-ANALYS. L005801300016 ENDBIB 14 0 L005801300017 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801300018 DATA 3 10 L005801300019 EN DATA ERR-S L005801300020 MEV MB MB L005801300021 12.86 5.0 28.0 L005801300022 13.35 64.0 27.0 L005801300023 13.84 35.0 18.0 L005801300024 14.33 61.0 20.0 L005801300025 14.82 17.0 30.0 L005801300026 15.31 41.0 18.0 L005801300027 15.80 0.0 26.0 L005801300028 16.29 22.0 29.0 L005801300029 16.78 17.0 16.0 L005801300030 17.76 44.0 17.0 L005801300031 ENDDATA 12 0 L005801300032 ENDSUBENT 31 0 L005801399999 SUBENT L0058014 20150127 L026L005801400001 BIB 5 13 L005801400002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,F),,SIG) L005801400003 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9767) L005801400004 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9992) L005801400005 2 samples: L005801400006 - metal disk in nickel can, 2.29 cm diam., 4.98 L005801400007 grams, 97.67% 239Pu, L005801400008 - metal cube in steel can, 1.25 cm edge, 29.91 L005801400009 grams, 99.92% 239Pu. L005801400010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005801400011 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005801400012 Data presented in Fig 7 (d). L005801400013 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, STATUS, L005801400014 ERR-ANALYS. L005801400015 ENDBIB 13 0 L005801400016 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801400017 DATA 3 33 L005801400018 EN DATA ERR-S L005801400019 MEV MB MB L005801400020 6.00 4.2 1.4 L005801400021 6.20 8.9 1.4 L005801400022 6.34 10.0 1.0 L005801400023 6.50 14.0 1.0 L005801400024 6.74 15.0 1.4 L005801400025 6.98 19.0 1.4 L005801400026 7.23 20.0 1.4 L005801400027 7.47 24.0 1.4 L005801400028 7.72 31.0 1.4 L005801400029 7.96 34.0 1.4 L005801400030 8.21 38.0 1.4 L005801400031 8.45 45.0 1.0 L005801400032 8.70 57.0 2.9 L005801400033 8.94 62.0 2.9 L005801400034 9.19 78.8 2.9 L005801400035 9.43 94.0 2.8 L005801400036 9.68 117.0 4.9 L005801400037 9.92 146.0 3.2 L005801400038 10.41 216.0 9.6 L005801400039 10.90 250.0 4.3 L005801400040 11.39 278.0 12.0 L005801400041 11.88 293.0 10.0 L005801400042 12.37 271.0 7.0 L005801400043 12.86 299.0 14.0 L005801400044 13.35 335.0 13.0 L005801400045 13.84 359.0 8.4 L005801400046 14.33 345.0 12.0 L005801400047 14.82 308.0 13.0 L005801400048 15.31 271.0 7.7 L005801400049 15.80 220.0 10.0 L005801400050 16.29 175.0 11.0 L005801400051 16.78 159.0 5.7 L005801400052 17.76 82.0 6.1 L005801400053 ENDDATA 35 0 L005801400054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 L005801499999 SUBENT L0058015 20150127 L026L005801500001 BIB 5 15 L005801500002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,X)0-NN-1,,SIG) L005801500003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+2(G,2N)+nu(G,F). L005801500004 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9767) L005801500005 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9992) L005801500006 2 samples: L005801500007 - metal disk in nickel can, 2.29 cm diam., 4.98 L005801500008 grams, 97.67% 239Pu, L005801500009 - metal cube in steel can, 1.25 cm edge, 29.91 L005801500010 grams, 99.92% 239Pu. L005801500011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005801500012 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005801500013 the partial cross sections. L005801500014 STATUS (BERMN) Converted from Berman compilation. L005801500015 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: UNW deleted, L005801500016 comment substituted, SAMPLE, DATA-ERR, ERR-ANALYS. L005801500017 ENDBIB 15 0 L005801500018 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801500019 DATA 3 33 L005801500020 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005801500021 MEV MB MB L005801500022 6.00 17.0 4.9 L005801500023 6.20 27.0 4.3 L005801500024 6.34 29.0 3.4 L005801500025 6.50 42.0 3.1 L005801500026 6.74 52.0 5.1 L005801500027 6.98 38.0 4.6 L005801500028 7.23 70.0 4.9 L005801500029 7.47 84.0 5.0 L005801500030 7.72 103.0 4.8 L005801500031 7.96 121.0 5.0 L005801500032 8.21 141.0 5.1 L005801500033 8.45 166.0 3.7 L005801500034 8.70 207.0 11.0 L005801500035 8.94 240.0 11.0 L005801500036 9.19 297.0 