ENTRY L0150 20240329 L052L015000000001 SUBENT L0150001 20240329 L052L015000100001 BIB 10 19 L015000100002 TITLE Photoneutron Cross Sections for Aluminum and Silicon L015000100003 to 62 MeV L015000100004 AUTHOR (D.W.Anderson,A.J.Bureau,B.C.Cook,T.J.Englert) L015000100005 REFERENCE (J,PR,183,978,1969) L015000100006 #doi:10.1103/PhysRev.183.978 L015000100007 INSTITUTE (1USASUI) L015000100008 FACILITY (SYNCH,1USASUI) Iowa State University 70-MeV L015000100009 synchrotron. L015000100010 INC-SOURCE (BRST) The collimated bremsstrahlung beam. L015000100011 SAMPLE The samples were cylinders of at least 99.7% purity L015000100012 and of 5 cm diam. L015000100013 DETECTOR (NAICR) L015000100014 METHOD (ACTIV) While accumulating data for a single yield L015000100015 point the detection equipment and the synchrotron L015000100016 were run through 50 irradiation and counting cycles. L015000100017 After a bombardment, a 50-msec delay time elapsed. L015000100018 HISTORY (20150204C) BP L015000100019 (20220602A) OS. REACTION coding in subs.3,5 changed L015000100020 (20240320A) OS. Isomer code added in sub.4 L015000100021 ENDBIB 19 0 L015000100022 NOCOMMON 0 0 L015000100023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 L015000199999 SUBENT L0150002 20150204 L026L015000200001 BIB 8 18 L015000200002 REACTION ((13-AL-27(G,N)13-AL-26-M,,SIG,,BRS)+ L015000200003 (13-AL-27(G,2N)13-AL-25,,SIG,,BRS/FCT)) Factor of 0.9 L015000200004 was introduced during the data analysis. L015000200005 RAD-DET (13-AL-26-M,AR) L015000200006 (13-AL-25,AR) L015000200007 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-26-M,6.36SEC,B+) L015000200008 (13-AL-25,7.2SEC) L015000200009 ANALYSIS (LEAST) Least Structure analysis. L015000200010 INC-SPECT Horizontal bars (given as EN-RSL) indicate the L015000200011 resolution function width. L015000200012 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Vertical bars indicate errors in cross L015000200013 section. L015000200014 CORRECTION Contributions due to other multiparticle reactions L015000200015 leading to beta+ emitters of several seconds are not L015000200016 excluded, e.g. Al(g,3n). L015000200017 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 980. Combination of discrete L015000200018 points and continuous curves, and the points for L015000200019 digitization were determined by the compiler. L015000200020 ENDBIB 18 0 L015000200021 NOCOMMON 0 0 L015000200022 DATA 4 107 L015000200023 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR L015000200024 MEV MEV MB MB L015000200025 14.618 0.066 L015000200026 15.180 0.124 L015000200027 15.513 0.254 L015000200028 15.845 0.421 L015000200029 16.007 0.451 0.588 0.092 L015000200030 16.281 0.792 L015000200031 16.386 0.995 L015000200032 16.489 1.235 L015000200033 16.593 1.456 L015000200034 16.639 1.714 L015000200035 16.742 1.954 L015000200036 16.959 2.176 L015000200037 17.119 2.416 L015000200038 17.279 2.638 L015000200039 17.496 2.860 L015000200040 17.656 3.100 L015000200041 17.760 3.303 L015000200042 17.863 3.543 L015000200043 17.967 3.764 L015000200044 18.126 4.041 L015000200045 18.174 4.244 L015000200046 18.445 4.521 L015000200047 18.490 4.798 L015000200048 18.594 5.019 