ENTRY            L0262   20200712                             L044L026200000001 
SUBENT        L0262001   20200712                             L044L026200100001 
BIB                 12         38                                 L026200100002 
TITLE      Electric and magnetic dipole strength in 54Fe          L026200100003 
AUTHOR     (R.Schwengner,R.Massarczyk,R.Beyer,M.Bhike,B.A.Brown,  L026200100004 
           Krishichayan,K.Sieja,W.Tornow,D.Bemmerer,M.Butterling, L026200100005 
           V.Derya,M.Dietz,F.Fiedler,U.Friman-Gayer,A.Frotscher,  L026200100006 
           M.Grieger,A.Hartmann,A.R.Junghans,T.Kogler,F.Ludwig,   L026200100007 
           B.Lutz,H.Pai,T.Szucs,M.P.Takacs,A.Wagner)              L026200100008 
           2GERTHD,2GERDRE,3INDSAH)                               L026200100010 
           (2FR FR) CNRS Strasbourg                               L026200100011 
REFERENCE  (J,PR/C,101,064303,2020)                               L026200100012 
FACILITY   (LINAC,2GERZFK) Experiment performed at gELBE          L026200100013 
           facility at Rossendorf. Electron beam was produced     L026200100014 
           using low emittance superconducting linac with energy  L026200100015 
           variable between 5 and 40 MeV, average beam current    L026200100016 
           1.6 mA and micropulse duration 1-5 ps.                 L026200100017 
SAMPLE     (26-FE-54,ENR=0.993) Enriched metallic sample with     L026200100018 
           diameter of 20 mm and weight of 1.4984 g. At gELBE,    L026200100019 
           the target was combined with 0.300 g of boron,         L026200100020 
           enriched to 99.5% in 11B.                              L026200100021 
DETECTOR   (HPGE) Scattered photons were measured with four HPGe  L026200100022 
           detectors with relative efficiency of 100%, surrounded L026200100023 
           by escape-suppression shields made of 3 cm thick BGO   L026200100024 
           scintillator                                           L026200100025 
METHOD     (TOF) Time of flight was used to determine prompt      L026200100026 
           gamma ray cross sections                               L026200100027 
MONITOR    (5-B-11(G,INL)5-B-11,,SIG)                             L026200100028 
           The known integrated scattering cross sections of      L026200100029 
           states in 11B were used to determine the photon flux   L026200100030 
CORRECTION The measured cross section was corrected for inelastic L026200100031 
           transitions and branching ratios.                      L026200100032 
INC-SOURCE (BRST) Photon beam was produced by bremstrahlung       L026200100033 
           using electron beams of 7.5 and 13.9 MeV kinetic       L026200100034 
           energy on Nb target foil with thickness of 5 and 12.5  L026200100035 
           mu-m, respectively. The photon beam was collimated by  L026200100036 
           a 260-cm- long pure-aluminum collimator with a         L026200100037 
           conical borehole of 8 mm in diameter at the entrance   L026200100038 
           and 24 mm in diameter at the exit.                     L026200100039 
HISTORY    (20200712C) Compiled by S.H.                           L026200100040 
ENDBIB              38          0                                 L026200100041 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L026200100042 
ENDSUBENT           41          0                                 L026200199999 
SUBENT        L0262002   20200712                             L044L026200200001 
BIB                  3          3                                 L026200200002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(G,EL),,ARE)                                  L026200200003 
ERR-ANALYS (DATA-ERR) Origin of uncertainties not described       L026200200004 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 1 of the reference        L026200200005 
ENDBIB               3          0                                 L026200200006 
NOCOMMON             0          0                                 L026200200007 
DATA                 4        103                                 L026200200008 
EN-RES     EN-RES-ERR DATA       DATA-ERR                         L026200200009 
KEV        KEV        B*EV       B*EV                             L026200200010 
     1408.5        0.2       18.3        2.0                      L026200200011 
     2958.5        0.3        8.1        1.1                      L026200200012 
     3165.9        0.4        6.3        0.9                      L026200200013 
     4581.7        0.7        5.4        1.4                      L026200200014 
     5085.0        0.6        4.1        1.0                      L026200200015 
     5114.1        0.3        4.7        0.7                      L026200200016 
     5431.8        0.7        1.9        0.3                      L026200200017 
     6127.8        0.3       15.0        1.5                      L026200200018 
     6522.7        0.3       10.1        1.3                      L026200200019 
     6787.6        0.9        5.8        0.7                      L026200200020 
     6841.3        0.6        6.5        1.7                      L026200200021 
     6914.2        0.9        6.3        1.3                      L026200200022 
     6928.8        0.3       19.4        2.3                      L026200200023 
     6946.5        0.6        9.6        1.8                      L026200200024 
     6975.1        0.4       15.5        2.6                      L026200200025 
     7072.9        0.9        5.6        1.4                      L026200200026 
     7085.4        0.7        6.4        1.5                      L026200200027 
     7120.9        0.4       21.0        2.9                      L026200200028 
     7138.5        0.9        7.4        1.7                      L026200200029 
     7334.8        0.7        6.7        1.5                      L026200200030 
     7348.5        0.6        8.6        1.6                      L026200200031 