11.0 L005801500037 9.43 369.0 11.0 L005801500038 9.68 455.0 19.0 L005801500039 9.92 592.0 13.0 L005801500040 10.41 917.0 39.0 L005801500041 10.90 1082.0 19.0 L005801500042 11.39 1269.0 51.0 L005801500043 11.88 1336.0 44.0 L005801500044 12.37 1264.0 32.0 L005801500045 12.86 1363.0 85.0 L005801500046 13.35 1571.0 82.0 L005801500047 13.84 1674.0 55.0 L005801500048 14.33 1660.0 70.0 L005801500049 14.82 1402.0 90.0 L005801500050 15.31 1252.0 54.0 L005801500051 15.80 946.0 75.0 L005801500052 16.29 840.0 84.0 L005801500053 16.78 831.0 45.0 L005801500054 17.76 536.0 49.0 L005801500055 ENDDATA 35 0 L005801500056 ENDSUBENT 55 0 L005801599999 SUBENT L0058016 20150127 L026L005801600001 BIB 4 7 L005801600002 REACTION ((92-U-233(G,N)92-U-232,,INT)+ L005801600003 (92-U-233(G,N+P)91-PA-231,,INT)) L005801600004 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005801600005 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005801600006 STATUS (DEP,L0058003) Data taken from TABLE 9 of article L005801600007 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005801600008 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005801600009 ENDBIB 7 0 L005801600010 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801600011 DATA 3 1 L005801600012 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005801600013 MEV MEV B*MEV L005801600014 5.753 17.8 .58 L005801600015 ENDDATA 3 0 L005801600016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 L005801699999 SUBENT L0058017 20150127 L026L005801700001 BIB 4 5 L005801700002 REACTION (92-U-233(G,F),,INT) L005801700003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005801700004 STATUS (DEP,L0058002) Data taken from TABLE 9 of article L005801700005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005801700006 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005801700007 ENDBIB 5 0 L005801700008 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801700009 DATA 3 1 L005801700010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005801700011 MEV MEV B*MEV L005801700012 5.7 17.8 2.44 L005801700013 ENDDATA 3 0 L005801700014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 L005801799999 SUBENT L0058018 20150127 L026L005801800001 BIB 4 5 L005801800002 REACTION (92-U-234(G,F),,INT) L005801800003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005801800004 STATUS (DEP,L0058005) Data taken from TABLE 9 of article L005801800005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005801800006 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005801800007 ENDBIB 5 0 L005801800008 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801800009 DATA 3 1 L005801800010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005801800011 MEV MEV B*MEV L005801800012 6.0 18.3 2.26 L005801800013 ENDDATA 3 0 L005801800014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 L005801899999 SUBENT L0058019 20150127 L026L005801900001 BIB 4 8 L005801900002 REACTION ((92-U-234(G,N)92-U-233,,INT)+ L005801900003 (92-U-234(G,N+P)91-PA-232,,INT)) L005801900004 Threshold of the reaction (gamma,n+p) is 13.1 MeV. L005801900005 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005801900006 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005801900007 STATUS (DEP,L0058006) Data taken from TABLE 9 of article L005801900008 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005801900009 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005801900010 ENDBIB 8 0 L005801900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005801900012 DATA 3 1 L005801900013 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005801900014 MEV MEV B*MEV L005801900015 6.844 18.3 1.06 L005801900016 ENDDATA 3 0 L005801900017 ENDSUBENT 16 0 L005801999999 SUBENT L0058020 20150127 L026L005802000001 BIB 4 7 L005802000002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(G,N)93-NP-236,,INT)+ L005802000003 (93-NP-237(G,N+P)92-U-235,,INT)) L005802000004 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005802000005 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005802000006 STATUS (DEP,L0058008) Data taken from TABLE 9 of article L005802000007 