L015000200049 18.810 5.278 L015000200050 18.856 5.536 L015000200051 19.071 5.795 L015000200052 19.286 6.053 L015000200053 19.506 6.202 L015000200054 19.729 0.564 6.258 0.148 L015000200055 20.352 6.205 L015000200056 20.801 6.262 L015000200057 21.362 6.338 L015000200058 21.706 6.193 L015000200059 21.941 5.954 L015000200060 22.176 5.716 L015000200061 22.410 5.496 L015000200062 22.591 5.202 L015000200063 22.714 4.944 L015000200064 22.840 4.632 L015000200065 23.020 4.356 L015000200066 23.201 4.062 L015000200067 23.381 3.787 L015000200068 23.560 3.530 L015000200069 23.797 3.255 L015000200070 24.088 3.016 L015000200071 24.323 2.796 L015000200072 24.669 2.595 L015000200073 25.128 2.395 L015000200074 25.475 2.175 L015000200075 25.935 1.956 L015000200076 26.398 1.682 L015000200077 26.857 1.463 L015000200078 27.316 1.281 L015000200079 27.998 1.155 L015000200080 28.615 1.231 L015000200081 29.291 0.903 1.252 0.129 L015000200082 30.084 1.163 L015000200083 30.711 1.000 L015000200084 31.279 0.892 L015000200085 31.846 0.821 L015000200086 32.636 0.806 L015000200087 33.087 0.826 L015000200088 33.597 0.755 L015000200089 34.388 0.721 L015000200090 35.178 0.706 L015000200091 35.968 0.691 L015000200092 36.702 0.676 L015000200093 37.436 0.661 L015000200094 38.060 0.571 0.148 L015000200095 38.628 0.481 L015000200096 39.474 0.467 L015000200097 40.204 0.543 L015000200098 40.934 0.639 L015000200099 41.554 0.641 L015000200100 42.290 0.571 L015000200101 42.970 0.481 L015000200102 43.594 0.392 L015000200103 44.331 0.303 L015000200104 45.123 0.233 L015000200105 45.969 0.236 L015000200106 46.700 0.295 L015000200107 47.372 0.426 L015000200108 47.873 0.576 L015000200109 48.431 0.744 L015000200110 49.102 0.876 L015000200111 49.663 1.129 0.952 0.184 L015000200112 50.346 0.789 L015000200113 50.917 0.626 L015000200114 51.432 0.444 L015000200115 52.115 0.281 L015000200116 52.681 0.228 L015000200117 53.298 0.323 L015000200118 54.026 0.455 L015000200119 54.638 0.660 L015000200120 55.194 0.865 L015000200121 55.752 1.015 L015000200122 56.481 1.354 1.110 0.184 L015000200123 57.220 0.966 L015000200124 57.792 0.765 L015000200125 58.364 0.565 L015000200126 58.880 0.365 L015000200127 59.675 0.221 L015000200128 60.409 0.206 L015000200129 61.309 0.246 L015000200130 62.100 0.231 L015000200131 63.118 0.143 L015000200132 ENDDATA 109 0 L015000200133 ENDSUBENT 132 0 L015000299999 SUBENT L0150003 20220616 L049L015000300001 BIB 9 24 L015000300002 REACTION ((14-SI-28(G,N)14-SI-27,,SIG,,BRS)+ L015000300003 (14-SI-28(G,2N)14-SI-26,,SIG,,BRS/FCT)+ L015000300004 (14-SI-28(G,X)13-AL-26-M,,SIG,,BRS)) L015000300005 FCT=2 due to detection of annihilation events twice L015000300006 (26Si -> 26mAl -> 26gAl) L015000300007 RAD-DET (14-SI-27,AR) L015000300008 (14-SI-26,AR) L015000300009 (13-AL-26-M,AR) L015000300010 DECAY-DATA (13-AL-26-M,6.36SEC,B+) L015000300011 (14-SI-27,4.16SEC,B+) L015000300012 (14-SI-26,2.1SEC) L015000300013 ANALYSIS (LEAST) L015000300014 INC-SPECT Horizontal bars (given as EN-RSL) indicate the L015000300015 resolution function width. L015000300016 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Vertical bars indicate errors in cross L015000300017 section. L015000300018 CORRECTION