     7367.3        0.4       17.4        2.5                      L026200200032 
     7396.0        2.0        5.6        2.7                      L026200200033 
     7415.4        0.3        79.         8.                      L026200200034 
     7447.2        0.3        32.         4.                      L026200200035 
     7469.7        1.2         9.         3.                      L026200200036 
     7487.4        0.4        42.         5.                      L026200200037 
     7553.3        0.9        22.         7.                      L026200200038 
     7631.3        0.4        33.         4.                      L026200200039 
     7645.8        0.5        23.        2.8                      L026200200040 
     7723.2        0.5        31.         3.                      L026200200041 
     7898.2        0.5       19.7        2.8                      L026200200042 
     7916.5        0.9        9.8        2.0                      L026200200043 
     7933.8        0.2        55.         5.                      L026200200044 
     8014.8        0.2       344.         3.                      L026200200045 
     8093.2        0.2       106.        10.                      L026200200046 
     8119.2        0.2       148.        13.                      L026200200047 
     8163.7        0.7        22.         8.                      L026200200048 
     8219.6        0.2       589.        51.                      L026200200049 
     8265.3        0.7       11.2        2.8                      L026200200050 
     8338.4        0.4        61.         6.                      L026200200051 
     8353.7        0.6        35.         4.                      L026200200052 
     8403.1        0.5        22.         3.                      L026200200053 
     8450.2        0.5        23.         3.                      L026200200054 
     8618.0        0.7        30.         4.                      L026200200055 
     8777.4        0.7        18.         5.                      L026200200056 
     8841.0        0.5       18.8        2.6                      L026200200057 
     8855.5        0.2       102.         9.                      L026200200058 
     8897.1        0.3        67.         6.                      L026200200059 
     8930.3        0.7        17.         3.                      L026200200060 
     8986.0        0.2       142.        13.                      L026200200061 
     9065.2        0.3       130.        12.                      L026200200062 
     9113.1        0.2        94.         8.                      L026200200063 
     9128.9        0.7       13.8        2.3                      L026200200064 
     9149.3        0.2       104.         9.                      L026200200065 
     9307.3        0.3        79.         8.                      L026200200066 
     9342.2        0.4        30.         4.                      L026200200067 
     9410.4        0.2       178.        16.                      L026200200068 
     9472.4        1.0        48.        18.                      L026200200069 
     9515.4        0.5        49.         7.                      L026200200070 
     9538.0        0.6        47.         7.                      L026200200071 
     9908.6        0.6        38.         7.                      L026200200072 
     9925.3        0.6        38.         5.                      L026200200073 
    10035.5        0.3        93.         9.                      L026200200074 
    10060.5        0.2       224.        20.                      L026200200075 
    10101.4        0.4        52.         6.                      L026200200076 
    10119.2        0.5        33.         4.                      L026200200077 
    10140.9        0.2       128.        12.                      L026200200078 
    10185.9        0.3       116.        14.                      L026200200079 
    10195.7        1.1        33.         9.                      L026200200080 
    10224.2        1.1        15.         4.                      L026200200081 
    10240.4        0.5        58.         7.                      L026200200082 
    10250.5        0.6        42.         6.                      L026200200083 
    10339.4        0.2       138.        13.                      L026200200084 
    10376.9        0.9        32.         9.                      L026200200085 
    10487.5        0.8        21.         8.                      L026200200086 
    10510.5        0.4        71.        11.                      L026200200087 
    10538.1        0.2       327.        29.                      L026200200088 
    10590.7        0.7        21.         6.                      L026200200089 
    10701.2        0.4        46.         5.                      L026200200090 
    10802.5        1.4        26.         9.                      L026200200091 
    10820.4        1.0        27.         8.                      L026200200092 
    10880.2        0.7        29.         4.                      L026200200093 
    10891.3        0.7        27.         4.                      L026200200094 
    10926.1        0.7        15.         3.                      L026200200095 
    11021.7        0.6       105.        17.                      L026200200096 
    11094.8        0.6        32.         5.                      L026200200097 
    11159.8        1.0        15.         3.                      L026200200098 
    11194.0        0.3        99.         9.                      L026200200099 
    11210.6        0.5        36.         4.                      L026200200100 
    11314.0        0.6        46.         6.                      L026200200101 
    11333.5        0.4        74.         8.                      L026200200102 
    11447.4        0.4       11.2        2.2                      L026200200103 
    11480.6        0.6        37.         6.                      L026200200104 
    11530.6        0.3       156.        15.                      L026200200105 
    11561.4        1.2        17.         4.                      L026200200106 
