ENTRY L0208 20241015 L054L020800000001 SUBENT L0208001 20241015 L054L020800100001 BIB 9 31 L020800100002 TITLE Bubble chambers for experiments in nuclear astrophysicsL020800100003 AUTHOR (B.Digiovine,D.Henderson,R.J.Holt,R.Raut,K.E.Rehm, L020800100004 A.Robinson,A.Sonnenschein,G.Rusev,A.P.Tonchev,C.Ugalde)L020800100005 INSTITUTE (1USAANL,1USACHI,1USANAL,1USALAS,1USALRL,1USAUI) L020800100006 (3INDIND) UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific L020800100007 Research,Kolkata Centre, Kolkata,India L020800100008 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,781,96,2015) L020800100009 #doi:10.1016/j.nima.2015.01.060 L020800100010 FACILITY (ESTRG,1USATNL) Experiment performed at High L020800100011 Intensity gamma-ray Source (HIgS) at Triangle L020800100012 Universities Nuclear Laboratory, Durham L020800100013 SAMPLE Active fluid target (C4F10) contained within a L020800100014 cylindrical glass vessel with an overall length of L020800100015 102mm, inner diameter of 30 mm and an outer diameter L020800100016 of 36mm. The density of the liquid at superheated L020800100017 conditions was 1.45g/cm3. Target thickness was 30 mm. L020800100018 DETECTOR (BUBLC) Active target with C4F10 liquid in L020800100019 superheated state read out using two 100 Hz L020800100020 high-sensitivity CMOS area scan cameras L020800100021 INC-SOURCE (LCS) The gamma-rays are produced through inverse L020800100022 Compton scattering of a two-bunch electron beam L020800100023 circulating in an electron storage ring with the L020800100024 photons from a high-power free electron laser (FEL) L020800100025 beam. The energy of the electrons was typically 400MeV L020800100026 with a 532 nm wavelength of the laser light. With this L020800100027 technique intensities up to about 10E+8 gamma/s can be L020800100028 achieved. The gamma-ray beam was collimated to a L020800100029 diameter of 10 mm with a series of oxygen-free Cu L020800100030 collimators. L020800100031 HISTORY (20150816C) Compiled by S.H. L020800100032 (20241014A) OS. Data table in sub.2 rearranged L020800100033 ENDBIB 31 0 L020800100034 NOCOMMON 0 0 L020800100035 ENDSUBENT 34 0 L020800199999 SUBENT L0208002 20241015 L054L020800200001 BIB 5 11 L020800200002 REACTION (9-F-19(G,A)7-N-15,,SIG) L020800200003 STATUS (TABLE,,B.Digiovine+,J,NIM/A,781,96,2015) L020800200004 Data presented in fig. 14 of the reference L020800200005 sent by author (C.U.) L020800200006 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-S) Statistical uncertainty L020800200007 (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in beam intensity L020800200008 (ERR-2) Systematic uncertainty in target thickness L020800200009 CORRECTION Corrected for background caused by Bremsstrahlung L020800200010 radiation component produced by the electrons and the L020800200011 residual gas in the beam line. L020800200012 HISTORY (20241014A) EN-CM deleted, MISC changed to EN L020800200013 ENDBIB 11 0 L020800200014 COMMON 3 3 L020800200015 EN-RSL ERR-1 ERR-2 L020800200016 MEV PER-CENT PER-CENT L020800200017 0.030 5.0 3.0 L020800200018 ENDCOMMON 3 0 L020800200019 DATA 3 22 L020800200020 EN DATA ERR-S L020800200021 MEV B B L020800200022 5.004 3.28E-009 2.27E-010 L020800200023 5.089 4.81E-009 3.62E-010 L020800200024 5.186 1.48E-008 1.02E-009 L020800200025 5.228 1.13E-007 8.78E-009 L020800200026 5.258 1.01E-007 8.81E-009 L020800200027 5.273 1.71E-007 1.14E-008 L020800200028 5.295 4.59E-007 3.08E-008 L020800200029 5.296 3.25E-007 3.23E-008 L020800200030 5.303 4.85E-006 3.14E-007 L020800200031 5.357 6.18E-006 4.17E-007 L020800200032 5.390 3.02E-006 1.94E-007 L020800200033 5.423 1.86E-006 1.13E-007 L020800200034 5.461 1.00E-006 8.61E-008 L020800200035 5.462 1.17E-006 1.12E-007 L020800200036 5.503 8.17E-007 6.67E-008 L020800200037 5.548 6.96E-007 6.57E-008 L020800200038 5.599 2.91E-007 3.46E-008 L020800200039 5.602 2.75E-007 3.81E-008 L020800200040 5.668 1.89E-007 2.77E-008 L020800200041 5.714 1.12E-007 1.33E-008 L020800200042 5.817 7.18E-008 1.07E-008 L020800200043 5.920 2.50E-007 1.71E-008 L020800200044 ENDDATA 24 0 L020800200045 ENDSUBENT 44 0 L020800299999 ENDENTRY 2 0 L020899999999