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005802000008 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005802000009 ENDBIB 7 0 L005802000010 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802000011 DATA 3 1 L005802000012 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005802000013 MEV MEV B*MEV L005802000014 6.628 18.3 1.17 L005802000015 ENDDATA 3 0 L005802000016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 L005802099999 SUBENT L0058021 20150127 L026L005802100001 BIB 4 9 L005802100002 REACTION ((93-NP-237(G,2N)93-NP-235,,INT)+ L005802100003 (93-NP-237(G,2N+P)92-U-234,,INT)) L005802100004 Threshold of the reaction (gamma,2n+p) is 16.7 MeV. L005802100005 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005802100006 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005802100007 STATUS (DEP,L0058009) Data taken from TABLE 9 of article. L005802100008 HISTORY (19950407A) REACTION corrected. L005802100009 (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005802100010 DATA-UNIT substituted, ERR-ANALYS. L005802100011 ENDBIB 9 0 L005802100012 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802100013 DATA 3 1 L005802100014 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005802100015 MEV MEV B*MEV L005802100016 12.31 18.3 0.35 L005802100017 ENDDATA 3 0 L005802100018 ENDSUBENT 17 0 L005802199999 SUBENT L0058022 20150127 L026L005802200001 BIB 3 3 L005802200002 REACTION (93-NP-237(G,F),,INT) L005802200003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005802200004 STATUS (DEP,L0058010) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005802200005 ENDBIB 3 0 L005802200006 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802200007 DATA 3 1 L005802200008 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005802200009 MEV MEV B*MEV L005802200010 5.6 18.3 2.28 L005802200011 ENDDATA 3 0 L005802200012 ENDSUBENT 11 0 L005802299999 SUBENT L0058023 20150127 L026L005802300001 BIB 4 7 L005802300002 REACTION ((94-PU-239(G,N)94-PU-238,,INT)+ L005802300003 (94-PU-239(G,N+P)93-NP-237,,INT)) L005802300004 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005802300005 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005802300006 STATUS (DEP,L0058012) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005802300007 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005802300008 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005802300009 ENDBIB 7 0 L005802300010 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802300011 DATA 3 1 L005802300012 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005802300013 MEV MEV B*MEV L005802300014 5.647 17.8 0.63 L005802300015 ENDDATA 3 0 L005802300016 ENDSUBENT 15 0 L005802399999 SUBENT L0058024 20150127 L026L005802400001 BIB 4 6 L005802400002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,2N)94-PU-237,,INT) L005802400003 Fission neutron contribution is excluded. L005802400004 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005802400005 STATUS (DEP,L0058013) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005802400006 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005802400007 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005802400008 ENDBIB 6 0 L005802400009 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802400010 DATA 3 1 L005802400011 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005802400012 MEV MEV B*MEV L005802400013 12.645 17.8 0.15 L005802400014 ENDDATA 3 0 L005802400015 ENDSUBENT 14 0 L005802499999 SUBENT L0058025 20150127 L026L005802500001 BIB 4 5 L005802500002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,F),,INT) L005802500003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005802500004 STATUS (DEP,L0058014) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005802500005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: DATA and L005802500006 DATA-UNIT substituted. L005802500007 ENDBIB 5 0 L005802500008 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802500009 DATA 3 1 L005802500010 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005802500011 MEV MEV B*MEV L005802500012 5.8 17.8 0.215 L005802500013 ENDDATA 3 0 