ENTRY            L0193   20140404                             L023L019300000001 
SUBENT        L0193001   20140404                             L023L019300100001 
BIB                 13         27                                 L019300100002 
TITLE      Constraining nuclear photon strength functions by the  L019300100003 
            decay properties of photo-excited states              L019300100004 
AUTHOR     (J.Isaak, D.Savran, M.Krticka, M.W.Ahmed, J.Beller,    L019300100005 
            E.Fiori, J.Glorius, J.H.Kelley, B.Loeher,             L019300100006 
            N.Pietralla, C.Romig, G.Rusev, M.Scheck,              L019300100007 
            L.Schnorrenberger, J.Silva, K.Sonnabend,              L019300100008 
            A.P.Tonchev, W.Tornow, H.R.Weller, M.Zweidinger)      L019300100009 
           2GERFRK,1USANCS)                                       L019300100011 
           (2GERGER) Frankfurt Inst. for Adv. Studies, Frankfurt  L019300100012 
REFERENCE  (J,PL/B,727,361,2013)                                  L019300100013 
FACILITY   (ESTRG,1USATNL) High Intensity gamma-ray Source (HIgS) L019300100014 
INC-SOURCE (LCS)  HIgS                                            L019300100015 
SAMPLE     (52-TE-130,ENR=0.995)                                  L019300100016 
           1.988 g enriched (99.5%) sample in metalic form        L019300100017 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) HPGe detector to measure emitted gamma-rays     L019300100018 
CORRECTION Corrected for cosmic background                        L019300100019 
ANALYSIS   Johann Isaak (2014-04-04):                             L019300100020 
            Data measured at HIgS were normalized to the 130Te    L019300100021 
            target cross sections measured relative to the 11B    L019300100022 
            target cross sections at the Darmstadt High-Intensity L019300100023 
            Photon Setup (DHIPS).                                 L019300100024 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical error                              L019300100025 
STATUS     (TABLE) Plotted in Fig.1 of Phys.Lett.B727(2013)361    L019300100026 
           (APRVD) Proof-read by Johann Isaak (2014-04-03)        L019300100027 
HISTORY    (20140402R) On. Data received from Johann Isaak        L019300100028 
           (20140402C) On                                         L019300100029 
ENDBIB              27          0                                 L019300100030 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L019300100031 
ENDSUBENT           30          0                                 L019300199999 
SUBENT        L0193002   20140404                             L023L019300200001 
BIB                  3          9                                 L019300200002 
REACTION  1(52-TE-130(G,EL)52-TE-130,,SIG)                        L019300200003 
           resolved transitions only (p)                          L019300200004 
          2(52-TE-130(G,EL)52-TE-130,,SIG,,RAW)                   L019300200005 
           resolved transitions plus estimated continuum of       L019300200006 
           the elastic part (c)                                   L019300200007 
CORRECTION2Not corrected for non-nuclear scattering processes and L019300200008 
            detector response                                     L019300200009 
COMMENT    By authors:                                            L019300200010 
            The actual value is between two data sets (p and c)   L019300200011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 L019300200012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L019300200013 
DATA                 5         11                                 L019300200014 
EN         DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2ERR-S     2           L019300200015 
KEV        MB         MB         MB         MB                    L019300200016 
 5500.      0.90       0.07        1.07      0.08                 L019300200017 
 5720.      3.61       0.24        4.12      0.27                 L019300200018 
 5950.      3.63       0.13        4.37      0.16                 L019300200019 
 6200.      4.75       0.18        5.56      0.21                 L019300200020 
 6450.      7.23       0.21        8.69      0.25                 L019300200021 
 6680.      9.90       0.45       11.66      0.53                 L019300200022 
 6930.      9.93       0.35       12.31      0.44                 L019300200023 
 7230.      6.17       0.29        7.84      0.36                 L019300200024 
 7550.      5.82       0.37       11.63      0.74                 L019300200025 
 7850.      8.20       0.44       15.35      0.82                 L019300200026 
 8150.      3.16       0.20        8.96      0.56                 L019300200027 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 L019300200028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 L019300299999 
SUBENT        L0193003   20140404                             L023L019300300001 
BIB                  1          1                                 L019300300002 
REACTION   (52-TE-130(G,INL)52-TE-130,,SIG)                       L019300300003 
ENDBIB               1          0                                 L019300300004 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L019300300005 
DATA                 3         11                                 L019300300006 
EN         DATA       ERR-S                                       L019300300007 
KEV        MB         MB                                          L019300300008 
 5500.       0.46      0.10                                       L019300300009 
 5720.       0.79      0.14                                       L019300300010 
 5950.       1.18      0.11                                       L019300300011 
 6200.       2.06      0.13                                       L019300300012 
 6450.       2.62      0.11                                       L019300300013 
 6680.       6.29      0.26                                       L019300300014 
 6930.       8.55      0.21                                       L019300300015 
 7230.       6.86      0.17                                       L019300300016 
 7550.      12.30      0.29                                       L019300300017 
 7850.      15.12      0.26                                       L019300300018 
 8150.       9.76      0.16                                       L019300300019 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 L019300300020 
ENDSUBENT           19          0                                 L019300399999 
SUBENT        L0193004   20140404                             L023L019300400001 
BIB                  3          9                                 L019300400002 
REACTION  1(52-TE-130(G,SCT)52-TE-130,,SIG)                       L019300400003 
           resolved transitions only (p)                          L019300400004 
          2(52-TE-130(G,SCT)52-TE-130,,SIG,,RAW)                  L019300400005 
           resolved transitions plus estimated continuum of       L019300400006 
           the elastic part (c)                                   L019300400007 
CORRECTION2Not corrected for non-nuclear scattering processes and L019300400008 
            detector response                                     L019300400009 
COMMENT    By authors:                                            L019300400010 
            The actual value is between two data sets (p and c)   L019300400011 
ENDBIB               9          0                                 L019300400012 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L019300400013 
DATA                 5         11                                 L019300400014 
EN         DATA      1ERR-S     1DATA      2ERR-S     2           L019300400015 
KEV        MB         MB         MB         MB                    L019300400016 
 5500.       1.37      0.12        1.53      0.13                 L019300400017 
 5720.       4.40      0.27        4.91      0.30                 L019300400018 
 5950.       4.82      0.17        5.56      0.20                 L019300400019 
 6200.       6.81      0.22        7.62      0.25                 L019300400020 
 6450.       9.85      0.23       11.31      0.27                 L019300400021 
 6680.      16.19      0.52       17.95      0.59                 L019300400022 
 6930.      18.49      0.41       20.86      0.49                 L019300400023 
 7230.      13.03      0.33       14.70      0.40                 L019300400024 
 7550.      18.11      0.47       23.93      0.80                 L019300400025 
 7850.      23.33      0.51       30.47      0.86                 L019300400026 
 8150.      12.92      0.25       18.71      0.58                 L019300400027 
ENDDATA             13          0                                 L019300400028 
ENDSUBENT           27          0                                 L019300499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 L019399999999