ENTRY            L0234   20180904                             L038L023400000001 
SUBENT        L0234001   20180904                             L038L023400100001 
BIB                 14         34                                 L023400100002 
TITLE      The Gamma-Neutron Cross Section for N14                L023400100003 
AUTHOR     (J.D.King,R.N.H.Haslam,R.W.Parsons)                    L023400100004 
REFERENCE  (J,CJP,38,231,1960)                                    L023400100005 
           #doi:10.1139/p60-023                                   L023400100006 
INSTITUTE  (1CANSAS)                                              L023400100007 
FACILITY   (BETAT,1CANSAS) The University of Saskatchewan         L023400100008 
           betatron.                                              L023400100009 
INC-SOURCE (BRST)                                                 L023400100010 
SAMPLE     Reagent quality dicyandiamide, C2H4N4, was pressed     L023400100011 
           into disks of diameter 4.5 cm and thickness 1.2 cm;    L023400100012 
           the mean weight of the samples was 24.86 g, the        L023400100013 
           maximum deviation from this value being 0.03 g.        L023400100014 
DETECTOR   (NAICR) Two 2 in. x 2 in. NaI crystals.                L023400100015 
METHOD     (ACTIV) The targets were irradiated in the X-ray beam  L023400100016 
           of the University of Saskatchewan betatron at regular  L023400100017 
           intervals of approximately 0.2 MeV from 10.5 to 25 MeV.L023400100018 
ANALYSIS   The scale of the yield curve was determined by         L023400100019 
           comparing the yields from thin samples of copper and   L023400100020 
           dicyandiamide at 22 MeV with the aid of a flow         L023400100021 
           counter; the yield from the reaction                   L023400100022 
           Cu63(gamma,n)Cu62 was assumed to be 2.25x10**8         L023400100023 
           disintegrations per mole per 100 roentgens (dose)      L023400100024 
            (Roalsvig et al. 1959.)                               L023400100025 
REL-REF    (R,L0235001,J.P.Roalsvig+,J,CJP,37,607,1959)           L023400100026 
DECAY-DATA (7-N-13,9.93MIN,B+)                                    L023400100027 
CORRECTION Since dicyandiamide contains carbon, above 18.72 Mev   L023400100028 
           the reaction C12(gamma,n)Cl1 will produce a positron   L023400100029 
           emitter of half-life 20.5 minutes which contributes    L023400100030 
           to the observed activity. A correction for this was    L023400100031 
           determined experimentally at 1-Mev intervals by        L023400100032 
           following the sample activity for 62 minutes and       L023400100033 
           analyzing the resulting decay curve into its two       L023400100034 
           components by the method of least squares.             L023400100035 
HISTORY    (20180904C) BP                                         L023400100036 
ENDBIB              34          0                                 L023400100037 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L023400100038 
ENDSUBENT           37          0                                 L023400199999 
SUBENT        L0234002   20180904                             L038L023400200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 L023400200002 
REACTION   (7-N-14(G,N)7-N-13,,SIG,,BRS)                          L023400200003 
ANALYSIS   (PLA)                                                  L023400200004 
STATUS     (CURVE) Fig. 4, page 237.                              L023400200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 L023400200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L023400200007 
DATA                 2        142                                 L023400200008 
EN         DATA                                                   L023400200009 
MEV        MB                                                     L023400200010 
      10.66      0.004                                            L023400200011 
      10.73      0.020                                            L023400200012 
      10.83      0.008                                            L023400200013 
      10.92      0.013                                            L023400200014 
      11.03      0.015                                            L023400200015 
      11.15      0.020                                            L023400200016 
      11.24      0.031                                            L023400200017 
      11.33      0.042                                            L023400200018 
      11.41      0.091                                            L023400200019 
      11.52      0.173                                            L023400200020 
      11.62      0.242                                            L023400200021 
      11.67      0.264                                            L023400200022 
      11.74      0.282                                            L023400200023 
      11.86      0.269                                            L023400200024 
      12.15      0.253                                            L023400200025 
      12.26      0.291                                            L023400200026 
      12.35      0.334                                            L023400200027 
      12.46      0.379                                            L023400200028 
      12.54      0.433                                            L023400200029 
      12.63      0.483                                            L023400200030 
      12.72      0.537                                            L023400200031 
      12.82      0.566                                            L023400200032 
      12.94      0.569                                            L023400200033 
      13.04      0.615                                            L023400200034 
      13.13      0.631                                            L023400200035 
      13.22      0.645                                            L023400200036 
      13.32      0.642                                            L023400200037 
      13.45      0.610                                            L023400200038 
      13.55      0.563                                            L023400200039 
      13.64      0.505                                            L023400200040 
      13.72      0.438                                            L023400200041 
      13.84      0.390                                            L023400200042 
      13.93      0.357                                            L023400200043 
      14.04      0.336                                            L023400200044 
      14.14      0.310                                            L023400200045 
      14.35      0.238                                            L023400200046 
      14.42      0.206                                            L023400200047 
      14.51      0.190                                            L023400200048 
      14.65      0.213                                            L023400200049 
      14.70      0.309                                            L023400200050 
      14.84      0.415                                            L023400200051 
      14.89      0.503                                            L023400200052 
      15.02      0.563                                            L023400200053 
      15.12      0.583                                            L023400200054 
      15.24      0.597                                            L023400200055 
      15.37      0.554                                            L023400200056 
      15.45      0.435                                            L023400200057 
      15.53      0.393                                            L023400200058 
      15.63      0.368                                            L023400200059 
      15.75      0.309                                            L023400200060 
      15.82      0.192                                            L023400200061 
      15.93      0.091                                            L023400200062 
      16.02      0.047                                            L023400200063 
      16.13      0.028                                            L023400200064 