    11761.1        1.4        6.8        1.9                      L026200200107 
    11790.5        0.5        28.         4.                      L026200200108 
    11821.7        1.0        9.9        2.3                      L026200200109 
    12273.2        0.5        27.         3.                      L026200200110 
    12397.0        0.7        25.         4.                      L026200200111 
    12902.5        0.8        29.         5.                      L026200200112 
    13171.4        1.5        6.0        1.0                      L026200200113 
ENDDATA            105          0                                 L026200200114 
ENDSUBENT          113          0                                 L026200299999 
SUBENT        L0262003   20200712                             L044L026200300001 
BIB                  3         11                                 L026200300002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(G,SCT)26-FE-54,,SIG)                         L026200300003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty consisting of                L026200300004 
                  -statistical uncertainty of the spectrum        L026200300005 
                  -systematic uncertainty in detector efficiency  L026200300006 
                  -systematic uncertainty in photon flux based on L026200300007 
                   uncertainties of monitor cross section.        L026200300008 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detector efficiency  L026200300009 
           (DATA-ERR) Systematic uncertainty of strength-function L026200300010 
                   and level-density models, not included in ERR-TL026200300011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 2 of the reference        L026200300012 
           (COREL,L0262004) Data measured with E0=13.9 MeV        L026200300013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 L026200300014 
COMMON               2          3                                 L026200300015 
ERR-1      DATA-ERR                                               L026200300016 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               L026200300017 
  5.         20.                                                  L026200300018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 L026200300019 
DATA                 3         30                                 L026200300020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       L026200300021 
KEV        MB         MB                                          L026200300022 
     4.3       0.16       0.04                                    L026200300023 
     4.4       0.24       0.08                                    L026200300024 
     4.5       0.017      0.009                                   L026200300025 
     4.6       0.31       0.15                                    L026200300026 
     4.9       0.50       0.05                                    L026200300027 
     5.0       0.33       0.10                                    L026200300028 
     5.1       0.49       0.08                                    L026200300029 
     5.2       0.18       0.05                                    L026200300030 
     5.3       0.15       0.03                                    L026200300031 
     5.4       0.21       0.05                                    L026200300032 
     5.5       0.18       0.08                                    L026200300033 
     5.7       0.26       0.04                                    L026200300034 
     5.8       0.12       0.06                                    L026200300035 
     5.9       0.12       0.05                                    L026200300036 
     6.0       0.41       0.18                                    L026200300037 
     6.1       0.70       0.27                                    L026200300038 
     6.2       0.25       0.03                                    L026200300039 
     6.3       0.53       0.07                                    L026200300040 
     6.4       0.45       0.08                                    L026200300041 
     6.5       1.04       0.10                                    L026200300042 
     6.6       0.45       0.04                                    L026200300043 
     6.7       0.60       0.05                                    L026200300044 
     6.8       0.82       0.05                                    L026200300045 
     6.9       0.63       0.08                                    L026200300046 
     7.0       0.44       0.05                                    L026200300047 
     7.1       0.72       0.05                                    L026200300048 
     7.2       0.49       0.04                                    L026200300049 
     7.3       0.75       0.05                                    L026200300050 
     7.4       1.58       0.08                                    L026200300051 
     7.5       1.19       0.07                                    L026200300052 
ENDDATA             32          0                                 L026200300053 
ENDSUBENT           52          0                                 L026200399999 
SUBENT        L0262004   20200712                             L044L026200400001 
BIB                  3         11                                 L026200400002 
REACTION   (26-FE-54(G,SCT)26-FE-54,,SIG)                         L026200400003 
ERR-ANALYS (ERR-T) Total uncertainty consisting of                L026200400004 
                  -statistical uncertainty of the spectrum        L026200400005 
                  -systematic uncertainty in detector efficiency, L026200400006 
                  -systematic uncertainty in photon flux based on L026200400007 
                   uncertainties of monitor cross section.        L026200400008 
           (ERR-1) Systematic uncertainty in detector efficiency  L026200400009 
           (DATA-ERR) Systematic uncertainty of strength-function L026200400010 
                   and level-density models, not included in ERR-TL026200400011 