L005802500014 ENDSUBENT 13 0 L005802599999 SUBENT L0058026 20150127 L026L005802600001 BIB 5 11 L005802600002 REACTION (92-U-233(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) L005802600003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+(G,2N)+(G,F). L005802600004 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.974) L005802600005 2 samples, 40.31 and 101.06 gram metal disks in L005802600006 brass can, 1.91 cm diam., 97.46% 233U. L005802600007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005802600008 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005802600009 the partial cross sections. L005802600010 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig 4 (a). L005802600011 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REL-REF deleted, L005802600012 SAMPLE, STATUS, ERR-ANALYS, DATA substituted. L005802600013 ENDBIB 11 0 L005802600014 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802600015 DATA 3 27 L005802600016 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005802600017 MEV MB MB L005802600018 5.06 10.54 0.7 L005802600019 5.56 12.59 0.84 L005802600020 6.08 15.66 1.04 L005802600021 6.52 21.73 1.44 L005802600022 7.05 30.83 2.05 L005802600023 7.49 38.91 2.58 L005802600024 7.95 54.03 3.59 L005802600025 8.49 61.11 4.06 L005802600026 8.95 91.31 6.06 L005802600027 9.49 131.6 8.74 L005802600028 9.95 198.90 4.89 L005802600029 10.49 298.64 5.43 L005802600030 10.96 380.00 3.80 L005802600031 11.45 402.95 8.17 L005802600032 11.96 409.95 3.26 L005802600033 12.44 428.30 6.52 L005802600034 12.91 467.29 10.86 L005802600035 13.42 461.54 8.09 L005802600036 13.9 445.25 8.23 L005802600037 14.41 369.34 9.29 L005802600038 14.87 350.22 6.03 L005802600039 15.39 293.21 8.95 L005802600040 15.84 263.24 7.06 L005802600041 16.36 241.63 3.26 L005802600042 16.81 179.18 7.33 L005802600043 17.32 180.98 7.06 L005802600044 17.76 185.6 12.33 L005802600045 ENDDATA 29 0 L005802600046 ENDSUBENT 45 0 L005802699999 SUBENT L0058027 20150127 L026L005802700001 BIB 5 13 L005802700002 REACTION (92-U-234(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) L005802700003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+(G,2N)+(G,F). L005802700004 SAMPLE (92-U-234,ENR=0.9984) L005802700005 (92-U-234,ENR=0.9978) L005802700006 2 samples, oxide powder in lucite cylinder, 2.54 cm L005802700007 diam.: 3.325 grams (99.84% 234U) and 12.525 grams L005802700008 (99.78% 234U). L005802700009 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005802700010 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005802700011 the partial cross sections. L005802700012 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig 5 (a). L005802700013 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REL-REF deleted, L005802700014 SAMPLE, STATUS, DATA-ERR, ERR-ANALYS. L005802700015 ENDBIB 13 0 L005802700016 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802700017 DATA 3 27 L005802700018 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005802700019 MEV MB MB L005802700020 6.96 87.81 44.46 L005802700021 7.46 75.25 35.33 L005802700022 7.94 167.8 37.35 L005802700023 8.46 119.8 37.38 L005802700024 8.94 155.8 36.36 L005802700025 9.43 138.2 32.35 L005802700026 9.9 208.5 27.91 L005802700027 10.42 361.5 19.19 L005802700028 10.94 483.3 10.07 L005802700029 11.41 481.9 22.22 L005802700030 11.9 490.5 21.18 L005802700031 12.43 455.7 14.12 L005802700032 12.78 441.3 7.07 L005802700033 12.88 379.6 25.29 L005802700034 13.01 468.3 8.11 L005802700035 13.25 474.2 9.09 L005802700036 13.43 417.5 24.24 L005802700037 13.56 460.8 10.11 L005802700038 13.86 453.5 20.18 L005802700039 14.39 474.2 19.2 L005802700040 14.84 428.4 19.13 L005802700041 15.39 339.0 18.18 L005802700042 15.82 246.7 24.25 L005802700043 16.28 212.9 19.16 L005802700044 16.8 205.4 14.15 L005802700045 17.77 185.4 24.25 L005802700046 18.25 168.8 17.17 L005802700047 ENDDATA 29 0 L005802700048 ENDSUBENT 47 0 L005802799999 SUBENT L0058028 20150127 L026L005802800001 BIB 5 16 L005802800002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) L005802800003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+(G,2N)+(G,F). L005802800004 