      16.24      0.125                                            L023400200065 
      16.32      0.201                                            L023400200066 
      16.40      0.179                                            L023400200067 
      16.52      0.190                                            L023400200068 
      16.59      0.228                                            L023400200069 
      16.71      0.265                                            L023400200070 
      16.83      0.282                                            L023400200071 
      16.91      0.312                                            L023400200072 
      16.99      0.339                                            L023400200073 
      17.14      0.375                                            L023400200074 
      17.22      0.453                                            L023400200075 
      17.33      0.505                                            L023400200076 
      17.43      0.555                                            L023400200077 
      17.51      0.602                                            L023400200078 
      17.64      0.646                                            L023400200079 
      17.69      0.680                                            L023400200080 
      17.83      0.691                                            L023400200081 
      17.93      0.721                                            L023400200082 
      18.04      0.837                                            L023400200083 
      18.14      1.020                                            L023400200084 
      18.21      1.238                                            L023400200085 
      18.32      1.431                                            L023400200086 
      18.43      1.573                                            L023400200087 
      18.54      1.622                                            L023400200088 
      18.61      1.645                                            L023400200089 
      18.73      1.689                                            L023400200090 
      18.81      1.789                                            L023400200091 
      18.92      1.935                                            L023400200092 
      19.02      1.935                                            L023400200093 
      19.13      1.838                                            L023400200094 
      19.21      1.827                                            L023400200095 
      19.29      1.858                                            L023400200096 
      19.42      1.865                                            L023400200097 
      19.54      1.840                                            L023400200098 
      19.61      1.797                                            L023400200099 
      19.69      1.816                                            L023400200100 
      19.81      1.853                                            L023400200101 
      19.92      1.854                                            L023400200102 
      20.00      1.872                                            L023400200103 
      20.11      1.870                                            L023400200104 
      20.20      1.874                                            L023400200105 
      20.30      1.824                                            L023400200106 
      20.43      1.722                                            L023400200107 
      20.51      1.681                                            L023400200108 
      20.64      1.588                                            L023400200109 
      20.68      1.548                                            L023400200110 
      20.81      1.528                                            L023400200111 
      20.92      1.445                                            L023400200112 
      20.99      1.417                                            L023400200113 
      21.13      1.211                                            L023400200114 
      21.21      1.045                                            L023400200115 
      21.34      1.354                                            L023400200116 
      21.43      1.878                                            L023400200117 
      21.49      2.236                                            L023400200118 
      21.61      2.375                                            L023400200119 
      21.67      2.481                                            L023400200120 
      21.78      2.595                                            L023400200121 
      21.85      2.697                                            L023400200122 
      21.96      2.791                                            L023400200123 
      22.08      2.751                                            L023400200124 
      22.28      2.850                                            L023400200125 
      22.39      2.757                                            L023400200126 
      22.47      2.732                                            L023400200127 
      22.56      2.780                                            L023400200128 
      22.68      2.769                                            L023400200129 
      22.76      2.834                                            L023400200130 
      22.88      2.845                                            L023400200131 
      22.98      2.861                                            L023400200132 
      23.06      2.912                                            L023400200133 
      23.12      2.872                                            L023400200134 
      23.23      2.921                                            L023400200135 
      23.36      2.953                                            L023400200136 
      23.46      2.919                                            L023400200137 
      23.56      2.942                                            L023400200138 
      23.66      2.839                                            L023400200139 
      23.80      2.750                                            L023400200140 
      23.86      2.576                                            L023400200141 
      23.96      2.328                                            L023400200142 
      24.10      2.279                                            L023400200143 
      24.21      2.173                                            L023400200144 
      24.28      2.049                                            L023400200145 
      24.39      1.950                                            L023400200146 
      24.51      1.737                                            L023400200147 
      24.60      1.615                                            L023400200148 
      24.68      1.485                                            L023400200149 
      24.77      1.404                                            L023400200150 
      24.89      1.431                                            L023400200151 
      25.03      1.132                                            L023400200152 
ENDDATA            144          0                                 L023400200153 
ENDSUBENT          152          0                                 L023400299999 
SUBENT        L0234003   20180904                             L038L023400300001 
BIB                  2          3                                 L023400300002 
REACTION   (7-N-14(G,N)7-N-13,,INT)                               L023400300003 
STATUS     (DEP,L0234002)                                         L023400300004 
           (TABLE) page 238.                                      L023400300005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 L023400300006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L023400300007 
DATA                 2          1                                 L023400300008 
EN-MAX     DATA                                                   L023400300009 
MEV        MB*MEV                                                 L023400300010 
       16.0        1.8                                            L023400300011 
ENDDATA              3          0                                 L023400300012 
ENDSUBENT           11          0                                 L023400399999 
ENDENTRY             3          0                                 L023499999999