ENTRY L0222 20240523 L053L022200000001 SUBENT L0222001 20240523 L053L022200100001 BIB 11 26 L022200100002 TITLE Photofission cross-section ratio measurement of L022200100003 235U/238U using monoenergetic photons in the energy L022200100004 range of 9.0 - 16.6 MeV L022200100005 AUTHOR (Krishichayan, M.Bhike, S.W.Finch, C.R.Howell, L022200100006 A.P.Tonchev,W.Tornow) L022200100007 INSTITUTE (1USADKE,1USATNL,1USALRL) L022200100008 REFERENCE (J,NIM/A,854,40,2017) L022200100009 (J,PR/C,107,039906,2023) Erratum with corrected data L022200100010 FACILITY (ESTRG,1USATNL) HIgS facility L022200100011 INC-SOURCE (LCS) 450 and 540 nm FEL and 400 - 650 MeV electron L022200100012 INC-SPECT Energy resolution (FWHM) ~180 keV (~2.0%) at 9.0 MeV L022200100013 SAMPLE Foils of 235U and 238U are electroplated on 0.013 cm L022200100014 thick Ti disks. L022200100015 The active area of the deposit was 1.27 cm in diameter,L022200100016 which is about 7.0 mm smaller than the gamma beam L022200100017 diameter at the target. L022200100018 DETECTOR (FISCH) Dual fission ionization chamber (DFC). L022200100019 Reference foils of 235U and 238U were used in the L022200100020 downstream (FC1) and upstream (FC2) fission chamber, L022200100021 respectively. L022200100022 P-10 gas (90% argon and 10% methane) used as the DFC L022200100023 fill gas. L022200100024 ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainties L022200100025 (ERR-1) Ratio of mass densities L022200100026 HISTORY (20171003C) Compiled by S.H. L022200100027 (20240523A) On. Major alteration in 002. 003 added. L022200100028 ENDBIB 26 0 L022200100029 NOCOMMON 0 0 L022200100030 ENDSUBENT 29 0 L022200199999 SUBENT L0222002 20240523 L053L022200200001 BIB 4 6 L022200200002 REACTION ((92-U-235(G,F),,SIG)/(92-U-238(G,F),,SIG)) L022200200003 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.99835) 160.36+/-1.60 ug L022200200004 (92-U-238,ENR=0.99954) 121.90+/-1.22 ug L022200200005 STATUS (TABLE,,Krishichayan+,J,NIM/A,854,40,2017) Table 2 L022200200006 (SPSDD,L0222003) Foils recharacterized L022200200007 HISTORY (20240523A) On. Superseded. L022200200008 ENDBIB 6 0 L022200200009 COMMON 1 3 L022200200010 ERR-1 L022200200011 PER-CENT L022200200012 1. L022200200013 ENDCOMMON 3 0 L022200200014 DATA 3 37 L022200200015 EN DATA ERR-T L022200200016 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM L022200200017 8.98 1.713 0.074 L022200200018 9.17 1.765 0.072 L022200200019 9.38 1.924 0.077 L022200200020 9.54 1.788 0.072 L022200200021 9.80 1.918 0.071 L022200200022 9.97 1.832 0.068 L022200200023 10.18 1.951 0.071 L022200200024 10.36 1.829 0.067 L022200200025 10.58 1.905 0.070 L022200200026 10.78 1.956 0.070 L022200200027 10.96 1.972 0.072 L022200200028 11.18 2.178 0.075 L022200200029 11.38 2.105 0.074 L022200200030 11.57 2.433 0.087 L022200200031 11.79 2.508 0.084 L022200200032 11.95 2.846 0.095 L022200200033 12.17 2.786 0.090 L022200200034 12.36 2.992 0.096 L022200200035 12.58 2.737 0.083 L022200200036 12.77 2.774 0.079 L022200200037 12.95 2.610 0.083 L022200200038 13.17 2.420 0.078 L022200200039 13.38 2.370 0.075 L022200200040 13.56 2.251 0.053 L022200200041 13.77 2.145 0.066 L022200200042 13.94 2.118 0.066 L022200200043 14.18 2.024 0.061 L022200200044 14.37 2.029 0.061 L022200200045 14.58 1.922 0.059 L022200200046 14.77 2.039 0.062 L022200200047 14.98 1.977 0.060 L022200200048 15.18 1.979 0.061 L022200200049 15.57 1.856 0.060 L022200200050 15.76 1.852 0.060 L022200200051 16.16 1.799 0.059 L022200200052 16.35 1.867 0.055 L022200200053 16.55 1.734 0.060 L022200200054 ENDDATA 39 0 L022200200055 ENDSUBENT 54 0 L022200299999 SUBENT L0222003 20240523 L053L022200300001 BIB 4 5 L022200300002 REACTION ((92-U-235(G,F),,SIG)/(92-U-238(G,F),,SIG)) L022200300003 SAMPLE (92-U-235,ENR=0.99835) 167.4+/-2.4 ug L022200300004 (92-U-238,ENR=0.99998) 124.2+/-2.0 ug L022200300005 STATUS (TABLE,,S.W.Finch+,J,PR/C,107,039906,2023) Table II L022200300006 HISTORY (20240523C) On L022200300007 ENDBIB 5 0 L022200300008 COMMON 1 3 L022200300009 ERR-1 L022200300010 PER-CENT L022200300011 1.0 L022200300012 ENDCOMMON 3 0 L022200300013 DATA 3 37 L022200300014 EN DATA ERR-T L022200300015 MEV NO-DIM NO-DIM L022200300016 8.98 1.672 0.070 L022200300017 9.17 1.723 0.068 L022200300018 9.38 1.878 0.073 L022200300019 9.54 1.745 0.068 L022200300020 9.77 1.872 0.067 L022200300021 9.97 1.788 0.064 L022200300022 10.18 1.904 0.067 L022200300023 10.36 1.785 0.063 L022200300024 10.58 1.859 0.066 L022200300025 10.78 1.909 0.066 L022200300026 10.96 1.925 0.068 L022200300027 11.18 2.126 0.070 L022200300028 11.38 2.055 0.069 L022200300029 11.57 2.375 0.082 L022200300030 11.79 2.448 0.078 L022200300031 11.95 2.778 0.088 L022200300032 12.17 2.719 0.084 L022200300033 12.36 2.920 0.089 L022200300034 12.58 2.671 0.076 L022200300035 12.77 2.707 0.072 L022200300036 12.95 2.547 0.077 L022200300037 13.17 2.362 0.072 L022200300038 13.38 2.313 0.069 L022200300039 13.56 2.197 0.047 L022200300040 13.77 2.094 0.061 L022200300041 13.94 2.067 0.061 L022200300042 14.18 1.975 0.056 L022200300043 14.37 1.980 0.056 L022200300044 14.58 1.876 0.054 L022200300045 14.77 1.990 0.057 L022200300046 14.98 1.930 0.055 L022200300047 15.18 1.932 0.056 L022200300048 15.57 1.811 0.056 L022200300049 15.76 1.808 0.056 L022200300050 16.16 1.756 0.055 L022200300051 16.35 1.822 0.051 L022200300052 16.55 1.692 0.056 L022200300053 ENDDATA 39 0 L022200300054 ENDSUBENT 53 0 L022200399999 ENDENTRY 3 0 L022299999999