ENTRY            L0161   20110613                             L016L016100000001 
SUBENT        L0161001   20110613                             L016L016100100001 
BIB                 12         37                                 L016100100002 
TITLE      Discrete deexcitations in 235U below 3 MeV from        L016100100003 
           nuclear resonance fluorescence                         L016100100004 
AUTHOR     (E.Kwan,G.Rusev,A.S.Adekola,F.Donau,S.L.Hammond,       L016100100005 
           C.R.Howell,H.J.Karwowski,J.H.Kelley,R.S.Pedroni,       L016100100006 
           R.Raut,A.P.Tonchev,W.Tornow)                           L016100100007 
INSTITUTE  (1USADKE,1USATNL,1USANCA,2GERZFK,1USANCS)              L016100100008 
           (1USAUSA) North Carolina A&T State University,         L016100100009 
           Greensboro, North Carolina                             L016100100010 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,83,041601,2011)                                L016100100011 
FACILITY   (LASER,1USATNL)Experiment was conducted using          L016100100012 
           TUNL's High-Intensity Gamma-Ray Source (HIgS) at the   L016100100013 
           Duke Free-Electron-Laser Laboratory                    L016100100014 
SAMPLE     (92-U-235,ENR=0.937)The 235U targets consisted of two  L016100100015 
           or three 0.03-cm-thick square foils, each with a       L016100100016 
           surface area of 2.54 x 2.54 cm2 and sealed with        L016100100017 
           0.01-cm-thick plastic laminates.The targets were       L016100100018 
           enriched to 93.7% in 235U with a total mass of 3.08 g  L016100100019 
           or 4.62 g.                                             L016100100020 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Gamma rays from the target were measured with   L016100100021 
           a HPGe detector array positioned about 4.8 m           L016100100022 
           downstream from the collimator. The array consists     L016100100023 
           of four HPGe detectors with 60% efficiency, positioned L016100100024 
           10 cm away from the center of the target and at an     L016100100025 
           angle of 90 deg relative to the photon beam. Two       L016100100026 
           detectors were located in the horizontal plane and two L016100100027 
           in the vertical plane.                                 L016100100028 
METHOD     (GSPEC)                                                L016100100029 
MONITOR    (5-B-11(G,SCT),PAR,ARE)                                L016100100030 
INC-SOURCE (LCS) Monoenergetic photons, with high                 L016100100031 
           polarization and selectable energy, were produced at   L016100100032 
           the HIgS facility using intracavity backscattering of  L016100100033 
           free-electron-laser (FEL) photons from electrons in    L016100100034 
           the DFELL storage ring. Photon energy was changed      L016100100035 
           from 2 MeV to 4 MeV with resolution of 5 %. The        L016100100036 
           linear polarization of the beam was almost 100%.       L016100100037 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) No information given.                       L016100100038 
HISTORY    (20110613C) Compiled by S.H.                           L016100100039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 L016100100040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L016100100041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 L016100199999 
SUBENT        L0161002   20110613                             L016L016100200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L016100200002 
REACTION   (92-U-235(G,EL),,ARE)                                  L016100200003 
STATUS     (TABLE)Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference         L016100200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L016100200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L016100200006 
DATA                 4         18                                 L016100200007 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         L016100200008 
KEV        KEV        B*EV       B*EV                             L016100200009 
 1656.3     0.7         3.0       1.1                             L016100200010 
 1733.6     0.2        22.0       4.0                             L016100200011 
 1769.3     0.4         6.4       1.5                             L016100200012 
 1815.2     0.2         8.9       1.1                             L016100200013 
 1827.7     0.2         5.5       1.3                             L016100200014 
 1862.4     0.1         9.6       0.7                             L016100200015 
 1973.8     0.3         4.6       0.6                             L016100200016 
 2003.3     0.2         6.7       1.2                             L016100200017 
 2005.9     0.4         4.6       0.9                             L016100200018 
 2010.6     0.3         3.0       0.5                             L016100200019 
 2067.1     0.4         3.0       0.5                             L016100200020 
 2074.2     0.3         1.4       0.3                             L016100200021 
 2086.7     0.6         1.1       0.4                             L016100200022 
 2110.2     0.3         3.0       0.7                             L016100200023 
 2216.1     0.3         2.8       0.5                             L016100200024 
 2416.1     0.3         3.6       0.6                             L016100200025 
 2555.6     0.6         2.5       0.6                             L016100200026 
 2754.7     0.4         3.6       0.6                             L016100200027 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 L016100200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 L016100299999 
SUBENT        L0161003   20110613                             L016L016100300001 
BIB                  3          6                                 L016100300002 
REACTION   (((92-U-235(G,EL),,WID)*(92-U-235(G,EL),,WID,,2G))/    L016100300003 
           (92-U-235(G,TOT),,WID))                                L016100300004 
MISC-COL   (MISC) Transition intensity to the 1st excitation      L016100300005 
            level relative to the the transition intensity of     L016100300006 
            to the ground state                                   L016100300007 
STATUS     (TABLE)Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference         L016100300008 
ENDBIB               6          0                                 L016100300009 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L016100300010 
DATA                 6         18                                 L016100300011 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       ERR-S      MISC       MISC-ERR   L016100300012 
KEV        KEV        MILLI-EV   MILLI-EV   NO-DIM     NO-DIM     L016100300013 
 1656.3     0.7         2.1       0.8                             L016100300014 
 1733.6     0.2        17.0       3.0        0.6        0.2       L016100300015 
 1769.3     0.4         5.2       1.2                             L016100300016 
 1815.2     0.2         7.7       0.9        0.62       0.04      L016100300017 
 1827.7     0.2         4.8       1.2        0.45       0.18      L016100300018 
 1862.4     0.1         8.7       0.7                             L016100300019 
 1973.8     0.3         4.7       0.6                             L016100300020 
 2003.3     0.2         7.0       1.3        0.62       0.13      L016100300021 
 2005.9     0.4         4.8       0.9                             L016100300022 
 2010.6     0.3         3.2       0.6                             L016100300023 
 2067.1     0.4         3.4       0.6                             L016100300024 
 2074.2     0.3         1.5       0.4                             L016100300025 
 2086.7     0.6         1.2       0.4                             L016100300026 
 2110.2     0.3         3.5       0.8        0.51       0.13      L016100300027 
 2216.1     0.3         3.6       0.6                             L016100300028 
 2416.1     0.3         5.4       0.9                             L016100300029 
 2555.6     0.6         4.3       1.0                             L016100300030 
 2754.7     0.4         7.2       1.1                             L016100300031 
ENDDATA             20          0                                 L016100300032 
ENDSUBENT           31          0                                 L016100399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 L016199999999