STATUS     (TABLE) Data taken from tab. 3 of the reference        L026200400012 
           (COREL,L0262003) Data measured with E0=7.5 MeV         L026200400013 
ENDBIB              11          0                                 L026200400014 
COMMON               2          3                                 L026200400015 
ERR-1      DATA-ERR                                               L026200400016 
PER-CENT   PER-CENT                                               L026200400017 
  5.         20.                                                  L026200400018 
ENDCOMMON            3          0                                 L026200400019 
DATA                 3         61                                 L026200400020 
EN         DATA       ERR-T                                       L026200400021 
KEV        MB         MB                                          L026200400022 
        7.0        1.1        0.8                                 L026200400023 
        7.2        3.3        3.1                                 L026200400024 
        7.3        1.6        0.8                                 L026200400025 
        7.4        1.2        0.8                                 L026200400026 
        7.5        2.1        1.3                                 L026200400027 
        7.7        2.6        1.9                                 L026200400028 
        7.8        3.6        1.4                                 L026200400029 
        8.1        5.8        4.1                                 L026200400030 
        8.2       12.2        2.2                                 L026200400031 
        8.3        2.9        0.8                                 L026200400032 
        8.4        3.3        0.7                                 L026200400033 
        8.5        3.7        0.8                                 L026200400034 
        8.6        6.7        1.7                                 L026200400035 
        8.7        3.6        0.9                                 L026200400036 
        8.8        3.6        1.1                                 L026200400037 
        8.9        4.2        1.3                                 L026200400038 
        9.0       14.8        3.4                                 L026200400039 
        9.1        8.1        1.6                                 L026200400040 
        9.2        7.8       0.13                                 L026200400041 
        9.3        4.6        0.8                                 L026200400042 
        9.4       11.0        2.5                                 L026200400043 
        9.5        4.1        1.3                                 L026200400044 
        9.6        6.7        1.0                                 L026200400045 
        9.7        4.5        1.3                                 L026200400046 
        9.8        5.9        0.8                                 L026200400047 
        9.9        8.4        1.0                                 L026200400048 
       10.0       10.9        0.9                                 L026200400049 
       10.1       17.5        1.4                                 L026200400050 
       10.2       14.4        1.1                                 L026200400051 
       10.3       11.6        0.9                                 L026200400052 
       10.4        8.9        0.7                                 L026200400053 
       10.5       18.0        1.3                                 L026200400054 
       10.6        6.6        0.6                                 L026200400055 
       10.7        7.6        0.6                                 L026200400056 
       10.8        7.9        0.6                                 L026200400057 
       10.9        9.5        0.9                                 L026200400058 
       11.0       10.2        0.8                                 L026200400059 
       11.1       10.7        0.8                                 L026200400060 
       11.2       12.4        0.7                                 L026200400061 
       11.3       12.6        0.6                                 L026200400062 
       11.4        7.6        0.5                                 L026200400063 
       11.5       14.0        1.1                                 L026200400064 
       11.6        8.5        0.7                                 L026200400065 
       11.7        6.8        0.7                                 L026200400066 
       11.8        9.4        0.9                                 L026200400067 
       11.9        9.5        0.9                                 L026200400068 
       12.0        8.4        0.9                                 L026200400069 
       12.1        7.7        0.9                                 L026200400070 
       12.2        7.3        0.8                                 L026200400071 
       12.3        9.7        1.1                                 L026200400072 
       12.4        8.9        1.0                                 L026200400073 
       12.5        7.4        1.0                                 L026200400074 
       12.6        8.0        1.0                                 L026200400075 
       12.7        9.3        1.2                                 L026200400076 
       12.8        6.1        0.9                                 L026200400077 
       12.9       10.7        1.3                                 L026200400078 
       13.0        7.3        1.1                                 L026200400079 
       13.1        5.4        0.9                                 L026200400080 
       13.2        9.8        1.3                                 L026200400081 
       13.3        6.2        1.1                                 L026200400082 
       13.4        5.5        0.9                                 L026200400083 
ENDDATA             63          0                                 L026200400084 
ENDSUBENT           83          0                                 L026200499999 
ENDENTRY             4          0                                 L026299999999