ENTRY            L0191   20140408                             L024L019100000001 
SUBENT        L0191001   20140408                             L024L019100100001 
BIB                 11         37                                 L019100100002 
TITLE      Nuclear Compton scattering from 12C and bound-nucleon  L019100100003 
           polarizabilities                                       L019100100004 
AUTHOR     (B.J.Warkentin,D.L.Hornidge,R.Igarashi,J.C.Bergstrom,  L019100100005 
           E.L.Hallin,N.R.Kolb,R.E.Pywell,D.M.Skopik,J.M.Vogt,    L019100100006 
           G.Feldman)                                             L019100100007 
INSTITUTE  (1CANSAS,1USAGWU)                                      L019100100008 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,64,014603,2001)                                L019100100009 
FACILITY   (LINAC,1CANSAS) Experiment was conducted at the        L019100100010 
               Saskatchewan Accelerator Laboratory (SAL) using    L019100100011 
               62-channel SAL tagger                              L019100100012 
SAMPLE     Graphite block with of thickness of (8.22 +- 0.04)g/cm2L019100100013 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Scattered photons were detected in BUNI        L019100100014 
            (Boston University NaI) NaI(Tl) detector capable of   L019100100015 
           high detection efficiency and excellent energy         L019100100016 
           resolution. BUNI consists of 11 optically isolated     L019100100017 
           scintillator elements: a cylindrical NaI core          L019100100018 
           measuring 26.7 cm in diameter and 55.9 cm in length,   L019100100019 
           four NaI quadrants that form a 10.8-cm-thick annulus   L019100100020 
           of the same length, and six plastic scintillator       L019100100021 
           segments that constitute an outer annulus with a       L019100100022 
           length of 51.0 cm and a thickness of 12.7 cm. This     L019100100023 
           was surrounded by 28 cm of lead and steel shielding    L019100100024 
           to suppress the electromagnetic and neutron            L019100100025 
           background. The sum of the energy deposited in the     L019100100026 
           core and the quadrants was used to define the energy   L019100100027 
           of a scattered photon event.                           L019100100028 
METHOD     (COINC) Coincidence between photon detector and        L019100100029 
                   tagger was required                            L019100100030 
INC-SOURCE (TAGD) High duty factor beams of electrons were        L019100100031 
           incident on a thin aluminum radiator.                  L019100100032 
           Momentum-analyzed residual electrons were detected in  L019100100033 
           a multi-element hodoscope of plastic scintillators.    L019100100034 
           Coincidence between scattered photons and tagging.     L019100100035 
           The SAL tagger covered photon energy range 60-108 MeV  L019100100036 
HISTORY    (20140408C) Compiled by S.H.                           L019100100037 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty                        L019100100038 
           (ERR-SYS) Systematic uncertainty                       L019100100039 
ENDBIB              37          0                                 L019100100040 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L019100100041 
ENDSUBENT           40          0                                 L019100199999 
SUBENT        L0191002   20140408                             L024L019100200001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L019100200002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(G,EL)6-C-12,,DA)                               L019100200003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference        L019100200004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L019100200005 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L019100200006 
DATA                 5         20                                 L019100200007 
EN         ANG        DATA       ERR-S      ERR-SYS               L019100200008 
MEV        ADEG       NB/SR      NB/SR      NB/SR                 L019100200009 
    86.0       35.0      656.0       38.0       27.0              L019100200010 
    86.0       60.0      425.0       18.0       16.0              L019100200011 
    86.0       90.0      347.0       11.0       14.0              L019100200012 
    86.0      120.0      419.0       12.0       15.0              L019100200013 
    86.0      150.0      407.0       15.0       15.0              L019100200014 
    92.0       35.0      633.0       34.0       26.0              L019100200015 
    92.0       60.0      380.0       16.0       13.0              L019100200016 
    92.0       90.0      300.0       10.0       11.0              L019100200017 
    92.0      120.0      349.0       11.0       12.0              L019100200018 
    92.0      150.0      327.0       12.0       11.0              L019100200019 
    97.0       35.0      493.0       33.0       19.0              L019100200020 
    97.0       60.0      337.0       15.0       11.0              L019100200021 
    97.0       90.0      256.0        9.0        9.0              L019100200022 
    97.0      120.0      290.0       11.0       10.0              L019100200023 
    97.0      150.0      277.0       13.0       10.0              L019100200024 
   102.0       35.0      454.0       31.0       18.0              L019100200025 
   102.0       60.0      292.0       15.0       10.0              L019100200026 
   102.0       90.0      252.0        9.0        9.0              L019100200027 
   102.0      120.0      282.0       11.0        9.0              L019100200028 
   102.0      150.0      256.0       12.0       10.0              L019100200029 
ENDDATA             22          0                                 L019100200030 
ENDSUBENT           29          0                                 L019100299999 
SUBENT        L0191003   20140408                             L024L019100300001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L019100300002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(G,EL)6-C-12,,DA,,AV)                           L019100300003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference        L019100300004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L019100300005 
COMMON               2          3                                 L019100300006 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX                                                 L019100300007 
MEV        MEV                                                    L019100300008 
  84.0       105.0                                                L019100300009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 L019100300010 
DATA                 4          5                                 L019100300011 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S      ERR-SYS                          L019100300012 
ADEG       NB/SR      NB/SR      NB/SR                            L019100300013 
    35.0       567.0     17.0       19.0                          L019100300014 
    60.0       363.0      8.0       11.0                          L019100300015 
    90.0       292.0      5.0       10.0                          L019100300016 
   120.0       340.0      6.0       10.0                          L019100300017 
   150.0       323.0      7.0       10.0                          L019100300018 
ENDDATA              7          0                                 L019100300019 
ENDSUBENT           18          0                                 L019100399999 
SUBENT        L0191004   20140408                             L024L019100400001 
BIB                  2          2                                 L019100400002 
REACTION   (6-C-12(G,INL)6-C-12,PAR,DA,,AV)                       L019100400003 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference        L019100400004 
ENDBIB               2          0                                 L019100400005 
COMMON               3          3                                 L019100400006 
EN-MIN     EN-MAX     E-LVL                                       L019100400007 
MEV        MEV        MEV                                         L019100400008 
  84.0       105.0      4.44                                      L019100400009 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 L019100400010 
DATA                 4          4                                 L019100400011 
ANG        DATA       ERR-S      ERR-SYS                          L019100400012 
ADEG       NB/SR      NB/SR      NB/SR                            L019100400013 
    60.0       -0.6        5.1        6.1                         L019100400014 
    90.0        8.6        3.2        4.6                         L019100400015 
   120.0       20.0        3.8        4.4                         L019100400016 
   150.0       16.4        4.0        4.2                         L019100400017 
ENDDATA              6          0                                 L019100400018 
ENDSUBENT           17          0                                 L019100499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 L019199999999