Contributions due to other multiparticle reactions L015000300019 leading to beta+ emitters of several seconds are not L015000300020 excluded, e.g. Si-28(g,nd) and small contributions by L015000300021 multineutron reactions on Si-29, 30. L015000300022 STATUS (CURVE) Fig. 5, page 980. Combination of discrete L015000300023 points and continuous curves, and the points for L015000300024 digitization were determined by the compiler. L015000300025 HISTORY (20220602A) 3rd REACTION code modified L015000300026 ENDBIB 24 0 L015000300027 NOCOMMON 0 0 L015000300028 DATA 4 125 L015000300029 EN EN-RSL DATA DATA-ERR L015000300030 MEV MEV MB MB L015000300031 17.040 0.234 L015000300032 17.379 0.563 0.557 0.324 L015000300033 17.941 0.435 L015000300034 18.167 0.758 L015000300035 18.169 1.204 L015000300036 18.173 2.338 L015000300037 18.227 1.771 L015000300038 18.288 3.067 L015000300039 18.291 3.877 L015000300040 18.293 4.606 L015000300041 18.413 6.672 L015000300042 18.416 7.401 L015000300043 18.464 5.295 L015000300044 18.467 5.983 L015000300045 18.530 8.008 L015000300046 18.701 8.454 L015000300047 19.207 8.291 L015000300048 19.321 8.858 L015000300049 19.323 9.506 L015000300050 19.495 10.234 L015000300051 19.553 10.882 L015000300052 19.612 11.490 L015000300053 19.727 12.138 L015000300054 19.897 12.705 L015000300055 20.069 13.352 L015000300056 20.239 13.919 L015000300057 20.410 14.486 L015000300058 20.806 0.563 15.012 0.405 L015000300059 21.369 15.011 L015000300060 21.651 15.415 L015000300061 21.931 14.888 L015000300062 21.985 14.281 L015000300063 22.095 13.632 L015000300064 22.262 12.943 L015000300065 22.372 12.214 L015000300066 22.480 10.918 L015000300067 22.482 11.444 L015000300068 22.702 10.188 L015000300069 22.756 9.459 L015000300070 22.867 8.892 L015000300071 22.977 8.324 L015000300072 23.143 7.595 L015000300073 23.367 7.027 L015000300074 23.759 6.541 L015000300075 24.603 6.580 L015000300076 25.165 6.214 L015000300077 25.671 6.092 L015000300078 26.290 6.252 L015000300079 26.966 6.332 0.486 L015000300080 27.697 6.088 L015000300081 28.146 5.763 L015000300082 28.594 5.357 L015000300083 28.930 4.870 L015000300084 29.548 4.586 L015000300085 30.168 4.706 L015000300086 30.732 4.989 L015000300087 31.464 0.956 5.271 0.486 L015000300088 32.082 4.865 L015000300089 32.531 4.499 L015000300090 33.261 4.214 L015000300091 33.937 4.416 L015000300092 34.726 4.738 L015000300093 35.288 4.535 L015000300094 35.681 4.210 L015000300095 36.017 3.845 L015000300096 36.522 3.398 L015000300097 37.084 3.033 L015000300098 37.984 3.072 0.607 L015000300099 38.772 3.111 L015000300100 39.617 3.231 L015000300101 40.462 3.351 L015000300102 40.967 3.066 L015000300103 41.641 2.700 L015000300104 42.090 2.214 L015000300105 42.651 1.767 L015000300106 42.987 1.402 L015000300107 43.831 1.198 L015000300108 44.394 1.521 L015000300109 44.678 2.087 L015000300110 45.130 2.532 L015000300111 45.469 3.099 L015000300112 45.921 3.543 L015000300113 46.485 1.351 3.907 0.608 L015000300114 47.216 3.703 L015000300115 47.552 3.176 L015000300116 47.888 2.649 L015000300117 48.223 2.040 L015000300118 48.558 1.392 L015000300119 48.838 0.784 L015000300120 49.568 0.418 L015000300121 50.076 0.781 L015000300122 