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9767) L005802800005 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9992) L005802800006 2 samples: L005802800007 - metal disk in nickel can, 2.29 cm diam., 4.98 L005802800008 grams, 97.67% 239Pu, L005802800009 - metal cube in steel can, 1.25 cm edge, 29.91 L005802800010 grams, 99.92% 239Pu. L005802800011 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005802800012 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005802800013 the partial cross sections. L005802800014 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 7 (a). L005802800015 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: REL-REF deleted, L005802800016 SAMPLE, STATUS, ERR-ANALYS, DATA-ERR, L005802800017 DATA substituted. L005802800018 ENDBIB 16 0 L005802800019 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802800020 DATA 3 31 L005802800021 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005802800022 MEV MB MB L005802800023 6.03 10.76 3.11 L005802800024 6.3 14.79 3.22 L005802800025 6.56 24.21 5.96 L005802800026 6.89 26.90 7.63 L005802800027 7.15 36.32 4.30 L005802800028 7.4 54.18 5.40 L005802800029 7.66 61.83 5.17 L005802800030 8.04 64.59 4.59 L005802800031 8.28 65.58 5.66 L005802800032 8.59 67.27 7.29 L005802800033 8.76 69.96 5.18 L005802800034 9.05 95.30 6.46 L005802800035 9.34 107.62 4.84 L005802800036 9.52 139.91 5.38 L005802800037 9.79 161.14 8.07 L005802800038 10.02 219.28 5.38 L005802800039 10.54 344.39 13.56 L005802800040 10.97 398.82 8.61 L005802800041 11.49 484.30 16.45 L005802800042 11.99 484.19 14.53 L005802800043 12.36 446.64 10.71 L005802800044 12.93 435.87 26.49 L005802800045 13.45 445.67 26.59 L005802800046 13.96 467.02 14.59 L005802800047 14.4 441.26 21.52 L005802800048 14.88 323.45 32.29 L005802800049 15.4 252.19 18.83 L005802800050 15.84 152.19 24.22 L005802800051 16.37 172.20 26.91 L005802800052 16.88 215.60 13.45 L005802800053 17.83 166.82 16.14 L005802800054 ENDDATA 33 0 L005802800055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 L005802899999 SUBENT L0058029 20150127 L026L005802900001 BIB 5 8 L005802900002 REACTION (92-U-233(G,F),PR,NU) L005802900003 SAMPLE (92-U-233,ENR=0.974) L005802900004 2 samples, 40.31 and 101.06 gram metal disks in L005802900005 brass can, 1.91 cm diam., 97.46% 233U. L005802900006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005802900007 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig.2(a). L005802900008 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, STATUS, L005802900009 ERR-ANALYS. L0058 29 9 L005802900010 ENDBIB 8 0 L005802900011 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005802900012 DATA 3 17 L005802900013 EN DATA ERR-S L005802900014 MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS L005802900015 8.205 2.451 0.082 L005802900016 9.470 2.803 0.117 L005802900017 9.910 2.767 0.117 L005802900018 10.378 2.908 0.094 L005802900019 10.873 3.061 0.059 L005802900020 11.368 3.342 0.094 L005802900021 11.835 3.178 0.082 L005802900022 12.276 3.471 0.094 L005802900023 12.798 3.448 0.094 L005802900024 13.238 3.565 0.094 L005802900025 13.706 3.530 0.070 L005802900026 14.201 3.694 0.117 L005802900027 14.724 3.612 0.106 L005802900028 15.191 3.788 0.094 L005802900029 15.934 3.764 0.106 L005802900030 16.622 4.128 0.117 L005802900031 17.584 4.233 0.152 L005802900032 ENDDATA 19 0 L005802900033 ENDSUBENT 32 0 L005802999999 SUBENT L0058030 20150127 L026L005803000001 BIB 5 10 L005803000002 REACTION (92-U-234(G,F),PR,NU) L005803000003 SAMPLE (92-U-234,ENR=0.9984) L005803000004 (92-U-234,ENR=0.9978) L005803000005 2 samples, oxide powder in lucite cylinder, 2.54 cm L005803000006 diam.: 3.325 grams (99.84% 234U) and 12.525 grams L005803000007 (99.78% 234U). L005803000008 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005803000009 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig.2(b). L005803000010 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, STATUS, L005803000011 ERR-ANALYS. L005803000012 ENDBIB 10 0 L005803000013 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803000014 DATA 3 21 L005803000015 EN DATA ERR-S L005803000016 MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS L005803000017 7.915 2.898 0.316 L005803000018 9.356 2.616 0.199 L005803000019 9.828 2.827 0.222 L005803000020 10.355 2.826 0.129 L005803000021 10.827 3.013 0.105 L005803000022 11.353 2.931 0.152 L005803000023 11.798 3.188 0.164 L005803000024 12.298 3.316 0.187 L005803000025 12.631 3.316 0.117 L005803000026 12.769 3.292 0.129 L005803000027 12.936 3.327 0.105 L005803000028 13.157 3.350 0.105 L005803000029 13.295 3.116 0.164 L005803000030 13.379 3.374 0.129 L005803000031 13.768 3.362 0.117 L005803000032 14.238 3.174 0.129 L005803000033 14.711 3.431 0.129 L005803000034 15.182 3.548 0.129 L005803000035 15.904 3.699 0.187 L005803000036 16.626 3.886 0.234 L005803000037 17.596 3.908 0.339 L005803000038 ENDDATA 23 0 L005803000039 ENDSUBENT 38 0 L005803099999 SUBENT L0058031 20150127 L026L005803100001 BIB 4 5 L005803100002 REACTION (93-NP-237(G,F),PR,NU) L005803100003 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005803100004 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig.2(c). L005803100005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: STATUS, L005803100006 ERR-ANALYS. L005803100007 ENDBIB 5 0 L005803100008 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803100009 DATA 3 21 L005803100010 EN DATA ERR-S L005803100011 MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS L005803100012 7.452 2.792 0.247 L005803100013 8.390 2.888 0.306 L005803100014 9.384 2.901 0.341 L005803100015 9.852 3.161 0.235 L005803100016 10.347 3.373 0.212 L005803100017 10.815 3.539 0.106 L005803100018 11.311 3.716 0.153 L005803100019 11.808 3.693 0.153 L005803100020 12.250 3.694 0.094 L005803100021 12.748 3.659 0.141 L005803100022 13.213 4.166 0.200 L005803100023 13.710 4.225 0.141 L005803100024 14.180 4.226 0.212 L005803100025 14.675 4.415 0.235 L005803100026 15.118 4.322 0.177 L005803100027 15.608 5.205 0.424 L005803100028 16.085 4.323 0.318 L005803100029 16.557 4.030 0.224 L005803100030 17.052 4.325 0.400 L005803100031 17.515 5.067 0.447 L005803100032 18.016 4.632 0.941 L005803100033 ENDDATA 23 0 L005803100034 ENDSUBENT 33 0 L005803199999 SUBENT L0058032 20150127 L026L005803200001 BIB 5 12 L005803200002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,F),PR,NU) L005803200003 SAMPLE (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9767) L005803200004 (94-PU-239,ENR=0.9992) L005803200005 2 samples: L005803200006 - metal disk in nickel can, 2.29 cm diam., 4.98 L005803200007 grams, 97.67% 239Pu, L005803200008 - metal cube in steel can, 1.25 cm edge, 29.91 L005803200009 grams, 99.92% 239Pu. L005803200010 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical errors. L005803200011 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig.2(d). L005803200012 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: SAMPLE, STATUS, L005803200013 ERR-ANALYS. L005803200014 ENDBIB 12 0 L005803200015 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803200016 DATA 3 20 L005803200017 EN DATA ERR-S L005803200018 MEV PRT/FIS PRT/FIS L005803200019 7.120 2.892 0.143 L005803200020 7.692 3.078 0.198 L005803200021 7.929 3.507 0.176 L005803200022 8.136 3.419 0.165 L005803200023 8.448 3.550 0.165 L005803200024 8.786 3.539 0.242 L005803200025 9.146 3.219 0.154 L005803200026 9.384 3.747 0.209 L005803200027 9.666 3.339 0.187 L005803200028 9.899 3.317 0.154 L005803200029 10.397 3.976 0.231 L005803200030 10.836 3.722 0.088 L005803200031 11.329 3.766 0.077 L005803200032 11.820 3.523 0.154 L005803200033 12.315 3.852 0.121 L005803200034 12.810 4.093 0.154 L005803200035 13.540 4.544 0.198 L005803200036 14.476 4.762 0.264 L005803200037 15.251 4.387 0.253 L005803200038 16.188 4.792 0.297 L005803200039 ENDDATA 22 0 L005803200040 ENDSUBENT 39 0 L005803299999 SUBENT L0058033 20150127 L026L005803300001 BIB 5 9 L005803300002 REACTION (93-NP-237(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,SIG) L005803300003 The sum: (G,N)+(G,N+P)+(G,2N)+(G,2N+P)+(G,F). L005803300004 SAMPLE Metal sample in brass cylinder, 2.86 cm diam., 45.62 L005803300005 grams, 100% 237Np. L005803300006 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Uncertainties for total photonuclear cross L005803300007 sections computed by adding in quadrature those for L005803300008 the partial cross sections. L005803300009 STATUS (CURVE) Data from Fig. 6 (a). L005803300010 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: new SUBENT added. L005803300011 ENDBIB 9 0 L005803300012 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803300013 DATA 3 27 L005803300014 EN DATA DATA-ERR L005803300015 MEV MB MB L005803300016 5.51 5.27 15.82 L005803300017 6.00 18.46 15.56 L005803300018 6.49 29.00 13.19 L005803300019 6.98 36.92 8.97 L005803300020 7.47 52.48 7.91 L005803300021 7.96 60.66 5.27 L005803300022 8.45 76.48 8.44 L005803300023 8.94 108.13 7.92 L005803300024 9.43 160.88 5.20 L005803300025 9.92 253.19 8.97 L005803300026 10.41 377.14 10.55 L005803300027 10.90 461.54 5.00 L005803300028 11.40 480.00 7.65 L005803300029 11.89 458.90 15.82 L005803300030 12.38 465.49 10.55 L005803300031 12.87 482.00 13.19 L005803300032 13.36 580.22 18.46 L005803300033 13.85 582.86 15.82 L005803300034 14.34 569.67 21.01 L005803300035 14.83 516.92 20.00 L005803300036 15.32 453.94 13.23 L005803300037 15.81 378.46 16.88 L005803300038 16.30 311.21 18.46 L005803300039 16.79 250.39 10.55 L005803300040 17.28 239.74 13.19 L005803300041 17.77 226.81 13.19 L005803300042 18.26 224.28 29.01 L005803300043 ENDDATA 29 0 L005803300044 ENDSUBENT 43 0 L005803399999 SUBENT L0058034 20150127 L026L005803400001 BIB 4 4 L005803400002 REACTION (92-U-233(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,INT) L005803400003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005803400004 STATUS (DEP,L0058026) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005803400005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: new SUBENT added. L005803400006 ENDBIB 4 0 L005803400007 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803400008 DATA 3 1 L005803400009 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005803400010 MEV MEV B*MEV L005803400011 5.753 17.8 3.02 L005803400012 ENDDATA 3 0 L005803400013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 L005803499999 SUBENT L0058035 20150127 L026L005803500001 BIB 4 4 L005803500002 REACTION (92-U-234(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,INT) L005803500003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005803500004 STATUS (DEP,L0058027) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005803500005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: new SUBENT added. L005803500006 ENDBIB 4 0 L005803500007 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803500008 DATA 3 1 L005803500009 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005803500010 MEV MEV B*MEV L005803500011 6.844 18.3 3.32 L005803500012 ENDDATA 3 0 L005803500013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 L005803599999 SUBENT L0058036 20150127 L026L005803600001 BIB 4 4 L005803600002 REACTION (93-NP-237(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,INT) L005803600003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005803600004 STATUS (DEP,L0058029) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005803600005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: new SUBENT added. L005803600006 ENDBIB 4 0 L005803600007 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803600008 DATA 3 1 L005803600009 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005803600010 MEV MEV B*MEV L005803600011 6.628 18.3 3.80 L005803600012 ENDDATA 3 0 L005803600013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 L005803699999 SUBENT L0058037 20150127 L026L005803700001 BIB 4 4 L005803700002 REACTION (94-PU-239(G,X)0-NN-1,UNW,INT) L005803700003 ERR-ANALYS No information. L005803700004 STATUS (DEP,L0058028) Data taken from TABLES 9 and 2. L005803700005 HISTORY (20150127A) Corrected by V.Varlamov: new SUBENT added. L005803700006 ENDBIB 4 0 L005803700007 NOCOMMON 0 0 L005803700008 DATA 3 1 L005803700009 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA L005803700010 MEV MEV B*MEV L005803700011 5.647 17.8 2.93 L005803700012 ENDDATA 3 0 L005803700013 ENDSUBENT 12 0 L005803799999 ENDENTRY 37 0 L005899999999