50.472 1.348 L015000300123 50.812 2.076 L015000300124 51.265 2.804 L015000300125 51.605 3.533 L015000300126 52.000 3.978 L015000300127 52.564 1.407 4.301 0.729 L015000300128 53.239 4.016 L015000300129 53.574 3.327 L015000300130 54.022 2.637 L015000300131 54.413 2.070 L015000300132 54.918 1.542 L015000300133 55.536 1.298 L015000300134 56.212 1.540 L015000300135 56.720 1.903 L015000300136 57.172 2.308 L015000300137 57.679 2.631 L015000300138 58.186 2.711 L015000300139 58.804 2.386 L015000300140 59.309 1.858 L015000300141 59.701 1.331 L015000300142 60.205 0.641 L015000300143 60.597 0.155 L015000300144 61.102 -0.332 L015000300145 61.664 -0.455 0.770 L015000300146 62.228 -0.132 L015000300147 62.681 0.515 L015000300148 63.021 1.365 L015000300149 63.306 2.256 L015000300150 63.590 3.187 L015000300151 63.931 4.078 L015000300152 64.273 5.292 L015000300153 64.445 6.142 L015000300154 64.786 7.033 L015000300155 65.015 8.167 L015000300156 ENDDATA 127 0 L015000300157 ENDSUBENT 156 0 L015000399999 SUBENT L0150004 20240329 L052L015000400001 BIB 6 12 L015000400002 REACTION ((13-AL-27(G,N)13-AL-26-M,,INT)+ L015000400003 (13-AL-27(G,2N)13-AL-25,,INT,,FCT)) Factor of 0.9 was L015000400004 introduced during the data analysis. L015000400005 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. L015000400006 ANALYSIS Absolute values were determined using data by L015000400007 Thompson et al., Ferrero et al., and Haslam et al. L015000400008 REL-REF (R,M0267001,M.N.Thompson+,J,NP,64,486,1965) L015000400009 (R,,F.Ferrero+,J,NP,9,32,1958) L015000400010 (R,,R.N.H.Haslam+,J,CJP,32,361,1954) L015000400011 STATUS (TABLE,,D.W.Anderson+,J,PR,183,978,1969) Abstract L015000400012 (DEP,L0150002) L015000400013 HISTORY (20240320A) -M added to REATION SF4 L015000400014 ENDBIB 12 0 L015000400015 NOCOMMON 0 0 L015000400016 DATA 4 1 L015000400017 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR L015000400018 MEV MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV L015000400019 0.0 62.0 69.0 4.0 L015000400020 ENDDATA 3 0 L015000400021 ENDSUBENT 20 0 L015000499999 SUBENT L0150005 20220616 L049L015000500001 BIB 6 14 L015000500002 REACTION ((14-SI-28(G,N)14-SI-27,,INT,,BRS)+ L015000500003 (14-SI-28(G,2N)14-SI-26,,INT,,BRS/FCT)+ L015000500004 (14-SI-28(G,X)13-AL-26-M,,INT,,BRS)) L015000500005 FCT=2 due to detection of annihilation events twice L015000500006 (26Si -> 26mAl -> 26gAl) L015000500007 ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No details on sources of uncertainties. L015000500008 ANALYSIS Absolute values were determined using data by L015000500009 Katz et al. and Summers-Gill et al. L015000500010 REL-REF (R,M0273001,L.Katz+,J,PR,84,1115,1951) L015000500011 (R,,R.G.Summers-Gill+,J,CJP,31,70,1953) L015000500012 (R,,L.Katz+,J,CJP,32,580,1954) L015000500013 STATUS (TABLE) abstract, page 978. L015000500014 (DEP,L0150003) L015000500015 HISTORY (20220602A) 3rd REACTION code modified L015000500016 ENDBIB 14 0 L015000500017 NOCOMMON 0 0 L015000500018 DATA 4 1 L015000500019 EN-MIN EN-MAX DATA DATA-ERR L015000500020 MEV MEV MB*MEV MB*MEV L015000500021 0.0 62.0 195.0 7.0 L015000500022 ENDDATA 3 0 L015000500023 ENDSUBENT 22 0 L015000599999 ENDENTRY 5 0 L015099999999